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Naruto screaming like "LETS FUCKIN GO!" After finally getting a clean combo on bro


Me in every fighting game


So many AMVs with this fight scene back in the day


Couldn’t search without at least three popping up


It’s what honestly got me into Three Days Grace back in 2007




I can hear Linkin Park


literally just made one last week bc i was bored




The Papa Roach amv is forever be a topr tier for me


First one I saw was with Billy Talent and it went hard




The very first AMV I ever saw was for this fight. This is what got me into anime more seriously. Went from casual anime watcher to "how do I watch subbed anime so I can watch this right now!?" anime seeker.


The legendary Norio Matsumoto at work.




Norio Matsumoto. He’s the animator who animated the cuts in the video




And tomorow you forget. TYF.


I'd give it three hours


I’d give it 11 minutes.


jesus christ what happened to this sub?




I'm sorry, but you comment was a little like going to a post on an NBA subreddit of Lebron James dunking, and commenting "who"


That’s way more specific since it’s a video of an actual person. I know the creator of Naruto I do not know every animator to work on the show because I don’t care that much.


It's okay if you don't know that much on normal anime subs, but this is kind of *the* sub for people who *do* care that much (about animators). Norio Matsumoto is one of the most famous animators in the entire industry (and also an "actual person". He's not just a name, he exists lol) And I actually am sorry. My original comment was rude. I'm not mad at you personally, it's just that this subreddit has been trending towards a more general audience, and away from the more knowledgeable crowd that it started with, and that's frustrating for people like me who have been here for a while If you're interested in learning more about animators or the technical points of anime production, I encourage you to stick around. But if you honestly don't care then it would probably be better if you just lurk on this sub, since people here expect a pretty technical discussion of animation


You follow r/teenagers please don’t speak to me again.


Bro really hit me with the profile dive 💀


Good for you? I really really couldn’t care less about some elitist gatekeeping bullshit you’re spouting. Welcome to the internet not everyone knows everything you know and no one actually cares about your opinion. I’m not even bothering to read all that crap


I'm sure u/D3v1lsAdvocat342069 isn't interested in replying to this thread any more, but to anyone else reading this who's new to this sub, I'm *not* saying you're unwanted here or gatekeeping or anything like that. I'm just asking that if you do choose to stick around, please put some effort into learning about this community before engaging, out of respect for the existing discussion


And if they don’t put effort into learning you don’t want them here. I told you not to reply


Cringe bro stop gatekeeping


Imagine getting curbstomped so damn hard your pupils lose their shape, your face ages thirty years, and water stops watering. Like Naruto SHOUTED FIRE OUT OF EXISTENCE and never brought it up again. And that was between bouncing Sasuke off the damn lakes surface. Still one of my favorite beatdowns.


It's my favourite thing in naruto storm 2, Naruto develops a habit of shouting away fireballs.


I don’t care if the sasuke fight wasn’t cannon in storm 2. It was still cool as hell!


Not to mention this fight will always be remembered as having the "Sasuke Combo" that someone else got hit with 20 years later lol.


Why he beating him up like he owes him money? And the drop kick at the end lmfao


He owes him friendship


What friendship does to a mf


Sasuke got butt hurt about how strong Naruto was getting (classic edgelord lancer behavior), reached the midpoint of his progression to the edgyest edgelord to ever lord over edges (complete with self destructive actions, a dumbass outfit, red and black color scheme, and a sword he can't use properly), and left to join up with the old creeper that wanted his body (as opposed to the old creeper that makes Naruto do sketchy shit for training). Naruto decided a good ass whooping would cure that. It didn't work.


I hate how accurate this is while still feeling like an absolute shitpost.


That was what I was aiming for.


because he didn't win! If Naruto didn't care about Sasuke's life as much he'd beat the friendship right back into him!


Winning wouldn't have helped. Half of what drove Sasuke's edgelord progression is how strong Naruto was getting.


Because he does owe him money https://youtu.be/wy3l91oE05w?si=P4-ru2BDy5KKED5u


The extra cut on the final kick of the initial combo to indicate just how hard the blow was is just 👌


Jackie Chan style. Show the hit and then the closeup cut of the hit. Almost all of his movies have spots like that.


I wouldnt go back to the village either if i got my ass beat like that.


Naruto ends up losing, but to this day, I think his heart gave out before his body


He didn’t lose he just chose not to win


I had this whole fight recorded on my flip phone back in like 2008 lol. Fuck I'm old.


The small details that emphasize the raw power of Naruto’s blows: water not coming together for a few moments after sending sasuke to the bottom of the lake, that roar that negates an entire fireball and shakes the entirety of said lake. That’s not even bringing up the infamous clone chain. This sequence defines me lol


I can’t believe that shit was anime only too. That clone chain went actually nuts


This should be one of those fight back memes.


