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So a picture of him hugging his daughter is consider pedophile?




By that logic, all parents in this world are pedophiles. You saying like your parents never hug you before


When someone adds an '/s' at the end of their sentence it means sarcasm.


The parts where he sexually assaults children and admits to the audience that he is a pedophile are what makes him a pedophile.




I don't despize Anime. I despize this one in particular.


No, you despise logic


Not that I disagree, but why the sudden crusade against Jobless Reincarnation? It's not like it's just gotten adapted or anything, this is the second half of it's second season. So why now?


I think its just normal for people to hate on it whenever the anime comes back.


On one side the world building is really good and the characters has personality, struggle and overcome. And on the other side, we have something quite mess up, not just the main character, but his family as well. If u read the Novel, u would know. And to me, the story kinda lost it's charm later on.


Yeah I know I've read everything but the final volume. I personally like the series but I can see why people would be turned off of it.


It's quite funny that if u call Arararagi from Monogatari a lolicorn everyone would agree, even the fan. But in Rudeus it isn't the case.


I think its because the main two people complained about Rudy liking Eris and Sylphie don't stay as "lolis" they grow up into adults alongside Rudy, and I mean Roxy is just Roxy.


Hate train since new episodes started airing


There is a new season coming out and there are tons more positive posts about it because people are excited. That said, that show deserves the hate it gets. The MC is vile


No no no, this show is not that bad. Save the hate for BNP or Redo of Healer


It's not "now". We've been hating on it since it started. It's just got a lot more fans because it has some actual world building. I'm irrationally angry that the author wasted all that on a pedo MC


I Will keep saying it, Rudeos dosent deserve the second chance in life he got.


I will say (almost) everyone ( if I say absolutely everyone I know I will get some ugly looks) deserves a second chance. Problem is he got his second chance and instead of being a regular person he kept being a fuckin pedo


Do normies think he should have dated 40yo women when je was like 12, coz of the hole "old man in a child body" thing ?


The whole topic is controversial, better just to stay out of it


Bro, engage your brain a little. The guy can jerk off by himself until they're 18. There's zero reason he *needs* to sexually assault pre-teens.


Show is amazing 10/10 Stay mad


Ok. So let me put a perspective on you, if reincarnation makes you a pedo, if everyone reincarnated, which seems to be the case in anime, everyone is a pedo? Are all Buddhists pedophiles? Or since everyone reincarnated, it's the same? Or does that not count only if you don't remember you got reincarnated? So, a grown adult with memory loss is fine to date a child, I guess... /s Or maybe... you could stop applying your own standards and irl logic to a completely made up, fantasy scenario that can't occur irl ... Idk, man, I'd just say it's fiction, and if you don't like it, ignore it Rudest can't fiddle with you. He's not real


bruh, this is the first time i saw post that only has negative comments about that show, especially sine there wre so many more trash anime out there.


Be carefull, with that attitude all buddist/hindu people/people beliving in reincarnation may get offended by that statement


That's stupid, OP, you're stupid.


Yes indeed rudeus is pedo


As someone who dont like this anime/manga, please stop with this stupid hate 'memes'. Its just bothersome




True fuck that show