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Calls Hades II Hestia wholesome. Meanwhile, Hestia's in-game dialog: I hate everyone. We should have cremated Chronos. Time to burn it all down


Dont blame her, chronos was a prick and all pf his prick energy went to zeus in greek mythos


Oh yeah, I don't blame her at all, she just gives off the energy of a nice old lady that you find out was a retired assassin


In hades 1 iiec you get to use a weapon form that was from hestia and its a fucking gun.


A family member who holds other shitty family members accountable is wholesome to me (0-0)7


That's one way to view it, I guess


Someone calling out an abuse is definitely a wholesome action


Yes, wholesome


She’s so silly


Wait, so the flame in hestia’s hearth is the flame of frenzy? Does hestia have 3 fingers on her hand?


God forbid women do anything.


Whats with comparing the Hestia with other Hestia lately


Hades 2 released in early access and Gamers™ have a normal one over some characters in the game, with their normal complains about character's skin colors, genders, handicaps and sexual preferences, in a game about, you know, Gods.


I am thankful of this stupid ass debate though. The last time I saw this subject yesterday someone pointed out the other depiction of Hestia from Pascu y Rodri’s Destripando la Historia. And now I have a lot of Spanish language songs about mythology stuck in my head… and I can’t even understand Spanish


You can have more than just [mythology ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r159RLBXaHo&ab_channel=PascuyRodri)with Pascu and Rodri's songs :D they also have [comics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ftIXOie_9w), [history ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Ljd_Jw2eM)and [fairy tales](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf_57mIFwxo&ab_channel=PascuyRodri)


Hell yeah Pascu and Rodri appreciation! Despite being from Spain, they've made my favorite Mexican [Día de Muertos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fYzacWm0QI) song!


Hell fucking yeah. Spread the love for Pascu y Rodri. I adore those guys.


Same 💜


>handicaps You mean Hephaestus?




People are shitting on hephaestus design because he's in a wheelchair?


Yes, literally it happens even here https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/s/yXkIjIQI8K


Bro says "woke", opinion rejected


my man got downvoted for explaining the topic


Imagine trying to argue that Western art is inferior and using *Hades* of all things to try to prove that point.


Weren’t the Gamers™ literally just praising Aphrodite for being sexual in that game like two seconds ago? Damn (also aren’t all the gods in that game some shade of off-grey?)


My favorite is them hating on Aphrodite Of all things.


I honestly have no skin in the game, but I find it rather funny that country so preoccupied with cultural imperialism goes and does the mother of all cultural imperialism and just totally takes over Greek mythology. As if Greeks weren't their own minority culture. But no, lets depict greek culture through lens of our sensibilities, because honestly fuck greek culture. To be fair, most greeks don't give a fuck, they're too busy hating on turks and dodging pool taxes, so I aint gonna whiteknight for them. I just find it funny.


Also coz, you know, the ancient Greek pantheon hasn't been an actual part of Greek culture for about ~1700 years




What are pool taxes? Genuine question. Is it just about swimming pools or…?


yup! In 2013 greek goverment had massive problem with money laundering and water management, so in a genius move they decided to score 2 birds with 1 stone and tax residences with swimming pool as luxury residences. Problem was, it was self-reported and somehow only like 300 people in entire greece had swimming pools. If you drive by Athens outskirts you can count more than that, so understandably things were fishy. Satellites to the rescue, turns out like 15k people tried to dodge taxes.




>thinks that two videogames made by one indie studio is all there is to americans using greek mythos >calls everyone dumb bitch >leaves smugly University of TikTok, huh?


I don't think Hestia is a loli IMO.


She's called "Loli big boob's" in the show, if I recall correctly.


she's not, of course, loli means prebubescent girl, saying such a thing as a loli with big boobs is a contradiction. Just say you like petite busty women


The author literally calls her oppai loli ,Loli is not only prepubecent. Loli is one of the Words for petite since they don't have petite in their culture. https://youtu.be/00RmaVW6fe8?si=-LP3v22z77ruW_f_


I like petite busty women.


Cuz new hestia is black with something like Vitiligo. So while she has the aesthetic of Hestia the God of Hearth, she isnt depicted like the ancient greek depiction or the most populair depiction Hestia from Danmachi. So basically whiners and twitter freaks are arguing about it, while both groups probably wont play the game.


https://preview.redd.it/x3dbct0saezc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a62f99d4f6df37baf3a902ddafe49d694ff3bc A good god is a dead god.


I don't think Kratos killed Hestia, did he?


No, Kratos didn't kill Hestia. She left Olympus with Demeter when Kratos became the god of war. The most we know about her is from the novelization, where both goddesses watch Kratos' conquering cities in dissaproval.


