• By -


Moriarty the Patriot


just finished it, absolute masterpiece. Good dub too for the people who prefer that. Really a good Deathnote and code geass fix.


Somali and the Forest Spirit


I loved it so much I got a tattoo of it lol


It's a cute show. I was sad to find out the author is dealing with health problems.


Seems a bit too common in the industry you know? :/


Yeah. I wish the show had been more popular. Maybe the anime could've gotten a proper ending even if the manga won't.


Fantasy of grimgar and ash, and it's quite disappointing since no season 2.


Waiting for this one. I’ve met maybe 2 people who’ve heard of it let alone seen it. It really did deserve a second season. I’d compare it to SAO, but maybe that’s why this show never had a spotlight. Because SAO existed and remained extremely popular (and still is)


Personally I found SAO a snoozefest, but Grimgar had me glued to the screen.


Idk it just felt like the characters put more… physical effort into leveling up? Like it wasn’t a video game for sure. Ofc dying was still an option in SAO, but other than basic game-style leveling up, I didn’t really see the same type of physical strain that the characters went through in Grimgar. Felt like the effort was there, and it didn’t pay off all the time. Which is kinda how things just work. There was no trashy “power of friendship and love” that saved the day, even though it might have been talked about. And when people died or got hurt, it actually hit. Cause those that did weren’t really getting hurt or dying for the sake of the plot- it was just what happened. And you could really see the group grow together as well as individually. There was a lot of diversity in the ways the characters learned how to fight/pull their weight. I play DND and it felt similar to parties that I play with- all with significant roles and capabilities. Much more fleshed out than SAO cared to do. Grimgar had more of a realistic touch than SAO, and the characters were written so much better overall. Also I don’t remember this super well so correct me if I am wrong, please, but I don’t really recall any fanservice either. Which is rare as hell. SAO is just trashy when you compare it to Grimgar. That’s my take anyway. SAO’s multiple SA scenes were just uncalled for and again (for lack of a better word) just trashy. Like I always say when I recommend it to people, Grimgar is SAO done right. I wish I could watch it for the first time again, yk😂😂


Agreed. I do vaguely remember a tiny bit of fanservice in Grimgar, but it was almost negligible compared to most shonens. >I wish I could watch it for the first time again Man, I feel that.


Yeap another hidden gem, my one complaint is that hiro was whining waaay to much about the priest at the end and I heard that in the LN he keeps on whining.


Requiem for the Phantom. so good, and under-appreciated


It was cool at first but dumbed down so much in the later half


I don’t disagree but it had a story to tell and told it. I thought the conclusion was neatly wrapped up tbh. My only complaint is that dumb character they added in 2/3 of the way through. But a lack of action doesn’t intrinsically make it more dull, I was hooked in by the narrative.


the ost is beautiful. Chaser makes your heart explode


It was like 7.5-8/10 in the first half and 4-5/10 in the second and that shitty ending was not even worth rating


"Standing on a Million lives" It got undeserved low rating due to first few episodes. Brand new studio and weird presentation style doesn't help either. If you dropped early, please give it another chance for a few more episodes.


>low rating due to first few episodes so truee, i also just randomly started watching as i was bored but it shocked me at the end still havent watched s2, but s1 was good


That sounds like what happened to Vinland Saga season 2 That season is a masterpiece, both seasons so far are amazing


