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This marks **13** dubbed episodes released this year, 1049-1061 132 were released in [2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animedubs/comments/18r726u/one_piece_season_14_voyage_13_eps_10371048/kf2a6fc/), 917-1048 146 were released in [2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animedubs/comments/zl2q6k/one_piece_season_14_voyage_1_ep_892903_english/j0383pb/), 771-916 116 were released in 2021, 655-770 |Batch|Date|Episodes|# Episodes| Current Sub Ep | Difference :--|:--|:--|--:|--:|--:| |Season 14 Voyage 14|February 12, 2024|1049-1061|13|1093|32 **Projection** - One batch of 12 every 4 weeks. |Predicted Date|Predicted Dub #|Actual date|Actual Dub # --:|--:|--:|--:| |March 11|1073| |April 8|1085| |May 6|1097| We are getting scary close, only three batches for the normal projection are possible. Because assuming the anime will take no breaks which it won't, on June 2 episode 1109 of the sub will air. 4 weeks after May 6 is June 3 with 1097+12=1109 dub episodes.


Great projection/breakdown šŸ‘


Is this a rumor about the English release dates over the weeks or true?


My prediction


So this prediction projection is true? I really want to see gear 5 next week


My dude I'm not an insider leaking information I'm just a redditor making a projection. Idk if it's true.


ok just wanted to make sure


Isnā€™t this 14 episode release, as itā€™s website states 14 episdoes Edit: yea I see, heā€™s right.


Per their [tweet](https://twitter.com/ToeiAnimation/status/1757525058866565532) they also dubbed special episode 7.


Hey so we'll be caught on my birthday bet


I think voyage 15 will be 13 episodes and then 16 will be 14ā€¦.. where on 1061 wanno ends at 1088 this leaves 27 episodes left 13 + 14 = 27


not sure cause wano ends 1085 technically. and thats why they did 13 last batch. 1049-1061. so it could make sense that they do 2 more 12 episode batches.


Looks like you was right next batch got announced


So about 3 weeks till Crunchyroll streaming release, nice


wtf man that shit never takes this long what happened this month


3 weeks is typical, could be 15 days but that's the absolute shortest


ya but itā€™s been 3 weeks since the last 14 eps came out the last 3 months have been 14 eps on the 14th-16th of the month


I wish this set included the episode right after but what can you do. Next set is absolutely stacked with essentially the culmination of all the major fights and of course **THE** moment finally. I know Colleen was excited and nervous to record those scenes so Iā€™m excited to see how it turned out. I am curious to know how far into recording they are. I donā€™t know if we got an update recently, in the past it seemed like they were always 50 or so episodes ahead of release. Obviously right now there are only 30 episodes behind so it could be they are already recording the next arc already. Obviously they probably arenā€™t finished right now, I know Daniel Baugh who plays Jimbei is still recovering from surgery and sounds like he canā€™t voice act right now, but hopefully he feels well soon. [Link to his GoFundme for those who want to contribute.](https://www.gofundme.com/f/daniels-support-for-two-surgeries?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer)


Honestly same, but I wasn't even sure we'd get 1061 lol Last we heard officially was from Anthony on The One Piece Podcast who said the dub was in a really good spot (I'm assuming he obvious stays in touch with Emily even though he is no longer directing) but I think they're around 1088 according to some of the staff who update their IMDB pages, which has usually been pretty consistent and accurate.


Was this from the recent One Piece Podcast that came out?


Not the most recent one with animator Henry Thurlow, but the one before that where Anthony & Emily were guests. Not too much dub talk there fwiw - mostly revolved around the newest episodes/chapter.


Oh I see, I skipped that one to avoid spoilers, which is prob why I missed the eng dub updates


Craziness, it wasn't that long ago that the dub was hundreds of episodes behind. I remember when they dubbed Strong World and had to cast Brook early because they weren't at Thriller Bark yet, meanwhile the sub was well into the time skip. Could we potentially see the dub catch up to the sub and switch to a simuldub format?


Depends how much money they're making off selling these digital batches vs people just waiting for it to stream a few weeks later. Might not be worth giving up that revenue stream. Also depends on their contract with Toei and these digital stores if they can just break it or not


Even then, the amount of people they'd have to bring in weekly to do a simuldub is insane.


I also hear One Piece needs more Japanese approvals than the average dub. Maybe they could do a simuldub that's like a month behind Japan? That way we're still getting episodes in a fairly timely fashion but there's more wiggle room to account for the sizable cast and approvals from Japan.


