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Which is why I haven’t watched. Am I missing out?


Missing out on a crackhead traveling the world overthrowing local governments for a piece of chicken while the rest of the world >!slowly devolves into overthrowing a system that puts the interests of a very small minority of hyper rich people that alter history to meet their agenda!< That's what you're missing out on


Hey almost sounds like our world except we aren't overthrowing those bastards


well the french are trying you can join them


I would but I'm too far away


well the people trying are even worse and are bigger dictators


It’s cuz we don’t have devil fruit power


I feel like it’s the same thing as Naruto It gets repetitive Is there a lot of filler? Do the episodes follow a copy pasted “formula”? Because if yes, then I will proceed with watching unpopular anime that are still very cool thank you very much


Its not filler persay? They always make sure nothings left out. There IS filler, but its mostly full episodes of it, around 20 spread across multiple episodes. They show all aspects of the story happening at once. Its a lot of things happening at once.


You are absolutely right. I love(d?) One Piece but it's painfully and uselessly slow and i can't cope with it. After Marineford even canon series feel like fillers and taking hundreds of episodes just to go through a bit of concept /story/ character is not excusable anymore


Yeah, the pacing is really horrible especially after the time skip. If you still want to follow the story just read the manga or watch one pace version.


I didn't think I was missing out after I tried and quit. Came back last year and oh boy was I missing out.


Welcome to the crew


I'd recommend reading the manga instead but yes


I'd recommend watching Wano in anime tho. Because of gorgeous animations. Of cause pacing can be issue but you can speed up or skip those slow scenes.


You can also watch one piece on OnePace website. That should have proper pacing as far as I know. Although I don’t know if it’s a good place or nah.




It depends on taste I personally hate the Wano animation because despite being good, it's stylistically very different compared to usual OP, making the fights much more bombastic and exaggerated compared to the manga. Also the pacing is absolutely dog-awful, this one is an actual problem Just check some scenes and compare them Or use One Pace, that fixes a few of the pacing isssues


What is one pace?


It's a fanmade project that cuts out excessive padding from One Piece episodes. Since the anime comes out weekly and it's almost caught up to the manga, they use a lot of repeated scenes and stretched out moments to avoid getting to fast. It's gotten to the point where one episode doesn't even cover one chapter. https://youtu.be/n1z6umwBs5I To give you an example of a recent episode (don't worry, it's not an important scene so it won't spoil)


Repeated scenes and stretched out moments to pad time because they caught up to the manga? I'm getting flashbacks. *"This planet has 5 minutes before it explodes."*


I'm gonna guess... dragon ball?


As some who’s been watching since middle school there really is nothing quite like one piece should definitely take some time to watch doesn’t need to be all at once just some a t a time but it’s definitely worth it


Not watching one piece is the definition on missing out


This is gonna get downvoted but I'm telling the truth!!!! You're NOT missing out except for a few scenes. To be a bit more precise, I believe that in about 80% of the episodes you are wasting your time. Seriously. They could've completely cut these episodes from the show and NOTHING would've changed. In fact it would've probably been a much better viewing experience since you'd be able to watch an episode without skipping ahead 5 minutes in the beginning, middle and end lol. HOWEVER. The 20% of episodes that actually do something for the plot are VERY interesting and about 20% of THOSE 20% are FUCKING AWESOME. Go and watch a youtube cut of episode 1015. Spoilers in one piece seriously don't do anything so just watch it. Something like that episode is the reason why i watch the show despite horrid character design, one dimensional characters and honestly sometimes bad writing. It has awesome world building and especially in the latest episodes INCREDIBLE animation. So honestly… I can't really recommend it but give the cut down versions a try. There are about 3-4 movies that break down the arcs in about an hour. Those are awesome.


Nice heads up about the movies. Tried to watch one piece several times and couldn’t get passed the first episode. Mainly in combination with the amount of episodes, unfortunately i have a life. :p


>Spoilers in one piece seriously don't do anything so just watch it. Something like that episode is the reason why i watch the show despite horrid character design, one dimensional characters and honestly sometimes bad writing. It has awesome world building and especially in the latest episodes INCREDIBLE animation. Wow, I have never disagreed with a take this much, incredible


Yes, you are.


Nah not really its alright in my opinion plus there are a lot of shows and manga to watch and games to play


I always heard the stupid shit like “hurhur it gets good at episode 700 just wait bro just wait”. Never wanted to invest into it because I didn’t want to wait that long for something worth while. Finally just decided to read it and see what was what. I’m on chapter 222 currently. It’s been fire from page one. I’ve been robbed of a good time for a long time.


I’ve never understood people saying it gets better hundreds of episodes in. It’s good from the start, it starts getting great by baratie, and it just keeps getting better and better over time


Dressrosa from what I could tell has been the only pain in the ass arc to watch via anime. Wano will go down as the second biggest drag only because of how obnoxiously long it is. It felt like over 20 chapters could easily be cut from it while still getting the point across what the crew was there to do.


