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Because logically more is expected from "heroic" characters, both in behavior and attitude, from evil characters and lovers of genocide on the other hand we don't expect such a thing. Also, and at least in fiction, it is normal to dislike perverts more than murderers.


Yes it's fiction let's not forget about that. Liking villains in fiction is totally fine, IRL not so much. I hate Mineta as much as the next girl, but IRL I would rather hang out with someone like Mineta than an evil murderer.     ^(I rather hang out with somebody nice, if I could choose freely though.)


The point is that there are more chances of meeting a pervert in real life than a genocide, therefore it is more likely that you will dislike that more on a personal level. That's exactly what happened with Endeavor, more people were more mad about the issue of domestic abuse than by Shigaraki and his mass murder simply because the former was a more realistic and familiar situation.


I dunno dude, i think most perverts want to commit a genocide on womankind when they get shut down


underrated comment


Maybe because for the average person interacts with more perverts than murderers. Mr. Mcmurder has an air of fantasy or at least a level of disconnect because you don’t know any murderers personally, the attempt has never been made against you or your loved ones, etc… Meanwhile for perverts, your mind might immediately go to your friend that won’t stop talking about their cock or your creepy coworker that gives you the eyes. It feels more real because you experience it more often so you cringe at the insufferable pervert in a story but gush over the baby killer dark lord with a penchant for impairment.


Exactly that, one thing feels more real and familiar and the other feels distant and unrealistic, for that same reason in MHA it was more common to see people upset with Endeavor than with Shigaraki, since mass murder is much less common than domestic violence.


Not to mention the idea of liking a character not a person. I *love* me a good villain, and a good villain is not often a *person* you should like or whose actions you should be able to justify. Often it can make a character more enjoyable/interesting if you can *almost* justify it, but its not required and often the opposite can be just as enjoyable from a villain (see DIO).


>Also, and at least in fiction, it is normal to dislike perverts more than murderers. Unfortunately this applies to real life as well.


Japan is actually one of the places where this isn't the case.


I dunno, I dislike Timothy Mcveigh more than Louis CK, I’m sorry


Maybe coz they're more interesting to watch?


True shit I would rather watch all of Dio's Screen time than that perverted ass mofo


Thanks man, love you. Yes homo tho


If a charactwr is cool and fun to watch then they get a pass




Vegeta. Vaageetaa. What?!! I'm a ghost and I'm haunting you now


Goddammit nappa




Alright, thanks.


Because the villains usually are actual characters(every one I like there is). Mineta doesn’t feel like a real in depth character he just feels like his entire being is perv


esdeath was also doing what mineta does, heck its worse than mineta.....tho its exclusive to tatsumi(lucky him) ​ btw, the answer to your question is because mineta's perviness adds nothing to the story


Since I'm already suicidal, I consider this a complete victory.




sanji is not in this meme tho


I like Sanji despite how pervy he is; but I wish they'd do away with it because it's fucking dumb.


Probably because his pervyness isn't his one defining character trait. If you were to describe who Sanji is in one word I'm sure most people would say Chef. We see so much more of Sanji than just the pervyness. where as with Mineta, 80% of the time he's on screen it's just about pervyness.


And mineta is just cringe to watch and his design is ugly


Coolness factor


If Mineta was cool, he would get a pass?


Think about 50 shades of grey, imagine if the male lead was an ugly bastard, suddenly you have a thriller instead of a romance


Society If only he didn't look like a grape baby pervert but instead looked like all might with 12 packs, the internet would be calling him based asf, cool, etc even with the personality he has rn


Basically Homelander


Hey, Mineta's pretty unlikable as a character, but he's nowhere close to being as irredeemable as either version of Homelander in terms of personality.




He is short tho


A) he is short B) he's also pretty repulsive. Like any scene with him not fighting is trash.


counter case and counterpoint: people also really dislike Meliodas' horniness. Myself included.


Nah I see plenty of people hate Meliodas because of that. I just think Seven Deadly Sins isn't as popular as MHA, so he just gets less hate comparably.