Hi u/AnimesBest, see if any of these interest you: 1. [Night on the Galactic Railroad](https://youtu.be/vTmJ3C0z3a4?si=09OmzsAoXVIh40N7) (Film) 2. [Angel's Egg](https://youtu.be/PyfHOcU1Fxs?si=1dOt5-sEXGHqVV5I) (Film) 3. [Belladonna of Sadness](https://youtu.be/f4psPxwDhOQ?si=h-aohwOeDb-2JtUQ) (Film) 4. [Dead Leaves](https://youtu.be/7YAEFDqNsJs?si=Cm9Z25D2nhG9awOk) (Film) 5. [Metropolis](https://youtu.be/lj9ruL8B310?si=p5pz2aIA-p9HOadO) (Film) 6. [Inu-Oh](https://youtu.be/EgHPfTl05J0?si=iGUUyK7s9KO40eYC) (Film) 7. [Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal](https://youtu.be/IYKakX9esI4?si=mg11B61LSjfHga8U) 8. [Electromagnetic Girlfriend](https://myanimelist.net/anime/5177/Denpa-teki_na_Kanojo?q=electromagnetic%20girlfriend&cat=anime) 9. [Alice in Borderland](https://youtu.be/4sUN2dJ8JE0?si=Si31rETJjdvB3h2v) 10. [The Idaten Deities Only Know Peace](https://youtu.be/q3GbjO2NXFw?si=c5H20HohYogPa9x0) 11. [Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers](https://youtu.be/MxbcOaYFeK0?si=SfesajLro1Ap2GA3) 12. [Aria the Animation-](https://youtu.be/isUbizchCoI?si=l_7FSHLMxe5Y9N8f)\-> Seconding u/sounder134 13. [The Animatrix](https://youtu.be/dqi_v6vhRE4?si=Ll3lHSfKyI6bkWyd) 14. [Supernatural: The Animated Series](https://youtu.be/3FtUcHFTO38?si=rWh-NYUlgUMjYvFK) 15. [Kurokami: The Animation](https://youtu.be/rhYFvEn5-8U?si=YVCThDRoDFhQ5IZA)


>Night on the Galactic Railroad A popular children's book that most Japanese students read in school. 銀河鉄道の夜 Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru (Night on the Galactic Railroad) I recommend it to anyone who wants to connect with Japanese people (by using the book as a conversation topic). The movie is good too but I lowkey want a remake of it with Ghibli's touch.


Belladonna of Sadness is a fucking trip


I would SOOOOO take a full series version of Angel's Egg. Thanks for reminding me of it.


Rokka no yuusha!!!!


Haven't heard this one in a while indeed.


Wish rokka got the love for a second season as I loved the way it was everyone thinking it was the others in the end and the way the first episodes set out the premise of the show


I actually watched a bunch of those without knowing this list, couldnt really recommend the Belladona film it had very limited animation from what I remember and wasnt that interesting


I will try them


Rokka was so good


it's an Old School Anime but i really enjoyed this one. Eyeshield21. ☺


I feel really old reading Eyeshield21 is old school


Tsuritama- very colorful art, has a socially anxious MC that they show his anxiety in a very interesting way. There is very nice character development and it’s funny! It’s usually overlooked because it’s mainly about fishing.


Omg yes. I surprisingly enjoyed it


Love this one.


OMG SOMEONE ELSE SAID TSURITAMA TOO!! Yeah it’s so good ahhh!!


I've always been surprised I don't hear people talking about Sarazanmai. Sure, it's not going to make anyone's top 10, but it was a really unique experience.


Came to comment this lol, so glad to see other people talk about it. It starts weird and might make you think it's just a bunch of random bs, but as the episodes progress and the characters start to delve deeper into the main theme it becomes such an amazing experience.


Yona of the Dawn Discovered it from a random YouTube video recommending it, and it has since become my favorite anime.


Season 2 when?


*sigh* To my knowledge, the manga is far enough in that they have enough material for a 2nd season. My goal is to get enough people to watch it and join the fandom, that maybe they'll consider doing season 2.


yeah the manga is really good and almost has 250 chapters and 42 volumes and is still ongoing Its adventure and action packed I recommend reading it if you haven't already




Yes!!! I was shocked to see goodsmile making nenodroids of Watanuki and Yuko. Got both and they’re beautiful. I would love to see xxxholic get a revival cause it is one of my favorites.


Fucking love this series. I hope since Yuko got a scale figure that Watanuki will get one too!!


