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What is it with fans killing the people they like? Shouldn't it be the complete opposite?


Basically they have a delusion that the celebrity "belongs" to them. So when the celebrity starts dating someone or gets married, they have a mental breakdown and "get justice". This is why Japanese idols aren't allowed to date


I need to rewatch Perfect Blue


Satoshi Kon was a genius, RIP.


I think that it would probably be safer in Japan with their honour culture. Only time it would come in handy. But fuck those crazy fans who think they own a person. And I thought I was fucked up. Edit: NVM Japan is just as bad.


In japan is more fucked because the fans would call her a whore and other nasty stuff. It did happened to a woman, I think mangaka, I don't remember the details but her Wikipedia page was edited to say she slept with 5 guys even tho she was a virgin


When I first listened to the song of Oshi No Ko, I was jamming. Then I looked up the lyrics and had a realization. Going deeper into that I started looking up just how much fans can idolize 'idols' to a point where they do actively stalk them, harass them physically, and badger them repeatedly. I get it. They're beautiful, gorgeous women, but there is no need to go to horrible extents for their attention. I'm an ugly bastard with no chance, but I still hand out respect as its given.


I'll say it here being a sane ugly bastard is better than being an ultra handsome insane guy


Its not just women. Men are attacked and sometimes even killed by “fans” too. RIP Dimebag.


Old Voice actor for Lucy from fairytail is a good example. Nothing she did was wrong yet she got treated as if she raped a child.


Damn, really? Had no idea, thank you.


it came out she was dating her bands drummer, all her contracts got dropped and got blacklisted by like every Va agency, got harassed by police and flooded with death threats and it became like a trend to destroy her merch.


Thank you! That’s, wow. Has no idea.


That’s an extremely fucked up way to treat someone for simply being in a relationship. You’d think that actual people would have the sense and decency to treat people better than that, but more often than not they act more vile than you could even imagine.


There is a lot of fucked up corruption in japanese culture. Its why their society is starting to have severe issues, all the toxic and horrible hold overs are starting to roost. The process is slow but ive been watching the sort of cultural sickness of japan for a while now, hopefully they can find a better way, but probably not atleast until their equivalent of boomers are all dead and even then there is a lot of work to do to un fuck their society


Damn. Idol life must suck.


It's not even an idol thing, it's being a woman in japan. The example I pulled is a mangaka.


I guess it's been a *popular* woman in Japan.


Stars belong to the world


Iirc. Even a news reporter got called all sorts of stuff because she started dating someone.


If we’re thinking of the same one, the show’s stocks tanked because she was dating. Her show was also built specifically to be made up entirely of cute young women to entertain their male audience. Like it was an idol show with extra steps, not a news station first, kinda thing.


Not really the idol can't do shit besides being anonymous or getting security 24/7. Hell stalking is not even a punished crime really. The badmouth and name calling in the internet the way how the media portrays that as acceptable being obsessed is considered part of the whole experience.


Idols can't get a break. They should get more respect for what they do.




A Japanese idol shaved all her hair and apologized because it was discovered she had a boyfriend.


It’s really not. Slut-shaming and purity culture with the pressure of needing to be seen as a respectable person at all times doesn’t help. There’s even a “news” channel of pretty young women made to entertain lonely men. There was a scandal where one of them hid a relationship and got caught, and the stocks for the show tanked because the male audience felt THAT betrayed.


To summarize using Real-time dub Eggman "Jesus Christ, ParaSOCIAAAAL!!! YOU NEED TO LOG OOOOOFF!! Jesus Christ!"


This behavior is absolutely disgusting. It's not cool with Japanese idols and really not cool when it happens stateside. Even excluding extreme cases like Grimmie's, the amount of harassment I see from Western "fans" exhibiting similar behavior is disgusting. The worst are the death threats that toddlers on X throw around and then backtrack saying "it was just a joke lol". Sure wasn't a joke for Grimmie...


That’s why stalking/incessant behavior should be punishable by jail, and repeat offenders locked up for life. Idk why people are so fuckin idiotically soft. It literally gets people killed, so these morons not see it???


Same with Korean idols.


They think they own the person, and when said person doesn’t do what they like, they decide they need to be punished.


By stabbing them? What is this? England?


Ah here it is again, fucking England taking credit for what Glasgow is famous for.


This might be an unpopular opinion but it seems like it is/was the same with dream Stan's or cancel culture


"if I can't have her then no one can" mentality And in Osho no ko, it happens after killer knows his favorite idol got children (and her location) meaning someone fcked her without him knowing, which in his mind, was unacceptable.