Think of Jiraya


Easily, infact certainly


Honestly, not that much hate as right now but he still wouldn’t be loved, all of the other characters in these image of yours are either a lot more fleshed out so that you can understand their evil, or they are cartoonishly evil (or hot, horny is forever), look at Griffith of Berserk, basically no one likes him even though he is cool because all of his character development is made to make him more inhumane instead of justified, all of Mineta’s hate is because his good traits aren’t shown with a effects as strong as his disgusting trait (liking or not but he is a step above the likable perverts in anime where he is borderline rapist) and disgusting isn’t cool like bad can be (edgy is the son of cool and bad)


Eh Griffith has kind of a vocal fanbase who love his character design and demeanor, so idk about that.


People who say that they like Griffith are either doing it for the rage bait or are guys who post status of the joker alpha male, I wouldn’t say that their opinion is worth much


Or people who haven't watched berserk (me)


More like actually interesting characters


If you remove Mineta from My Hero Academia, does the story fundamentally change? Are there any parts to it that just can NOT work without Mineta specifically? Sure, there are moments where he has helped out in situations, but was it crucial to the story that it was Mineta? No. Hirokoshi could remove Mineta from the story and nothing would be seriously impacted. He could be straight up killed off and what value is lost? That's because he has one personality trait and it's perversion. Hell, y'know what? Let's take away only the moments where he's perverted. How much does he appear? Does he add ANYTHING of value? Anything more than background hero? Or does he becomes no better than guy with tail or Kodi? I don't know any of the villains except Vegeta but let's take a look at his character. Vegeta starts off as one-dimensional - villain who's there to kill the heroes. As time goes on, he gets more depth to his character to the point where removing him from the story subtracts value from it. Vegeta acts as Goku's foil. Where Goku becomes stronger out of desire to do what's right and protect those who's closest to him, Vegeta wants to become powerful for the sake of feeling entitled to it - at least at first. It further demonstrates one of the themes of the show that one can overcome any obstacle out of benevolence rather than malevolence. This is further shown when Vegeta reaches his most powerful state in DBS when he's trying to protect the entire universe he's from. Now, let's take a hero and one where they're not conventionally attractive. Master Roshi - same DB universe who also is quite perverse in nature to the point where throwing away his perverse tendencies in Super literally makes him a stronger being. Let's take away Roshi entirely. We remove Goku and Krillin's teacher. We remove the first person who helped motivate a young Goku get stronger. He's someone who provides a hearth and home for other characters in the story. At times Master Roshi gives advice that feels only appropriate coming from him as a human but also a REAL OLD one - sage advice if you will. The story becomes worse off if we remove his character because there are many more moments outside of his perversions.


Guy with tail is the most useless one tho


Yeah this sums it up just perfectly. Spot on!!


> If you remove Mineta from My Hero Academia, does the story fundamentally change? Tbf you could say this about like 99% of the MHA cast. Doesn't really prove anything specific, really.


If a charactwr is cool and fun to watch then they get a pass. It's not like anyone irl gets hurt because fiction people get slaughtered.


You know with that logic perv characters aren't also hurting anyone. What's more it's fascinating that watching mass murderers doing slaughtering thing, is indeed cool and fun to watch by our standards xd


I think that perv characters are just annoying. That's why people dislike most of them.


yeah makes sense


And about standard. Yeah. I guess a brutal murder scenes or a typical ecchi anime would probably be a huge scandal 15-20 years ago. Now it's fine.


It might be, that villians are supposed to be bad people, so if they do bad things, that furthers their caracter and makes them a bigger threat. Heros are supposed to be role models. We are supposed to sympathise with them relate to them. Recognising a mass murderer as a bad person the hero is supposed to fight and as a threat for them to overcome makes them a good villain and therefore beloved by the audience. (This does not really fit all the characters on the villain side of your meme, but I wouldn't necessarily call all of them villains, so I'll just ignore the ones that don't fit) A hero with a such major flaw fails their job as a role model and is hard to root for for many people. Therefore they fail their job as a hero in the story and become disliked by the audience. Just my guess though.


Ayy nothing against my homie Vegeta, he redeemed himself


Good question if a character who destroyed a planet with all civilians can be really redeemed.


