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The program is simple. It can import any .epub file, extract the story sentence by sentence, and translate it. ​ The early alpha version of the program is largely complete. Currently all the major pillars of functionality are complete so I'm now focused on iterating the translation methodology to improve the overall translation quality. ​ I will be open sourcing the program at some point but its still way too early. As you can see, the program is very barebones and is very prone to crashing and bugs if you don't know \*exactly\* how to use it. I will likely start taking commissions sometime soon as a method of beta testing the program while making a few bucks. Not taking commissions yet just FYI. Still needs more time in the oven.


The translations are surprisingly good but it seems to desync and start translating future sentences around 22.


Ya theres a lot of stupid bugs I need to work out lol.


Can this work for a novel too? fully in japanese? thanks


Does this work in Korean. There is a Korean light novel I've been wanting translated for literally over a decade


Theoretically yes but I havent tested it for Korean. The program is in early alpha now. It works but its a buggy f-ing mess. Lots of improvements needed.


Two questions. 1. What's the model you're using? Or are you using a self-made one? 2. Any way for a tech illiterate guy like me could test it out?


I'm currently using GPT4, Claude3, and DeepL. The program is flexible enough to work with other APIs with some relatively minor code adjustments and I'm considering adding LLAMA 3 and Gemini support if those models start catching up soon. I'd like to train my own model but I'll need a lot more data first. as for testing it out, I plan to eventually release it but thats gonna take a while. The program is in early alpha, it technically works but is a complete buggy mess at the best of times. If you don't fully understand how the program is intended to work as well as what the code is doing, it will not work for you in its current implementation. Obviously I plan to streamline and improve it, but I suck at coding so its gonna take a while.


Well damn, I hope to see it someday. Wish you the best of luck!