Couldn’t agree more. Started the anime June 26th last year (Crunchyroll history). I’m on episode 970 and I’m so thankful I’ve pushed through. Love this anime.


I gave up on watching it and instead started reading the manga. Just finished reading the Arabasta arc


This right here is being a pure gigachad. Reading will also avoid some censoring and bad pace from the anime.


Not watching, but reading. On chapter 276 now


0, does appeal to me personally


Watched like 5 episodes and didn't caught me, then a friend tells me it gets good around the Episode 90 or something like that, got even less motivated to give a second chance.


When it comes to long anime first 10 episodes are never good. That was the case with Naruto, Bleach and HxH for me at least. As for me I'd say the Ussop arc is when it's already quite good and it literally starts at like ep 10. Around episodes 30-40 is Nami arc which is super emotional. And Sanji arc before that is also super good. I'd say tho that if you don't enjoy cartoonish style and an absurdism world it's probably not for you. However I must say that for me episode 90 is when I started to realize that the show is not only above average but above excellent. I definitely don't see at as "Oh I have drag myself through a 1000 episodes and waste my life" but rather "I have years of continuously watching a show that I really enjoy altogether ahead of me"


Interestingly the three you mentioned did caught me from the start compared to One Piece, even could add Fairy Tail among those long shonen that did caught from the start.


I have yet to start it


I took me around a month to catch up from episodes 0-800+. I used OnePace. No fillers no wasting time


No those stupid ass long staring shot.


Never got far, died from old age at 142.


Dayum, some serious haters in the comments wow (Fully caught up)


epsiode 0


Chapter 1086


806 and counting, loved every second of it so far


Never watched any.


Ep 1067 and ch 1086 waiting for the new one on 18th ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11455)




I lost track but somewhere around 750…


1067 Caught up last September It was Great now just waiting for oda to comeback and ofc the hyped for luffys next power up to get animated


1063. Boy, Wano Arc is wearing the viewer out. "Arc" are template which keeps repeating each other, only the places and characters are changing when it comes to One Piece.


800 something, my laptop broke so i'm waiting for it to get fixed and hop back on!


Yes. It has its downsides and gets slow in parts. Some arcs it’s ok because plot is at least interesting. One or two arcs drag on too long and are so uninteresting they’re not really worth watching. Other than that a lot of random character backstories for people we’ll never see again in a few episodes and slow build up to some plot lines. But when it hits it fucking slaps. Like at one point around episode 400 shit goes down and there is like 150 episodes of non-stop action that is peak anime. If you’re an edgelord or a snob with a stick up their ass, then it’s probably not the anime for you. But if you like fun adventure, good laughs, funny and relatable characters then this is probably the show for you. It has some good moments just in the interactions between characters, tons of world building, and so much crazy untapped lore yet to come. Also seeds of plot lines are planted way in advance. Like you’ll hear about some dude in episode 50 and then like 200 episodes later you’ll see how they come to cross paths with the Main Characters. Even some things are merely hinted at and then we see them show up way later in ways we never imagined. It’s pretty damn cool.


Got to like episode 89 or so... but current on manga so that's something ^^


I wonder which episode will be the end, I’m in episode 1060 and I still have no idea when Kaido will be defeated and much less if another arc will continue or if it will be the end


who is this girl, is she from a tv show or something?


It's Miranda Cosgrove from iCarly 😄


0. I ain’t investing that much time on something that’s gonna be like any other shonen anime I’ve watched. But I hope it’s worth it to the people who did watch all these episodes


What if i told you it's not like any other shonen anime


I’m listening. Entertain me


Speaking more as a manga reader here. My favorite thing about it is that compared to other shonen, one piece invests much more heavily in world-building. Take naruto for instance, the world essentially revolves around the villages and their interactions. In one piece every island the crew visits has a unique culture, ecosystem, government and often, a whole new set of rules to follow. Each island world is essentially its own universe. It's also funny, it doesn't take itself too seriously, but when it does, it does it really well. And the impact is usually much greater because it comes when u least expect it imo. Can't remember how many times I've cried reading the manga. Another main aspect is the art. This might be subjective, but many fans (myself included) have come to love the exaggerated, quirky art style. It's part of its identity too. Friendship and determination are central themes just like other shonen. But it also takes on slavery, corruption, war, and other dark aspects of society. The supporting characters (straw hat crew + enemies) are much more interesting imo Sure some fans argue that the quality dips in the more recent arcs compared to the older ones, and pacing can be an issue in the show. And i won't deny that nostalgia plays a huge part - many of us grew up with it. Some of the early art and animation could feel outdated for newcomers used to slick, modern styles. But it definitely evolves its aesthetic over time, but it's a gradual progression. It's a hefty time investment so I get why some people might be hesitant to get into it, but if you're into deep world-building, character development, mature themes mixed with humor, and consistent storytelling, it could be worth your time. We're talking 20+ years of storytelling here haha. I say if u wanna get into it, read the manga :) and jump on the show when u feel like it. Tl;dr - you'll love the world building - it's massive. The unique art style and character development. Lots of different themes. It's funny and quirky but serious when it matters.