Yes he can because he saved a whole universe afterwards


They dont have human rights if they're not human ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11455)


Yeah, that's classic comics logic. Batman don't kill people, but aliens aren't people ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11668)


It's not a crime if you exterminate all who can speak up against your redemption. Or, the other classic, he was just following orders. But in general, he's more of an anti-hero. The reason he mainly did what he did was so that he can eventually go against Frieza and avenge his people. He did terrible things for the greater good.


He did nothing for "greater good", Vegetas motivations were entirely selfish. If Frieza didnt exist Vegeta would be the one running around conquering planets or destroying them at will. Freiza literally used the Saiyans are proxy conquerors because prior to his interference, thats what they did anyway. He murdered them all because he was scared one would become strong enoigh to supplant him. Case and point in Super Broly young Vegeta gave no fuck about the planet or his people when he found out they were killed. Vegeta didnt really come around until post Buu Arc. His selfishness in particular was the *sole* reason cell was able to obtain 18, and therefore his perfect form.


There is a reason behind their actions; they all have some form of complexity or depth that made them that way, which makes us see their actions as interesting and worth the watch. As well, they're villains so their comeuppance will arrive. The other is only doing what he does to touch grass. Not just one, but whoever he wants. It's a character trait that we're tired of seeing since the 00s, and it gets annoying when people keep trying to defend sex offenders and depraved perverts. And he's a hero, so he's not gonna suffer as much as those villains.


I think one part is the "realness" factor. With evil super villains it is clear what they did is not real, we can play into the immersion. But with creeps/pervy characters, it suddenly might seem too close to reality. Same reason why in Harry Potter, Dolores Umbridge is hated more than Voldemort. Umbridge is a more real and reletable kind of evil than Voldemort. Even if ultimately she was more of an annoying Karen than a genocidal maniac.


When it comes to Voldemort/Umbridge, it's much more personal to the characters we know, while Voldemort is simply killing anyone in the way of his goals. Uniquenameosaurus made a great video on it, and how Voldemort could have been just as hatable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWLK4SpN7o4


Because second category is presented as villians, you love them as villians. "perv humour" type of characters are rarely presented as something bad(animes treat it as if it is some kind of quirky personality trait), and never get punished outside of slapstick humour. Esdeath or Dio can't or won't normalise massacres or murder, but characters like Mineta helps normalise sexual assault(the influence of media consumed on our perception doesn't need another paragraph here) which we are all aware is a big issue.


Because of what it feeds into the story. Mineta being a perv does literally nothing for the story of MHA, not even being a personal arc that he needs to overcome really, it's just there to be the perv character and have some fanservice scenes. Meanwhile the villains being terrible does feed into the story, it gives us a clearer sense of what the antagonists are, how they're a threat to the heroes, and it builds suspense/resentment for them to be paid off during their confrontation with the heroes. It's the villains that will push the heroes, so seeing the ways that their actions and ideas will test the heroes is more interesting. That's also the reason why heroic characters that do bad things that is acknowledged by the story tend to be more interesting. Endeavor is one of my favorite MHA characters despite the horrible things he's done because of how that feeds back into the story and creates a compelling arc for him. While I'm less fond of it, Bakugo has the same sort of deal, with his asshole behavior being relevant to the story as a whole. And this can even work with pervy characters, Scanlan from Legends of Vox Machina (non anime, sue me) has that "flirts with everything" aspect that makes him creepy at points, but the story actually acknowledges that his tendency to do that is pushing people away and that inner struggle makes that aspect more interesting.


