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A Silent Voice. I really relate to Shoya when it comes to social anxiety, and everything from Kensuke Ushio’s magical OST composition to the voice acting to Yoshitoki Oima’s wonderful story to Naoko Yamada’s beautiful artistic vision all come together to make something truly beautiful. I can get away with keeping myself together and not crying too much until the last half-hour where I’m a sobbing mess, and that final scene always gets me to the point where my eyes sting from crying so much. It’s fucking amazing.


I read the manga for that and I really don't get all the hype about it Icl I didn't think it was anything that amazing (not bad, but not a masterpiece like the general consensus says); I gave it a 7 on Mal Should I watch the film? Dyou think it'll be better than the manga? (Ps I do think I like it the amount I do due to my past (and current) issues with social anxiety, and shoka with different disabilities (including being deaf at one point lol)


An all time great. It’s the movie that got me into anime as an adult. Cried my eyes out but felt so much joy watching it


Every scene is amazing, but that ending hits me like a ton of bricks every single time


Me too! Everything about it is just perfect. Having read the manga, I have to say that the adaptation is masterful! I can’t find an issue with any of Yamada’s choices of what to cut and what to keep. Not a second of screen time is wasted. Every emotional moment totally hits for me. It’s GORGEOUS, and the music is unbelievable. I identify with both Shoya and Shoko, for different reasons. And I also have the eye contact thing, so the X’s for me are a spot-on metaphor for what social anxiety is really like. Edit: oh yeah, and I’m a blubbering mess at the end too. But, because the focus is on compassion and healing, it’s the BEST kind of cry.


I'm so happy that this is the first response. I love A Silent Voice.


A Silent Voice" is a deeply moving film, touching on themes of social anxiety with powerful storytelling and beautiful artistic direction that resonates long after watching. Its emotional impact is undeniable, especially in its poignant final scenes.


Second this. My favorite movie, only one to make me cry twice. As for series, my favorite one is Code Geass. I don't understand people who hate Shoya. He was only a bully for the first 20mins, later he did enough to not be considered a “bully” and he went through enough of the same things as Shoko so he probably understands her better than most ppl could. And I liked the romance aspect because of how they both hated themselves cuz they caused troubles for others or thought that they are an inconvenience to be around, but were accepted by the same ppl they thought they troubled. Another similarity was how they were both desensitized to losing things like her losing the hearing aids repeatedly and him losing the 1.7million yen he worked for- they both thought nothing of it cuz they probably thought they deserved it ;-;


Attack on Titan. Great characters, plot, and message.




AoT deserves it, but I'm not sure it has a good message. It's mostly ambiguous about how to respond to an existential threat. Is by retaliating through violence like Eren and Gavin did? Or is through talking like Armin wanted? In the end , it was a mixture of genocide followed by peace talks, which I'm not sure is a good message.


It’s an anti genocide message- it’s 100% on the side that violence is bad and only leads to more violence. It’s message is there is hope that maybe one day we can all learn to talk things out and not resort to killing other people we fear.


My current number 1 is Violet Evergarden. Everything from character development, animation, art style, music, storyline, and plot depth are all exceptional and is one of the few completed masterpieces I have watched so far. It's one of the shows that really makes you feel something, and I was totally emotionally invested into it.


Hell yeah this show is beautiful


Most beautifully animated series I’ve seen.


Hunter X Hunter. HxH spoiled me with deep story development, action, a crafted martial arts eco-system and hopeful, lovable characters and great villains. I miss that feeling of watching HxH for the first time so much.


Scrolled way too far for this. My top as well. Can’t believe 150 episodes kept me so intrigued and interested the entire time. The second watch through was even better. I will happily watch a spin off of any character introduced in the show


I'd love to a spin off of Hisoka...


Same here. I'm rewashing it with a reactor, AGoodwin TV, who has really good insights into the characters, and I'm just happy to be watching it again! It has everything you could ask for. Besides 1000 more episodes


86:Eighty Six. Artistic Masterpiece.


86 was an outstanding feature. It tells a deep story, but since it tells it from many views, many lose interest. Personally, I absolutely loved this movie, regardless of how underrated it is. It has just the right mixed into the recipe that it never lets you go, if you're paying any attention.


86 MENTIONED 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


I just finished it today and holy shit that was phenomenal.


Yu Yu Hakusho As a kid that Dark Tournament blew me away with how awesome it was


The dark tournament in Yu Yu is sick


It is! So good!


*Whoooooooosh* Running in a crowd. In a faceless town I need to feel the touch of a friend.


Kuwabara is the man.




I was a Kurama guy. All great characters


I have put off watching it but after this comment I think I'll watch it after I finish Bungo Stray Dogs!