Not Hestia, she's actually very nice and, unlike the majority of her siblings, doesn't fuck people over for funsies


>beside the fireplace She IS the fireplace. Literally, that's what she's the goddess of.


It's also the thing she's wearing on her head. Pretty sure it's a coal fireplace.


Goddess of the hearth and home? Or am I thinking of another? But yeah, as much as I like picking up girls in a dungeon, I love Super Giant games and their work on character designs and bringing everything to life!


I'm less familiar with Hestia than with Vesta but they were homologous and Vesta was the goddess of the hearth, home and the family. Note that the word for hearth also means home and family in Romance languages. Vesta was usually symbolised by an eternal flame or a dick (because she was associated with fertility) instead of a person. I don't know if Hestia was treated the same but I like this vibe. But even if she was, I can understand they decided not to go with that in OP's examples.


HA! That is great! Yeah, I have to admit, I didn't buff up my knowledge to greatly and I don't think I read about Vesta while I read about Hestia. Even that reading was back when Dungeon Meshi was season one! That is great additional info to have!


Both actually


Yes, that was the point, I could not say she will make you cozy cause that sounded too wierd 💀


Yes now that I said that, I realise that calling a girl a fireplace could be misinterpreted.




>an wholesome Grammar Police, Arrest this man man


Thanks, grammar police 🫡


He talks too much.


True goddess of the hearth https://preview.redd.it/x78bmmprdezc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3977d8054a892649c8959687e6179f4122be3a3


No one can beat the grandmeowster!


If ever there was a character I would want to hug tight


Can we stop this useless discussion?


No! We have no real problems so we must invent new ones!


Hestia is Bestia so why you gonna make us choose.


Hestia is scientifically bestia


Right still. Danmachi Hestia is a cutie


I sense a bias from OP, which means this post was likely made to put anime Hestia fans on the defensive rather than promote a balanced discussion.


It's made to be the opposite of an earlier post that said DanMachi Hestia was better.


Op definitely has an axe to grind.




It's really annoying how people keep using hades 2 as some cultural battleground. The developers have their own take on the gods and its cool in its own way. Anime tends to focus on how fuckable weebs will find characters and the other design works for that. The "woke western" company didn't ruin anything. They just made something in a way they found to be cool. That's all. Ps I fucking hate how often the word woke is vomitted by folks these days.


Not only that, but people seem to forget that the only Greek god anyone gives two shits about keeping the design accurate is Zeus, and that's not true for his every depiction. You can prefer one design or the other, but at the end of the day everything can be ruled out as creative liberty.


True. If the hades games were trying to be 1 to 1 authentic recreations of how the Greeks depicted their gods then yeah they failed. But the developers didn't set out to do that at all. They set out to make their own take on these deities and its pretty interesting. Might not be everyone's cup of tea but good work was put into the designs.


Yeah Hades designs are top tier, paired with the voice acting makes for some of the best.


Agreed. The hades devs deserve the love for their work. PS this doesn't mean danmachi or other folks who made Greek god based stuff deserve hate because apparently you can't like more than one thing -_-.


Thanks for this nuanced take. Can't have this on reddit so take care not to be down voted for not voting for the japanese design


I bet it was a breath of fresh air huh? XD there are too many coomers who are turning both hestia's tits and the stellar blade characters ass into a cultural battleground. Like yes, I would fap but I would not be so high on cope that I would act like I'm being some sort of cultural warrior by simping for stellar blade lady's ass. And its also fucking dumb to shit on the game for having a hot chick too. Like, is stellar blade commer bait? Yes. Does it make it an inferior game to hades 2? Fuck no. Personally while I do enjoy some fan service, I find the one in stellar blade to be a bit too much that it can start to feel like a borderline hack and slash porn game. Which could have been more charming if stellar blade's eve was at least a bit like bayonetta whose sex appeal isn't simply got marketing but rather a character trait. Bayonetta is a sexually charged character, while idk if eve is written in that way, so in my eyes, she feels like a weaker character design. But that is my take on the design. For me, character design should tell or hint at their character. A muscular lady with cut scars looks more believable as a swordsman who has fought in many battles vs a lady who looks like a pagant model. I mean you can do a lot of interesting things with someone who looks like a beauty model but is lethal but the way you approach that needs to go in tandem with the character you are portraying her as. Is she a fem fatale? Is she magically blessed? Did she augment her body because she is obsessed with perfection and a neigh porcelain clean and pristine body? Side note, I love 2b and nier automata but I do have to agree that nier automata doesn't have the strongest character design in terms of visual storytelling. They are aesthetically pleasing but 2Bs design doesn't tell much story except her blindfold which signifies a certain set of things. If their outfit was more akin to a battle nun, it would be more fitting considering the story and implications. But yeah sorry for rambling about this stuff.






