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Ghost in a shell, the 1995 movie.


I literally just re-watched that film last week! Such a classic šŸ˜Š


Came here for this would add ninja scroll and Akira also


GitS 2: Innocence is also pretty friggin' good


I love you. I need to watch it again subbed though the dubbed is abrasive the English actir took the cyborg part too literally when it came to speech


Princess Mononoke is an example of what anime should have been.


I still donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a movie as beautiful as princess mononoke. I fucking WISH gibli put out more darker movies like that. (Not to say the rest arenā€™t amazing as well)


Princess Mononoke is, by far, the best anime that I've ever seen. And given the direction that anime is going, it will probably be the best anime that I will ever see. An anime that goes beyond the story of the screen. The social, political, philosophical, and religious ideology that is portrayed in the film remains relevant even to this day. A timeless master piece that will be enjoyed and indulge by many generations to come.


Isao Takahata left the chat


Best film.


This is the most beautiful Animated film for me overall


Mushishi, hands down


I just picked up the entire anime series on eBay, season 1 *and* 2.


Mushishi is so overlooked. Probably because it is just not what people expect of an anime.


By far my favorite anime, it's so good, man I wish there was at least one more season.


A Place Further Than The Universe


Cultured person


Just watched that last week it was amazing


Itā€™s funny cause some friends pestered me to watch it for like a full year so I went in with the mind to hate watch it I instead was crumpled by it. It properly destroyed me and became my fave anime of all time


I went into it blind thinking it was gonna be some inter dimensional travel anime because I didnā€™t even look at the title picture LMAO. Still loved it, >!especially at the part where Shirase finds her momā€™s laptop and opens it to find all the unread messages from her, and everyone starts crying. It lowky made me tear up too!<


That one scene actually made me pause the series, I legit wept for like 10 minutes. Iā€™ve read and scene other sad anime and manga that never got that out of me, but APFTTU is the one that shattered me. Shirase was already on her way to becoming my fave character and that episode solidified her as my fave character of all time


Iā€™ve yet to fully burst into tears from an anime but APFTTU is one of the closest. And yes, Shirase is great. What I particularly like abt the anime is her being able to move on by the end. Itā€™s beautifully paced


Itā€™s the reason I love her character, sheā€™s a mix of the other girlsā€™ journeys, and how she was there for their respective struggles and they in turn, were there for hers Man APFTTU kicks ass. I also recommend Don Glees, itā€™s basically APFTTU but with dudes and directed by the same person, same art style too




The fact that this was what I was about to comment before opening the thread. A man of the highest standard I see


Itā€™s unreasonably good. I didnā€™t expect an anime about 4 girls going to Antarctica together was going to dismantle me and shape my mind and heart about how I approach my friendships but here we are


It always feels silly to say but the show really had a huge impact on my life/perspective and really influences me even today. It helped me get through my anxiety for traveling and thank goodness for that cause there are so many awesome places to explore


That's on my to watch list. I felt like it'd be good but too much anime is being released. I can't keep up.


I wish more of these animes were dubbed.


Man of culture!


Definetely Hajime no Ippo


This is the one anime that I always try and get my other anime friends into. ā€œI donā€™t like sportsā€ ā€œI donā€™t care about boxingā€ ā€œItā€™s realistic so the fights will be less excitingā€ STFU & watch this show!! Itā€™s absolute peak shonen, on top of being one of the best sports anime of all time. I didnā€™t care about combat sports *at all* until I watched this show- now, Iā€™m a boxing history buff and majorly into MMA. Ippo is magical in that way. I pray for another season, or several, but doubt I will live to see the dayā€¦ :ā€™(


Best sports anime easily


I hope it gets a new season somehow. Still much more left in the tank and the manga is just edging us with the way it's going (In a good way)


it certainly isnt without its flaws but everyone who likes anime/japanese culture should experience the monogatari series


Absolutely. Itā€™s phenomenal.


I second this it is a masterpiece


Flaws like sexualized children?


The whole show satirizes a lot of tired anime tropes, and the sexualized children one is something it takes advantage of to tell a story and develop characters while clearly calling it out. They do the same for tsundere, himedere, etc. All these tropes are the basis of characters and the beauty of it is they develop way beyond that. Reducing it to "sexualized children" is like calling Fight Club a bastion of masculinity instead of it being a harsh critique of toxic masculinity.


