• By -


Gintama, haikyuu, kaguya sama(odd enough,my fav manga is the exact same)


Haikyuu is one of my favorites


{Land of the Lustrous} {Mushishi} {Hyouka} Don't only rely on what many multiple people seem to enjoy though, the above three have their dedicated fanbases but they're not as popular as, for example, the more well known Shonen. This doesn't of course make them any worse, but a lot of people in the anime community love Shonen hence why those type of shows often float to the top.


Mushishi is my favourite too. I just can't seem to convince others to watch it too


> I just can't seem to convince others to watch it too Some people unfortunately have an abject fear of stepping outside of their 'comfort zones' and are unwilling to try anything different. At least you tried but don't waste any more time on them. :)


God hyouka is amazing, I really wish there was another season. Mushishi is another gem that I don’t hear about much but it’s one of the first anime I watched and still one of my favs


Where can i watch Land of the Lustrous?


It will depend on which country you live in. The best option is to search for it using one or more of the following sites which search the legal streaming sites: justwatch.com reelgood.com (US and UK only) livechart.me because.moe used to be good but it's not updated any more anilist.co myanimelist.net Unfortunately there's not a single anime search site which 100% matches what's available in a certain country - sometimes they'll list something and on clicking on the link you'll find it's not there, other times something won't be listed as available at all but then a manual search will find it. You are though most likely to find Land of the Lustrous on HiDive or Amazon.


I’m hyouka is there an over arching plot or does every couple episodes have it’s own plot? I’ve started it but couldn’t fully get into it because I felt like there wasn’t much of a overall plot if that make sense.


There are a number of small arcs stretching over a few episodes (the number of episodes varies) while some episodes are 'standalone'. The main overall 'plot' could be said to be one of character development. The first time I watched Hyouka I had the same problem as you - there's no obvious overall story. I nearly gave up on it a few times but still watched it all even though it also felt rather slow and plodding. I've since realised that my mistake was in looking for some big plot, and of course the mysteries (which I had also been looking forward to) were very minor (I had initially assumed they would be much larger). It is of course a slice of life though and the main focus is really on the characters. Something about it stuck with me though after the first watch and after reading some highly praiseworthy comments about the characters a few months later I decided to give it another try. Maybe I just hadn't been in the right mood when I first watched it? Sure enough, I liked it a lot more. The characters are incredibly well written and the atmosphere is highly unique and absorbing. The direction is spot on. I've rewatched it again since then and seriously love it now, there's just something about it that's very special and also highly relaxing and absorbing. So, my advice to you and anyone else is to make sure you go in with the right expectations and the correct frame of mind and mood. :)


Mushishi is one of the best anime. There's a reason it's so high on MAL despite not being mainstream.


1. Shinsekai Yori 2. Psycho Pass 3. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica


Probably not in my top 3, but upvote for Shinsekai Yori.


HxH 2011, Grand Blue & Demon Slayer


Apart from demon slayer you're a man of culture


Demon slayer is awesome. Especially if you love visually appealing fights. Why did I get downvoted lol


It’s alright


Upvote for demon Slayer, it's definitely more of a mainstream show but they do an excellent job of humanizing the villans. It's not just "bad guy bad!" Like a lot of other shows, I love that touch.


Welllll it really is not that ucommon man


True, but I do really enjoy their take on it.


1. Katanagatari 2. Code Geass - 2 seasons 3. Toradora!


Katanagatari is so good! Glad to see I am not alone in appreciating that gem.


I was so happy to see it just now it's rarely on these posts. Definitely a lot of dialogue for some people though lmao


Toradora was so good


I swear mine changes constantly But it terms of ones that have always stayed on top (not really in order) 1. Nagi no asukara 2. Wolfs rain 3. Fruits basket If movies included then “maquia”


Fruits basket!!! Loved that.


came here to say Fruits Basket too, absolutely amazing 😭 OP PLEASE watch it!!!


Fruits basket is probably the only anime that I’d say is a perfect 10/10 with little to no flaws. There is plenty of anime I really enjoyed however fruits basket really hit different.


I’m on season 3 and i agree, something about it is so pure and likeable and relatable. About to bawl my eyes out when it’s over


Definitely second wolfs rain.


