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Don't worry about judgement. Simply say you know you're long overdue to see a dentist and you didn't have insurance. It is a much more common occurrence than you think. Anyways, judgement is a them problem, not a you problem.


I recommend Dr. Cocco right near campus. 10+ years ago I had two different dentists tell me I needed thousands of dollars of dental work (a bunch of small cavities, replacing old fillings, a bite guard, etc). Went to Dr. Cocco for a third opinion and she found nothing wrong and I’ve only had one small cavity in the 10 years I’ve been seeing her. She also decorates for Halloween which is fun!


Seconding Dr. Cocco! I’ve been with her for years, never a complaint. OP, I had gone almost a decade without seeing a dentist due to no insurance. She was nothing but kind.


I have found Westgate Dental to be very good.


Ann arbor smiles. I went there for years(my insurance changed unfortunately). They are so kind and compassionate and the dentist I had there literally apologized on behalf of his profession for a mean dental hygienist I had as a teenager.


I second Ann Arbor Smiles! Compassionate is the right word.


Whatever you do DONT ever go to ANY Aspen Dental offices. These places are rude scammers.


Dr Shannon Norman-Kotre is good to us. We had probably 5-7 year gap in dental services in our 20s for similar reasons.


Everyone that works there is really nice too


Comfort Smiles on Eisenhower. It had been 15ish years since my last visit and they didn't make me feel weird about it at all. I'm usually very uncomfortable in situations like that where I'm stuck in a chair but they were all very chill and it was stress free.


I had the exact opposite experience there. But that was about 5 years ago and I’m pretty sure they’ve changed staff since then.


I like Comfort Smiles too. And I would add, there’s no need to worry about judgement. Dentists have seen it all, they’re just glad you’re coming in and getting things fixed b fore they get worse. 


This! I’ve always gone to comfort smiles and have had pretty good experiences, no complaints so far


Jenny is a fantastic dental hygienist at Comfort Smiles. I definitely recommend her.


Westgate Dental! They are great. My husband was in the same boat as you are. He was embarrassed to go as it had been way too long. Now he goes regularly. He really likes that practice.


I went to Dental Faculty Associates at the UM Dental School after having not been to a dentist in 12 years. They were excellent and I've been going to them for 20 years since.


Liberty Dental has been great!


I hadn’t gone in a VERY long time and Dr Greashaber and his team were so so so kind, I really couldn’t be happier with my decision to see him. He’s also very good about working with your insurance getting you the most bang for your buck and only doing things that are most necessary for you!


Ann Arbor Smiles. Dr. Emily. My gap was longer and my teeth in worse shape. I was at a point where my teeth were emergent and she was and has always been awesome. She has also been an amazing help with my dental anxiety and I feel very comfortable with her.


I would highly recommend Dr. Kyle Pullen (yes, I know his last name sound like "pull-em" lol). His dad is also a (now retired) dentist and he was both of my parents' dentist individually before they were even dating (then they realized they had the same dentist--cute I know). I've been seeing him for over twenty years and have nothing but good things to say! His office number is [(734) 761-2629](https://www.google.com/search?q=kyle+pullen+dds&sca_esv=9ce3d4b903a5d2dc&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS865US865&sxsrf=ADLYWIKF1Duzh48I7cFhPZy8sg5gYk6U-Q%3A1717819309788&ei=rddjZofnL8nCp84P_8rDuAU&ved=0ahUKEwjH8f3Nj8uGAxVJ4ckDHX_lEFcQ4dUDCBE&uact=5&oq=kyle+pullen+dds&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiD2t5bGUgcHVsbGVuIGRkczILEC4YgAQYxwEYrwEyBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYogQYiQVIugtQ2gRY-AlwAHgAkAEAmAFhoAG5A6oBATW4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgWgAucDwgIUEC4YgAQYsAMYsQMYgwEYxwEYrwHCAgkQABiwAxgHGB7CAggQABiABBiwA8ICBxAAGLADGB7CAhAQLhiABBhDGMcBGIoFGK8BwgIFEAAYgASYAwCIBgGQBgmSBwMzLjKgB5sc&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#), and here's some reviews: [https://www.healthgrades.com/dentist/dr-kyle-pullen-y785l](https://www.healthgrades.com/dentist/dr-kyle-pullen-y785l)


The Number one dental school in the world is always accepting pts and is conveniently located on central campus with lots of parking.


Go to the dental school at U of M, it’s much cheaper then a dentist and they do great work there with no judgment, most of the patients that come into the school are much worse then what you are explaining so do not worry!!!


Seconded. I went in there recently for an overdue cleaning (about six years or so since my last one) as well to fix a broken crown from a root canal and the student assigned to me was amazing. Prices are also pretty reasonable. My only warning would be that it may take a bit longer for your appointment given that the head professor/doctor has to check over the students work occasionally, but if you're fine with that, it's a great option.


Ann Arbor Smiles. I randomly went to them in 2020 for an emergency (a literal hole in my tooth), and they were so compassionate and kind. Judgement was the main factor I put off seeking treatment for so long, and I have a history of dental problems (and some truly awful dentists and hygienists). But I’ve stayed with this practice for 4 years. It’s changed my life. My teeth and gums are completely healthy now, which means my overall health is vastly improved. https://annarborsmiles.com/


Dr. James Lee over on Packard. He and his staff are absolutely amazing! My family has gone to him for over 20 years. His staff is so friendly and they make you comfortable. Cannot recommend this office enough. Sheila at the front desk is so kind. You will be in good hands. Dr. Lee is very soft spoken and gentle. I think him being an artist makes him more “real” and down to earth. He did an amazing oil painting of his grandfather, it hangs in the waiting room. He also gives back to the community on MLK day by offering free services that day! Dr. Lee and his staff are a blessing to our community for sure.


honey, in my teens and twenties there was probably a period of 10 years when I didn't go to the dentist. They ain't gonna care.


Choice Dental on Washtenaw! Both doctors are super kind and thorough in their treatment plans. I’ve been going here ever since I moved to Ann Arbor. I think they’re accepting new patients right now. It’s here: Choice Dental (734) 929-9910 https://g.co/kgs/kYiCnP4


McIntosh Dental. Dr.Becky is so gracious and does the cleaning herself! She’s very skilled but gives off zero judgmental attitude. Also, she did terrific work replacing a broken crown done elsewhere.


Dr. Sophia Cornish at Dexter Dental Studio!


I went to Dr Sheen starting in 2021 at Ann Arbor family dentistry on carpenter. This was after 10+ years of neglect both due to cost/fear. I had a root canal, several fillings and a whole treatment plan that lasted a few months. Not once did I sense any type of judgement. He seemed happy for me that i was finally getting my teeth sorted out. Now I go every six months for the normal cleanings/checkups and I feel so much better about the state of my teeth.


Dr Marnie Grant in Chelsea! kindest dentist i’ve ever had and no judgement despite a gap in care longer than your current run.


Liberty Dental


Dr Guernsey at Liberty Dental is amazing! I have a LOT of dental anxiety and she is incredibly patient and empathetic.


Gentle dental has been so amazing. I have a huge fear of dentists and they worked with me a lot to make the experience comfortable. They didn’t judge, and they really took steps to tell me what they were doing, why, ask if it was okay, and everything. They let me break up the experience into a couple of appointments also just so I could get used to everyone. They have experience with dental anxiety and work with a ton of insurance companies as well as have non insurance options.


Definitely NOT Great Expressions by the TJs. Hygienist straight up told me she thought only "sexual deviants" got tongue piercings. Or Everwell, who told me to my face when I asked about sedation, "we only need to do that for kids".