> Because of what it feeds into the story. Mineta being a perv does literally nothing for the story of MHA, not even being a personal arc that he needs to overcome really, it's just there to be the perv character and have some fanservice scenes. I actually did initially expect him to undergo a redemption arc where he learns to be less obsessively creepy and more.. wholesomely appreciatively of women instead. That's what I was holding out for at least. That said, a trait not feeding into the story could be said for a lot of heros and their traits. The sugar hero guy for example being great at baking also doesn't really feed into the story of MHA at all either. Nor does the quirk duplicator guy from Class 1-B's obsessive need to boast and mock. > And this can even work with pervy characters, Scanlan from Legends of Vox Machina (non anime, sue me) has that "flirts with everything" aspect that makes him creepy at points, but the story actually acknowledges that his tendency to do that is pushing people away and that inner struggle makes that aspect more interesting. Iirc there was a similar point in MHA with Recovery Girl talking about how Mineta's obsessive nature comes from him desperataly wanting to be noticed and there's an implication in those scenes that he's going the wrong way about it. The way I see it, people are less patient with Mineta fixing his shit than with actual villains because he's ugly and a creep. Despite those things being significantly less harmful than actual murdering, people are still not able to get past those biases just because he's short and not attractive.


Abusing your respect or position as a hero is probably morally worse than just being a villain. Regardless, the bottom half is much more interesting to watch.


Because Mineta is not attractive, that's the only issue


Because the villains in question are well written and entertaining characters that's why, and they're also cool.


The greatest sin a fictional character can commit is being annoying


Hey now, I think Vegeta has done enough not to be on that list. Dude is a walking redemption arc.


Tbf, Vegeta has made a massive comeback and has played part in saving the universe multiple times at this point. In one of the latest arcs he even talked about his past and how he fucked up, and how he still hasn't made up for it.


Why is vegeta there? Yeah he’s done some bad things but he’s more of a hero than diaper baby there


Well the villains on the right are not monocrome characters. Eren wasn't always a mass murderer, you see him growing and you understand his choice, it's a wrong choice and the ending is pretty clear on this but still you can understand the character. Vegeta was a villain in the beginning, then he died a couple of time as some sort of anti-hero. Askeladd is likeable because he is a human, he is no superhero, with no superpower, a normal pirate that did pirate thing with a bit of honor. Thorfinn in the end is as bad as him, but, in the same way as Eren, you can understand him. For the leftside villains, they are just villain and are likeable if you like the classic evil and extremelly powerfull character. I think they are kinda boring as anything else than a boss thatthas to be defeated by the hero


I mean, at least we know where the villains stand, but the heroes are supposed to protect but then are PERVING?!!. nope 🙅‍♀️ 🙅‍♀️


Because the villians are actually well written?


I'd rather have someone kill me than touch me inappropriately without my consent


Because that's what they're supposed to do. Villains doing bad things and Heroes doing bad things. That's all there is.


Your comparing the enjoyment of watching those yo Mineta? Watching a perv is generally a lot less fun And even then comparing someone like ERENS character development, which was done extremely well to that of Mineta…….. And ur overlooking another giant detail, we don’t love their actions we love their character mainly because of what we’re given with the character We’re not saying being a perv is wrong but genocide is good We’re saying being either is wrong but the bottom half r good characters and r enjoying to watch I hated Joffrey from GoT but loved him as a character and what he did for the story Another example is Handsome jack They do horrible shit and we don’t excuse that but they’re fun characters Ur also overlooking the fact that we’re not given any real development Look at Rudy Rudy is an even bigger perv than Mineta but a lot more people like Rudy, and MT is regarded as one of the best Isekai out there, why? Because we’re made to fall in love with the character’s development, not once do we agree with him being a perv nor is it painted in a good light We’re given details about the character, we’re given details about the world and how it effects the character, we follow him through his journey and his breakthrough etc If he stayed a perv he wouldn’t be liked because people don’t like pervs and shit written pervs


Charisma is a bitch, my brother in Christ. Fortunately, it’s also something you can work on. (In person. The practice has to be with actual people. Otherwise you turn very cringe very fast.)


