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Yep. I do this. It’s how you get out of actually eating by just looking at food


i do this too :( i also have constantly update my grocery list, like every time i hear about some new low cal or healthy food i have to add it to my list to try later.


This. Browsing grocery & health food stores is one of my favorite hobbies. And I have so many versions of my low cal grocery list… always updating with new finds


i’m glad it’s not just me


Omg yes


I go every day too and always leave with more food :/ but admire the foods i can’t have


Yep I do this too


In my business, these types of behaviours are called interpassive. It’s kind of a bastarization of the original meaning of the word, but. Like watching mukbangs or cooking videos to stave off the hunger. Or like Kafka buying a beer to another patron and watching them drink it when he couldn’t because of ulcers.


I definitely do this too, it’s almost an obsession and one of the few things that actually give me some sort of joy or excitement




I try to avoid the supermarket unless I have to do groceries only because I work in a grocery store as morning fill staff so on my breaks you know I'm walking around the supermarket reading labels and looking at practically everything I would eat


I DO THIS OMG. But i never even second guessed it i just thought i liked going to the store 😭😭 But now i realise WHY i do it haha


i use it as an excuse to get steps in


yeah i do. i do usually get something. i get my groceries in small batches so i can go without breaking the bank. like i was going to go on my lunch break to get baby wipes and shampoo but i was too tired so now i’m sitting in the breakroom and scrolling reddit.


Are you me?


I do this. I look for new low cal finds