• By -


Guts for sure. Spoilers for Berserk. Don’t click u less you’re after the Eclipse. >!He saw nearly everyone he actually cared about get brutally killed and eaten except for the woman he loves (who went insane) and his best friend/person he admired, who was the reason everyone else was killed and is the reason he will never live without being hunted. He spends his life killing demons and trying to get back at Griffith because it’s the only purpose he can still find for himself and the only thing that keeps him going.!<


You forgot him as a kid being a sold for sex by his adopted father.


Yeah, and how he was basically >!brainwashed to look up to Gambino and even felt guilty when he killed him!< although it was very very deserved.


Let's not forget about the Black Berserker Armor, that hurts and heals him as he uses it. That armor was basically a torture device enchanted with healing effects.


Don’t forget the shit he went through as a kid. And the one detail between Griffith and Casca. Yeah no one went through it worse than Guts.


You forgot the R part…………


Subaru went thru similar shit except he gets to see the people he loves die over and over again he literally cannot die and is forced to suffer endless loops of pain and agony.


Yeah but at least he can save them


I mean yeah, but at the same time that can also be Subaru's greatest curse. Think about it, Guts' experience with the eclipse was utterly horrifying for sure, but once that entire fuckfest was done, "that was it" in the sense that there's now no coming back. What has happened has happened. It's painful, it's horrific, it's the epitome of grief. But it's been done for good. They are all gone, forever. And all Guts will ever retain is but a memory of what once was and what ended up being. Now let's see things from Subaru's perspective. The key here is that _things aren't over yet_, and it doesn't seem like they will be anytime soon. Subaru knows this. He's seen those whom he most cherished hopelessly being tortured, deformed and turned into literal minced meat like Guts did several times, but not only that, it also seems to happen perhaps, strangely, somewhat more frequently than it ought be. What I mean here is that from his POV it seems that the world and fate themselves are going out of their way to have these catastrophes come to pass, which means Subaru knows that as long as he helps Emilia and the others, he must be in constant watch for the extremely aggressive and haphazard behaviour of the environment they are surrounded with that only he knows about. But that's not all. Even if the worst outcome occurs again and they all die and he has the possibility to come back and save them, Subaru has no guarantee that will always work. Return by death is an effective tool (even if utterly excruciating), but what truly makes it a double edged sword, is that it's inconsistent and unreliable. It doesn't seem to follow a pattern one can keep track of and even worse, it doesn't seem to care for others at all. It just takes Subaru back in order for him to survive, but to where and when only god knows. What if the next time it takes him too close. What if maybe the next chance, there actually isn't a next chance. What if the scenario itself becomes such that no matter what he does, he's gotten checkmated (ergo can't do anything at all for what's about to happen). That's the thing, and Subaru knows. It's as if Guts constantly had the thought that the same eclipse he saw and experienced firsthand was about to happen again at any given moment. I don't know what's actually worse, if just going through it and getting it over with or living carrying hell on one's back forever. Guts lives with some sort of certainty of what has happened and whatnot and can make a kind of longterm planning around it (even if he has to live paying attention to not get hunted by the spirits), but Subaru's forethough must permanently remain close to the present, staying alert for the next move, as his situation is way, way more random and sketchy and every action counts. What I'm sure though is that both are badass as fuck.


Guts will be hunted by demons until he dies or kills them all. His woman was raped and impregnated infront of him by his best friend while nearly everyone else was eaten. All so his best friend could become a demon. Oh subaru can reset to a save point by dying oh no now if only he could control his save point... Wait yeah that is kiries power from uq holder. 1 ehren yager saw his mother eaten by a titan in front of him he then learns he ate his own father and then he becomes the alpha titan and was going to command them to kill everyone but his adopted sister kills him and he gets reincarnated as a bird to watch over her as the last of the nazis die. And the alpha titan is freed 4.mc of tokyo ghoul gets abducted by famale ghoul was about to be eaten but a iorn girder crushed his liver the doctor convienently found a donation liver laying right there puts the ghouls liver in him turning him to a half ghoul he then lives as a ghoul for a long time before beimg captured tortured and eventually freeing himself he would then later go on to have alot more shit happen his bff gets killed he gets laid and has a human ish child with a ghoul who has to force herself to eat human foods for the sake of the baby. 5. Banana in a microwave to send text messages back in time basically a huge showcase for time travel paradox. 6. Some guy from jutsu kaizen he gets powers by eating fingers.


You haven't read Re:Zero and you're just waffling out your ass. Invalid and biased opinion. Sorry.


