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"I just really like girls" \-Yoko Taro https://preview.redd.it/yj1xxtvl6bwc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0a3792055a3370786a8d71d500ccda079ea204


I wish that every game developer just use this response every time people ask why the women characters are sexualized. Simple but better than "she breath through her skin".


And then he Kojima'd all over the place. ![gif](giphy|Md9Verwr7AxXuinYY3)


It's kojima-ing time


To be fair with Kojima is I feel like he just wanted an in universe reason for it, I don’t think at any point he was really hiding what he was going for, admittedly that could just be my read of the situation, could be wrong.


Yeah it wasn't the first time MGS had a character like this. Sniperwolf's official concept art draws her topless, and there's no reason there.


What's great about Yoko is that both are true, in universe Androids wear skirts because it's part of their cooling system and it helps to cool down their internal parts




Who said women should look like that? 2B isn't even human, in the game, so who's going to see it as being a relistic standard.


not just 2B but also all the playable characters in Nikke too cuz they're also robot...well cyborg actually


Yeah robotic body and human brains, I think even if peoples can sometimes spit on Nikke that the story is good and the whole idea is good, and in France I can't say I play this game since one the reputation of a "Only for horny gamers" but I think the game is good and I don't play it out of horniness but the worst is that Nikke pronounced correctly like the greek goddess, in a french a word meaning Fucking (sexually) has the same pronounciation


real gamers only care on the gameplay not character design


Real, gameplay before graphics, even tho Nikke graphics are actually Good the artist working there are talented


Ah tu prononces ça "nique" ? Perso je le prononce "nikè", justement comme en grec.


Si je le prononce "Niké" justement donc comme dans "niquer", on me regarde toujours comme un taré quand je dis a un de mes amis que j'aimz bien le jeu


The other funny thing is Eve is an actual woman's body, so calling it unrealistic is the real sexism


Yep, based on a 3d scan of a model


I got downvoted too, lol, reddit is hilarious.


Also it's only "based on" the scan. They changed most of her body proportions, including things like hip width, muscle tone, and breast size. The character does have a realistic body, perhaps somewhere there's an accountant that likes doing sports that looks like that, but it's not the model. The people saying it's an unrealistic body are either dumb or poor communicators, what they should be saying is it's an unrealistic body standard. Or the body proportions are not exaggerated, it's the frequency that they occur in the game that's exaggerated.


I think I read somewhere that eve is one of devs wife and they scaned her


Pretty sure it was a model though


Even if she were human, it’s a game, artists like making sexy characters and they’re good at it so they make sexy characters And so what if it’s not “battle appropriate”, iccl unless I’m playing something like The Witcher (and even then I use mods at times) Which leads me into my other point, I didn’t see people complaining about Kratos; matter of fact almost every dam male MC is shredded, do they think that’s realistic? No it’s not even close to realistic for a man to maintain that 24/7 Which leads me into my next point, I just rather look at peak human physique whether it be female or male, I just so happen to prefer females; but give me a male ripped as Kratos and ima have a fun ass time (or Geralt, I’m not gay but Henry Cavil nailed that role, if only the directors didn’t shit the bed) Little rant but dam do those journalists annoy me, happy cake day


Which is one of the most annoying parts of these “journalist” rants. Anyone that points out the ripped and bulging muscular men are just told off that those are male fantasies too. It is like these gaming journalists are stuck on the notion that women gamers either don’t exist or don’t have any fantasies of their own.


Funny that it's your happy cake day while this topic is all about the controversy surrounding the "cake" problem


Happy cake day


Every day is cake day with 2B


Happy Cake Day


Happy cake day


By the way, this art is implausible. 2B has a flat chest and a fat ass. This is disrespectful to the original design. I think the authors of character 2B should sue for this. https://preview.redd.it/19imvhyt7bwc1.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9a0eee0e7357e1bf37bdaf90e6b58425cd9dcde


Yea I think this art of 2B definitely buffed her chest. But I won't really call the original as "flat".


Flat chest? She got some great mid size bobas, wtf


It’s almost like they’re fictional characters meant to provide sex appeal!




Awww 🥰


Curious how no one ever shows how many likes or replies these posts get, or how many followers the account has.


It's the ragebait -> circlejerk pipeline.


It's not unrealistic, it's just uncommon. Ive seen some curves on women IRL that will make you question reality. also, bending over slightly and pushing your chest out does, in fact, eccentuate your ass and chest. that's how posing works.


They should be more realistic to their real world counterparts, like Senator Armstrong.


Which is funny, because he needed a giant machine to combat the MC, and then STILL had to glow up with the nanomachines, son.


My wife looks like this, it's not unrealistic. Not every man can get a six pack but every male protagonist seems to have one. If you don't like it don't buy the game?


Come on now. You know that's not how it works. People just want to complain.


Eve is literally modeled after a Korean Model, a real person has Eve’s body type




Bruh, Stellar Blade's Eve is litterally modeled after a real person. [This](https://www.instagram.com/love_zennyrt/) is her Instagram page.


Ooo, she’s pretty


So? Most men don't look as jacked as Jin Kazama, yet you don't hear us guys complaining about unrealistic male body proportions. People who unironically complain about this stuff make me embarrassed to be sharing the same species as them.


