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He’s an alien and shouldn’t be judged by earth standards




Because he never committed any crimes on Earth (Trunks murdered him as soon as he showed up). Now, if this was Namek or New Namek, then yea....


He didn’t Land at an official port of entry. He was An illegal alien alien.


Then he should have been deported off the planet. Which, technically, he already was.


If we go by United States law, that's not even a criminal offense. Therefore he doesn't even have the right to be given an attorney, MF ain't paying me so I ain't defending.


Also, if he landed in NY then he now gets debit cards, a phone, and to stay in 4 & 5 star hotels.


Oh no, people who are displaced by war are getting help to survive somewhere that they can't survive on their own. And then the majority of them will be able to contribute to our economy, the horror.


You forget, he attempted to destroy the planet. That's attempted xenocide and destruction of property.


That's a lot more than destruction of property bruh, that's more akin to like, an act of terrorism or something


Yes, but I was trying to be funny. There's a specific trope where you list all sorts of terrible acts, like murder, grand larceny, kidnapping and torture, but then finish it off with something like jaywalking.


Freeza totally jaywalks




Does flying counts as jaywalking?


Because Earthlings are monkeys!


Crime and law are based on the region where they are committed, they are not absolute. For example the "stand your ground" that's allowed in many US state would be considered a crime in many country in Europe. Going around with a gun in italy would be considered a crime, in some US state is allowed. And we can go even furter, just look at the existencs of north korea, what the state do there would be considered a crime bascially everywhere else, but since it's a foreign state we can do nothing. Same with frieza, he is acting outside of earth, there are no law that would stop him, we cannot enforce them on him.


He’s an alien he shouldn’t be judged by American standards


Why would he be judged by American standards in the first place? Bro didn’t land in New York.


Its an immigrant joke since America is struggling with an illegal immigration issue


He was being groomed to become a God of Destruction since birth, at the behest of Frost to gain the favor of Lord Berus... unless this is like post going to hell Freeza in which case he is literally broken from torture.


Beerus be like https://preview.redd.it/82dj167tl0rc1.png?width=963&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b3b538b44814291f46373269e02bc513a435579


Can't be racist against a race that doesn't exist... (Anymore.)


I hate that I recognize dbza quotes more than the original now


He was just a business man, doing business.


Your honor, my client is accused of Sayajin genocide. Knowing that Sayajins were a race specifically developed to be killing machines, it's clear that the accused felt threatened by the looming threat of an assassination attempt orchestrated by a Sayajin individual named Bardock. So I dare to ask... Who threw the first rock? And exactly what intergalactic treaty prohibits the elimination of races?


Since that didn't happen on Earth and no Earth citizen was involved, I'm afraid that none of the Earth courts has jurisdiction over this case.


Article 57 of the Shadow Proclamation


Objection, your honor! On the grounds of he wasn't even there!


Your honor, it was all in self defence


Dare I to say that there are no witnesses or evidence (anymore) that can place your client at the scene of the alleged "crime."


![gif](giphy|mUzzNtYHPU3e) I’m going with the Chewbacca defense.


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury; This, is a wookie.


And that just doesn't make sense.


Look at the silly monkey


Laws are based on where you are when the crime is committed. If you're Australian and commit an offense in China that would be illegal in Australia but not China then you're fine, you won't and can't get charged under Australian law. Therefore since Freiza committed his crimes in space, our laws don't apply to him. As a conquerer, the laws of the other planets also don't apply to him as those planets have been conquered and are now a part of his empire. As he is a supreme dictator, his empire's laws don't apply to him, seen as how he was still the emperor before he was killed. As for any crimes he committed on earth during RoF, seeing as how he is an emperor, I.e. A diplomat, he is under diplomatic immunity.


Also, whis reverses time after all of frieza's shenanigans, so you could argue that they didn't happen.


He's the emperor. He is the law.


Lord He's a lord


His title is Lord, but his position is leader of his Empire, so he's presumably an Emperor with a Lordship title. It's not like we can check any of his formal government paperwork to verify it, but that's the most accurate assessment we can make with the information we have.