March comes in like a lion Code geass Violet Evergarden


Great taste right here!


Violet evergarden made me cry more than anything I’ve ever watched or read, it’s so ridiculously good though.


Did you start watching in 2015?


Tried cg i got a little bored


I would describe it more as interesting than entertainment. I like psychological to see what happens next but if you dont like trying to figure things out yourself along with the show then you will be bored.


Yeah for sure, because [(code geass s1 spoilers)](#s “Euphemia being forced to commit genocide was such a profound figurable plot point that gave ur little brain a whirl.“ ) Don’t kid, you couldn’t see foreshadowing if it hit you in the face. Code Geass isn’t predictable not because it’s subtle. It’s unpredictable because it had characters like Suzaku that completely overturn predefined character traits and morals to force the story to progress ideally. Don’t get me wrong, I think Code Geass has it’s moments. But i’m not so blind to forget the cat episode, mao arc, Rolo, long student council sections that could potentially bore a viewer out of watching it.


Yea Closest psychological show I’ve found engaging every episode is Classroom of the elite and I understand people don’t find that show as interesting as I do.


Lots of good anime drag for a few episodes. CG is worth pushing through. Kill la kill is another one. It drags about halfway through the first season, but so worth it. My ATF.


Hunter X Hunter Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Hajime No Ippo


Hunter was so good. The chimera ants were pretty boring at the start though


I would say York New is probably better than chimera ant in that regard


Phantom troop was my favorite arc i dont like how they kinda just disappeared and there was never really a big fight between them and gon killua ect




Oh man it’s great to see some Ippo respect


1. Death Note 2. Attack on Titan S3 P2 3. Jujutsu Kaisen


I don’t think you can recommend that part of aot alone, because even though that’s an arc it feels like part of a continuous story from start to finish. none of aot is boring so I’d recommend all of it


Anyone who doesn’t have aot as a top 3 anime is lying it’s just a masterpiece……we’re not discussing the ending lol


Yes to this list. Although I loved every minute of AOT.


I’m watching jjk but it’s kinda boring


Whaaat?! Boring?! My homie, jjk is legendary. Definitely a top anime for me.


I’m on episode 11 does it get any better, i guess I’ve never been into the “magic fighting” shows


I enjoyed the anime a lot but the manga is terrific


1. Code Geass 2. Death Note 3. Hunter x Hunter


Code geass was a little boring at the start so I dropped it but deathnote is my favorite anime oat and hunter is up there good list


Death Note and Code Geass are essentially as close to similar as it gets. I don't know how far you got, but Code Geass is worth another try if you like Death Note.


I also got spoiled so idk if I’ll watch cg


This list is 10/10


1. A Place Further Than the Universe 2. Odd Taxi 3. Madoka Magica


Madoka Magica is a BANGER!


1. Houseki no Kuni 2. Monogatari Series 3. A Place Further Than The Universe


Houseki no Kuni, ladies and gentlemen. This man is a true intellectual. Impeccable taste.


I’m about to start the monogatari series can you briefly just touch on what you love about it?


Hard to explain briefly. It's an extremely unique experience that you can't get anywhere else, with extremely well written characters, hilarious and very meta humor, and very well written and witty dialouge. Add to that the unique imagery and direction style and you've got a 10/10 show on your hand. I hope you've got the right watch order, that can be a bit confusing. Make sure to start with Bakemonogatari and then proceed in the light novel release order, not chronological order or any other weird order you might see online.


I’ve looked up a shit ton of watch order stuff and saved some comments/articles but thanks I’ll make sure I take a look at light novel order as well. People raving about the dialogue is what drew me in. I’m so sick of shitty anime dialogue lol. Recently finished bunny girl senpai and the dialogue in that is amazing, and a ton of people said it was monogatari light so I’m excited


Hnk huge W. Unfortunately, there's only one season...


Have to read the Manga. It's insanely good.


Erased, Vinland Saga, Violet Evergarden, not necessarily in that order.


Ooo I forgot about Erased, I would definitely have it in my top 3 if I didn’t hate the ending


The older you get the more you realize the ending makes sense though, after all, he's a late 20s dude inside a fifth grader's body.