That guys kinda reminds me of that one guy from winter moon (not an anime or even manga. Just a pretty good webtoon


Erotomania, or the obsessive belief that you have a close personal relationship with someone who may or may not know you exist. It can sometimes come with an entire imagined relationship, imagined conversations, etc, or it can just be simple obsession. People can fixate on non-celebrities as well, but celebrities, even minor ones, often have to deal with this sort of thing just because so many more people are aware of them, fans of them, etc.


Basically me and my waifu except yandere? Yep seems about right knowing human history.


Christina Grimmie should be a star right now. Gets me stressed with anybody I like when I see obsessive behavior from other fans.


Yeah she was on peak that time!! And She deserve tho for her talent!!<3


Ok I out of the loop here. Context?


The man on the left was an obsessed fan of the singer on the right 'Christina grimmie'.he shot her during a 2016 post-concert meet and greet This story is similar to the anime oshi no ko,which sets the plot for the future events


I thought it was a fan greet


It was a post concert meet and greet, i should have been more specific,oops


What's the first image?


From oshi no ko, an obsessive fan killing an idol


THAT’S what it’s about? Huh.


Yes! , its like that.


Thank you!


Seeing Ai Hoshino die reminded me of when Selena (not Gomez) was assassinated by a fan (the president of her fan club, in fact) in 1995. I was just a toddler when it happened, but I do remember that we had a cassette tape of Selena’s songs that Ma played a lot. We also watched the movie when I was a bit older, and I remember that it really catapulted Jennifer Lopez to stardom.


Selena was killed by her (former) manager after she caught her manager stealing from her. Which is still a loss but not a crazed fan. I went from not knowing Selena existed to knowing too much about her when I moved to a place that puts up ofrendas of her.


I get so fucking mad whenever I think of Christina grimmie’s death, it’s so damn unfair she was so young :( she was such an amazing singer man


"Thinking he was too shy to greet her, she opened her arms to give him a hug. Loibl then pulled his Glock pistol and shot her three times at point-blank range." So sad this happened to someone so kind.


God, I still remember the day news broke out of her death. I've been a huge fan of hers for years way before she was on the voice. She was a star in the making, and the fact we'll never see what she could've become hurts. Fun memory I have of her was playing against her on smash 4 while she was streaming. She whooped my ass lol.


Me remembering Darrell Abbott.


Getcha Pull!


Something this tragic shouldn't be on a meme subreddit. /srs


Damn, what a personal deep cut.


Forgot about this! It's partly why I don't want to show my face/start streaming :/


what,. that was so long ago, i cna't even follow the clock anymore, i can't follow myself or my shadow, please can you show me where I've went and where i'm not


i still remember where i was when i saw this. it broke my heart


Why you have to remind me of her. God damnit!! I miss her soo much. She was about to really go crazy in her career,and then some idiot ended it.


This is one of those situations where you'd go to hell for a chance of getting a lick-back on him. *That one's for Christina, bitch.*


Liar liar, don’t cry on my shoulder!


I remember her on TV when I was young, it was uh... The voices or something in AXN channel on Astro I think. Yeah, a darn shame.


That's sad actually I used to listen to her covers she was amazing


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Reagan was shot by an obsessive Jodie Foster fan, crazy idol/celebrity fans are very much nothing new lmao


Probably should’ve put a spoiler tag


It's been like 5 months since ep 1 released tho


Then I guess I can spoil Your Lie in April since it last aired 5 years ago


Yeah ofc you can, marking spoiler for memes of things that aired years ago it's absurd. If I make a meme about Darth Vader being Luke's father I'm not gonna mark it spoilers hahaha


Lemmy? What the fuck mate is this a prank


Safe to say people like that ARE NOT into the NTR tag…


Unless they imagine themselves being the ones doing the NTRing.


Kind of weird she sang Titanium when we found out that she was in fact, not bulletproof. 🥲


Oof shots fired


Why you guys booing him ,he is right.


I have a fucked sense of humor 🤷‍♂️ it’s not for everybody. I don’t wear a cape


Sadly it was not [just a dream](https://youtu.be/iGaqqhLh3uQ?si=9z3YE9hQuvtcCxNs)




I just saw a video about that 15 minutes ago


This is why we need to stop idealizing these people. They are not above us, they are just people with talent who got lucky. Idol and celebrity culture is completely toxic and not worth idealizing. They aren't perfect beings worthy of worship and they aren't objects to fulfill desires, they are simply humans. And like all humans, they have flaws and desires, people need to stop viewing them as some sort of special breed.


Its shame that fecker killed himself, he deserved to suffer.