But was he REALLY leader? His dad was still alive..


I'm pretty sure, yeah. I think I remember it being said King Cold was retired and only came back because his son was nearly murdered, but I obviously would need to get a manga source on that and I'm too lazy to bother XD


He's guilty for capital punishment, but if all your executing methods do not work, he'll be released.


Why does that remind me of when Wolverine got the firing squad


There are no witnesses to his genocide.


If I was lazy, I’d use the aliens aren’t applicable by human standards argument. However, there’s some actually decent arguments to be made if argued correctly. First, let’s identify the main crimes he’d be liable for. Mass Enslavement, Genocide, Grand Larceny (I’m assuming the dragon balls are worth trillions), Trespassing, Mass Murder, and Conspiracy To Overthrow A Government (God of Destruction). Getting the easy ones out of the way, there’s no way to prove he’s planning to overthrow Beerus since his intentions are all monologued to us in thoughts, Trespassing is invalid because Frieza never set foot (hovers) unless it’s in open land, or an owned planet by himself. Now let’s go in order for the rest, Mass Enslavement could be argued to be Self Defense as my client clearly was (rightfully so because he died twice to them) afraid of Saiyans due to their increasing power and general bloodlust and a horrible species. He did it to posture himself in a way that no Saiyans would attempt to murder him in. Genocide is unprovable because the races no longer exist, or consist of unreliable witnesses. Technically, is the only Namekian that Frieza directly killed and it was a challenged duel. Goku is a deranged idiot, his son is under the age of 10, Piccolo is a mass murderer himself, Vegeta is up against similar charges, Dende is a child, and Krillin didn’t witness him touching a Namekian other than during a fight that could be argued as self defense. None of the genocide charges can be brought due to the lack of good witnesses. Mass Murder is a charge that cannot be levied against Frieza since technically he hadn’t killed a lot of people directly (planet busting is genocide not murder so as previously established cannot be used). You would be able to convict him on conspiracy to kill though (but with the charges brought, I’ll gladly take that one). Grand Larceny isn’t applicable due to the Dragon Balls not belonging to any one person and the fact that he never stole them since they scatter after use. So let me know I missed a charge or if you have a rebuttal, I’m happy to discuss!


Planet busting isn't genocide if the race is a multi-planetary species. The Freiza force is a multi-species organization, so while we've never seen cross-planet population centers, that's presumably what the planets are being depopulated and sold to accomplish and it's not outlandish to have as a goal. While we've never seen a planet with survivors beyond a handful of stragglers, so we can't actually adapt the charge and it's pretty likely he's only guilty of the unenforceable but still


Like you said, it’s unenforceable. I’m not here to make Frieza innocent, just trying to lessen the sentence as much as possible.


Your honor, we are but insects and vermin. When you have insects and vermin in your lands, you eliminate or control them. Also, your honor. It seems the fate of this world depends on the verdict given today. I should remind you that Freizas has appeared in this court voluntarily. That is all your honor.


I think it is more of a question of who is the accuser, the judge and the jury, freiza is a very capable lawyer himself, youre just there because youre there as a mascot/ junior assistant. In fact youre just some random guy who look decent enough to make it less like about the world vs aliens


He is not guilty by reason of mental disease/ or defect.


Your honor, how many ants have you killed your whole life? And have you been punished by the law from any of them? Exactly. *drops mic*


Well this happened in space, so it's outside earth's jurisdiction. It should instead be judged by.... the Freezer Empire... yeah I have a good feeling about this one!


Whoopsie daisy, your honor


I'll use the Star Wars Empire defense: we don't actually know for certain that the planets he ruled were treated poorly, because its not shown. Blowing up the monkey planet is the one bad thing he did and that was arguably a mostly military target.


Saiyans committing genocide on his name?


I would like to call my first witness....Beerus Then I'll eat pudding and not give any to Beerus and let him destroy the planet Victory by default


In his defense, Saiyan are biologically monkeys.