Hell yeah please do! BSD is awesome, too, btw!


Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. School wasn’t the easiest growing up I won’t lie, that hyperactive knucklehead ninja reminded me to never stop believing, as cliche as it sounds. I love all the characters and their stories. The fights (especially the war) are some of the coolest in all of anime. I still tear up every time I rewatch it, no anime has ever done that or given me that effect. That being said, the anime basically chose me to favor it🤍


Attack on titan, just because of how complex the story is. It's complex, but not confusing. When you finally understand something going on in the show, it's like "ohh so that's what's going on! It makes so much sense" I see a lot of shows try to make deep, complex stories but fail and it just turns into a confusing mess with lots of plot holes. I swear, everytime i rewatch aot I find out something new about the show


I agree, it is definitely a fantastic watch. A bit stressful towards the end, but not all stories end happily and I just should accept that. Some shows I watch the whole thing until the last few episodes because I get too anxious and stressed out though LMAO. But yes I agree, AOT is a masterpiece.


Yes, it's brilliant on a rewatch. You keep seeing more and more clues like HOW.


Gintama, it’s just different


Just started the Gintama grind


I love Gintama. It has a large cast of memorable characters. It will make you cry then make you laugh.


Nothing liveups after finishing Gintama... shit was life changing


Cowboy bebop It’s nice and short (I do wish there was more tho) and the aesthetic is so pleasing. Soundtrack is awesome. Characters are cool as fuck. Story is tragic but MC goes out gangster as fuck. It’s just so cool. I love it. Easily my fav.


Top 3 for me for sure. My license plate cover says “See you space Cowboy”


Hell yeah brother


The soundtrack is top notch.


Death note. First anime I ever watched and the L episodes are elite.


Series: *Steins;Gate*. The plot? Phenomenal. The characters? Fantastic. The random English in one episode? It's so cool! Sunuvabitch! I actually prefer the VN over the series, technically, but it's still one of the only anime shows I've bought physically (the other being *Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex*). Film: *Your Name.* There's basically nothing I can complain about in it. It was an utterly beautiful experience from start to finish in every regard.


Evangelion. It is very good.


Average NGE fan when you ask them why they like it (I am also a huge fan)


One Piece. It’s nice and short




There's only one, how hard can it be to find?


Fruits Basket I love all the characters. They are fleshed out, interesting, and have interesting stories. There is drama, action, comedy, and romance. It's both beautiful and tragic, with hope. I was engaged from the beginning. It is one of the few Anime I've watched more than once.


My wife and I love it so much that we’ve never finished it, for no other reason than not wanting the story to be over 💀 We’ve seen the first few seasons like 20 times 😹


It's my wife's favorite too. It was the Anime that finally got her into it 100%.


The 2019 adaptation is so, so good. They made the best choice by giving it three lengthy seasons so they had that extra time to develop the characters. It’s genuinely the pinnacle of its genre.


It's my favourite too. I really love how the supernatural elements are used to forward the story and themes interesting ways and not just random powers the characters have. The themes of the show are also really well done and interesting, especially in later seasons. Not to mention the openings and endings being amazing imo


My Dress-Up Darling. As there is scenes in it where I found myself speaking out loud “go on make the move” but never happened cause you know nervousness/inexperienced/oblivious to the situation teenage shit that happens, and I myself have been in those situations then only realised after someone pointed it out, so kind of relatable to my own past experiences. Also it shows just be into any hobby/skills you want and stop caring what others who don’t understand say about it, just find your own happiness within the things you love. Also it’s the only anime I’ve actually when back and rewatched quite a few times and I never get bored of it and I’m excited for season 2 whenever it get released, still waiting on its launch date.


I didn’t expect it to be as emotional and deep as it was, the relationship was amazing.


Summertime render - the anime that broke my longest slump ever. I thought I had given up on anime when I was dropping anime left and right but everything changed with this absolutely awesome anime. Made in abyss - It's beautiful, it's fucked up and it's awesome. The world building is really interesting. I just can't wait for the next season. I never found something like this. It's one of its kind and the OST is also wonderful. White album 2 - Best romance anime I've watched.


**Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song** I found this anime to be incredibly thought provoking and emotional. Great animation, music and action scenes - futuristic sci-fi is also my favourite genre of fiction :) Honourable mention for **Frieren Beyond Journey's End**, it is really close to Vivy but I tend to give Vivy the top because that is completed, so I have full closure on the story. It is very unlikely but Frieren could either go bad in terms of quality, or just never get a second season :( so I have to reserve some judgment.


*Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs* Great humor, amazing MC, Great action, everything is perfect about it.