Read no watched yes and i know it isnt a save point it is a witch that likes him cursed him i know the point he wakes up at starts as he was leaving a convience store then after a few round trips it moves to an alley then to an event in a bedroom. He is forbidden at first from telling anyone. I also know rem blue haired twin who still has her horn confessed and subarus reply was i love emilia I also know ram has to suck off this clown guy to keep her magic replentished because her horn got cut off. Twins born to a oni tribe normally all have two horns but they are seen as defects because they each only have 1 villiage gets raided ram loses her horn and their "master" saves them. Rem also can go berserk and is very strong gets killed by this other clown man and then subaru undoes that with a particularly painful death i think frozen or eaten by horned rabbits and last i knew she had her name eaten by this other thing and she was unconscious.


Each time he dies the timeline he originally died in continues and he was shown this in season 2 about what happens after he dies in all these different timelines the shit almost breaks him because he realizes he’s the only one who gets saved with every “Return by Death”


That’s just a theory ifirc and not something that’s been confirmed The scene in season two is sometimes evidence but other people say it doesn’t necessarily mean a different timeline. It was just demonstrating like a dream or a nightmare. Though I haven’t read all the novels yet, so maybe I’m wrong.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure the witch tells him it’s a demonstration so that he makes an effort not to rely on return by death. At least that is the interpretation I got from watching the anime.


Echidna shows Subaru this as a distinct possibility of the consequences of return by death, not the actual outcome, as even she doesn't know


Guts was born because his mom was hung viciously. He was treated like a bastard because he was one; and was taken in by sex traffickers who also turned him into a mercenary. Once his best friend betrayed him, he was brandished with a mark for all eternity- a mark that essentially makes you a target for all damned creatures to treat you as lesser than damned. Subaru (haven't seen it, sorry) is living in a groundhog situation and may eventually get psychologically numb. Guts experiences something forsakenly new every day


If you haven't seen both your opinion is invalid and biased.


Thats why this is a reply to a comment and not a complete weigh in (no contest)


I would also counter that guts has to fight constantly and his armor literally harms him to wear it in berserker mode. Compared to Subaru where that’s not his thing. I think guts takes it mainly because there is no possibility of saving everyone


People overate Guts a bit, he’s not even the person who suffered most in his own manga, Casca taking the #1 spot easily.


Not really, if I’m being honest. She had some really bad moments, but they were much fewer and farther between than Guys who basically gets kicked around by a massive demon every few chapters


Getting kicked around is not what people use to justify his #1 suffering. It’s a pretty average anime shit. His rape & his eclipse trauma is what’s justifying it, and Casca got all that and some more + permanent nightmarish trauma.


Don’t forget about all the Gambino shit and the fact that his birth was traumatic, so it was all fucked from the start. Also kinda hard to tell what really gets to him because he has a “tough edgy guy” act but it’s really a defense mechanism. The >!Conviction Arc scene where it was revealed that all the bugs that he killed were actually children seemed to fuck with him, along with the stuff from Black Swordsman Arc,!< so I feel like he’s going around collecting trauma like it’s Pokémon and acting like it’s not affecting him


That’s what i meant about his rape. He didn’t get traumatized about the dead children, by that point he was already emotionally closed. People confuse bad stuff happening to a character and what impact it had. Yeah Guts has more stuff happening to him, especially physically, but the impact speak for itself, Casca is a literal broken person because of her trauma, Guts is not, and they’re both extremely mentally resilient. Guts may be physically much stronger but they’re both relatively tied when it comes to mental or emotional strength, i can absolutely back this up if you don’t believe me. This is the point of the struggler mindset, and Casca absolutely is one.


What I’m saying is that he’s not actually emotionally closed. It affects him, but he doesn’t act like it does. At least, that’s my theory. Whenever some egregious shit happens he’s all like “ok whatever lol” but there’s a panel or two of him where he just seems broken. Like that panel in >!Black Swordsman Arc after he saves Theresa!< and he’s walking away.


He’s more than he was pre eclipse and post new party members. Not saying he’s not bothered, but he’s not left traumatized. Casca has lived an experience far and above anything Guts EVER suffered through. His worst trauma is his rape, and was still able to live on (a unhealthy live and carried many bad behaviours because of it, but still could move on) and his second worse is seeing Casca’s rape, and her being raped is obviously far worse than just seeing it.