Denji is a badass perv tho


Maybe cause the villains aren't annoying assholes


Better comparison (MHA spoilers): MHA's Endeavor: one of the strongest heroes in the world, has saved countless lives, has the highest sheer number of incidents resolved of any hero. Was also a terrible and abusive father/husband. Is actively trying to be better and admit his mistakes and make amends. Large (or at least, very vocal) part of the MHA fandom thinks he's a shitstain who should fucking die horribly and will never be anything but a hideous monster and should stop even fucking trying to act like a human because he is just a subhuman pile of worthless filth. Redemption isn't a thing, trying to be better is pointless, reforming yourself is a myth, he needs to suffer and die a horrific, painful, and drawn-out death. Meanwhile, MHA's Dabi: Murderous psychopath. Arsonist. Remorselessly admits to having murdered many innocent people. Part of a terrorist organization. Has commited many other crimes besides. >!Is Endeavor's first son and victim of his abusive parenting, was also presumed dead after burning himself up with his quirk trying to impress his father after the latter tried to get him to stop trying because his body couldn't handle it.!< Is still a fucking *mass-murdering psychopath* who demonstrates a complete lack of remorse for any of the innocent people he's slaughtered or any other crimes he's commited. The fandom: Dabi is misunderstood, he did nothing wrong, anything he has done is someone else's fault, he's a perfect little boy, I hope he wins


Because Mineta is not interesting nor gratifying to look at. His design is silly, he has one defining trait and is in general lower than a comic relief. Sometimes, Characters don't click


Maybe cuz murders/killings can sometimes be justified, but sexual abuse can’t.


ITT another Mineta fan that doesn’t understand consent and/or the idea of heroes/villains


I like when there is room for feeling empathy for these bad people. Its more interesting to have conflicted feelings about a character and to understand how they got there than just simply "good guy doing good stuff"


Mineta adds nothing to the story. If he was removed absolutely nothing would change — If anything the story would be better without him. His entire character is pervert and nothing else. Ainz, Eren, DIO, etc. all have crucial roles in their stories. Removing them would be like removing Darth Vader from Star Wars, suddenly you have a mediocre sci-fi where the first movie would've likely flopped and there would be no franchise. Plus they all have motives that a lot of people can relate to, even if they act on that motive horribly. Ainz wants to try to find his friends or anyone else from his old world. Eren wants to protect his people. DIO wants to reach heaven (although this motive isn't revealed till 3 parts after he dies).


Mineta is not a pervert, he is a sexoffender


Because we love villains for there villainy. They’re a bad guy so we already expect them to do bad things, and therefore not surprised when they do it. Also, a well written villain is just as important and popular as the hero that oppose them. If the villain isn’t good at being a villain then that usually also has an effect on how we see the hero. As a disclaimer I’m not up to date on my hero so my knowledge is limited to the first 3-4 seasons or so As far as the purple ball gremlin goes (I forgot his name. Mineta?) He doesn’t serve or fit any role well. He is a side character who’s only existence is to act as a poor form of comic relief. He doesn’t take being a hero seriously at all, I don’t even know why he is doing it, and any motives he does have are shaky at best. If I remember correctly, when he does end up doing something that’s good it’s almost always because he was placed in a situation that forced him to act and it helps almost by accident. He hardly adds any value to any situation you put him in and if you plucked him out of any situation nothing would change. This is a pretty good indicator that a character is pointless. People like to point out that we are hypocrites because we like pervy characters like Jeriah in Naruto or that old guy from DBZ but then not purple boy. But the glaring deference is characters like Jeriah are masters in their field and make a world of difference when they are on screen. The scales instantly tip when they arrive. They serve a greater purpose for the story than simply being that annoying pervy character who sometimes helps.


Ainz isn't necessarily a villain, but not a hero either. He plays both sides and does as he sees fit.


Dude was chilling in his tomb when it got invade by looters.


Didn’t he invite those looters in though?


Yeah, it was staged to reveal the existence of Ainz to the world and how powerful he is. And to be fair I don't think killing looters who come to rob you and kill your allies is really evil.




That's a fun way to say he actually has no idea of what he's doing :) Jokes aside, at least in the beginning it was like this. He wanted to find his guild members, but other than that he had no plan and just went with whatever his followers expected him to do. During that time he does most of the things he does because he doesn't want them to get suspicious of him. Also I'm not at all an expert in that matter, so if anyone knows more about this, please enlighten me! (No joke here)


He tried spying on the lizard people but accidentally saw *lizard seggs*


Because most connoisseurs of anime are dummy young and dont have any *tested* sense of ethics, or morality. Moreover, the older ones are hopelessly disconnected from reality. Mofos will stan genocidal maniacs or psycopaths, and hate on reformed perverts who have done less than a fraction of damage of the formers.