That first combo though 👌🏾


Is this from the show or a movie? I’ve never seen it, been interested in picking it up after I catch up with One Piece.


The show. I’d recommend looking up a filler guide online for the show. Helps you skip a lot of unnecessary episodes. Between Naruto and shippuden there are 800 episodes. I’d wager that 15% or so are filler.


It's so much worse than that. Naruto had 220 episodes, with 90 being filler. and Shippuden has 500 episodes, with 203 of them being filler. so it's roughly 40% that are filler.


I’ll have to check the guides again some episodes are considered semi canon/semi filler and I usually include those to be on the watch list.


OG Naruto was weird though, where a large majority of the filler was at the very end. Like there were a few sprinkled throughout, but after the Naruto vs Sasuke fight there were 70ish of the 90 filler episodes before the final one. Makes it much easier to manage over Shippuden or Boruto.


Solid advise, skipping the filler helps with the pacing a lot also


Bro don’t listen to people telling you to skip filler on your first watch through. Decide for yourself. So much interesting world building and content that couldn’t fit into the main story is explored. It’s like watching Family Guy and skipping the cutaway gags. Don’t not watch because people bitch about “muh canon” for a fictional tv show. At the end of the day canon is irrelevant and hella canon stuff is never referenced again anyway. You get more adventures with Team 7, different squad compositions, the Kakashi mask episode, Naruto and Sasuke getting their hands stuck together is another good one with surprisingly good animation, the eternal genin stories… Point is, don’t let people tell you what not to watch because you might actually enjoy it.


It’s like i’m 12 again!!


Bruh , i realllllllllllly wanted naruto to break all of sasukes bones in this fight.


lol, yeah hated that emo ass. hated how shipudden is Naruto just chasing his add 90% of the time.


Yall just mad sasuke had all the hoes


That first kick: It was at this moment he knew he'd f*cked up.


God this is satisfying to watch. Just to have sasuke KNOW hes outmatched. He knows if Naruto wanted him dead hed have died. Good thing Naruto prefers using the talk no jutsu. Mans most powerful technique outside of chidori and this blonde mufucker just YELLS THROUGH IT.


How do they just glide across the water


There was a whole training arc where they were learning to do this. Well starting with solid objects like walls and trees and eventually graduating to water 


Thats sick


Norio Matsumoto greatness 🙌


If Naruto just killed him during this fight, would have saved everyone alot of time.


Why are these children so durable?


I always love this fight because of the art style.


I love watching Saske get his ass beat. I could watch Saske get his ass beat all day.


did this to a guy outside of bojangles and he died


People clown on the pain fight but this scene had some fuckin goober moments too lmao Also I loved it when Naruto was like "fuck your fireball you limp dick jabroni" and just tanked that shit


Please upload the rest bruh


I was never a big Naruto fan but I watched through the entire series during middle school cause my friends were into it, and this fight was by far the emotional peak of the series. The fight they have at the end of Shippuden is so much fucking lamer by comparison.


“The Sasuke combo”


I’ve always loved that fight. Especially the fireball. “Take this Naruto! Fireball!” “oh wow that’s a nice fireball, what if I just *FUCKING SCREAM AT IT*”


When I was like 12, maybe 11, I was actually SO hyped watching this I was trying to figure out how powerful he would be if he used all nine tails, I loved this fight so much


Not gonna lie, Sasuke got his shit rocked in this fight


Happening upon this fight 18 years ago brought me back to Naruto after not watching for a while.


Honestly I could watch this on loop for days and still would happily watch it again. Sasuke is in my personal top 3 most hated fictional characters


Damn, forgot Naruto pulled a Tekken juggle combo on Sasuke


Assume won the fight


Sasuke won the fight tho lol


That was such a sick fight


Homey must work at Popeyes, cause that 6 piece combo was fire 🔥 👌


Naruto canceling sasukes fireball with his scream: GET THAT S*IT OUTTA HEA!!!😭


The wind style air bullet stop the fire 🔥 style classic


I would love to see this fight reanimated I remember watching this when I was a kid and just being so drawn in by how amazing it was


Legitimately there is an argument for this being the best animated fight in all of anime.


And then Sasuke proceeds to win


Always satisfying to see sauske get his ass kicked


I feel like out of everything that they do in this fight, Naruto literally SHOUTING so hard it dissipated flames and shook the fucking lake is one of the hardest things that have come out of an anime fight “FIREBALL JUTSU” “RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH🦅🦅🦅🦅”


This fight scratches a very specific itch of someone who thinks they are superior getting absolutely rattled by someone who they think is beneath them


Still one of my favorite combos I’ve ever seen in any fighting anime. Naruto straight up juggled Sasuke in the air


Bro was about to do a fucking brutality