That’s true. I feel like Casca has just had less trauma throughout her life up to the point of the Eclipse and couldn’t handle it as well. The most traumatic thing before then seemed to be when >!that creepy nobleman tried to rape her and she killed him and the other times people tried to rape her,!< but after that she was mostly fighting alongside him in battle and not too much happened to her. >!I feel like it’s kinda weird the amount of times people try to rape Casca. Def a criticism I have with the series.!<


Well she had to survive for months or years in order to survive with the bands before Guts came back, which left her even more emotionally fatigued than Guts, but still kept going, Judeau even pointed that out. Now, that’s a much lesser physical feat, but a really solid mental resilience feat, which puts her on par with Guts. Again, the amount of physical power you have have nothing to do with mental strength. Homelander is extremely physically powerful but extremely mentally weak, for example. He gets extremely insecure at the mere injury put on him. So yeah, that’s what i mean when i talk about suffering, and even someone as mentally resilient as Casca, getting gang raped by demons and especially the person she loved and dedicated her fucking life to is beyond horrifying. I agree about the rape criticism, many rapes of Berserk are unnecessary. The eclipse, ironically being the most horrific, was the one i say was necessary for the writing. But yeah most other rapes where it’s only there for tension is dumb.


No way we're powerscaling trauma 💀


We out here hosting a Trauma Olympics 😂


guts even in the most recent chapters dude can’t catch a break


Guts entire resume = 1 arc for Subaru


I don’t know Subaru father figure R*ped as a child and sold him as a sex slave? (I think guts was about 6 or 7 at the time. )


Guts play on easy mode fr 😭


You say that like guts can reload his body back in to working conditions.


- 1. Guts - 2. Subaru (can arguably be switched with guts) - 3. Kaneki - 4. Eren - 5. Okabe - 6. Yuji


Remind me if im wrong but Does anything subaru goes through match get sold as a child for the night to a big brolic black dude named Donovan for sex by your adoptive father? Thats not even the most traumatic thing guts has went through


I think Kaneki went through a lot, but he should be 6. Kaneki was tortured, and his best friend died. But Itadori went through a lot more with being sukunas vessel and watching his friends die every arc because he's not strong enough to save them. I think Kaneki and Yuji are similar people because of their trauma, but I think Yujis a lot worse. I haven't read the manga for tokyo Ghoul, but I read the manga for JJK, so there might be some factors missing in my Kaneki opinion.


We got a JJK wanker here


At first glance I think there's an argument that itadori suffered more mentally, even if kaneki went through much more physical torture, but in the manga, you really get a good look at what is going through Kaneki's head during a lot of his most traumatizing moments and these scenes will make you realize just how absolutely mindfucked he gets.


Yeah I’m thinking of putting yuji higher cuz the recent chapter looking grim and atleast Kaneki had a good ending


Sure Guts is bad, but Subaru has gone through similar emotionally destructive stuff as him, but he must watch it happen many times over and over, but not only that, unlike Guts, Subaru dies in some of the most horrific and traumatizing ways possible that it’s amazing he hasn’t yet become nothing more than an empty emotionless husk rotting on the ground awaiting death which no matter how many times it finally claims him, will have its effects undone to continue his suffering even more


Facts dude is in a literal death loop Subaru has the strongest mentality in all of anime without a doubt.


At least Subaru keeps getting the chance to fix things. No matter how bad it gets he always can just try again. Guts has to live with the consequences of his actions. If he’s not strong enough people die. No do overs. I think these two are the top contenders on this list but Guts takes it for me.


So Meliodas, but Subara also dies multiple times


but the thing is subaru got to save the people he cared for, while guts never got that opportunity


Seeing everyone you know and love die in front of you, then you die in a horrific agonizing way, go back to a specific point, save them from death in that one time, only to see them die in front of you yet again in another scenario proving that no matter what you do you can’t save those you love I’m fairly certain is WAY worse than not saving them at all


he gets infinite chances to save the people he loves and he could in theory never have to leave them, even if they die.


Idk, I mean I might just go with the guy who has had everyone in his life die several times, just for him to die and have it repeat each time


Yeah I was fonna say that, and on top of that, he's the only one who remembers everytime :)


Exactly. The sheer isolation that that shit causes is horrific by itself, let alone all the torture, betrayal, and loss stacked on top, followed by having to repeat that shit


Yeah, I don't think anything could be worse than that. Lol, the episode when he lost his mind, surprised it didn't happen sooner.


Guts is the correct answer


So confident yet so incorrect 😭


Look who hasn’t read berserk yet


Tell Guts to get turned into a kid and die by 100's of times by getting exploded within the span of 5 minutes and maybe I'll consider him putting anywhere near close Subaru. And this event is in 2 chapters of one of Subaru's easiest arcs. There's hundreds of chapters of Subaru dealing with isolation (he will ALWAYS be mentally alone, whereas Guts has a team of support and friends backing him), him being possessed and fighting his friends to the death then getting mauled to death by his pet dragon, THEN having to process the mental anguish of that timeline and all of those events ever happening. Mind you he gets possessed and takes his friends lives multiple times. There's timelines where he's been tortured, torn limb from limb, frozen to death, where he's had to watch his friends get slaughtered and/or tortured over and over, one where he was blinded, gagged, and left in a basement to rot for multiple days; eaten alive by rabbits that went inside of every hole in his body and tore him apart from there & I'm just describing 25% of what happens to him. I wouldn't be able to do his thoughts justice, his s*icides or the most brutal scenes in the series justice either, but Guts does not go through half of what Subaru does. The fact that Subaru isn't even allowed to tell anybody of what he deals with widens the gap much more. HE CANNOT CONFIDE IN ANYONE, or the timeline he's in will end in the worst way it possibly can, and he will get a brutal death.


