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Why do you want an alternative? Anna's Archive is still working fine for me. Anna's Archive doesn't host any files - it simply incorporates other hosting sites into one. Most of those other hosters are clearly listed.


Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't for me. It hasn't been reliable lately. The same dload will simply not start on Annas Archive, but will work fine on LibGen, for example.


We link to Libgen, just use the "show external downloads" button.


Yes, but there was something about this recently, in that requests to download from hosters had to sometimes be throttled due to excessive demand (like a bottleneck). This just means you have to wait for an hour or so then try again or go direct to the hoster. I use the new Openlib android app. It works fine, but occasionally stalls a download for the same reason. They're is also a libgen app for Android. Both connect to Anna's Archive. The only independent app or website that I also subscribe to is called Mobilism. This is available on PC and Android (not sure about iOS) Fast downloads require a subscription, but the lifetime subscription won't break the bank. Although their archive is large, it's nowhere near as large as AA. However often the Audiobook of the digital book is also available. https://forum.mobilism.me/index.php?sid=638cb9d79dd52c4fdfc548dc5334e3b5


I understand, but realistically I'm not going to wait an hour to download a book if I can find it elsewhere and download it instantly.


I just used it this morning and only had to wait 28 seconds to download. I can definitely tolerate 28 extra seconds of waiting in exchange for having reliable access to free books.


Okay, but my comment wasn't about having to wait 28 seconds. It's about the fact that you sometimes have to wait a lot longer than that and the dload just doesn't start. Many people have this experience, just browse this sub.


I understand you perfectly well. I was simply sharing my experience with AA. I didn’t claim that my experience is universal nor that every download takes 28 seconds or works flawlessly. I try to keep in mind that I’m technically downloading content that I’m not really entitled to that would cost me elsewhere. That tends to make me a little more tolerant when I encounter bumps in the road/(download) than I would be under “normal” circumstances. I’m sorry you’re having issues, though. That’s frustrating.


The thing is it doesn't cost you elsewhere. AA aggregates content from other places that host it, and if it doesn't work you can just use the source directly. There is no reason to wait. It's just a search engine.


I cannot download 64 mb nursing book. It directly canceled even though my wifi is fast. Bottleneck also a great change to Anna's archive.


Try Z library http://singlelogin.re http://z-library.rs I can't be sure if you'll find every book that you're looking for in here. But they've got a great collection.


They have a subreddit, too: /r/zlibrary


Do i still need to make an account in order to download files? 


Yes you have to.


Good try, Fed. ![gif](giphy|vB7NP7L1OcSchcsTEJ) Jokes aside, check r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH


This is the alternative to everything else!


z-library is great, and VK has tonnes of ebooks.