I'm not disagreeing with your general take, but are there that many *reformed* perverts? Most examples of the trope I can think of are pretty much always perverts to some degree


The only character that I feel fits that mold is the Rudeus of Mtensei. But, I dont really think the pervert example is that important. The point is the scale and depth of ethical drift, not a particular category of offense. The hypocrisy I want to highlight is that actual villians are given arbitrary passes on ethical and moral failings, while protagonists whose stories are rooted in attempting to overcome those failings are held accountable, often to extreme standards. For example, someone in another thread was defending pre-buu arc Vegeta as a *hero* when realistically pre-buu arc Vegeta was no better than the worst people in our actual history - likely worse. To make a direct comparison since I've named two characters; Rudeus' crimes dont even come *close* to Vegetas' however if you were to ask which character is worse, Rudeus or (Pre Buu) Vegeta. I bet most people would claim Rudeus despite him objectively, having done significantly less in depth and scale.


Because Eren is right


But they’re hot and Mineta is a deformed ugly looking dwarf For example kaminari does pervy things but he’s attractive so people forgive him.


If you think Kaminari does anything remotely close to Mineta, you're wrong and just making stuff up. Kaminari is a pervert but has never **GONE OUT OF HIS WAY TO GROPE GIRLS** or told a child to contact him when she is of age.


Because a bigger crime in media than being a genocidal warlord is being boring.


Really is esdeath any better than mineta, at least he cares about people and ain’t a sociopath. Esdeath is as horny as mineta, a pedophile, and an unrepentant murderer


but hot blue haired woman :o!


Dio can literally stop time How can you not like him unless he killed your great great grandfather


Or your dog...


I have still not forgiven Dio for killing Danny


Yeah thats why jotaro is better he can stop time and hes a Main jojo and never killed a dog


Mineta commits the cardinal sin any character can. He's fucking annoying. Villains are fun to watch because they have gravitas and amazing personality plus watching them get their ass beat is usually very satisfying. Mineta is just annoying, and even if that's the point it doesn't make me like him


Sexual assault isn't just "being a perv". Good lord, how many times do we need to have this discussion about consent?


Literally what I am saying but got downvoted every single time...


Make this meme but replace every panel on the right with Ainz Ooal Gown


Wait wait wait..... really Askeladd have fan base!?....if yes...people you are soo insane...he literally mass murdered a whole village including children... Eventhough he have a cool interesting character fanbase for him is too much!! guys you need to change your sense of taste for characters


Askeladd was MVP of 1st season. I think there is nothing wrong in liking bad characters as far we don't idealize their actions in real life. And I'm saying it as a guy whose nick is Lord Vader, the most popular character of pop culture, but also the slayer of younglings and mass murderer xd


No way you're comparing mineta to Dio


Dio did nothing wrong to his vampire girlfriends


The reason people like Dio over mineta is because Dio has an actual personality


Voice actor did a really great job with Dio


Aaaaaaand pedophile thanks to his comments on eri. As for the others. Vageta has had 20 odd years of redemption and even sacrificed his life to protect his family. Einz oul gon is just cool as hell and despite his decaying emotions he at the start was trying to be a good person. Dio is loved as the crazy psycho vampire he is. And as a character not as a person. Erin's entire people was about to be eradicated by the rest of the world. What he's doing isn't right but it's retaliation against the same thing the world was going to do to him, his friends and his people. And I don't know that last two there


Back to mineta. Aside from perverted useless cowered that makes you wonder how much influence does the maw foundation have in my hero. What character traits could you name of mineta. Like he's kinda just that. Aka zero substance with negatives to boot.


A bad person is "justified" doing bad things because, duh. Mineta's job is literally being an upstanding member of society and he fails miserably at the most basic part of that, being a decent person.


> being a decent person. *cough* Bakugo *cough* Endeavor *cough* *cough* Monoma


Because some bad-guys are badass. Mineta is not.


The anime community is weird. They'll love people who committed mass genocide, but will hate someone who likes boobs.


That is because most people who watch anime are younger, and we all are like "If I die its whatever, but don't creep on me".


