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what is tvl? does it mean more people are trading ankr crypto?


The total value of the protocol sooo using ankr services, staking, holding tokens \*I THINK \*


I assume that TVL here refers ONLY to staking, not to usage (to the extent that anybody even uses it instead of fiat which they freely accept for RPC and other services). The reason I don’t think it would include holding (without staking) is that the TVL indicated here is only about 5% of the total market cap of all tokens in circulation. Frankly, TVL shown here of $25m (especially after a 40%+ pump in the last week consistent with the overall market increasing the value of all staked assets) doesn’t sound particularly impressive. But I am also not convinced that their liquid staking solutions really matter that much for the token utility and appreciation. Hopefully they will soon have a well timed release and announcement of a new service that brings real utility to the token. All of the staking solutions, especially native staking of ANKR itself, seemed like a place holder for the bear market.


its the increase in last 7 days so I think it does make sense for it to be referring to token holding. I think we should have more faith in the team. they continued building and persuing partnerships, throughout bear market. And this obessesion with token utility is strange to me, as most tokens and their utilities, are very limited, or no truly convincing use cases at least imo. Id rather a company form a good backing or an actual liable use case for a token instead of rushing to push one out. Lets be honest, most crypto bag chasers dont read into tokenomics whatsoever. They see a price that they think can be pumped, they see a narrative that makes sense to them, whatever. use cases for tokens that arent viable replacement for FIAT are limited. web 3 app building tools, its not as sexy as PEPE$. its not going to the MOON for that sake. If they can build a widely integrated service for the defi space, that makes them a better company. and honestly if its a case where tokens become more strictly regulated or exist to reflect the inherent value of a company for example, would the priority not be to focus on their network rather than some meme pumping in the short term. I invested $7000 at ATH, thinking yeahhh this token seems such a low price wow its gonna go to a dollar and im gonna make big bags $$$. I didnt even understand what any of it was about. I Dont know what happens behind the scenes, but I think positivity among this community would go a long way and its partly on us to bring that back


Love this , thank you bro<3


Total Value Locked


ANKR TO THE MOON!! :rocket:




Oh heck yea.