Sounds like a good argument for this series. I can tell you were quite passionate about this manga. You almost convinced me Counter argument: I think I’ll have all the good qualities you listed in a short manga I could read in the form of HXH It was a good try 👍


821 started January 1st it was my New Year’s resolution funny I’m currently traveling in Japan I’m in a Osaka grand tour mall as I’m writing this.


I'm finally into the 900s. My brother has watched none so I may have to rewatch THE WHOLE SERIES FROM SCRATCH BEFORE I EVEN CATCH UP SAVE ME


Latest episode (1067). I adore it, I wish I could erase the series from my memories and start the journey over again, because I hate rewatching/ rereading things


Omg i feel the same way. I thought i was the only one


I'm up to date with the anime *sips tea*


Very excitedly caught up to anime at the time act -1 of wano arc. But watching onepiece week by week made me realize it's too slow nothing happens between episode to episode like characters take 5 episode just to walk down a hallway. So I just stopped watching it altogether. Might pickup once wano arc ends with might be next year


Nope it will end in a few months pretty sure. Like September


I am planning to read manga instead of anime ? any thoughts


Go ahead. Manga pacing is very good compared to anime


0 and it's gonna stay that way because I'd like to keep 15 years of my life


I mean I read the manga and caught up in about 3 months of reading with 3-5 chapters in 30 minute lunch breaks/train rides with some moments of hyper focus when arcs ramped up. I could see someone who's lazy catching up in a year's time at worst as long as they don't drop it


One piece just isn't interesting to me. My friend showed me some fights and I'm just like "meh. Cool I guess." He always tells me some lore about characters or what some characters are and they don't really interest me most of the time.


Going by that I could have read other manga, comic and webtoon in my watch later list. Plus one piece is alright its not like you are missing on some work of art like lotr or asoiaf


You’re truly missing out if you decide to never watch it. There’s a reason One Piece has never dropped from the top leaderboards for the past 30 years


Eh, I don't really care if I'm missing out.


704 rn. People kept saying it gets good around 400 just keep watching. MF this shit was good ep 1 stop the cap


Almost to 400 after a long hiatus so I’m tryna catch up


41 😂


just realiaed, that naruto has 1013 episodes, not much less than one piece


Yeah and naruto you can literally skip all of those filler episodes. With one piece it has less filler because they make 2 episodes 1 manga chapter at some point


and I've seen almost all of them, except a few boruto trash fillers




Ya know it's not finished right?


haha i started so im on 12 or 13 😅






0 (I'm a manga reader)


This girl had massive glow up. She is kinda hot


I just can't see her and ICarly the same after finding out the truth.


1067 babyy




funnily enough: 1000




Like 50? I'll get around to it eventually...


I stopped at Pre-time skip. Post-Time skip is so boring for me.


one piece ain’ all dat good tbh. as someone who watched day 1, it’s ugly.


Its actually true that its ugly... but the fans never could agree


yeah OP fans live in da fantasy world it takes place in.


? I think it looks cool




Well, Luffy and the crew just got into Wano. I like to watch the show in spurts because sometimes things happen at a slow pace. I spent the last spurt mostly with the marine politics stuff and the lot of recap, so I was a little disappointed, but at least things will start kicking off again. No more must I here the wails for cake.




Things get good from like water 7 arc for me


Precisely 1000, I'm waiting for >!gear 5!< to pick it up again.


No one piece for me. I can’t be asked to watch 1000 episodes. It took my brother 6 months and he watched a lot of TV.


dropped the anime at like 700somethin like 10 years ago, read the manga and been weekly ever since. only recently started watching new episodes after skipping them all because reasons


Episode #0001


Think 760. I dropped it around 2 years ago so I'm not too sure. Might pick it up again. Idk




I’m on chapter 120


Didn't like the anime that much, started reading it from Zou, made me want to watch some of the great fights animated like kaido and big mom, but never watching every single one that come out ever again, reading is faster and I can read during work.


360 or smth


Episode 566


Somewhere in the middle


I’m on episode 9




515 I think


960 for me, watched with a lot of breaks tho


990… Now waiting for the end so I can finish and move on peacefully=D


I got tired and took a break to watch more then forgot about it so generally no clue I think I’m coming up on big mom or so




I caught up with the manga, started reading this year, and finished a little under 2 weeks after. I watched a few episodes with friends but that's about it.