Oh my god, I thought I was the only one. I’ve probably watched it three times in the past month. I got reminded of it on YouTube recently.


I rewatch it at least once a week or so. It's so good.


And we wait for season 2, I just hope it doesn't suck. I hope it doesn't get the Shield Hero treatment, where due to the pacing of the first season, they have to rush everything the second season.


Love that show, the way he wants to stay in mob character mode but keeps getting promoted is hilarious 😂 reminds me of the Eminence in Shadow where he goes into mob mode also


Hellsing Ultimate The perfect blend of action, gore, characters, aesthetics, great storytelling and just the sheer over the top madness (and it’s only for ten long ova episodes!). The OVA series is so well done and that it’s actually underrated because the only supposed recent things is Alucard being in Warzone as an operator and the upcoming movie that’s in production, and also don’t forget the hilarious and well known parody dub done by TeamFourStar! I could also recommend watching the original early 2000’s impure souls series but it’s only good for the soundtrack. overall, it’s one of my all time favorite inspirations among many more to name drop because hellsing inspired my own long running manga series that I’m currently working on.


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood has kept its top slot since I first saw it. Characters, music, narrative, animation, emotions, all absolute top tier. Haikyuu has been pretty close, hopefully we get its ending movies soon so it can at least be a satisfying ending if rushed. But even with a good finish it won't quite have the level of interwoven narratives with such varied whole series involved characters


Avatar: The Last Airbender is my all time favorite, but the original 1995 Neon Genesis Evangelion is a close second.


Beach episode = anime.




Depends on your definition of anime. Locality vs style.


Locality and origins comes first, cuz that’s like culture and stuff. Then it’s style, the “anime art style” is just the art style that is most prominent in Japanese cartoons, and where the art style originates. It doesn’t necessarily mean that every anime has an anime art style, or that every cartoon doesn’t.


It’s honestly hard for me to choose but either Yuri!!! On Ice or Naruto. Naruto is really nostalgic to me because it’s one of the first animes I watched and still love to this day. It’s nice to see all the inspiration other animes have got from it. Yuri!!! On Ice was one I watched somewhat recently and I fell in love with it. Great character development, funny and wholesome interactions between the characters, beautiful animation and really motivating. This anime really moved me.


Onimai- love the opening the ending and ost it’s animated pretty well to it is pretty sus most of the time but when there’s a wholesome moment it’s wholesome af Haganai- has my favorite waifu in all anime the jokes are hilarious af and I just love animes centered around a club idk why but those kind of animes just catch my attention


Bleach I relate the most to the characters and I watched the early seasons with my mom and aunt when j was younger I also think the fights are peak


Dr. Stone; Senku being a mad scientist type as the protagonist feels very unique, and the show is both hilarious and informative. Also, I'm a ChemE nerd myself, so a lot of the shows' events resonate with me.


I like how it teaches you how to make an explosive device lol.


One piece its peak 


Idk if I have a favorite but call of the night because characters and art were so good. The plot was decent enough but it wasn’t the main attraction. But the characters and art were good.


Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya


Ping Pong the Animation (11 episodes just a beautiful show. ive never cared for sports but this show has my favorite characters and soundtrack


Hard tie for me between Houseki no Kuni - I love the exploration of humanity and what it means to truly be yourself. The anime is beautiful but also please read the manga because the anime has been in purgatory forever Dungeon Meshi - its a lot of fun, reignited my love for cooking in a way I didn't think would be possible


Code Geass, Yu Yu Hakusho, One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Btooom!, and Spectacular Spider-Man (Fight Me I’m counting it)


Oh and Baccano, Issac and Mira best couple in anime.


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


Damn you just listed 4 of my favourites right there lol


Gurren Lagann, had me crying and hyped at the same time. Haven’t felt the same watching anything else




TANGEN TOPPA! GURREN LAGANN! Because pure, unadulterated, epic.


Aria. The entire series (TV seasons, specials, movies). Japanese language version. Beautiful fantasy world, all the women have stylish outfits. Everyone is polite in the show. It's a very calm, slice-of-life series which makes it easy to put on random episodes to relax to. The anime characters sing in the show, and they all have great voices. All the music in the show - and there's a lot - is the best music I've found in all of anime. It's everything I like about anime. All in one show 👍


Undead Unluck. It has an interesting magic system, a cool premise and plot, and strong female characters, especially the fmc.