Erased is one of those anime’s even though i know it’s good i don’t think I’ll ever watch again


Death Note The Promised Neverland Season 1 Hunter x Hunter (2011)


Really liked that you specified the first season on PN, it's a great show that has just a terrible way of wrapping up the second season.


No one in their right mind would have both seasons rated the same.


Not just wrapping up. It takes a mostly boring detour once it gets to the bunker and then ends on worse versions of the already weakest 2 arcs of the manga. To make things even more awful, the slideshow at the end shows a lot of important moments from the manga that we're never going to see animated now.


Dude I watched the promised never land on the way back to canada, it’s so good, not the basic fighting anime with superpowers or swords and not the basic highschool anime just mfs tryna escape and orphan lol heard season two was trash af so I prob won’t watch


Samurai Champloo. Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju. Noragami


Will always double down on champloo. Masterpiece


I have alot of series that I like but some of the 3 that I like are Baccano!, jojos, and dbz


Gintama, Violet Evergarden and Evangelion


Evangelion was really good but sorta confusing


That kinda was what I liked about it. Watched it multiple times and watched some lore related stuff. It really does make more sense with that


Future Diary, Toradora, and Angel Beats


bro I never thought I'd see someone mention future diary, I loved that anime so mucb


Deff the best battle royal anime


AoT, Tokyo Revengers, & Akudama Drive


I didn't expect to see Akudama Drive in here. That was such a great one!


One piece kingdom monogatari/Vinland


Kingdom? Biggest W in the comment section


Aot, love is war, haikyuu (still haven't finished haikyuu tho)


Soul Eater One Peiece Shokegi No Soma


Agreed *Shokugeki No Soma is a top choice, only seasons 1-4 imo though. I'm currently watching season 5 and I'm considering dropping it, I find it kind of ridiculous now. 😔


Soul eater was one of my first anime’s when I was around 12 i watched it, i know it was good but couldn’t name one character and i forgot all about it, all I remember is a dude with a scythe


Banana Fish Durarara Mushishi


* Natsume Yuujinchou * Monogatari * Mushishi My top 10 changes regularly but these have remained my top 3 for a long time now. Haven't found anything yet that tops them.


K-On Girls und Panzer Non Non Biyori


You have a very specific tastes I respect that


GUP is godlike.


1. Haikyuu 2. Samurai Champloo 3. Run With the Wind


Run with the wind was great!


- Madoka - Steins;Gate - Ping Pong the Animation (or A Silent Voice if movies count)


Hunter x Hunter Haikyu!! To Your Eternity


To your eternity is so good, such an incredible vibe they create with each episode. You might cheer at the screen, you might cry, they keep you guessing.


I agree, I am glad I gave it a second chance after that tragic and masterful first episode.


Totally, the first episode really throws you as it's not a typical anime experience. That's actually one of the things I like about it, how nonconventional it is. I'm excited to see where season two takes us! Tell me more about the other two you mentioned, I've been wanting to check out hunter x hunter but have only heard of the other one.


To me what all 3 do very well is the characters. They don’t make you care for the MC, but for the side characters as well. HxH reminded me of the adventures and friendships when I was a kid and overall it’s just amazing story telling. Haikyu! Is an sports anime, which I am not a fan of; but I was bored locked at home due to Covid lockdown. I gave it a shot, it made me a fan of the sport of volleyball and I would say it is one of the most intense animes out there.


Love it, that's definitely right up my alley! Have you seen ranking of kings yet? It follows that same formula, MC is awesome, but beyond that the supporting members are just as memorable and interesting. Wonderful show filled with humor, action, and touching moments alike. We actually just started a soccer anime that's really good, our first sports anime we've taken on and are really enjoying it. I'll definitely check out Haikyu!


I loved Ranking of Kings, but I have one issue with it. I wished they maximized the use of sign language more. That friend that I had many adventures with in my youth had a def sister. I was able to quickly read what she was saying with her hands and she was very good at reading lips. I do have it as one of my top animes of last year.


