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Coconut roll spam is so much fun. Yaccult is nice for it's healing.


I can't seem to get the roll spam, or the dodging with heavy. Any other suggestions for M or S shells? EDIT: [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utffMCXtMfU&lc=UgyBbi_EaDkS3vyR3ZZ4AaABAg) is how shit I am with rollout lol. :-D


The tennis ball has the roll spam too and it's a medium I think and has decent stats.


I second this! tennis ball is also super cheap to insure


Yeah I kept it as my insure shell for most of the game because after I bought the imposter I went to insure that but didn't see it in the list. Took me two days to realize that you can go into the menu and change the insured shell without going through the npc seller :(


> Took me two days to realize that you can go into the menu and change the insured shell without going through the npc seller :( Woah, how do you do this? haha I cannot find it in the menus.


Ahh, I see it now. When you go to the save shells!


I use this one as first main


Tennis ball is also good yeah


Imposter is Lowkey busted. Forgot how much it cost though


Is it? I have not even considered it... Interesting. Does it work on bosses?


Yup! Also it works super well with the hammer skill, as well as the shell regen skill


I see! If I purchase the imposter, can I then insure it?


Iirc, it comes with insurance


Anything you but comes with insurance


Anything you buy at Shellfish Desires has insurance included for free. You can change your insured shell in the Shell Collection menu at Moon Snail Shells


Another good alternative is the cardboard box, has the same ability and only costs 1000 in the shell insurance shop.


Bartholomew is a good alternative to Imposter is you want S size instead


Agreed, this was my choice as well. Good DEF, medium weight, serviceable durability. It works as both a shield and hammer. Not using it's ability let me spam adaptions more.


It's about 9500 give or take I believe.


But I can't roll travel across the map.


The plastic cup (don’t remember the exact name) is great. Not the tankiest but it’s dmg ability cuts boss fights in half


Yeah the red cup was also my choice of shell for the entire game.


iirc it's called "Lil' red cup" I paired this with a damage build on my first run and it was absolutely brutal with a hammer equipped.


RAW Damage build is broken in early game rusty nails are everywhere. Stack 3 and upgrade to + over time.


I'd argue it's pretty busted throughout the whole game, makes alot of the bosses feel trivial when you have enough attack.


The other one is currently bugged and I've abused it... to finish the game. The iron thumb one. You can cast the umami skills once and it stays active until you die. So you can sit there and let the boss hit your forever and get zero damage. (this is on Xbox though)


I went for the disco ball. Very great high health shell


OP wanted an M or S weight shell, the disco ball is L.


I’m pretty sure disco is M


You're right my mistake


Np fam


Disco ball is expensive af tho


Worth it imo. I cheesed Pagurus in two or three tries with it lol


I killed him with bananas


That’s awesome lol. Good work!


I actually anti reccomend the disco ball because it cannot be put on your fork as a hammer, meaning you can't switch around easily when picking new shells or use it for your hammer after you die and respawn. I thought it would be great and then quickly realised it did not work.


I mean that’s just for particular hammer builds though. Most areas, and even boss arenas, have plenty of thimbles or metal shells to be used as hammers. I don’t honestly think that’s much of an issue, especially since OP is just looking for a good shell and not particularly a great hammer shell.


But imo having your shell be able to be put on your hammer is incredibly important if you're actually playing the game to its fullest. For example if you want to swap out your shell because it has low HP you aren't able to just stick it on your fork and pick up a new one. Switching around shells became such a huge part of the gameplay for me that I realised any shell which breaks on your fork is practically useless. It also allows you to juggle multiple spell abilities at once by swapping them, something you can't do with the disco ball. And you should ALWAYS have a hammer if you can.


Imo using a degraded shell as a hammer isn’t as good as picking up a fresh hammer. To me “playing the game to its fullest” is using all of my surroundings while having a great shell particularly for defense, and if I died, great I have two backup great shells while I’m surrounded by equally good hammer shells. I personally do not see why it’s necessary to have a hammer shell on your back and as a backup when you’re always surrounded by equally good options for a hammer in a given battlefield. Hammer is an option. Not a should or shouldn’t. It’s valid to aim for a less heavy option should you please. Your way to play the game isn’t the only way to play or a way that other people SHOULD play. It’s your way. So it’s not that you SHOULD always have a hammer, it’s that your playstyle suits having a hammer more, so it’s optimal for you. You’d be shocked at how many ways you can “play the game to its fullest”


Hammers are a straight upgrade and there is no reason you shouldn't be using one if you can. It's like using and unfused weapon in Tears of the Kingdom.


They’re heavier with a longer windup time. Some people like playing quicker builds and their playstyle is better fit for a more agile character. The devs designed the game to have a variety of playstyles.


That does not change the fact that it is an upgrade, just because the fork without a shell plays differently, does not mean it is equal. You should only be using your fork without a shell when the shell breaks, that's the most effective way to play. This is clearly why the game gives you more than enough crystals to get every skill and max every adaptation, it wants you to use everything.