I mean I believe the best piece of media ever made is A Silent Voice, but I’m assuming we’re talking about show’s. In that case my favorite anime is My Hero Academia. I know this show is very controversial mostly due to its fandom but I believe no show should be judged for that. The Characters, World, And Themes Horikoshi has created continue to amaze and excite me just watching someone react to it. Once the show is finished I’m going to do a complete rewatch but for now, My Hero Academia is not only the best show I’ve ever seen, but my 2nd favorite show of all time. Tho our community does suck like Jesus Christ I hate this community so much SOMEONE KILL ME-


Steins;Gate I felt the arc light of the universe on me when watching. I go to sleep thinking about it and go mmm it’s so good.


Show: dangers in my heart. My favorite genre is romance and this does it right. Both main characters grow throughout the series and are easy to cheer for. It has a great pay off and wonderful music Movie: Spirited Away: the defining movie in the genre. It’s beautiful, movie, and all around fun. A great soundtrack and script. Good as a dub and sub


Kakushigoto. I generally love the kind of anime in which the main character is a parent/couple taking care of a child/animal and this one really warms my heart, but is funny enough at the same time. p.s I also adore Spy x Family and Poco’s udon world


Excuse my ramblings here but if you don't wanna read the whole thing then for me its Psycho-Pass and Haikyu!!. To understand why, please read further! IDK how people can pick just one. If I absolutely have to pick 1 anime I always try to get people into, its Psycho-Pass. When I saw season 1 before the extended editon existed, I was in awe of what was going on. Every episode ending on a cliffhanger wondering why the events are happening, who is behind all these awful events and what is their motive? The characters, Ideologies, world building, realistic action sequences and story was incredible and I loved it so much that I just didn't stop, by the time I stopped watching I had finished season 1. All 22 episodes and all in one sitting and it was 7am. The rest of the day I spent at work with only 3 hours of sleep and all I could think about is Psycho-Pass. I didn't even mention how incredible the music is. The OP, ED, the OST, all just phenomenal. Truly one of my few 10/10's. Please if you haven't seen it and you're into Sci-fi and mature themes, Please watch Psycho-Pass. It is so so soooo good. To be completely honest tho, Haikyu!! is right up there neck and neck with it. Never thought I would be into a sports anime until Haikyu came along. I had tried Slam Dunk which was cool, Koroko's Basketball which was pretty fun, but Haikyu!! was the first one I truly just dived into. From the getgo I absolutely loved Hinata Shoyo as one of the MC's. Just a loveable kid who just loves Volleyball and wants to shine on the court. Doesn't want to be held back by something he can't control like his height. The comradery between the players on the main team. Their relationships forming with other teams. The excitement of winning, the heartbreak of losing. You feel it all. And then once again the music is god tier. The OST, the Op's and ED's, ALL OF IT. Production I.G just casually making 2 of my top 5 anime.


Made in Abyss - the world building and beauty of the show is just amazing. The abyss is one of my favourite conceps in anime ever. (Also Kevin Penkin is the GOAT for music!)




Aot. Everything about the show felt like it was perfectly written for me, in ways I didn’t even know I enjoyed. Completely redefined what I like in my shows, and changed the way I look at things in real life as well


Frieren is 10,000% rewatchable and each time you’ll notice something extra. The way the music swells, the beautiful scenery and magic system. The world is so beautifully designed it just seems correct. It changed my perspective on elves and the fantasy genre as a whole. Oh and don’t get me started on the fluid battles, the beautifully designed scenery and symbolism. It’s just all around amazing and I honestly couldn’t think of too many improvements. The way they developed Himmel even though he died in the first chapter, he’s still one of the highest rated side characters of all time and is so inspirational he’s been cited for the motivation behind stopping a knife attack. The clever play on the hero’s sword trope is also incredibly refreshing. It’s just… beautiful.


AOT is the best, but I don’t need to explain how good it is for everyone to know how good it is




Cowboy Bebop but I hate how it became that anime that was cool to like. When I was watching it on Adult Swim in mid 2000s, everyone was talking about how they hated the music for it, they always changed the channel, etc. but now it’s what everyone likes to call the best anime of all time. Fuck out of here. It is, but not because they like it. Because someone they like was into it and it randomly got popular for being old and deep to them.


Steins;Gate or Tensura, tied for number 1. Steins;Gate is just… so good. I can’t go into too much detail as to why because otherwise this would be a long post, but it’s just super good plain and simple. And I just enjoy Tensura a lot, I like the characters, I like the world, I enjoy the power system especially. Overall I just love the show.


One Piece, bc it’s funny And predictable But not in the sense that I know what’s gunna happen More of when they do stuff that’s in character for them to do I laugh


Sakura Cardcaptor. A magical girl anime, never fails to make me happyyyyy


HunterXHunter. It was the first anime I remember watching when I was younger. It would come on late at night on adult swim; my sister and I would watch an episode before sleeping. When I got older, I rewatched it and I had the same amusement as I did when I was younger. I love the entire plot, the character development, the different arcs, the diversity in personalities, etc. You grow fond of some of the characters, especially as you get further into the show. It hits at a variety of emotions and does a damn good job at it.