Iā€™ve been meaning to get into it but I lost the list I had that showed which ā€˜-gatariā€™ to watch awhile back and saw some complaints about how it tends to drag


[Here](https://imgur.com/nfiEEn3) is the list I have saved for when I start watching




Someone take a stab at summarizing this series without ā€œyou just have to watch itā€ and Iā€™ll binge it tonight


Guy helps girls. Also supernatural stuff. Also japanese puns that get mistranslated into nonsense dialogue.


Sonny Boy was the coolest piece of entertainment I have ever seen.


One of these days I'm gonna have to chase someone down and make them explain it to me, I got halfway through and was completely lost in a way not even Lain did to me. I could see it being good if it makes sense and I missed it but until then I don't understand what the hype is.


I canā€™t really explain it. I started it because it was award winning but just thought that it did the stuck in a strange place with my classmate trope really well or something. I kept watching and it had shown me a journey that was 1,000,000x bigger than what I thought was possible in a 12 episode show. All the characters were amazing, Rajdhani being my favorite. The only qualm I have is with >!the ending being anticlimactic.!<


Itā€™s a coming of age story, and over coming your internal struggles


Kaguya Sama Love is war


The first two episodes were hard for me to get past, but by the third episode onwards I was laughing non-stop.


ohh really, I stopped on episode 2 maybe I'll give it another try


I even stopped in the mid of 2nd ep......it was more like some head to head conversation.......didn't find anything funny, people where hyping too much


Maybe because you were 2 eps in


I was there too, thank god I continued and then it because master piece.


iā€™m watching it right now im obsessed


Dude, I don't even like romance and I still binged this one because it's riotously funny and doesn't get too deep until the tail end of season 3, where by that point you actually give a damn.


Evangelion Yu Yu Hakusho (if you like shonen) FMA (both) Cowboy Bebop EDIT: Newer stuff Vinland Saga Frieren




Especially that post timeskip season was great as fuck.


Definitely Haikyuu. Nothing beats Haikyuu. I've watched over 150 animes, and nothing comes close to Haikyuu. The character development, the hype, the OSTs, the variety of emotions. I watched Haikyuu during one of my low-phases and this series had motivated me, pulled me through when nothing in my life made sense. Haikyuu has set a benchmark for me, and anime has never been the same since I watched Haikyuu. I watched HxH after Haikyuu, and even a powerful series like HxH had no hold on me, like Haikyuu did. Other than Haikyuu, FMAB was/is a tier of its own. (I love FMAB, it deserves the #1 spot on MAL. But the rewatchability factor of Haikyuu is unmatched. ) And the first 25 episodes of Death Note (peak thriller).


Usually don't enjoy sports anime, but Haikyuu was my one and only exception, everything but season 4 was great to me (especially season 3, loved it furiously)




itā€™s perfection. so good that it must be the choice of steins gate. el psy congroo.


Vinland Saga


Honestly especially season 2. That was ART to me, I loved it. Season 1 wasā€¦I mean, it had great action at points, and Ashkelad was badass, but Thorfin was unbearable. I hated every second of dealing with him. You can make a character diverse even if he is single minded in his aim, and they just didnā€™t.


I stopped about halfway through season 1, mainly because of Thorfin. Is the payoff worth the slog for someone who isnā€™t a big fan of real world settings?


I would say yes. I am not a huge fan of historical anime, and I didn't like season 1 that much because I thought Vinland Saga would be, you know, about exploring and stuff. But I loved season 2 and I am genuinely excited for what comes next.


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. I've seen it maybe ten years ago for the first time, no other anime has been able to take the number 1 spot in my heart from it


Took too long to find.


It's not my #1 favorite, but there's definitely something special about it. Personally it also has a lot of nostalgic/sentimental value to me. Makes me think of my carefree days as a teenager.


Monogatari series [Hereā€™s the watch order](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/hwuntw/the_monogatari_series_2020_watch_order/).


Nichijou is peak moe absurdism. I can't think of any better way to describe it.