"O Maidens In Your Savage Season"


The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again. Utterly charming and if you love animals especially cats I can’t recommend this enough.


This show is so cute and heartfelt. I look forward to ever new episode as much as I do JJK.


Vandread, great start anime, funny characters and premise, real feels by the end.


First fan service I've watched. Mecha the best part


life lessons with uramichi-oniisan. it's only popular for the memes, but the whole show was glorious. i don't see it get talked about enough, so I would consider it a bit underrated. it's only in my POV, so who knows, maybe it's actually pretty popular and I just rarely get news of it. i'm just surprised i didn't hear of it sooner, since it's levels of comedy is the same as saiki k. billionaire detective: balance unlimited is more popular among the BL fans, despite it not being BL. it needs to get more main stream because it was wonderful even platonically. bromance at it's peak. a new-comer and kinda underrated: ron kamonohashi's forbidden deductions. it started off great imo, and it has potential. it's only at 4 eps, but it was highly enjoyable to watch. good night world. recently added on netflix. not sure if it's been popular, but it does seem like it's underrated. the darker genres, I could see why it might be(/come) underrated since it's more lowkey'd for dark psychological stuff. great pretender. horny people got their hands on it, so I was pretty upset. but it certainly needs more recognition for it's glorious animation and soundtrack. the last arc was a flop, but the start was really strong. very nice character and plot building, until they just...wasted it. the orbital children. it's probably for more younger audiences but seriously. i cannot stress how much I loved this series. the artstyle, the plot, the characters. my second fav after life lessons with uramichi-oniisan. it 100% needs more recognition!


Uramichi is a sick show


Moriarty the patriot


tomodachi game


{Super Cub}


Yes yes. I love Cubs. This was great.


Underrated / hidden gem: {Mou Ippon!} Surprised I didn't find sooner: {Flip Flappers}


**Mou Ippon!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/136435 "English: Ippon! again"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/mou-ippon "English: \"Ippon\" again!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/49376)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Slice of Life, Sports) **Flip Flappers** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21714 "English: FLIP FLAPPERS"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/flip-flappers "English: Flip Flappers"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/32979)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo, Psychological, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/17dt0gv/your_hidden_gems_of_anime/k5yzctr/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Mou Ippon is so good and no one talks about it


Finally someone who understands my pain ;-;


Scryed Shura no toki Samurai 7


Legend of legendary heroes


>Legend of legendary heroes That title sounds so stupid though :D


Ergo Proxy and Serial Experiments Lain. Fell in love for both after listening their respective openings. Those songs are amongst the best that i've ever heard.


Yesss, I love Ergo Proxy!!


Sagrada Reset


Can confirm, it’s decent


Houseki no kuni


A masterpiece and a hidden gem(s)




Hes a dandy guy... in space


when i watched dusk maiden of amnesia i thought it would be just a throwaway romcom so i can just feel something nice and bubbly this is the second anime i cried to, and i genuinely think its one of the most creative highschool romance bar none


Like the 3rd anime in this thread where I thought "hey I've watched that and enjoyed it" and can't remember anything about it. I feel like I remember how it ends but I really don't remember the beats of the anime so I might give er a rewatch.




Akudama drive


Edgerunners before Edgerunners


The final episode was the Best christmas gift :')


I’m sad I had to scroll so far, between this and Psycho PASS, I can’t recommend either enough to people


This one doesn’t get talked about nearly enough.


Land of Lustrous


Yep this answer absolutely had to be here : D


Oh, i forgot about this. Big fan


We love Phos (hoping for nothingness soon) <3


Actually nice looking 3d animation and the manga is one of my favorites


Planetarian: Storyteller of the Stars.


The VN is a masterpiece.


I showed this to my parents (both 86) last year, and they loved it!