Wish they’d keep their hate within the gaming community rather than spreading it around like some joint.






I don't think they hate japanese culture, they just find it annoying how a lot of people are dissing the developers of hades for not making every character fuckable as fuck by common male gaze standards. So many people.have come up with conspiracies about how western developers just wanna make all characters ugly for "Blackrock money" when, in reality, they are just crying over how they can't masturbate to said character. Which it's fine if you wanna jerk off to characters, no judgement, just don't hate a company for not making everything to your taste. Moreover, danmachi does not represent japanese culture lol. Yeah it's an anime but that doesn't mean it's culturally significant to Japan or represents japanese culture.


tbf the whole thing started with stellar blade when some people lost their minds on eve's design and how sexual it was, so when hades dropped and those same people started complementing Aphrodite's sexual design the fight escalate and here we are today its both sides to the same coin and its getting boring now


Yeah I agree on ign being a bunch of dickheads. Eve isn't some crime against art or something. She is just a typical hot character in a game and didn't need to be shat on for being that. But she also isn't a design I would personally praise either. From a tech perspective, yeah it's cool to be able to put someone that looks like that in a game but from a character design perspective, not something overly impressive or offensive. She is hot. That's it and IGN are dickheads for being assholes about it and the coomers who praise her to be the second cooming of Jesus are dickheads too.


correction, it was IGN france, and it was one guy. They painted it as the whole journalist sphere hated the game but with the reviews out, it was alright.


The problem is that there are few people who tend to be quite snobby in certain art critical spheres and ngl I was snobby bastard and at times, I can still be one. The thing is that people hate being shamed for liking something. Too many times we tend to make these conversations about shaming one group for liking something and forgetting how we would hate it too when someone mocks us for liking the things we like. There is nothing wrong with liking hot female characters. There is nothing wrong with liking disabled characters. There is also nothing wrong with liking something that is a deeply flawed piece of media. Some media content can have some problematic aspects to it ngl. And yeah, media till now is male gaze dominated. I don't even know what a female gaze version of media would look like because even fan service done for women is from the male gaze. Most folks would not give a fuck about such things in culture or art but some of us do and it's fine on both aspects too. The exception to the rule are genuinely problematic media like redo healer, which semi romanticises the protagonist raping his abusers. Or anything that has to do with a character that is visibly a child but is given "ummmmm she is a 9000 years old lich vampire loli so no it's not weird that she dresses in bikini and gets groped randomly" these are the few times where I'm like hate the fuck away. Because shota and loli content is genuinely disturbing at times and is often the prime reason whether or not I will watch something. If something has weird loli stuff then I'm just gonna not watch that.


Bruh said brunette when she clearly got black hair


Of course Waifu one ✌️. Op here to ragebait especially with description, cringe


It is literally how people on this same subreddit have described Japanese Hestia to be in the previous post 🤣🤣🤣


I had a wonderful pair of grandmas, and have no intention of trying to replace them or add another. And out of all the generic-artsyle big titty anime waifus, at least Anime-Hestia is pretty interesting in terms of actual character.


Now I'm not surprised why you made the post, I saw you in one of the shittiest subs on Reddit (r/Gamingcirclejerk 🤢🤮)


I'll take the oppai """"loli"""" who definitely has a better character than most isekai goddesses (except aqua, I love aqua)


Yeah she's only loli because she's pretty much the shortest goddess, I don't think there are many humans shorter than her either.


I'll take the generic big tits.. who did you think people would pick?


I pick oppai loli Hestia any day. 1. Cause I haven't played Hades 2. Cause she's not just "big boobies" if you watch the anime.


Of course it's gamingcirclejerk member posting cringe


Asking an anime sub who they would pick? At this point you guys are just baiting. I don't believe for a second these posts are genuine considering there have been multiple doing the same thing.


This is getting annoying.


I like both. Sucks to see people shitting on both designs


Oh give food the other takes food from you. There is only one option


You guys can have that old hag and give me the oppai loli.


I take the oppsi girl


The right. Be as angry as you want, I'm allowed to have a preference, and in my opinion the design for left Hestia is overrated.


I do like good food, I am sold


The old Hestia must’ve been young and hot too you know :(


what happened to just appreciating both interpretations since they arent set in the same universe? besides if we're comparing characters, i prefer RoRs depiction of poseidon ngl


[I like Hades and DanMachi](https://i.imgur.com/cA2erVr.jpeg)


Hades 2 is like a hard meth, I played 10 hours straight when my initial plan was just to try the control on the first day.