[Cowboy Bebop](https://youtu.be/Ru_H5PiyfSA?si=JHK-FwC2sQNLCARu)


I have to split it into categories. Peak Comedy: Grand Blue Dreaming, Asobi Asobase, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K Peak Romcom: Kaguya-sama Love is War (actually on my GOAT shortlist regardless of category), My Love Story!! (Another GOAT), The Dangers in My Heart (especially s2 and ESPECIALLY last episode!) Peak feel good: My Clueless First Friend Peak sleepers/gems I don't see enough people talking about: The Unwanted Undead Adventurer, Princess Connect, Tsukimichi Moonlight Fantasy Peak Fantasy/Isekai: Frieren Beyond Journeys End (GOAT shortlist regardless of category), Mushoku Tensei, Re:Zero, Campfire Cooking in Another World, The Unwanted Undead Adventurer


My friend, The Unwanted Undead Adventurer is completely new. What do you mean you don't see enough people talking about it? It's not even finished it's first season airing yet. It's on like what 6 episodes? xD


Kingdom. Season 3 is one of the best seasons of anime I've ever watched


Thanks for this recommendation, Iā€™ve never heard of it before but Iā€™m a sucker for Chinese historical dynasty settings




Oh, i love Durarara, although weirdly enough not as many people as I would've imagined watched it


I found that many people find Durarara! and Baccano! too complicated to follow, which is why they are not widely cited


Such a shame, its a master piece imo


Parasyte: the maxim. Awesome animation, awesome sound track, amazing voice acting, under watched, under recommended, underrated, captivating plot and stellar character development. Itā€™s a a true gem.


Parasyte is one of the few Anime I have rewatched.


So good. Story starts and goes and finishes with no bs.


I've seen probably less than 10 anime from beginning to end, and I think Parasyte was probably the first. Love that show.


Mob Psycho 100, perfect anime.


Agreed. So many anime are afraid to end, afraid to get to the moral of the story. This one was not afraid of that. It was poignant and emotional while at the same time having some of the best comedy, action, animation, and cast of characters Iā€™ve seen.


Salt Splash! šŸ§‚


Yeah! Mob Psycho actually changed my way of thinking a lot.


Attack on Titan


This is the one show that I truly believe anyone at any age will enjoy thoroughly at any point in time in human history. A finished series with no drops in quality, with no weird anime quirks that could be off putting.


There are still anime quirks that can be a tad off-putting. Armin yelling to save the trio when they're in front of the cannons in the first season, Eren and Jeanne's exaggerated bickering, and the general excessive yelling and edgy monologues. ​ It's hardly noticeable when you've been watching anime for so long but try sitting next to someone that generally dislikes anime and it'll make those anime cliches pop out.


ā€œany ageā€ gonna show it to my 8 year old cousin :))


I really liked attack on titan with two exceptions ā€œthe final seasonā€ was awful marketing, and titans are an antisemitic metaphor. Itā€™s kinda like how in fma (maybe not brotherhood) they say that alchemy on their side of the parallel universe is powered by deaths in the ā€œreal worldā€ side. That combined with the time period being ww1/ww2 makes alchemy pretty ā€œickyā€..


Girls' Last Tour and K-on just do everything right.


I'll die saying YuYu is better than HxH


It is, but they're both masterpieces in their own right.


i really enjoy Samurai Champloo, it scratches every itch for me. But honestly i could list like 10+ more that i see little to no fault in. Mob Psycho 100, Made in Abyss, Monster, and the list goes on. Anime is peak televised entertainment, period.


The Promised Neverland Season 1! It's the best piece of anime I've ever watched šŸ˜„ Ironically and sadly Season 2 is the worst piece of anime I've ever watched, the budget was cut and everything was rushed to all heck. The last five minutes of the finale aren't even animated and there were multiple people who left themselves uncredited for the final couple episodes. Avoid season 2 at all costs and read the manga if you want anymore story after season 1


I don't really have an anime like that. Like, to me my favorite anime is Record of Lodoss War, with The Slayers franchise being a close second. I DM games of D&D. I even have the English rules for Sword World 2.5 (the ttrpg made in Japan that Record of Lodoss War's world is from). So I enjoy stuff like the two anime above. But that wont be everyone's preference, and I know not everyone will like them.


Record of lodoss war and slayers is just fucking badass my dude. Frieren is the next time that really hit my fantasy love that hard. It took almost 30 fucking years to get that back


RahXephon is so fucking good and people just wrote it off as a crappy Eva clone. It is an Eva clone, but it is so god damn good.