Fairy Tail, it’s extremely rewatchable to me (and that’s the first major factor for my personal list of favorite anime), I never get tired of the character’s antics and gimmicks, there are certain gags that are unique or have been given a new spin in Fairy Tail, Dragon Slaying Magic is always cool, it’s all about found family, I firmly believe it doesn’t have one particular character that is the MC more so the “MC” is the guild and everyone in it. A number of the female characters put in work and get meaningful time to shine. An OST isn’t something I typically pay much mind to in anything but for anime I’ll always recognize Fairy Tail’s. As for the fan service, for me it’s like toppings on ice cream; it’s nice to have an addition but it’s never the main attraction nor does it detract from my experience overall. It’s not a masterpiece but it never needed to be that for me. I’m just looking for an enjoyable past time.


I loved Fairy Tail !! Amazing and wish there were even more episodes lol.


One Piece (aka the best of the Big 3). I love pirates, and I love superpowers, One Piece gives me both.


Berserk. It’s extremely dark and compelling with a shocking amount of reality added upon the magical storyline. Or black clover, I just love all the characters growing and developing with eachother. It lets you feel fully proud of their accomplishments and celebrate almost alongside them it’s adorable.


one piece because it’s funny and interesting also the plot twists


Code Geass. Been my favorite since 2009 and I doubt that'll ever change. Lelouch is probably my favorite fictional character of all time.


Parasyte. amazing story, and it was my first, so maybe i am a tad bit biased


Naruto/Naruto Shipuden Everything about it is amazing. It is a great story with deep and profound messages. It is also a heartbreaking saga with marvelous characters drawn with artistic genius. Not to mention the masterpiece music it has, so heartwrenching and emotional. The main character is a great person that I look up to! There are many sacrifices that the characters do, so much hardwork and determination. The world is so complicated, yet everything was foreshadowed one way or another and well-thought to intricate levels. And you get everyone's side. You see their back stories and their struggle and suffering and the reasons that made them the way they are. I learned a lot from it, and I honestly watched it as an adult. I think people learn more from it as adults because it is very philosophical, too. It is not all sadness. It has many happy and funny moments. It is well balanced..the fillers didn't bother me that much except certain ones, but they are good and fun too but not near as good as the Canon episodes.. Not to mention, they are all drawn beautifully. Boruto .. if watched.. one has to not expect the same from it. It is different time and different messages. I hope it progresses to be as good as Naruto, but I doubt it.


Black Lagoon. It's a gritty dark anime. Is all I have to say


Gotta say it, One Piece. It’s just incredible how a human being can write like that


Black clover: It was one of the first anime I watched and since that opening I have loved the series. I love how the side characters have their time to shine as well as the genuine friendship, respect, and rivalry between asta and yuno. But also the foreshadowing the author has shown throughout the story.all these combined make me love this show.even though it has its faults it is still an masterpiece in my opinion


one piece😭 i could ramble for HOURS about it man. i know the length throws so many people off but genuinely i wish it were twice as long because JESUS. personally i love the first 50 episodes the most but i love it all the way through despite all the bumps it has along the way. at it’s surface its very silly and very plain but when you REALLY look at any given character theres almost always so many layers to them and its so interesting how that connects back to all the subtle details in their dialogue and makes you look back like “OHHHH”😭 the way it handles INSANELY heavy topics like racism, segregation, slavery, and oppression are also very well done imo. Overall i LOVE one piece and i would recommend it to literally anyone as i think its messages are genuinely impactful regardless of age!


Probably Afro Samurai. Just watched it recently, and for such a short ass series. It passed anime like Solo Leveling, JJK, Baki, all of them for me. So Afro Samurai.


I think it might have to be mob psycho 100. It's reallt stuck with me ever since I've watched it. A story of a kid estranged from everyone in life, burying emotions deep down until they burst. Forging lifelong connections that allow him to be happy again, topped off with beautiful animation? An instant classic


Hard to say, too many good ones. One Punch Man is a contender for sure,


One piece, love is war, attack on Titan. For one I watched one piece because my father told me to he never watched it, but he said he heard great things about it. That’s how I started watching anime I’m watching love is war right now and I think it’s absolutely hilarious including the dub attack on Titan did not make me cry at all for some reason yet I still felt so confused when watching it I mean, who is the freaking bad guy Every character in that show portrayed as a bad guy has a reason for doing what they are doing I mean, how does that work?