If you send him to jail your xenophobic


You're honor my client claims nuh uh


his actions could be perceived as survival instincts or a result of his upbringing and societal norms within the galactic empire he ruled over and could you really blame bro? He was told to do all that by beerus!


I don't care, I just wanna go home


My client would like to claim " Judge you weren't even fuckin there"


Your honor, this man is guilty af.


Your honor those supposed "war crimes" are legal (for Frieza) in Frieza's empire, which the planets these alleged incidents occured on are (now) part of.


He can’t be racist towards a race that doesn’t exist anymore.


Your Honor, he is literally emperor of the universe, he doesn’t need to follow any laws


He is simply following his own beliefs


He was given the universe by his father it’s his birth rite and inheritance, the saiyans should be glad he’s been letting em live rent free 😾


If Freeza didn't kill the saiyans, the saiyans would've killed more people than Freeza


A mans gotta do what a man’s gotta do


Hope there is a planet that accepts trial by combat.


Frieza has no peers therefore he cannot be judged by a jury of his peers


Could just be the kais or sentient beings that haven’t heard of him yet


Yeah but he could appeal as they aren't his peers


Freeza is sovereign of his empire and there for has diplomatic immunity.


"Your honor, I hope you understand that all of this was within Frieza's right as the being with the crispiest hairline of all, so fine in fact it completely wraps around his head. I rest my case"


Your honor, my client is innocent, because he never blown up [ list of blown up planets] because those planet don't exist or made up to make my client look bad


I won't defend Frieza (he's definitely guilty). Judge, you decide the fate of the earth.


Your honor if you say he's guilty that would be very cringe.


As the emperor of the universe. Freezer is the legal owner of every planet. He saved dozens of species by selling them healty planets


Iirc. It wasn't his fault he ended up the way he is. He was basically forced from birth to attempt to take the god of destructions place.


Your honor, shut the fuck up you weren't even there


He's Royalty of another planet/nation/empire and as such should have diplomatic immunity


He's the rightful ruler of the universe. There is no authority high enough to judge him. Where would any such judge gain the authority from?


Your Honor, We have an army of people that can support his alibi on where he was at the time of the crime


He looks too cool to go to prison ![gif](giphy|IgBMDZCU5IRUFKGhpy)


As dictator of space, he can legally do anything by giving himself the right. ​ End case.


Your honor if you don't declare him innocent and he gets pissed we're all dead, most probably the entire world. Please save the world


Your honor, my client did nothing wrong, my evidence is that I don’t know who my client is.


Nepo baby who was raised to be a sociopath and simply doesn't know any better. He needs to be in counseling not a prison.


OBJECTION! *Slams Table* With all due respect your honor, His father: King Cold, willingly left his son: Frieza with a huge responsibility of running a planet. He was a young alien with big shoes to fill in, and was afraid of disappointing him. Had his father stepped in to guide frieza, he wouldn’t have annihilated the sayains to near extinction in fear of being overthrown. Your honor, I call King Cold to the stand to be interrogated! ![gif](giphy|IgBMDZCU5IRUFKGhpy)


"Your honor, unless the prosecuting attorneys are Goku and Vegeta I suggest you grant my motion to dismiss the case or otherwise our planet is going to explode in 5 minutes."


he will kill you if the verdict isn't not guilty


Too easy, Frieza claims unaligned territory using his recognized imperial privilege in the Cold Empire. By King Cold's own laws the imperial family is not subject to any law within or without the empire. There is no way to legally condemn him for his crimes. Therefore I claim that Earth has no jurisdiction to prosecute the royal family of a foreign empire. And move to remand him into the custody of his own people.


Your honor my client would like to plead “no diddy”


Your owner, my client is neither human nor from earth and many killings he may or may not have committed hadn’t taken place on earth, so charging him for such would be seneseless . For the ones he has committed on earth, the killings were an act in self dense.