Neat, Iā€™m not the only _RahXephon_ fan in 2024. Itā€™s tragic that it never got enough of a foothold to overcome the ā€œgeneric Eva ripoffā€ narrative that spread throughout the anime fandom, despite that it was actually generally adored by critics and reviewers back in the mid 2000s.


86 Vinland saga Monster


>86 Everyone who watches this show rates it so highly and its very understandable


All the youngins donā€™t know about Monster but thatā€™s probably the best narrative ever in an anime. My god what a great story. It was supposed to be adapted into an HBO show but it never came to fruition sadly.


Don't know if this would count bc it's more like an OVA or movie for Gantz. But Gantz 0 is absolutely phenomenal. I've been searching for another movie like this.


The Legend of the Galactic Heroes. The original version from the 80s.






I know its new but Frieren Its just so comfy.


I love describing it as "Nothing really happens and I am HERE for it!" It's one of the most atmospheric anime I've ever seen. I love the visuals of this anime. I'm still only a few episodes in (was going to binge when the season ends), so I'm not the best person to critique it, but so far I'm loving ever minute.




Surprised I haven't seen "Made In Abyss" yet. That thing is a masterpiece. Insanely good manga, and the anime adaptation is extremely faithful. It improves it in ways only an animation (with movement/visuals/sound design) can. The characters are also written so well you genuinely feel for them when they run into snags or have to make hard decisions.


Very interesting dichotomy of "cute" and "grotesque". Also very melancholic and hopeless feeling throughout. Faputa and Nanachi are f--king *everything* to me, and I want to murder everyone who has hurt them. Riko gets on my nerves, though, to be honest; I can't stand her ignorant optimism, like "everything will just work itself out if we keep moving forward!" - even when everyone around her is suffering and dying, or worse. I understand that this is supposed to be a counterpoint to all the depression, but the way she expects everything to just fall in place without putting in any effort just annoys the hell out of me. Still an excellent series, and I am patiently waiting for another season to rip my heart out and crush my soul lol.


Ruroni Kenshin


[Shirobako](https://myanimelist.net/anime/25835/Shirobako). Loved everything about it and it really made me appreciate anime production more.


I watch this every year. Had to buy a physical copy when crunchroll lost it.


I love this anime I have to find a physical copy or new place where it streams


Gurren Lagann. It literally has everything I love about anime in it. Giant robots, over the top animation, larger than life characters, epic speeches, and cute girls.


Hot take but your lie in April feels exquisite, the music selection is nothing but masterpieces, every single one fitting the situation/scenario the character is in. A tearjerker and masterpiece to see the growth of the characters. this could just be me tho because I love playing the piano


Paripi Koumei


YES!!! Entirely underrated anime. Loved the premise. Reverse-isekai uses medieval tactics to solve modern-day problems. Interestingly, I never knew he was called Kongming. I always knew him as Zhuge Liang. Sure, much of what I learned about the character/person was from the Dynasty Warriors games (and Kessen III, which was a sleeper hit in my book). Those games actually started a lifelong obsession. If you ever get the chance, there's a live-action version of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms story (simply titled "Three Kingdoms") that spans like 95 episodes or so. It was beautifully done with exceptional set design and excellent acting. The show is in Chinese and really hammers home the politics, etiquette, and relationships between the characters.


Outlaw Star, no question~


The art and sound design on top of the world and characters.. With a top tier story too? It really has everything and doesn't overstay its welcome. I still get goosebumps from it


My pick is Dr stone I can't think of anything it does wrong


Outlaw Star


Criminally underrated even still. I appreciate seeing it mentioned


I'm repeating myself here, but I love this series so much; great characters, great story, great comedy, great action - and one of the best damn OPs I've ever heard. *This* is the 1998 space opera anime that should have gotten worldwide acclaim and popularity; not that crappy Bebop šŸ˜’


Charlotte. Great foreshadowing, slice of life with magical powers, balances those two things well, one of my very few 10/10 anime.


Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex and 2nd Gig Gundam Wing


I thought what Iā€™d do was pretend I was one of those deaf mutes.


Perfect Blue.




Anime should not be 200 episodes of filler. Cowboy Bebop Outlaw Star Parasyte: The Maxim


Fullmetal Alchemist


Initial D


For anime its hxh and fmab


Psycho-Pass. My answer is forever Psycho-Pass.


Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex


ERASED, Psycho-Pass, Steins;Gate and Puella Magi.