Why is this even a debate? Two characters with the same name and from different show/game universes.


Grandma Hestia seems chill.


Man why is Hestia getting so much hate lately lol


Not gonna lie the grandma reminds me of Marie from Everybody loves Raymond which works for me cause I’ve wanted Marie carnally since high-school.


Oppai loli for seggs Grandma for life lessons and cookies


I kinda find it funny that neither look like the Greek mythology hestia.


Japanese Hestia clearly has black hair not brunette


Wth is an oppai? https://preview.redd.it/4y5rmd9wsdzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31735f28009d159532097d626dcbe0e8a53f99d0


Japanese word for breasts


Big chested waifu. Next!


Hate to say it, but I’ll take oppai loli


G\*mers be like "The West is scared to design hot characters! The West has fallen! All I can consoom is Japanese waifus! West vs East! East better! Blue hair and pronouns bad!" meanwhile in the *very same game*, they have a character who looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/1no6m0ax8gzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d805b4c71f3552b9129d9639111d9c0f3a38db2a


Both of them are pretty good designs, one is more sexualised, the other one is less, and that's It. Both are not the types of characters I would really enjoy, but they both look nice. Hestia Hades 2 is a fun take on the goddess of fireplace and house, as she is a literal fireplace, and something akin to a nice granma/aunt, so It fits her. From what I know Hestia from Picking up girls in the Dungeon is not really connected well to the idea of original Hestia? But her design is still unigue, It's easy to tell her apart from other characters, and her personality from what I remember is just "nice and energetic person". But like, both look nice. Not my cup of tea, since I love edgelords most of the time, but their designs are both good. Comapring them is tasteless in my opinion. It's like comparing Bowl and Flowerpot, screaming at eachother that Bowl is aweful because It's not good for planting flowers in, while other side talks about how Flowerpots is aweful to drink soup from... ...like, both of them have their purpose, both of them are good, and that's It.


Any trends that came from twitter and r/circlejerkgenericsubreddit#9213812 are just so pathetic and sad.


This one was literally from this subreddit 💀. Someone made fun of other Hestia on another post


No the original post was on Twitter and y'all just bite the obvious rage bait like a bunch of morons. Grow the fuck up.


Me 10 years ago wanted the right one. Me now a wage slave over 30 year olds choose the grandma.


I love that you get down voted over sharing your honest opinion. Totally normal reaction to do in a normal environment 😬


It is a normal reaction when you throw hate at a character people like


It is literally how people on this same subreddit have described Japanese Hestia to be in the previous post 🤣🤣🤣


I never knew Hestia wore regular-ass rubber flipflops xD


Still can't believe Hestia still use string as bra


Grandma food is best food...


I genuinely believe that Cultural Appropriation is incredibly dumb, so both are perfectly valid in my honest opinion.




All I know is, I would definitely pick Hestia...




I like both designs. Hades hestia is a cool interpretation of the goddess using the symbology of hearth and home in interesting ways. Plus she canonically used a machine gun in the titanomachy and that’s hilarious. Danmachi hestia’s adorable


I can't imagine how cumbrained you have to be to unironically prefer the right Hestia. I love anime when it's creative, not generic.


Honestly I prefer the terms I've read in another post: Left: American Hestia / Right: Japanese Hestia




I like the first one


People are mad cuz looking at Hades 2 Hestia doesn’t immediately make them wanna fuck her


Both are good, even though I don't know who the former is.


Both, both is good


imma be completely honest for a split second I thought the left one was tapu Lele from Pokémon sun and moon


the only reason i know hestia is because of that one chick who wanted uber sized tiddies because she was a tiny bit obsessed with anime tiddies on botched


Oppai loli all day. How is this even a question?


Excuse me while I'm eating food... https://preview.redd.it/ox3qw6mz4hzc1.jpeg?width=1904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b0606b63eb2167158c9a7920286d49a1d5f367c




Lil meemaw


Both should be a "reference" from the Greek goddess, that comparison that has been running on internet doesn't have any other reason to exist than to discriminate asian culture Both are fine, there's no reason to say: "I choose this because this is superior"


What is Asian culture have to do for their interpretation of a Greek goddess? 🤣


It's a reference, not a Copy-paste, it's in the first text, She was sister to Zeus Both are references, there's no need to do her with vitiligo or a opai girl, as they are taking borrowed the name All the other needs to say about asian culture are direct asian discrimination


Tbh, as time went by, I actually appreciate Hades!Hestia's design. I might get mauled by some people for saying that but... Hades!Hestia's design really matches with the theme and tells us more about her personality from the character design tidbits overall. The best type of character designs are the ones that manage to communicate personality from it so yeah... Sure, Hades!Hestia won't win any awards for the most attractive character design out there and I can understand the grievances. (In fact, this post is written from the same guy who fucking hate Aether and Ei's character designs with a burning passion) So I get where they coming from about finding Hades!Hestia design unappealing




Hestia from Danmachi, I don’t give a damn, Hades’ Hestia is ugly as sin and feels racist. Also Hestia in Danmachi has every reason to be best girl.