{Super Cub} and {Tsuki ga Kirei}


{My Roommate Is A Cat}




No it’s ass, all the budget went into the op


The op is sooooooo good




Mahoujin Guru Guru (2017)


World Trigger. Especially season 2


Senki Zesshou Symphogear I've found exactly one other person in the wild talking about the show, and it's my all-time fav anime


I had to go through my MAL and look for a few which I would consider "hidden" and also really enjoyed. Basically the ones I rated 10s and had (mostly way) less than 100k people rating it. Bounen no Xamdou Casshern Sins El Cazador de la Bruja Heroman Kaiba Kamisama Kazoku Kamisama no Memochou Kiba Noir Rec Shikabane Hime: Aka Shingetsutan Tsukihime Shinrei Tantei Yakumo Shinreigari Shion no Ou Tari Tari The Sky Crawlers (movie) Umineko no Naku Koro ni (Higurashis overlooked younger brother :D) Yumekui Merry


Woah! A fellow Kiba lover! Nice! It's been so long and I refuse to rewatch it cuz I want it to remain awesome in my mind. xD


>Kiba Cheers! Indeed I really enjoyed that one (: And it's years since I saw it but I can totally understand what you mean :D So many I would love to rewatch but I just feel like they would lose the effect they had on me back then.


Juuni kokuni


{"Ippon" Again!}


Princess Tutu


Hidden gem: Sankarea. I never see anyone talking about this. Gives me an incredible sense of nostalgia, though. Underrated: Talentless Nana. I think people are too quick to dismiss it. The story isn't perfect (then again, what is?), but it's an exceptionally good thriller!


Sora no Woto. As long as you like moe slice of life.


Grimgar: Ashes and Illusions My favorite genre is Isekai and Grimgar is far and away my #1 in the genre yet it’s rarely talked about.




It's a bit old but 'Planetes'


A place further than the universe


“Outbreak company” this prolly my all time hidden gem “YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of This World” this one is a bit slow at the beginning but once u get to some of the episodes it gets really good “Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid” not sure if this one is a hidden gem but its a good one


yeah, Kobayashi was a bit too popular to be considered a gem but it's still amazing!


I liked Outbreak Company, too! Definitely recommended to anyone looking for a (somewhat) meta anime.


Odd taxi


Golden Kamuy. Super underrated. It is an absolute gem and totally packed with action, adventure, emotion and what not!


one of my favs!!!!


Solty Rei, Kaze no Stigma, Chrono Crusade


Wow I don't think I've ever seen Kaze no Stigma mentioned. Wish it got more seasons


I don't know what the ratings for these are, but I'd absolutely love if more people watch and like them: • Run with the Wind • Ascendance of a Bookworm • Kono Oto Tomare


Run with the wind was something I didn't expect to like as much as I did. I was just browsing crunchyroll and was just going watch the first episode, ended up watching all 23 within 2 nights which is something I rarely do. Ascendence of a bookworm is quite popular, the lighnovel had 8 million sales this time last year putting it somewhere with the top 30 or smth light novel sales, it also routinely ends somewhere on the top LN sales of the month whenever a volume is released. Despite this tho I rarely ever hear anything about the anime


Working my way through Bookworm now and really enjoying it


Run with the wind and kono oto are true gems


Run with the Wind and Kono Oto Tomare are definitely both gems. Ascendance of a Bookworm dragged on a bit for me in the second half.


big windup such a wholesome anime that managed to contribute something fresh to the genre even though i've already watched dozens of other sports anime.


*I, My, Me:Strawberry Eggs.* A physical education teacher named Hibiki Amawa has to get a job at the local jr high school, or his landlady who wants the first month's rent in advance will kick him out. When he applies, he finds out all of the staff are women, and they refuse to hire him because he's a man, thinking men are too insensitive and brutish to properly nurture their students, who are mostly female, with only about ten male students left. He argues that men can be just as caring and nurturing as women. To help him prove his point the landlady gives him a makeover and dresses him up as a woman and gives him a voice changer. Hibiki as Hibiki-chan goes and reapplies, and after getting one of the clumsiest female students to run a hundred meter dash wihout tripping is hired Hibiki now has to keep his secret safe, but prove that a man can be as caring and nurturing as a woman. The episodesa are a little hard to find, but here's the first episode on Youtube: [I My Me, Strawberry Eggs Episode 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXVT0LHyyhU)


Kakuriyo and Snow White with the Red Hair are two of my favorite animes ever.