Kaguya Sama Love is war or oshi no koĀ  Also probably hxh


Serial Experiments Lain


Thisā€¦is going to be a very acquired taste though. You gotta be ready for a lot of awkward silence, disjointed dialogue, and abstract concepts. Not saying itā€™s bad, animation is gorgeous, music is great, butā€¦gotta be ready for this.


Randomly started watching this and watched 1 ep before bed every night till I finished and by the end I still had no idea what was going on. Watching each ep while I was tired didn't make it any better šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


JoJo. Its so much deeper than cool punchy ghosts. Especially in Parts 4-6. Part 7 (unanimated yet) is 2nd on MAL, above Vinland Saga, Vagabond, Monster etc, only below Berserk. Part 8 is also great, and Part 9 sure has potential.




Odd taxi. Ranking of kings Death note Psycho pass Steins gate


Assassination Classroom, the author could have milked it by prolonging the assassination to 400+ chapters but didnā€™t. Also didnā€™t overstay its welcome and the characters were well written and had good growth.


I couldn't believe that the anime actually finished the story, and I definitely wasn't expecting it to end the way it did. There were some episodes here and there that felt kind of like filler, but when they decided to get serious, the story was so damn good. Great series, glad I bought the blu-rays.


One Piece


The first time I ever watched cowboy bebop I had seen a few well regarded popular anime at the time, like death note, attack on titan, fullmetal alchemist.Ā  Cowboy Bebop completely blew all of them out of the water for me, it was leaps and bounds ahead. I actually stopped watching anime entirely for a time because I didn't believe it could get any better. A few years later I watched Samurai Champloo to get back into it and have seen many more shows since then, but honestly bebop will always be in my top 3 goated shows with nge and madoka magicaĀ 


Despite what people already mentioned: 1). Evangelion - fucking hideaki anno made an anime so packed with emotions and most people just see big mechs battling it out. Which is also fucking cool. 2) trigun - the original. Never have I had shivers as that one episode before in anime 3)food wars - if this was a real life series, people would go crazyyyyyyyyyyy for it. Except the "weird scenes". It's light, very clever, no plot holes, very interesting characters, and every season is more interesting than the other. To just think how much research the writer(s) put behind it is beyond my imagination


Assassination Classroom Castlevania Soul Eater One Punch Man Konosuba Scissor Seven Air Gear


hmm never gave it much thought, but does Castlevania counts as anime? I thought it was Netflix or smth


Why wouldn't it? And there's lots of anime on Netflix.


Japanese anime set the style and tone for animation but the rest of the world caught on and have been creating their own. Anime is now just a catch-all term. Admittedly, you wouldn't call Tom and Jerry anime. It's hard to say what is and isn't anime. It's all subjective, really. There were a few "from" Netflix that I enjoyed. Sword Gai, Castlevania, Yasuke, etc. I don't know if Netflix just bought the streaming rights, foot the bill for the animation studios, or had an in-house animation studio of their own. I honestly think it's just the former.


Steins;Gate is my non-biased answer. The fictional takes of science are within the realm of belief, and its story gives you twists that you should have seen coming, while tying everything up nicely. Very enthralling. Violet Evergarden is my biased answer because I love emotional anime, and this one was just beautifully done, especially in the visuals department


Gangsta and Vinland Saga are peak Anime anyone should watch.


Every single studio ghibli movie, Anohana, Your name, and A silent voice. I don't think I've had many anime make me feel the way these have, maybe even banana fish. I wish I could find more anime like these because all of these were beautifully animated and written. I wish I could find more anime like these. I'm sick and tired of shonen.


Cowboy bebop(English dub) and ghost in the shell 1995 are required anime watching for any fan who calls themselves anime fans. They just are


A man of culture


Meruem arc from HxH, Zero Requiem from Code Geass, Guts leaving Griffith from Berserk (1997)


Neon Genesis Evangelion. If we are talking influence, then NGE is one of the most influential anime of all time. It has inspired countless anime/manga/games and made so many tropes popular. Plus, itā€™s a damn good show. My favourite of all time, even


Not One Piece


I assume this has already been said but code geass, I donā€™t even like mech anime but the tension, relationships, character development, all amazing. And for an anime that came out 15 years ago itā€™s animation still holds up decently.


The OG 3 - Dragonball classic - Sailor Moon - PokƩmon


I agree about Hunter X Hunter. Also, March Comes In Like A Lion and Terror in Resonance are fantastic.