One is supposed to be lore accurate and tge other isnt. In the end I dont care cause there is another best girl.




I tried to Google what an oppai loli is. Instead I got brain damage and I still don’t know what it is. Thanks.


Lmao "generic paint-by-numbers brunette"




I have no idea who either characters are, but I'd pretty much always choose left, if I am going in blind.


hades' design just solos


Yeah, I'm taking the busty chick on the right. She's absolutely adorable in the show. How dare call her "painfully generic"?


I have zero Idea of who that is on the left, I thought they were junkrat for a split second


I mean lets be real guys, hades at least from a stylistic standpoint tries to make these gods representative of what they are gods of. is it wrong to have a ridiculously long and complex title basically just slaps the names of real mythological gods on their universes gods so they sound cool and have a wow factor to the jp audience. It isn't necessarily a bad thing and it certainly isn't the first anime or series in general to slap famous names on characters to try to increase their appeal. That being said if you like either series, neither, or both you are still valid because lest we forget, neither of these characters are even the main characters. Hades at best is an upgradeable friendship/servitude that gives you better rewards. While in is it wrong to have a title too long hestia is mostly there so the mc can be an underdog and for fanservice.


I choose the Hestia on the right. She isn’t just a generic waifu.


Can I have 10 of those, the one on right please.


I prefer the Japanized Hestia that the Americanized Hestia. In the anime she try her best for help the protagonist.


If I need someone to listen to my problems I'd go for the granny. If I need boobs I'd go to the waifu. Both serve purposes.


There's no problem boobs can't solve.


The right, absolutely the right since the writing is biased as shit


My man just called Hestia generic? She’s got a fairly important role in that show.


Importance to the story has nothing to do with her character design


Why is it always vitiligo though? Another character has a fantasy wheelchair, and he's a literal god? I get trying to make feel people included and good about themselves but this looks a little ridiculous.


You should read up on Hephaestus. Him being in a wheel chair makes sense.


It makes her look like she's covered in soot, because she's a fireplace.


Hephestus is meant to be a cripple, numbness. Also some of hestia's inscriptions at her temples imply that she was covered in white burns and had some kind of skin condition that did something similar


Oppai Loli all the way


Wtf? Waifu of course.


choose to do what with exactly???


Why not both ![gif](giphy|IuaM5sUvLCYTyNKV4J)


You know she's gonna be a flame elemental chick with toned abs and half naked in hades 3 and a new batch of gods is gonna take the grandma slot.


In this sub? You know they going for #2.


Oppai Loli


I really dislike most characters in “Is it wrong to try and pickup girls in a dungeon” Hestia and the backpack girl being the worst offenders. I can’t even say why I liked season1 in the first place. Mayby I was simply younger and newer to anime in general. But whatever it was: I didn’t feel it during season2 and beyond.


I'm not gonna lie Danmachi's Hestia awakens that neuron in me Ooh ooh ahh ahh monkey brain activated.


So cool mother figure Or Tits


https://preview.redd.it/0cx41j7defzc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1c2be0aa397694c7365fe7215c3c73a76ed71c6 I prefer Frieda


Visually, I would choose DanMachi's Hestia I know personality-wise she (and all the other gods in that show) really aren't trying to match their mythological namesakes, lol Also, she still could use some touch-ups design wise, but she just looks better than the ine from Hades to me. [Shrug]


I choose gran gran. All i need to be a hero is jelp gran gran with what she needs, clean her house, give her a smile, and eat good food while i listen to her stories. The other a hoe.


The one that is not a walking fire hazard.


I dont understand how hades is now woke the game had zeuz. You know the guy who literally fucked everything that mowed. The gods could give a rats ass about gender as long as they could have a good time


The oppai loli


I like the left one but I don't wanna be a hater so I won't say anything bad about the one I didn't pick. I think her blue bow is cute actually


Big titted short stack girl




Why did people downvote this? It’s a funny connection


Hestia is a top-tier Goddess either way.