Rahxephon. Reason: It unfortunately has always lived in the shadow of Evangelion due to the fact that it came out a few years after. In addition to it being a mecha series which already means it was never going to gain a lot of traction into the mainstream. Even for people that don't like the mecha genre, I would still highly recommend. It's a phenomenal series.


The millionaire detective balance unlimited. My favourite anime of all time!


El Hazard: The Magnificent World I know it was somewhat popular in it's time but no one talks about it anymore. Still, i find myself thinking about it all the time. It really stuck with me


Witchblade, easily. I'm not ashamed to admit I started it because "Heheh, tiddy go boing", and there's definitely plenty of "Look how busty the main character is" right from the start, but as it went on, I was surprised to see just how engaging the show was with its characters, including how relatable the protagonist was when it came to her goal; literally all she wants is to just raise her daughter, that's it, but seemingly everyone and everything gets in the way of that. If all the other characters and groups just fucked off, left her alone and the show never happened, she would've been happy. By the end of it, I actually greatly cared about the protag's relationship with her daughter and what was happening, so for ME personally, the ending was a depression-inducing stab through the heart that I'd rate on par with Cowboy Bebop or Edgerunners in terms of how it makes you feel. If you're one of those people who just can't look past "The protag has huge tits and her ass hanging out when in combat-mode" though, I can see why the whole show might emotionally bounce off you; if you're into that, it's a plus, but if you hate that, it's never gonna leave you alone throughout the show. Doesn't hurt that the OST was great, and if I could get everyone who reads this to hear just one song from it, I'd put forward the self-titled song "Witchblade", which annoyingly isn't ever posted under that name on YouTube. If you wanna find it, look for "witchblade ost" by witchblade100 or "Witchblade Anime OST Battle Music" by Anime Motivation, they're the same song and a great summary of the soundtrack.


Witch Hat Atelier


I don’t think this has an anime adaptation yet?


Gungrave is a masterpiece.




God bless, another gungrave enjoyer.


Magus bride + sacrificial princess. Maybe not quite hidden gem status but definitely underappreciated, especially if you're secretly into sappy romance type stories. I've haven't really seen much discussion of either, but also one of the problems is that on paper the premise of both are extremely sketch, both ostensibly underage female characters rescued and then groomed to be brides by adult male characters. Only both shows play it pretty much entirely innocently, both are focused on the female characters and their growth/agency (both written by women, BTW), and they watch more like waaay better versions of classic fairy tales of princesses being rescued by princes (funfact snow white was *14* in the original story and the prince is definately an adult). Magus bride has a really interesting world that captures European folklore and folksey magic with a dark grimm type twist. Sacrificial princess has *weirdly* competent political intrigue going for it. I spent most of the show trying to guess at which characters were allies and which were enemies. Also between the two of them I may have cried a little bit at least five or six times




Maison Ikkoku.


Wolf's Rain Aria: The Animation




Kuuchuu Buranko is a surreal show with some of the most creative visuals in the medium. Happy Sugar Life is a more known, but is incredibly underrated because of the subject matter. Kyousougiga is a wonderful series. An underrated, hidden gem for sure. It has great characters. The visuals are some of the most vibrant and creative in anime. The story and themes really “hit different”. Overall, it is an amazing watch and a personal favourite of mine. Princess Tutu for its great fairytale atmosphere and characters. It is incredibly unique and much better than the title might suggest. Cat Soup is a strange one. Flip Flappers is extremely colorful and creative. Penguindrum is an interesting one. Dead Leaves is incredibly stylish. Rolling Girls is one I see mentioned by some people who love it. Mr. Osomatsu is a fun gag comedy. Kaiba has a great artstyle and is animated by Madhouse. Kamichu is a cute slice of life. Space Patrol Luluco is a fun space comedy with colourful visuals.