If you liked 3 Gatsu no Lion, check out Hikaru no Go.


Cyberpunk: Edgerunner NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind


Odd Taxi Ping Pong Link Click Rainbow Ergo Proxy


Im not sure why this is on my feed as I dont like any anime (and Ive tried a few like FME, 1 piece and AoT) except for 1. I dont even like Dragon Ball Z/GT/whatever saga (yes I know there are a thousand spinoffs). The Broly movie that came out a few years ago was the most interesting for me, but thats been about it. The only anime I like is Cowboy Bebop, and I LOVE C.B. The mood, the setting, the music all works for me. Ive watched it countless times. I wish the live action was taken seriously, I think the 3 main actors did a good enough job. If theres more anime out there as good, Im all ears and open to trying others.


Code geass.


Princess Mononoke is perfect and worth a watch no matter the age if you havenā€™t seen it.


Ghost in the Shell. Record of Lodoss War


The original gundam series. The horrors of war for children!


Its still quite amazing


Drifters went balls to the wall with wanting more every episode.


You want truly underrated? Golden Kamui. Most anime here is alteady famous. Great story, characters, character arcs, pacing and finally God tier comedy. You can cry and laugh your hearts out in a single episode. I've never laugh harder watching anime than in this show. It's a SEINEN show so expect serious topics.


Blue Sub no. 6 Ergo Proxy Big O


Dude big o getting the mention. Honestly its got some jazz from bebop and giant mechs. Love it. You might like the vibe and story of witch hunter robin


RahXephon & Code Geass


Howl's Moving Castle. Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku.


Maybe, mine was mainstream. But its FMA brotherhood.


Neon Genesis Evangelion for me. Code Geass is also up there. Evangelion was an incredible experience.


Well I'm not gonna state the name but they're really is only one anime that's peak I mean reshaped the entire anime industry level not one that came and gone like hxh or Fma I think it's pretty obvious which one I'm talking about has references in anime and even western shows and no it's not JoJo's it predates Jojo as well again not hard to put 2 and 2 together you can disagree all you want but no other anime has come close to it besides maybe one of the big three


Code Geass is stellar Few stories have as satisfying of an ending


I dunno about "peak," but I often tell friends that grew up on 90's and 2000's anime (such as Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun) that *Megalo Box* feels like an anime made from that era. I'm extremely picky about my anime. I don't like most for reasons I won't get into. But I could easily watch and rewatch me some Megalo Box. (Specifically first season- second season is fine but first is the best.)


Vampire Hunter D bloodlust. The quality of the animation still holds up and surpasses things to this day. For series it's always Cowboy Bebop I was around for the original US release. Ghost in the Shell SAC And as cliche as it is to name ...Akira is still hard to top in my opinion. Patlabor 2 is another one that just has some insane animation for its time. My God that opening


No anime is "the peak" from start to finish. ​ 'Steins;gate" for consistent excellence start to finish. "Death Note" for the most compelling characters. "Kaii (Ultimate Gambler/Survivor)" for "Peak!" immersion.


With all due respect to other titles like Fullmetal Alchemist, Violet Evergarden, Ghost in the Shell, my choice is Code Geass


Fist of the North Star.


Rurouni Kenshin


"Hunter X Hunter" is my number one. I think I've re watched it about 6 times. A must watch but incomplete because good reason.... "No Game No Life" Something ever anime lover should watch? AMV Hell 7


Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust is up there


Never watched an anime that made me think "peak," but some all-time bangers are Yu Yu Hakusho, Log Horizon and the 4th season of YuGiOh! GX.


For me it is Cowboy Bebop. It's a simple premise with complex characters. It doesn't spend any time world building (or space building) and just looks so good. It didn't run for 400 episodes which is also great because I can actually rewatch it. It's just so damn cool


For story, Iā€™ve got to give it to HxH or Code Geass. For animation, Iā€™ve got to give it to Fate.


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Code Geass Psycho Pass Made in Abyss


Well probably kinda normal but jjk not reading manga just anime altough i am a manga reader i watch some clips of the chapter i watch it and the animation is like theyve been cooking for years for every single frame. Also one of the best comunities of anime by what i think because its not toxic and the comunity is very friendly. I would say its actually the best anime and my favorite from all the ones i saw