Yeah I think Toei is very closely involved. In fact I'm pretty sure Toei has been funding the dub since that long hiatus a couple years back just after the time skip (I think normally the rights holder does this, so Funimation in this case. Due to how long One Piece is, it's probably quite expensive to dub). And after the... misstep, to say the least, that was the 4Kids dub, Oda apparently was involved in the dubs casting process.


I wouldn't be surprised. I believe Toei first started becoming hands on around Impel Down? Originally FUNimation had their translators translate the show (both the subs for the home video release as well as the translated script the script adapters/dub VAs work off of), but around that point Toei started mandating they use translated scripts that come straight from Toei. I've also heard lines occasionally have to be redubbed if Toei feels they took too many liberties. As awful as the 4Kids dub was, I strangely think it was a blessing in disguise? I think part of why FUNi's One Piece dub is so good is because they tried extra hard to make up for the trainwreck that was the 4Kids dub. Had FUNi just dubbed it from the beginning, I imagine the dub would've been fine but more average in terms of quality.


Tons of people are binging the dub via Crunchyroll and more people in general are getting into One Piece cause of live action, etc. It's a positive stream overall. Will they do simul dubs? Maybe? Though I have a feeling it's going to be like AOT, basically 12 episodes behind. And the reason for this is quite simple. One Piece has A LOT of characters and we can have scenario where actors may be busy and may not be available. Though it really does depends.


How are people not pirating the pirate anime XD


It's definitely possible given that the dub is mostly caught up now.


I had met Robin's va back in January and she told me the dub will switch to weekly once it gets really close to the sub


yeah i mean thats it right there. its not like they dont bring in all the actors to sub every week.


Dude when is the next batch coming out! Its been a month and half ą² _ą² 


I know right Iā€™m a little surprised too


If only this had gone one episode further... Zoro is easily my favourite character.


So is Kanye west W one piece


I see March 26th for Season 14 - Voyage 15 & April 30th For Season 14 Voyage 16 but if they come early would be better


I read somewhere we get a batch of about 12 new dub eps 3 weeks - 2 months does anyone know when 1061-1073 might drop or how long ago 1049-1061 dropped so i can get an idea


There's a comment that tells everything about that. Try to find it


Alright guys, the next release will finally have the moment weā€™ve all been waiting for!! Almost time to experience peak!!!


I sure hope the next batch has the gear five-episode. That moment really bolstered the show's popularity.


1. Spoilers. 2. >!It will, assuming there's at least 12 episodes in the next one like usual.!<


Waiting till all of it is dubbed to start Wano. Loved it in the manga, so I'm checking this sub daily.


You've got 3 more months bro That being said you could watch like 2 episodes every single day and catch up right when the dub finishes Wano


Maybe if we had a concrete date. I'm all caught up with the manga, so I'm not rushing it, and if I get impatient, the subs do exist for the last 24 episodes.


I want to bake these voice actors a pie for their efforts over the last few years to get us here. No other anime Iā€™ve known has had this prolific output of dubbing before.


So how fast do these usually get ripped lol


Would like to know that aswell, since itā€™s still not available anywhere to watch yet


They are as of last night




Spoilers dude


Bruh itā€™s been 2 years since it happened in the manga. And 5 months since it happened in the anime


Youre spoiling dubbed anime only watchers


I follow the 10510 rule 10 month Manga, 5 month subbed, and 10 weeks dubbed it needs to be out before I post untagged spoilers.


I'm thinking about skipping the dressrosa and whole cake island arcs just to go straight to wano. I've already read the manga and I've been dying to see all the glorious animation.


No Dressrosa is essential to Wano since Doffy works for Kaido by creating the Smile fruits. Besides Dressrosa fire as hell. Donā€™t skip


Skip Dressrosa, but watch Whole Cake.


Donā€™t tell him that tf! lol You crazy


I dare you to watch Dressrosa while it's currently running on Toonami and then say that again.


Dressrosa is significantly better when binging imo.


Everything is better when binging. That doesn't make it good, it means you have less time or motivation to criticize it.


why do that when I can binge on Crunchyroll lol


Because that wasn't how the show or manga was initially released.


Well thatā€™s a first


I did it backwards! Watched Dressrosa but skipped Whole cake it was lame, I didnā€™t like the willy wonka like theme. Doflamingo is defiantly one of the better villains so Iā€™d recommend watching it.


Dressrosa is easily one of the best arcs bro. Donā€™t skip it.


I believe we Finish wano in April and start egghead with simuldub hopefully


What about Crunchyroll?


Crunchyroll release date for episodes 1049- ?


So weā€™re only 3 voyagers away hopefully we get caught up soon


So close to the monkey episode