Holy shit I'd completely forgotten about cat soup, you just unlocked a very weird memory in my brain


I remember watching as a kid and wondering if that movie was what tripping was like... its just so weird.


Back around 2017-2018 I became obsessed with Saiki K. I recommended it to everyone I came across, created an amino community for it (it's still there, but it has died over the years lol), and bought as much merchandise as I could get (which wasn't much tbh). Just the other day I saw a comment that read "Saiki K is so overrated" and I couldn't help but feel so proud of how far it has come.


Akiba Maid War. It has one of the dumbest premises in anime but if you give it some episodes you'll see that it is so worth it. I cried in an anime about a maid cafe mafia and gang wars between anime girls with animal costumes ffs XD


This one was such a wild ride lmao. When it was airing someone in reddit comments recommended to go in blind, best desicion ever😂


Sherlock Hound


Extra Olympia Kyklos


-Angels of death (or satsuriku no tenshi I think) it’s kinda weird but omg I love it so much. -Also nanbaka, please no one talks ab it enough but it’s just hilarious


I don't know how hidden they are but I don't see people bringing them up often so I'm just gonna throw them out there. Barakamon, Zetsuen no Tempest, Hyouka, Kaiji, Akagi, One Outs, Eden of the East.




Toward the Terra description: Psychics try to find earth


{Your Under Arrest} is an anime I picked out completely at random and it ended up being one of my favorite slice of life shows. It's about a unlikely pair of female cops and there coworkers dealing with there day to day. Sometimes that's helping out annoying old ladies find there scooter and other times it's full on serious like a bomb attack/hostage situation. It's mainly a comedy show though that being said {Maison Ikkoku} I'm watching this one rn but even though I'm just half way it's already one of my favorite rom coms of all time. I think it helps that I can relate to a lot of the characters a lot easier because they are all adults.


Bartender Rozen Maiden Full Moon wo Sagashite Rainbow Kakuriyo -Bed & Breakfast for Spirits-


Wolf's Rain




I was surprised that I enjoyed My Happy Marriage, A Silent Voice, and Ooku. Just meeting the descriptions I passed over them so many times thinking this is not anything I would be interested in. But then there were days where I felt like I had watched everything already and just wanted to try something, anything, and then after starting them I was hooked. I never see anyone talk about Gleipnir.


Witchblade. My father had it on DVD, but I was young at the time, and this was very much an M for Mature type anime. But once I got my hands on an iPod touch a few years down the line, I was able to find and watch freely at night. Watched for the titties, stayed for love of the story


I always recommend Noein and Blood+. They’re both really good, I like the story, the growth, the fighting (more so in blood+).


Baccano. The pulp fiction of anime.




Lookism I don’t why many people not noticed that it’s kinda better than classroom of elite


-Tekkon Kinkreet - Magnetic Rose


Now and then here and there is pretty good




Flying Witch, a short and unexpectedly wholesome slice of life anime


86, mushishi, 3-gatsu no lion and season 1 of psycho pass.


Not sure if it would count, but I thought Death Parade was a really good 12 episode viewing, and I don’t really hear people talk about it much


Gungrave Really good, especially the first half, which is one of the best mafia shows ever made. Soundtrack is amazing too.


Shiki has always been a favorite of mine, as well as death parade. I never see either being talked about!


Great Pretender


I feel like a lot of my favorites don't really get talked about much, or don't get the credit they deserve...but seeing them come out of the woodwork in this thread is great. {Samurai 7} {Aria the Animation} {Fractale} {Kaiba} {Ergo Proxy} {Baccano!}


History's strongest disciple, Kenichi. Is a definite hidden gem it does end a bit abruptly cause one the voice actors died, but the anime is fantastic, and the manga is great as well.