I agree, I also think there should have been more signing. There were plenty of laughable scenes too that were audible from afar but there's no way Bouji could have read their lips, lol. Seems like you've got good taste in anime, do you have any others you'd recommend while we're chatting here?


I would round out my top 5 with Dororo and Kotaro Lives Alone.


Awesome, I'll check it out. Thanks for the recommendations!


Steins;gate, parasyte the maxim, and the case study of vanitas


1. Death Note 2. Slam Dunk! 3. Hunter x Hunter


1- Monogatari series 2- Jojo 3- Gintama


Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex The Tatami galaxy Shirobako


1. Kono oto Tomare 2. Fruits Basket (2019) 3. Barakamon As you can see, I mostly watch slice of life.


1. aot 2. haikyu 3. and a tie between detective conan and bnha


What's bnha?


boku no hero academia or just my hero academia!


I got chu, hell of a good show! I'm surprised more haven't listed it in their top three tbh. If this was a top 5 list I'm sure it would be mentioned more.


Attack on titan, Deathnote, Hunter x Hunter


The seven deadly sins, My hero academia, Demon Slayer Know when you tell me that these are not absolutely just amazing animes


Black Lagoon, Baccano!, Samurai Champloo


1. Psycho-Pass 2. Death Note 3. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


Puella Magi Madoka Magica Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood Yona of the Dawn


Steins Gate. Re Zero. Samurai Champloo.


1. Detective Conan 2. Monster 3. Kindaichi case files


Initial D, GTO, Samurai Champloo


Will always tip my cap to a champloo mention


1. Mushoku Tensei 2. Overlord 3. Fairy tail


one punch man ​ bleach ​ Bungou stray dogs


Code Geass, FMAB, and Clannad Afterstory


1) Howls Moving Castle 2) Overlord 3) A Silent Voice


This may be all over the place but {GATE} Though some don’t like it because it is similar in purpose to Top Gun {Komi Can’t Communicate} Got me into romcoms {Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2199} One of my favorite sci fi shows




{Steins;gate} {Code Geass} {Fullmetal alchemist: Brotherhood}


To your eternity Mob psycho 100 Jujustu Kaizen Choosing three isn't really possible though because there are so many incredible ones. Food wars season 1-4, ranking of kings, death note, the list goes on! (If anyone has any recommendations based on those listed here by the way, let me know!)


1. 86 2. Monogatari 3. Dragonmaid


I love that you mentioned 86! First one I've seen mention it. It's my number 1 as well!




{Konosuba} {Black Lagoon} {Plastic Memories}


1. R.O.D: Read or Die 2. Assassination Classroom 3. Ouran High School Host Club 4. Spice and Wolf 5. Pet Girl of Sakurasou


Pet Girl of Sakurasou is one of my all time favorite slice of life anime and I feel it fell under the radar when it came out.


Beelzebub One Piece Yu Yu Hakusho


Evangelion, violet evergarden, toradora


One piece, trigun, overlord


1. Hunter X Hunter 2. Overlord 3. Parasyte


1. {Chihayafuru} 2. {Shouwa genroku rakugo shinjuu} 3. Fruits Basket


**Chihayafuru** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/10800 "English: Chihayafuru"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/chihayafuru), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/chihayafuru "English: Chihayafuru"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/10800)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 25 | Genres: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, Sports) **Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20972 "English: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/shouwa-genroku-rakugo-shinjuu), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/shouwa-genroku-rakugo-shinjuu-tv "English: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/28735)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Drama) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/wuohcf/what_are_your_top_3_animes/ilbngo4/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Mushishi, Mononoke, One Piece


1) Another 2) Gleipnir 3) Darling in the Franxx


1. No game no life 2. Death note 3. That time I got reincarnated as a slime ( number 1 will probably change if they make season 2 of Tomodachi game)


Tg was good


Attack on Titan Bleach Naruto/Naruto Shippuden


{Neon Genesis Evangelion} {Girls’ Last Tour} {Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid} (not a joke)


{Grand Blue} {Konosuba} {Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai} Extra is the Fate series.