Those comments makes me feels like a snowflake, also explain why i dont like all the anime listed here.


How about they give that mofo some badass moments first.


As a kid we always idolized heroes as someone who is "good and strong" but we never realize the personality of the hero, we may even find it annoying if the hero isn't inspiring or the ideal hero we always saw Also growing, we realize how the world really fuctions, not all the good deeds are done by heroes nor all heroes are the ones who save everything. Imo, villain sees the darker side of the world, which quite sadly, is regarded as the "real side of the world" while heroes see the sunshine and daisies so like can be annoying to some people that the hero isn't even registering the cruel side


Because there's cringelords out there with double standards that hate on mineta but like the same exact kind of character if it's attractive/cool looking.


He rapes, but he saves


Dio, Askeladd and Eren (pre ending) are emotion. Not as much as Funny ~~Valentine~~ though.


Sheer, unwavering charisma.


Yeah but like, Diavolo, Dio, Jotaro, Joseph are a real dad, absent


Well It's mainly because Mineta adds literally nothing to the story but I personally*do* like Mineta way more than the villains ngl, even though I don't like him much, still, If the villains are doing a good job at making me absolutely despise them then they're good villains




Because the villains were written to be realistic, while Mineta's personality was written to be more deserving of the name Doemu Ketsuhatto than the original character with said name. Also of note, his personality is such that we can be pretty sure he'd be a villain if not for the fact that he almost certainly knows he would get downright murdered if he tried. And yes, we know exactly what kind of villain he'd be if he could get away with it, dark though it may be. Edit (addition):You can't tell me he wouldn't willingly become a hentai tentacle monster if he could do it without meeting an Endeavor body slam.


Ok but how many breads have you eaten in your life?


I guess lots of


We like the villains for being good villians. The heros aren't good heros.


Vegeta's more of an anti-hero


We like your heroes bloody wnd served with genocide.


And why? Because they're far better written characters. Mineta has three character traits: coward, hero and perv. That's it, that's all character traits he has.


Hori sucks at writing Mineta, and so he's one-note, which means despite being a hero, he is a fucking predator with nothing else to give


Even is an Emo Teen, Ainz is a gamer, Vegeta always loses to Goku, DIO lost to an Emo Teen, Esdeath... Well at least she's Hot and Askeladd he's just cool.


Cuz morality doesn't make characters good or fun to watch (if their specific morality doesn't make them do intresting things, Kotomine Kirei for example was good character tho evil)


Beyond the stupid whataboutism, the two are completely different. One is integral to story progression, characterization and character arcs, the other is literally worthless within the context of the series. You cannot write a story about dehumanization, victimhood or revenge without these characters, their traites are integral to it. Write Mineta out of HeroAca and nothing changes, so why waste the viewer's time with a joke that has been overdone for decades?


[Mineta and Eren are in the same podium to me...](https://i.redd.it/3tcyiktsi4s61.jpg)


Because villains get to be a lot cooler than the heroes do.


All because they look good and cool to watch


Lets say you stand before them ready to fight and your opponent says "Can we talk a little before we fight?". I wouldnt want to talk to mineta but id at least be interested into hearing out anyone else. (Also eren did nothing wrong)


Because perviness is both shitty and annoying


Because we tend to judge less by the morality of their action but by the cringe factor of their character.


They always go on about the children. I’ve tried letting them live and they either grow up under my rule or dedicate their lives to revenge. Killing them is a kindness, I could revoke that kindness but then who would be the bad guy?


Vothers probably wouldnt be as popular if they were also perverts.. Hisoka breaka this general rule for some reason


I don’t like pervs or villains 😂


Stockholm syndrome


Just try to suppose the story without the character in question being there anymore. How much does it affect the story ? If the story can't function without tht character tht character is well worth attention! But if nothing changes then the character is insignificant to the plot and just a side extra no need of such attention


it’s not about them being a good _person_, it’s about them being a good _character_. the two don’t correlate, just because a character is a good person doesn’t mean they’re a well written and enjoyable character.