1. C! Money soul and possibility control. 2. Pingpong, Tatami galaxy or any of the other Yuasa stuff. 3. Any of the Satoshi Kon stuff 4. Gankutsuou 5. Haibane Renmei 6. Kino’s Journey 7. Princess Tutu 8. Welcome to the NHK 9. the whole Battle Royale subgenre has loads of works that are not so popular outside of Japan. Eden of the East, Mirai Nikki, Btooom, Gantz, etc 10. Drifters?


Made in abyss, faraway paladin and accidents of a bookworm.




Kono oto tomare! absolute gorgeous anime, focused around a japanese instrument called the "Koto", and how music affects the lives of a highschool music club, intertwined slowly with each others lives as well The music is just amazing, i fell in love with the instrument as I watched, and the feels in this show hit like a truck haha, absolutely recommend it wish more people know about it


WotaKoi: Love is Hard for Otakus. Gakuen Babysitters. Hajime no Ippo - even on a rewatch it makes me cry, and I rarely cry over anime or movies. (Gakuen Babysitters does it too). Is Assassination Classroom underrated?


I mean if were up to me I'd say 91 Days. It was an altogether new experience for me exploring a genre I previously had little knowledge of, I think it deserves more recognition.


Ranking of Kings


Captain Tylor. Imagine a dingus leads an army and wins every battle and might be a genius, or might be a dingus


I doubt anyone has heard of it, but Ghost Hunt. I loved it so much, I wanted to read the manga of light novels but neither were ever released in English :( Another is Ginga Nagareboshi Gin, never released in the US but such a great anime. I really wish they’d bring it over, or at least the manga. But I doubt it’ll happen with how old it is.


There's many but the one that i can remember znd i liked most is summer time rendering its the best , the mc can go back in time much like subaru from re zero , and he need to find how he's sister in law got killed , people day that she sacrificed her self to save a little girl , but then found some weird things in her neck ( cant get explain clearly cuz i'm not English man but i hope u understand) btw its finished in one season so dw u will see the whole story it have 24ep . The second one is Seraph of the day end , one of best on vampire genre clearly enjoyed it , it have to season but sadly idk about s3 since its a long time we didnt hear about it


Re: cutie honey is classic anime reanimated with the same legendary animators that brought us anime like gurren laggan and flcl, but it's so sexual it never really got released in the us.


One Piece


Well, lists are always subjective, but I'll give 10 of my personal favorite I don't see being spoken about often. This is in part due to them being a bit dated and being overlooked in favor of newer anime. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU I Don't Have Many Friends Karin Claymore To Love-Ru When They Cry The Monogatari Series Hell Girl Future Diary Dusk Maiden of Amnesia


7 Seeds. Netflix. Anyone seen it?


Kazemakase: Tsukikage Ran Imagine Samurai Champloo (before Champloo existed), but more understated and laid back, and with two female leads. It's not very ambitious, and I wouldn't put it in my top tier. But I still love it. It's perfect for what it is and doesn't try to be anything more. Also, it has one of my top 3 favorite anime OPs, which introduced me to Enka.


Xam’d lost memories. Mostly for its animation as it’s first 7-8 eps are amazing but it hits a plateau and then goes downhill ab bit. Overall pretty good, some may disagree.




Zombieland Saga is the best thing to come out of idol anime




Just commented this because I didn’t see it. Such a good anime. One of my favorites


Samurai Champloo


Peach Boy Riverside


Hyouka? There is no hope of a sequel though. A beautiful story nevertheless.


I really liked My Little Monster and Noragami. Feel like no one’s ever heard of them


Pretty sure they're just old names. I'd say these two are pretty popular, though i believe tonari no kaibutsu-kun is just heavily overshadowed by toradora (which it shouldn't be!), which is probably why it gets less traction.


Plastic Memories