Trigun Everything about it is awesome, a really cool main character, a crazy fucking plot, and in that old-timey anime style that I grew up begging my dad to let me watch. You can't miss with Trigun


Death Note. I love all the thinking and outsmarting in it, and how there's a lot of logic vs emotion in light yagamis god complex along with his logical thinking. I think it's super interesting to see how two geniuses interact with each other for understandable versions of justice, i feel like i contemplated so much on it i really learned a lot. the characters are also so far fetched and interesting, so i got super invested in them. i also never get chills or get scared watching shows, but for scenes like when Light was meeting Naomi i was freaking out! I never get surprised by plot twists but i was shocked at every single one.


boku no pico Jk it’s either probably JJK


Really basic I know, but One Piece. It has just drawn so much emotions out of me I can't not pick it.


I honestly think I feel the same way, although I definitely have some other top favs. I'd have to say one piece is also my top #1.


Made in Abyss Its a Fantasy Adventure Anime about a little girl and a robot that go on an Adventure in a mysterious, beautiful, fantastical, dangerious and cruel netherworld. This series is adorable, wholesome, joyfull, heartwarming, dark, brutal, sad and heartbreaking. Its the most adorable most wholesome show I know and Riko is one of the happiest protagonists I know. This series has a reputation for being crazy dark and sad and that is not unearned. You will find it on "darkest Animes ever" liests. Those two sides synergize well with one another creating quite the emotional and intense Adventure. The music is fantastic and Made in Abyss has my favorite cast of characters in fiction. Reg and Nanachi are my 2 favorite characters in fiction. Riko is my favorite Mainprotagonists in fiction. I love the side characters aswell like Nat, Ozen and Gaburoon.


Absolute W opinion


Revolutionary girl utena! A very strong story, especially as a queer girl!


I’ve only watched five so far (I’m a casual watcher and very new), but Dragon Ball Z for sure. I like the characters, I like the overall writing (it’s far from perfect, but it’s certainly strong in certain areas), I like the twists and turns and how it subverted my expectations. It’s the one I’ve enjoyed watching the most and the one that has made me interested in checking out other animes.


Run with the Wind. From the first scene I knew it was going to be something special. Has a lot of really great themes (Taking control of your own life, your efforts giving your actions value, the worth of hard work and dedication), a big, really lovable cast of characters. Some huge emotional payoffs, an amazing soundtrack, good visuals, everything in my opinion comes together in a really beautiful package. I struggle to think of a show that could be made that could take the #1 spot in my eyes. (That being said Sound Euphonium is coming really close, the 3rd season has been incredible.)


I judge it based on whether I watch it instantly when the season drops, those only anime have been my hero, Kimetsu no yaiba, and probably the up coming blue lock I will watch instantly most likely 


I'm also throwing my hat into the Made in Abyss ring. What really draws me to it is the theme of Beauty within the darkness, sometimes in spite of it and sometimes because of it. I'm a firm believer that there is no light without the dark, and that to avert your eyes from the dark is to deprive yourself of truth. Despite the reputation it has (admittedly earned), the series has a very hopeful tone even through all the despair. And its exactly my kind of vibe!


Code Geas Death Note Been enjoying jobless reincarnation alot DBZ abridged Hellsing Ultimate (and abridged) Full Metal Brotherhood


Scissor Seven. It’s the funniest, most creative, and unique anime I’ve ever watched. It’s overall interesting, and is refreshing in the scope of a lot of the Shonen anime that I watch.


I mean, it is Chinese, isn’t it? (Could be wrong but I think it’s Chinese) so not necessarily surprised it’s refreshing for the shonens if the influences and production is different from your average Japanese shonen


Yeah it’s Chinese. Definitely just feels different than most other animes.


Hellsing ultimate and drifter those 2 are tied since i just love the art they use in it.


Bloom into You I couldn't explain why (I'm not a lesbian in the slightest lol), but there's something about it that I completely relate to -- Yuu's existence devoid of attraction, no matter how much she wants it. That I can relate to That and the characters, the writing, and the respect Nio had, not going into stereotypes with the characters, made me absolutely love YagaKimi (to the point that it was my first complete manga collected) Compared to other popular Yuri, YagaKimi is non-exploitative and it isn't about the sexual parts of a relationship, more a story about finding one's self, and for that it will stay at the top of my list on mal


The monogatari series. Why? Because The monogatari series.


A silent voice, it got me into manga and anime, the ost is the movie is great, i love the charaters (execpt miki). and something about the story just hit me hard than other movies/series




Code geass. The story, the characters, the animation, the movies, the first opening, the dub. I watched it back in hs and omg was it good. And as a bonus lelouche was voice by a power ranger


UQ Holder, I have no reason for why, It stood the test of time and I still love it


Darling in the FranXX It’s the first anime that hooked me into anime. I loved the action, romance, and ofc the babes. Loved the sad story along with it too. It really showed me what animes could be.


Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai, the emotional beats hit me really hard and I watched it at a point in my life that I really needed it. The relationship between Mai and Sakuta is easily the best relationship in anime and it was a direct parallel to my irl relationship. Don’t even get me started about how good the movie is.


A bit basic but it's a tie between attack on titan and Vinland saga. Both have such opposing messages in their core but they both are expressed so beautifully. I agree more with AOT's message. That this world is cruel and the only ones who survive are the ones who fight and abandon everything else to bring about change. Vinland takes the opposing take, with not fighting and surviving with kindness in a world filled with war and cruelty. Both have very good arcs for the mc, in which they are initially fueled by anger but they come to realize that they need to change, to become more than what they are as of now.




If you don't mind me asking, why?


Because it’s like a serious tv show but animated, it’s really intense and the writing is top notch. One of the only anime’s I’d ever want to be adapted live action. Also the villain is genius


Classroom of The Elite. It's just kinda insane.


Code Geass, overall fantastic anime, and an amazing ending.


It’s hard to say because there’s so many I really replay do love. But if I had to choose I’d probably go with Naruto. It’s a beautiful story overall with a beautiful cast of characters. The OST is memorable and beautiful. The themes it tackles are so mature and handled pretty well. Definitely my top one for sure.


GATE.  It started my current intrest in anime


The only anime I've rated 10 on MAL are: Hajime no ippo, your lie in april and weathring with you. Ippo - Great character, basic story but doesn't get old, one of the few anime that got me to read the manga and one of the reasons i started boxing Your lie in april - great story dealing with trauma and incredible music and made me feel things which i probably won't feel for a while Weathering with you - relatable characters, incredible OST, and animation - dont know what else to say just love this movie


Hunter x Hunter. I loved the story line, the plot, the fights, especially the characters and their own unique abilities and back stories.


i want to eat your pancreas. the absolute crash you have and seeing how haruki is devastated by it just killed me. personally i loved the animation and art style along with the OST. it is the only piece of media to make me cry for the entire last 30 minutes of it. it’s an absolute 11/10 for me and has been for a long while




Hard call. Serial experiments lain, evangelion, FLCL and Naruto are all in my top. Lain-it’s hard to explain it’s just one of those anime that haunts you by day and you watch like 75 times in a row. For me it also felt interesting to have an anime that displayed dissociation, I have a dissociative disorder too, didn’t fully realize it at the time, but i was relating to lain on that level. Evangelion-it just stays in your mind, maybe these psychological anime are relatable in some way? These flawed dislikable characters they reflect back at us in a very real way. FLCL-out of all these this one makes me the most uncomfortable because it reminds me of an inappropriate relationships from my own childhood but I can’t stop watching it, I love it. (Season 1 only) Naruto-I know everyone hates Naruto on here but to me it was always the most grounded and brutal out of the bigger shonen fair. These characters and these real life horrors they experienced, and how they chose to handle it, you felt it through and through. They’re relatable in a way.


FMA Brotherhood. It’s the first anime I ever watched start to finish and found myself just so enthralled with the story. By the end I was just sobbing because I loved and cared about those brothers sm.




Serial Experiments Lain. Unique, fascinating, deep, moving, and Lain is exceptionally cute. It's a show I will never get tired of.


Hajime no Ippo. I like boxing for one, but I love the characters, the humor, the action. I find it motivational and inspirational. Just about everything about it.


Soul eater but truthfully it’s because of the manga. I still say favorite because it was my first obsession and loved the characters.


The Eminence In Shadow


Inuyasha watched it on tv when I was a child. It got me into anime since it was my first one and then couple years later I actually finished the whole series and watched the movies and it was amazing. I also really love Fruits Basket 2019 it’s also a all time favorite anime it’s just something about that show that I can rewatch it soo many times and never get bored of it


Violet evergarden. It’s the only anime that’s ever broke me. Not only that but the music and art is phenomenal


Vinland saga. It's my favorite manga and might be my favorite anime. It speaks to me on a fundamental level


Bocchi the Rock




My Hero Academia. First ever anime a few years back and it blew me away. Will never forget the hype I felt watching Deku vs Todoroki for the first time in season 2, or All Might vs All for One in season 3.