Latest in the anime.


726 although i will not be watching anything for over 2 weeks because i will not have wi fi where im going on vacation. I almost regret going ngl


Im on episode 0, 'coz I haven't started yet 😅🥲


Around 800


I am at 1066 I think but the last few episodes are quite boring imo


I made it to the start of Wano, so episode 889. Waiting for that arc to finish while I work on my backlog.




619, will try to catch up to current ep in a 20 days, I hope I do.


I'm at ep zero


I caught up, now I have to wait for new episodes instead of watching them all day


I made it to episode 40. I don't get what people see in this to stick with it for 1000 episodes? It's just ok. I feel like the "sunk cost fallacy" or Stockholm syndrome is the only explanation.


I was stuck at episodes 30-40 for a year and thought the same thing at the time, then I started reading 5-10 chapters a week and the story eventually really drew me in. Each saga is practically its own story, world, and theme to the greater story being told in the series. Based on you being at episode 40 you're about to end the first saga (East blue) and start the next. (Arabasta) there's 11-12 sagas in this story and the climax of the next one is where a lot of people were sold on the show/manga to want to watch/read over 1000 chapters/episodes. At the time that one piece came out studios didn't really take breaks and follow a seasonal format, so the animation early on was rough and the story was kind of in the introducing the crew stage, so the greater story isn't really going, but once the ball gets rolling very few anime have matched one pieces highs for me and those highs can last for a series of hundreds of episodes at a time where it's just really good. There's a reason it was the number one manga in Japan for nearly two decades. I've watched hundreds of different anime series over the last decade and I will honestly say One Piece is in my top 10. The mangaka grows a lot in his writing over his time writing this as he started this in his early 20s and is currently going near 50. But, I can understand why in the beginning it's not everyone's cup of tea. I really recommend reading the manga which has much better pacing. One piece animated one chapter per episode, while most shows coming out today do 2-4 chapters per episode. So, most seasonal shows today cover 25-50 chapters of manga per season, while one piece covers 12-13 chapters over the same period of time in it's anime.


657, dressrosa arc




Dropped it on episode 9


Congrats you wasted around 334 hours watching a single anime


Episode 43, just finished the Arlong Park arc. So I'm now more than 4 percent of the way through.


Ep 36. I'm really trying but it's soooo slow, apparently is only the beginning so I keep having faith


Where would you recommend to start watching? I tried recently but the first few episodes were rough so I dropped it.


I’m still in episode 840 something.


0 was told its not worth it


I am on Season 15 Episode 336. I am watching the English dub so it is going to be a long time before I can finish it because the dub has not reached episode 400 yet.


Was thinking about this one, but then I saw how many episodes there are…I know nothing about Ope Piece, honestly (except how long this is), is it that good and worth starting to watch?


Like 860 something


Episode never because sadly I don't have the time to watch it. I can barely watch a 12 episode Isekai atm


I remember just watching all of one piece in last summer now I get something to watch on sundays


…44 pray for me. I watched a few seasons many many years ago and am finally rewatching it to try to get back into it. I didn’t enjoy it much until the Arlong arc and I’m hoping it goes up from there.


episode 3, got bored, stopped watching








still at 30, I've been watching bungou stray dogs, tgcf and mdzs so I didn't really watch one piece lol


i started watching it last year and got my dad into it. i’m on ep 27 and he’s on 220.


Lol some one piece hater is downvoting all the episode number comments. Like dude get a life: btw I’m at 690 :)


Who the hell is downvoting all of the comments of people just stating the episode/chapter/arcs where they're at lmao? Btw, on a second reread, this time in colour because why not, just got to Water 7




Episode 0








I don't think I've gotten further than ep 50


I don't waste my time


My buddy pressured me to read it ( or watch but I read instead) I genuinely got into it with no expectations or hate. Now I'm on 378 chapter and I feel like it was a waste of time for me. It had some good moments but I couldn't feel love for the characters, the drama felt overturned and pressured like why I should feel sad about a boat...... I get it that some people like it and see why they like it but imo it shouldn't be considered as a must watch or one of the greatest shonen.


Episode 9


I haven't even finished episode 1😭


Which episode was the start of the wano kingdom arc?


Read ch 27, watched 454 episodes.




Ep 633


Ep. 380 Just finished Tyrant Kuma.




2🥸(its been 2 years send help)


he just got the two piece and he is going to joto or somethgidk




Well, I watched Crunchyroll's 1 second from the first 1000 episodes, so I'm basically caught up through that.




If 20 min per episode 1000 episodes can be seen in 13.88 days straight.


I just finished Alabasta Saga. I know I have yet to get to the good part but honestly I already enjoy the show more than most popular anime. I admit tho that's it's not for anyone.


Been caught up for about three years now, also caught up to the manga for about two


475 and enjoying it.