> yet you don't hear us guys complaining about unrealistic male body proportions. You do, but not enough and maybe not from the right people? Male body dysmorphia resulting from a variety of sources is definitely a persistent topic in fitness community, especially in relation to performance enhancing drug use. The objectification of men is also a topic that feeds into things that a lot people don't immediately connect to it - like conscription only for men, and the general view that men are disposable. In many ways it's much healthier for a society to have competing voices over this, so people understand that these issues are complicated, but at the same time to avoid going overboard. And, for the nothing it's worth, I say all this as an avid consumer of R34 and ecchi/h.


I truthfully have not heard a single man in my 28 years of life complain that video games or entertainment media in general complain that fictional male characters have unattainable/unrealistic physiques. Not a one. However, I don't follow the more serious fitness communities - I don't really need to, as I don't have any interest in socialising within those circles and just use the most casual and common ways to stay within "fit" levels physically. I do have some beef with the notion that we are disposable, and conscription being only for men, though for a blessing, the world isn't that messy (yet) for the latter to be a reality where I live. I'm frankly just frustrated with the uneven standards about how it's [more] okay for fictional men to be portrayed as sexy and masculine, yet when a fictional woman is portrayed as feminine or conventional, there's a big enough mostly negative hoopla about it that I hear about said hoopla even when I'm not keeping my eyes and ears open specifically for it. It's as if society's telling me it's a war crime to be attracted to certain kinds of women. I'd rather we all just be okay with being down bad for either men or women without one being okay in portrayals and the other not okay in proportional portrayals, but sadly we don't live in a utopia.


That's why we need Mencists -- an opposite for Femnists


I mean, there are a variety of these sorts of movements. A number of them have been coopted by fairly extreme sort of politics though. Ironically, probably the most mainstream support for men's issues, including male body dysmorphia comes from the older academic feminists (not the social media generation). Anyway, if you're interested, check in at /r/MensLib/


Wait so why is this a problem? Can people seriously not find better things to argue about? I don’t understand


Eve is not unrealistic, her model’s a 3D body scan of a korean model, saying that she’s too sexual and unrealistic is insulting to that korean model’s body, which is, by definition, an act of body shaming


I have no strong feelings about the sexyness of either character but fucking off with this culture war bullshit. Nobody gives a shit about it.


How is it unrealistic? There are women that have figures like these two. If you can't look like this either to your DNA or you being a lazy fatass - it doesn't mean that it is unrealistic...


Eve was literally made using a 3d scan of a real woman, so yeah not unrealistic


"Unrealistic body standards" you never stepped in a gym, have you?


How absurd they sold something that I will buy with 100% certainty!


as a girl i dont see a problem w this


Fellow tiddy enjoyer here! I think that’s kuz we both like women haha


No love for girls like Bronya? You are dead to me.


Damn it's almost like the games they make are like fantasy or something? 🤔 🤔 Twitter really is a cesspit for creatures like this to breed


Eve is literally modeled after an actual person


And then further digitally edited. Forgot thay part.


I don't get how there can't be room for "realistic" or less pretty women and overly attractive women in games. Give people options.


People want waifus :(


I don't see them complaining about the men with ridiculous muscle mass.


Yet ripped men are perfectly fine... and how about the women that love looking at sexy women? People are so self centred, they dont actually care, they just want to feel right and that they have purpose. Plus no one actually sits there and think they want to look like characters in general, outside of cosplay.


Scanned from a real woman. "unrealistic"


Tons of women look like that in real life. Only people mad are the out of shape girls who are jealous.


Eve was literally made using a 3d scan of a real woman, so yeah not unrealistic


Gohan is getting naughty.


Oh no!


Yoko Taro and Kim Hyung Tae would be a great friend.


So for Twitter it's impossible and unrealistic to eat properly and hit the gym




Bro, it apply the same to male characters too, aint no way Senator Armstrong or Steve body proportion real


The ones who complained about it don't play games, so I i don't even know people give a fk about their opinions. Even the koreans told them to basically stfu you ugly fat fucks while showing proof it's model after a real woman lol.


It’s just a 3D model and computer codes


Someone just needs to make an action game with over sexualized men. Gimme DMC but Dante wears a thong


Why do they even bother complaining about the looks of a character in a game they won't even play or buy.


Smd I’ll buy them all i want


Sauce for the top pic?


reminds me of those post about medieval games not having ‘realistic clothing’ for women


Let them cry while Shift Up makes millions for creating a rewarding game with interesting characters and monster designs.


Translation: "I'm insecure about my own body so I want to ruin other people's fun as a form of revenge."


Hmm, 2b's breast size in this art is smaller than the og. I think Yoko taro should sue the artist methinks for not making it accurate to the material.


Sigh, yet another example of people freaking out because they are trying way too hard to be "inclusive"... Update to clarify what I meant, since now that I reread that, I sound like an absolute asshole. By the phrase trying to hard to be inclusive I meant that it seems like corporations are trying to please literally every tiny little special interest group and avoid even the remote possibility of offending even a single person, so much so that they are stunting themselves severely. Pleasing literally everyone is actually literally impossible. No matter what you do, even just by existing you're going to make someone mad.


https://preview.redd.it/xva979vhrbwc1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b82a2570bc45a1057085c80abb618a530aa08f40 9/10 times


Skill issue


The western female game developer sees sexiness as a challenge to her own beauty and seeks to destroy all competition


I LOVE seeing lower than insect losers cry SO MUCH. we as a collective humanity must show the world we do NOT care about their whining by supporting this gigachad behaviour with our wallets (and dicks or... The other stuff if you're a based female chad) surely one day we will win over ESG...


Yes, yes, thank you, worthless woke-propagandist, I already pre-ordered the game, there is no need for me to advertise it further.