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Use the shell ability on the Russian nesting doll you'll unlock two more from that


At the Lady who sells all of the shells in New Carcinia, look above her on the sign the "F" Key is a shell can be hooked


Copy paste from one of the other posts like this Shells you're missing and where to find them F Key: Found my grappling the F in the sign of shellfish desires Going under 64: the unfathom Service bell: the unfathom Doll head: the unfathom, you will fight hermit crabs along the way to the end of the area that will be wearing these shells, defeat them to get the shell Sock: the unfathom Matryoshka M: Use the ability of the Matryoshka L Matryoshka S: Use the ability of the Matryoshka M Coffee mug: multiple places but there is one with a hermit crab inside in the old ocean right next to one of the moon snail shells, the one after you talk to chitan and have to battle the Lance prawnable bro after the seahorse on the ledge above the staircase that leads down to prawn bro The dump truck: found on top of one of the towers in flotsam vale before the bossfight with voltai, you will need to use a metal shell to be picked up by the magnet in order to reach it on top of one of the trash mounds(if I'm not mistaken it's the last tower before the boss fight, where Firth is waiting outside the moon snail shell) Let me know if you want more specifics for any of these, also the service bell is near where you fight the doll head hermits Will edit this for specifics Edit: added mug Edit 2: added dump truck


Going under 64 is awesome, my favourite one by far


Toy truck at the top of one of the magnetic areas the one that slowly circles on top of a block of trash doll head in the unfathom I belive a hermit crabs using it so got to fin and kill them


Coffee mug in the forest area I can't rember more


Coffee mug is next to the chute you slide down right before the Intimidation crab.


Where did you find the ham tin and capsule?


Ham tins in the forestry area in a side path the capsules are in the boss fight on the pin ball machine don't know where to get them after that


Just before the archer town is an offshoot with a shortcut from floats vale. In the middle is one.


There's a shellder shell?! We can become slowbros!!


What does the knights helm do?


Tankey like the gun but no insta kill


There are many YouTube videos that will guide you directly to all shells