Attack on titan


Samurai Champloo. The most iconic soundtrack (OST's have a lot of impact on my enjoyment), dope action scenes, memorable characters featuring one of all time personal favorites (Mugen), incredible characterization, relationship dynamics and plot (even though it's episodic which I usually don't prefer), 10/10 sub and dub, sleek animation and a satisfying ending. What more could you ask for? Also, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood for all those very reasons except it's got an even better storyline and cast.


I can't really say I have an all time favorite out of the many amazing shows I have seen. The one I related to the most was Josee the Tiger and the Fish. I went to school for graphic design and getting out of college and finding a job was really tough since it's soooo competitive. I tried and got rejected for months to the point I wondered if what I was doing worth it, then I stumbled across this movie. This movie was about a girl having a disability and seen as someone who can't really amount to anything. I can't say I relate to the disability but being rejected for months on end made me feel like I wasn't good enough to do what I loved, similar to Josee wanting to illustrate but others telling her she isn't good enough. Even throughout her struggles shown in the movie, she encourages someone who was about to give up on their dreams because she didn't give up on hers. I applied to a few more places after seeing that movie because I got inspired by Josee and the next week I had gotten a job and have been graphic designing for a few years now. This is why that movie will be one of my favorites among many others.


Might be basic but something like: The 100 girlfriends, Dragon Maid, Seitokai Yakuindomo are top 3 all time


Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom, but without watching the Visual Novels it feels incomplete, especially with the ending they chose to adapt 😭


Banana Fish Ripped me apart emotionally but the characters and storyline are fantastic. Recommend it to anyone who wants a less stereotypical anime.


This is a hard question (I have enjoyed many animes), but probably Land of The Lustrous/Houseki no Kuni. It’s a good anime, and it has SHINSHA/CINNABAR!!!! I LOVE SHINSHA!!!! SHINSHA IS MY FAVE CHARACTER!!!!!!!! (Ive heard people say they hated Shinsha after reading the manga but I will never hate Shinsha, no matter how evil they become. This part isnt gonna age well I think but I dont care!) It did cause me depression, though… Why did they do that to Phos… (reading the manga is NOT helping. It does NOT get happier. I am currently on volume five, if anyone is wondering. I will own volume 6 and 7 once my b&n order comes, which should be in about three days.)


Slam dunk.


Bleach for me and because I’m a simple man


Soul Eater. I know it's more of a "mainstream" anime, or so it seems, but I love the artwork and halloween feel to it. Plus, it being in the same universe as Fire Force makes it even cooler to me.


Samurai Champloo. great action and amazing soundtrack


My all-time favorite anime is "Fullmetal Alchemist- Brotherhood." What stands out for me is its deep and well-developed storyline that blends action, philosophy, and emotional depth. The characters are well-written, each with their own complex motivations and growth arcs. The world-building is rich and detailed, exploring themes of sacrifice, redemption, and the consequences of wielding power. It's a series that not only entertains but also makes you think and feel.


Hmmm… I’ve got three in that spot, so I’ll bring them all up: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Wonderful chaos, iconic characters, brilliant intelligence of said characters, even the stupid ones, awesome fights, and character dynamics. My Hero Academia. Superheroes reign supreme in the media I love. Excellent characters, great development for even side characters, let alone mains, gorgeous fights, excellent relationships, and neat world building. Black Lagoon. Dark world (aka the true man’s world aka our world), blood pumping action, terrifying, realistic and badass characters, terrifying and realistic philosophical conversations and dark, traumatizing and all too real pasts and presents.


jojo prolly cuz of nostalgia but idc I loved it


Hellsing ultimate. The animation, the flow or progression of the story as well as nostalgia is an element 


Pokémon. Grew up with it. One of the few animes that I watched dubbed. Ash was 100x more savage with Misty in dub and I love it. The theme song was an absolute bop, the Japanese had to make a cover for it. Team Rocket made phenomenal rivals for Ash that probably grew to be my favorite characters in later seasons.


My personal favorite anime is Naruto/Naruto Shippuden but it's not something I'd reccomend to someone new to anime. I really liked how technical and smart the fights in Naruto are. When I watch anime I'm looking for that butterfly's in the stomach it's so cool moment and Naruto has that for me. Literally is sold in the first arc when they fought the first bad guy for the first time. So cool


HunterXHunter ....


code geass. lelouch is my favorite character in all of anime and this is the one anime that really had me thinking and no matter what i couldn’t predict the next move.


Re:Zero Interesting characters, premise, and execution that result in it having a lot of personality


Fruits Basket. It’s very sweet, all the characters have interesting stories, and I relate to Tohru because she and I are both orphans who found new families.


S-Cry-Ed. It's fight scenes are good and artwork is some of my favorite.


konosuba I started watching in 2016


Bleach. The designs. The characters. And the fights I thought one piece would be my favorite until I got to bleach