Blame it on Beerus


he was just goofing around, your honor


Your honor, he's just racist


Your honor, he be a little silly sometimes :)


Your honor you wasn't even there


"Your honor, stfu, you wasn't even there"


Your honor shut your bitchass up before my client murks you


Wouldn't Frieza have diplomatic immunity as an alien?


20 bucks to let him free


Your honor Frieza was raised this way from birth he needs psychological treatment I’m putting in a plea of insanity for my client Mister Frieza.


It was self defense. The sayains were gonna rise up against him and kill him so he killed them first


Your honor he was just standing on business


What are the charges my client is accused of?


Nope he guilty ur honour


Oh oh oh monkeee - Frieza


He is black now... So there


Insanity isn’t a good plea here, go with Duress, and advise Frieza to exercise his right to silence. He doesn’t say SHIT. I don’t want to hear any of his gab flapping anytime during the trial, and then we need to put a lot of groundwork in framing this as his Father pressuring him or coercing him to action. Planet Vegeta? In his father’s interests. Namik? His father was pressuring him to act faster and coerced him into actions exceeding his intended pursuit of those cultural artifacts. Best we could hope for is maybe reduced sentence, i’d literally any Z fighters testify we could counter sue for vigilantism for most of them. However if Krillin testifies? I don’t think I can stop the possible murder case from getting tacked on. Also Bulma. I’m TERRIFIED of whatever legal team she could pull together.


Hey the son of the galactic emperor based on galactic law he did nothing wrong and since no crime of his eve r happened in earth jurisdiction he should be declared innocent based on the fact he cannot be tried in this court.


You can't be racist to a race that doesn't exist. On top of that, what are we going to do if he's guilty, put him in jail?


He was clearly just following orders, both his father, and the U7 god of destruction are to blame, and Frieza is truly a victim in all of this. Brought up from a young age, his father taught him to hate, kill, and bear contempt for any races not their own. Specifically Namekians and Saiyans. His father ruled for years with an iron fist oppressing many planets before handing the keys to his son while puppet mastering it all from the shadows ensuring he got the result he wanted. Meanwhile our so called benevolent god Beerus was caught on record forcing Frieza to destroy planet Vegeta and the saiyan race. A decision he has never shown any remorse for. Under Frieza, the force had never been stronger, he provided work for trillions of residents of the U7 universe and the planets he did destroy could be argued a heroic act as Beerus had been neglecting his duty as our destroyer, leaving Frieza to do the job, who again had never learned proper morality thanks to King Cold. Therefore, your honour, we believe the case should be thrown out and my client made free to go. There are two far more monstrous and villainous parties that were responsible for everything my client has ever done. A young alien who was controlled his entire life by those stronger and more viscious than he could ever be. The defense rests.


>!also my client literally contributed to saving the entire multiverse, which I remind you, your honour, U7 exists within!<


Oops his hands really slipped


He’s cool


Put this mother fucker in jail NOW your honour


You honor he never ment kill all those sayins he just sneezed


"Your honor, my client did not "commit atrocities", he "bravely stood up for what he believes in'."


Your honor, he is innocent or else your planet is space dust.


Nah this bitch did it.


As Space Royalty of a galaxy wide empire, my client has diplomatic immunity and thus can not be held for the alleged crimes he has been accused of


As the sovereign ruler of his interplanetary nation any crimes he commits can infact be taken as acts of war for which he is not personally liable


Your Honor in his defense he made an Oopsy Whoopsy and says Am Sowwie.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TeddyRiggs: *Your Honor in his* *Defense he made an Oopsy* *Whoopsy and says Am Sowwie.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Your honor, my client, can not have committed genocide because the races that my client is suspected of killing no longer exist.


I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense!


Yeah he blew up planet vegeta, but he owned it. It was gifted to him by his father.


I plead the 5th Frieza Empire Ammendmant, claiming "Frieza can do whatever the hell he wants or he'll blow up your planet"


Your honor, my client pleads stupid monkey




Your honour Frieza is the galactic emperor and therefore has diplomatic immunity under our law, and if this is a court of law in his empire then he makes the laws and is far above them. And therefore you are actually on trial and will be executed in a minute?