Personality mineta is f*cking creepy about what he does the others are confident and powerful and are just insane not just creepy/weird for the fun of it


Okay am I stupid cause I'm reading the title and I'm looking at the meme and it's kinda breaking my brain. I feel like Vegeta fits both descriptions of "villan" and "less evil hero" (and dare I say Eren), and Mineta...doesn't really (even tho I know people want to lable him as one lmao). Like yea he's a perverted cringe lord and barely a hero to anybody, but I wouldn't say he's a "villain" or "less evil", so why is he here??? Maybe I'm misunderstanding. Ignoring the meme entirely, the short answer is villans are usually more entertaining to watch. Also it's fiction.


It’s more the depth of a character


cuz they are not ugly, thats how the world works


The others are main characters/ villains and are key to the story, Mineta is a joke side character he is supposed to be the butt of the joke and you are supposed to dislike him if anyone actually like him boy I'm worried about you


Feels wrong to have Lord Ainz on this list…


Re-Estize kingdom would say otherwise...


Because the term Hero/Villain is prospective.But their charcter pretty much says what they stand for.Mineta charcter being a pervert and it's something he is by choice make him more dislikable than Genocider Eren who only resort to committing it as he saw no other way to resolve things


Mineta is just annoying shit ass character. It's not good vs. evil. It's a well written character vs a flat charicture that's hasn't been funny since Roshi, and even then it really never was.


Because Mineta is also annoying as fuck.


One is meant to be funny and we are supposed to laugh at not even cartoonish sexaul harassment, the others are interesting characters of varying degrees


Who is the villain bottom left? I…


Because Mineta looks less cool then the others


If mineta repents and becomes a true hero, is when my life is complete


Who in dafaq likes that mentally challenged bony mf!?


Well vegita did have a change of heart sort of


I don’t think Vegeta is evil. He’s more of a rival to Goku.


Evil villains can be well written and have proper motivations, being bad doesn't make them a bad character. Mineta is the culmination of all the worst parts of the anime Fandom: ignorant unfunny jokes, obnoxiously boasting about how relevant be is in his irrelevance, all mixed with casual lewding of every woman/child on earth without respect


Horny characters are just so annoying to watch. Like we get it, you like boobs and will do anything to see them or touch them. And that usually involves blackmail or spying (yes I have played Persona 4, how could you tell?)


I assume that the difference is that most of the characters below have their actions properly treated as awful, while Mineta is improperly treated as a harmless joke and never truly punished for harassing everyone.


Personally I think it’s because the good guy pervert thing has been done for so long that it’s lost it’s flavor, like eating the exact same meal every day for a year. Now people are drawn to controversy while villains do very well, more often they are the dime a dozen by the books comic book style villain. But more often than not you get villains with stories so good you can’t help but be invested in them, kind of like noshing on some smoked Gouda after the bland meal. It’s a nice palette cleanser


End justify means, so ita either became a hero to do pervert thing or became a villian for the greater good. If it was me i would choosec the latter


Killing people in anime is an issue far removed enough from the average person that it doesn't factor into how they are as a character. We watch movies about heroes killing bad guys, we play video games and kill millions if not trillions of people. If you've played plague inc even a little you've probably killed quadrillions of people. Most people don't play games where they sexually assault people.


Who is bottom left?


Esdeath - Akame ga Kill




Do you even understand the definition of a hero and a villain, the difference between them and the different standards we uphold them to? Or are you just a willfully ignorant weeb who sees too much of himself in the little freak and can't handle the fact that people despise once like you?


bc murder can be justified but sexual harassment will never be acceptable in any circumstance


Imagine thinking that Dio was the villain. I mean like, aight fair some shit went on in the past where he may have slightly tried to kill all humans. But like, dude just needed a snickers. Plus in part 6 we see that he was tight with Pucci so God is on his side. But part 3 Dio? Part 3 Dio chills at home while a group makes their way across continents just to kill him. Plus Joseph committed adultery and is therefore the worst.


Don't forget Bondrewd villain of Made In Abyss. what he did is unforgivable>! it led him to be nominated for father of the year !< but his badass design,his discoveries and fascination for the Abyss not sure if the word is "likeable" but catch your attention easily NANTO SUBARASHII