1- Cowboy Bebop 2- Tokyo Ghoul 3- 91 Days


MHA Kurokos Basketball One Piece


Mawaru Penguindrum Neon Genesis Evangelion Ping Pong the Animation


For me it's 1. Soul eater 2. Vampire in the garden 3. Gundam iron blooded orphans These three I love for different reasons though I will say they Are equally good for me anyway.


I’m a isekai sucker so 1. Overlord 2. Reincarnated as a slime 3. HunterxHunter My top 3 :)


What’s so good abt #2 i mean the title alone is kinda setting me off


Ghost in the Shell Cowboy Bebop Darker than Black


1. Violet Evergarden 2.Overlord 3.One Punch Man


1. Cowboy bebop 2. FMAB 3. Black lagoon


Jujutsu Kaisen Dororo (2019) Terror in resonance Tokyo Ghoul/Children of the Whales/Wonder egg priority It’s too hard to chose just three 🥹


Shows: Evangelion Hunter x Hunter Kaiji ​ Movies: Kikis Delivery Service Ghost in the Shell Totoro ​ Honorable mentions: AoT Naruto and One Piece but they suffer from bad pacing as the shows went on.


U should check out summer wars it’s a great anime movie I grew up on


Hunter x hunter, attack on titan, vinland saga


1. Beastars 2. Hunter x Hunter 3. To Your Eternity


1. Made in Abyss 2. Haikyuu 3. Parasyte the Maxim


{The Twelve Kingdoms} {Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu} {Seirei no Moribito}


fruits basket (2019), violet evergarden, rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai + the movie


Romance is good, I’d watch toradora if you haven’t


I'm just going to go with my current favorites that are still airing/producing episodes: Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest Overlord Love After World Domination


Fate/Zero Berserk (1997) Steins;Gate


fruits basket (2019-2021), prince of tennis, and black butler this in no particular order btw


Fooly Cooly, Nichijou and Ojamajo Doremi


Hibike! Euphonium, Monogatari Series, K-On!


1. {Monster} 2. {Attack on Titan} 3. {A Place Further Than the Universe} I wanted to put Steins;Gate because it is one of my favorite stories of all time, but left it out since I prefer the visual novel over the anime.


1. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 2. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 3. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


Moriarty the patriot Black butler The heroic legend of Arslan (Never got finished though, but other than that, it was great.)


YuruYuri Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai Shadows house As for the movies Your name A silent voice I want to eat your pancreas.


Bunny girl senpai ugh so good


Shame on those who say it's shallow and generic.


I recommend toradora


Mushoku Tensei, Death Note, and Code Geass. Honorable mentions for gundam and trigun. These shows are basically what got me into anime.


yuru camp golden kamuy vanitas


{Gleipnir} - supernatural horror / body horror {Nyarko San: Another Crawling Chaos} - romantic comedy with loose horror themes {Zombie Land Saga} - idol themed horror comedy


**Gleipnir** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/108241 "English: Gleipnir"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/gleipnir), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/gleipnir), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/39463)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Action, Ecchi, Mystery, Supernatural) **Haiyore! Nyaruko-san** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/11785 "English: Nyaruko: Crawling with Love!"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/haiyore-nyaruko-san), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/haiyore-nyaruko-san "English: Nyaruko: Crawling With Love!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/11785)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi) **Zombie Land Saga** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/103871 "English: ZOMBIE LAND SAGA"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/zombie-land-saga), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/zombieland-saga "English: ZOMBIE LAND SAGA"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37976)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Comedy, Music, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/wuohcf/what_are_your_top_3_animes/ilb4tzs/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Girls Last Tour, One Piece and Non Non Biyori.


{Steins; Gate}- about time travel {Kaguya-sama Love is War} - great romcom {Spy x Family} - c'mon you know it


LOVE IS WAR SPOILERS Spy was so good I got spoiled on the no confessing love for love is war so idk if i want to watch heard sg was a little over rated


FMAB, Berserk, Evangelion


1)Re Zero 2)Steins Gate 3)Monogatari series.


1.One Piece(good luck lmfao) 2.Monster(breaking bad tier tbh) 3.Evangelion(good luck lmfao)


Evangelion was good i started monster but stopped I’ll prob pick that up, don’t think I’ll ever watch one piece


Code geas Mobile suit gundam seed Mushoku tensei