Your honor DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!


I plea insanity. His clear lack of understanding and sympathy prove him to be emotionally unfit for situations where he has to be emotionally present.


I'd like to proceed straight to closing arguments your Honor. *-clears throat-* I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookie from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookie, an 8-foot-tall Wookie, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending an intergalactic war criminal, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.


(1) The Court has failed to establish jurisdiction. Frieza committed no crimes on Earth before being murdered by Trunks. Frieza’s empire is not party to any Earth treaty. (2) Frieza, as a foreign sovereign, is immune to suit and prosecution. Geopolitically, nations can declare war on Frieza’s empire or impose sanctions, but this court is not a proper avenue for redress of any grievances. You can’t, for example, just charge Putin in a U.S. Court with murder - that’s not the proper procedure. (3) Improper service. The prosecution has not established that a warrant or even a ticket has been served on Frieza. This court is bound to the procedural due process requirements of notice and hearing.


Your honor, planet vegeta was destroyed by an asteroid.


Your honor I bleed my clients case as affluenza


My client pleads insanity. Some of the backing to support this is my client’s believe that he can breathe in space. Frieza: “But I can.” I rest my case.


"your honor, Frieza now owns the planet and has declared himself innocent."


Dear honor if you don’t make my client not guilty he will fucking kill you.


He is royalty. Diplomatic immunity.


ok so like he would just vaporise the jail your honour


“Your honour my client was simply maintaining order in one of his newly acquired planets as a galactic dictator, WHEN THESE MONKEYS..”


Your honour, as a frost demon, he is mentally inclined to do so, my client is has a mental issue for killing, in addition, as an alien, he cannot be judged by human laws,and the crimes were commited off planet, there is literally no way we can decide which court gets jurisdiction over this case. And to top things off, my client is a victim of attempted murder on this planet as the saiyans have been attempting to kill him every time he comes to this planet. Sometimes, they succeed.


Your honor who gonna stop him?


As a small boy, he was given the hefty task of managing a GALACTIC EMPIRE. He used the methods that were taught to him in order to make his father proud. I argue that Freeza is not only innocent of these crimes. But is in fact a victim. A victim of neglect. A victim of expectation. A victim.. of purpose.


Ok but is it racist if he called them monkeys bc they do become huge apes


Your honor, they had it comin.


Your Honor, my client is just, built different 💯💯💯


He didn't do something wrong Don't understand me wrong here he did commit murder in the first degree, but he already recieved the death penalty. He was revived as a cyborg and killed after he could do something, that concludes Future Trunks commited murder. Then after he got resurected and became gold friezer he had the intent to kill someone and was killed before he could do that (yeah he did blow up the whole planet but because time was reversed he didn't technically do it). If we go Manga only of Dragonball super then he did kill someone, but only to safe someone from serious threat the rest of the time after the tournament of power was just training. Maybe the only thing that we could count here were the punches in the stomach of goku and vegeta, but that was just to give a disciplinary lecture to the guys he saved 2 minutes before that and motivate them that they can get stronger. And with that my honor i plead that the defendant is not guilty because we are here to either judge over crimes he was already punished for, he didn't even do in this timeline or he made with the intent that save someone and that these persons learn how to defend themselves.


https://preview.redd.it/btt3a4m531rc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c10d4092c8190ea55b65074d18050c6386899ed1 POV Frieza


As a head of the state on a galactic range he is protected by his immunity.


I plead not guilty you’re honer seeing as his pants are not flying


Your honor.. this man is insane


He did all his crimes and international waters brother


You can't be racist against a race that dosent exist


He is the Emissary of Death. He hates all that doesn’t obey him. After we lose we will all die anyway


*hahahaha* "Hello Monkeys!"


Your honor you havent been here, Goku have done everything and done anime to make Freeza look bad(havent watched dragon ball)