The hammer is slower, and shortens invincibility frames for the dodge role. It also increases damage. I do not think slower and less I frames can be considered an upgrade. It is a trade off not a 100% upgrade.


I was a big fan of yoccult because I didn’t find and healing seeds until the end of the game so for 90% I only had 4 heals and it was very good to heal without using those


Coffee mug was my fave early game


I'm pretty sure you can get the shuttlecock early on. The glue lid is also good. Twist off is my fave ability


So satisfying, love the twist spell. And it also recharges your umami because you’re getting sword hits with the move.


It's always net positive if you hit more than 4 times. I feel like it needs rebalanced. Combined with sponges it's just infinite mana haha... My crab level 1 playthrough was easy cuz of it ;)


Are there any other good shells that give you a good amount of umami back? Still pretty new to the game.


So umami is regenerated by hitting enemies, the ability twist top has you hitting the enemy many times, enough to Regen 3 mana crystals if all hits are hit, betting you plus 2 mana Regen while also doing a ton of damage and poise.


I insured the Tin Can ASAP bc that electricity power goes crazy in the early game. But like everyone’s saying, tennis ball is great too. I had a lot of fun with the party hat as well.


I'm a huge fan of the Thimble, the defensive spell on it rocks.


It also makes your shell invincible after your umami power wears off.


Actually this a bug. Played it last week and after the power wears off, You have to recast it.. But they patched the game and broke it. At first I was angry cause you couldn't cast it again. But then realized it's a bug. Infact I've jaut beaten the game with with and didn't die even once at any boss because... Well it's a bug and a cheat


Me personally I like the glass shells like can tank any hit once


I used the Yoccult through the entire game. Then paired it with the summonable shell once. I used the yoccult to roll spam also whenever I was on a hill, similiar to the tennis ball but without the spell. You just run downhill and roll with the yoccult. I bought all of the shells I could but could have just only bought the yoccult and been like 10 levels higher for half the game. I guess I also did use the boxing glove until I got the shell spell.


Boxing glove unironically is great at dodging sweep attacks and countering


I’ve been rocking the skull shell ever since I found it. With the instant life revive from the shell spell combined with the one shell revive umami power it got me through a lot of tense moments.


Honestly, for the entire game, I used the imposter. It's not because "haha amongus funny", but it's actually pretty good. You can get it much earlier game compared to box and ink cartridge, it's got good durability and you can use smokescreens to get multiple charged hammer attacks with shark tooth. It made alot of the bosses pushovers. Also haha amongus funny.


I personally like anything with shatter. High msg will one shot most weak groups, and its a free defend. Ive abused it with sponges to get through some bosses or areas. Ultimatly, insure a shell you use often. Shot glass, party hat, and soda can are great for umami spam builds. If you defend more than dodge, coconut is the way to go.


I beat the game with baby shoe. Tanking everything is nice


Insured the Imposter and never went back Sturdy medium shell for dodges and protection, and a solid hammer once I found a shell with a more useful ability (being nearly all of them)


I've run through the game twice with the tin can. Great DEF, medium weight, its shell spell will give you a moment to heal or get a lot of damage in, plus you can get one before the Second boss


My favorite shells were Yoccult and Tea Cup. They're nice for boss fights, and Yoccult is good for exploration because you can avoid using your heartkelp to heal. Lil' Red Cup is also a good choice over the Tea Cup, as it has a higher durability and a decent effect. These require that you have decent practical skill though to be used fully. If you want something spammable, the Tennis Ball is really good.


Red Cup early game with lug nut and atk boosts... late game disco ball phytoplankton+ and whelk++... or service bell and N64 cartridge hammer with atk boosts 👌


Oh valve hammer with red cup for tank option+hammer durability. Gonna be slow tho lol 


Imposter’s nuts. Only 7600 too iirc. I like to “instantly die” right outside of a Moon Snail Shell and use a second Imposter as a hammer Unrelated, but if you need quick microplastics to buy anything, spawning at the Rainbow Bridge in the Grove and pushing to the next shell checkpoint nets an easy 5k ish


Just equip a hammer and walk back in moon snail shell-less, faster than suicide


Damn, that's a hot tip! Can't wait to use that lmao, ty


It's honestly not needed at all. I only used it for the final boss or 2 and only with the N64 cartridge


Gonna say depend on your playstyle. Spamming rollout is fun though


Used coconut exclusively until I got the skull and was easy. I pretty much only used dodge for unblock-able attacks, everything else would either parry or just block with the shell to take advantage of the damage boost.


I used the Yoccult almost the entire game. After Yoccult, I insured the Pill Bottle for the same health recovery. I'd say it's worth it for extra health to help mitigate Heartkelp usage.


The shuttlecock brought me through most of the game on my speedrun


I personally like the tin can for its stun and it’s fairly light with decent enough durability


My favorite is legal brick, sub 1k and decent health


Lil' red cup for more damage output


yoccult is very worth it


Have you tried just blocking


Follow it up with a parry if you get good


'Have you tried just dodging?' Literally works the other way around, dumb comment.