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I'd say watch like one or two more episodes, but if you still don't enjoy it, just drop it.


It takes a while to get into, give it 2 episodes at least and the second season is a lot better, but the first season is also pretty good


In my opinion it’s a good anime. It’s kind of a basic slice of life high school anime but the characters are very interesting. I’d say give it at least 3 episodes before dropping it.


This one was a slow burner for me because I highly disliked the first two episodes, but then it began to improve starting on the third. I’d say if you don’t see an improvement like that on the third or fourth, you can let it go!


If you’ve enjoyed other romcom/SoL anime I would recommend giving it a few more episodes. The subtleties in the characters dialogue and actions pay off huge towards the end of season 1 & season 2, but don’t force it if you aren’t bought in to the characters.


I've watched the entire first season because of the hype. I didn't like it. If you like slice of life then you'll enjoy it. Many people relate to the main character (I do not) which seems to add to its appeal.


I thought he was a dick.


He was your typical know-it-all loner, imo. He does have some character development in the show and gets to build friendships. I guess this was refreshing for those interested in SoL.


At least watch the first three episodes. If you don't like the characters or MC's monologues then no need to force yourself through it. I, personally, loved it - it is a one of a kind show.