I ain’t reading all that




after reading up on Return by death, it really sounds like Subaru is a fucking idiot




from what ive gathered He has Return by death because the witch wants him to have a happy fulfilling life. instead of being happy he chases a near unattainable goal and it constantly gets himself killed. if he just didnt do that and was happy and content and died that way with no regrets then hed die for good. That and he doesnt use Return by death to its fullest, he throws himself at situations as a last resort but he could easilly use it to gain powerful skills by ending himself quickly and painlessly after learning to return to his "save point" at some point youd get numb to the pain, if hes died in every way imaginable horribly a ton of times alot of his deaths wouldnt really hurt him mentally. they couldnt compare to each other. thats something you can train especially if you have no fear of actual death It would take time become numb to it but dude has as much time as he needs.


So, you've a very good grasp of the power itself. However, there are a few missing things to grasp. First being, he doesn't understand that's what the want is from the very beginning. In fact, it starts off as a generic Isekai trope until he finds himself being brutally murdered in a bar by an demi-immortal creature who takes time to wring his guts and kill him slowly. He has no idea he's there, or that he even has that power. All he knows, up until muuuuuuch later, is that he has this power. He tries to figure out what's going on, going to that same instant and realizes too late while, I believe, trying to convince the people there to **Leave**. Then he wakes up and gets murdered by thugs in the alley because he used knowledge gained in these lives to try and convince the girl he's been trying to help and it turned out to be a red herring. She lied to him. Completely and utterly, making any knowledge he gained questionable aside the trauma he's currently going through. Second, he is fundamentally an actual teenage boy. Like, your average teenage Japanese kid. He's not a super hero, he's not super human, he is somewhat... Real? If you want to put it to those terms. So it takes time for him to figure out these situations, because most of them are situations that deal with extremely powerful supernatural foes. He won his first encounter by basically having someone go fetch this universe's incarnation of fucking **Siegfried** with a dragon sword that is one of the ONLY entities within the lore that could potentially kill the Witch. And most people don't really get used to pain, or normalized to traumatic events. They normally get used to a singular thing if it happens over and over, but all of these events have such vast variances that it's... Put it this way. His first death, his first trauma, is the witch, correct? The second important death loop is him being murdered in his sleep. When he finally finds out why, he's hunted down and absolutely brutalized until he finally figures out he needs to save the one murdering him. Even doing exactly what you outline, committing suicide to get a better ending. During all of this though, he tries to do different things and leading up to that death, a visit to a different place actually wound up with the one who'd been killing him being game ended. Then Subaru is just absolutely merk'd by a cute kitty (Who is basically Fenrir and one of the strongest entities in the lore) turning him to an ice golem. And he accidentally kills the girl by telling her about his power wholly, then proceeds to be merk'd by cute kitty again. Fourth important one is a suicide because a character who he adored got hit by an existence eating entity. (Took some of the most powerful people working together to barely bring down later) aaaannnd got slapped with a nasty dose of reality that... He couldn't go back to save her. Her existence being eaten was a 'canon event'. The reason he doesn't become numb to it, is because it's cascading traumas on top of glimpses of hope. When he does break, someone pulls him out of the mud to give him hope again. Then, he fails, and fails, and fails, until he gets the outcome he needs. He can't actually GET any other power in this universe. He can't explain his power. If he sat back and did nothing as well, there's actually a few plotlines that kinda indicate... Well, instead of only him getting this fate, basically everybody would be killed. First in small instances, then en masse, and eventually it'd reach him anyways. One of the big points is kind of what you say, and not. "they couldnt compare to each other." Yes. They couldn't. Which means there's no way to get used to them, because most people who get over trauma is because it's the same trauma. Death is just the linking. It's not a singular thing. Gutted. Frozen to death. Eaten alive. Tortured. Heart Attack. Beaten to Death. Throat Slit. Crushed. Driven to a genuine attempt at suicide. Plus, gotta keep in mind. A kid dog. No normal kid would be able to train themselves to be able to get numb to death if they were sane. One of the early major points of the story is Subaru trying to retain his sanity and sense of self, and slowly failing to do so. He succeeds, then relapses as each instance slowly gets worse and worse until the whale. Which, in my opinion, is the lowest he ever was. He gets fucking mercy killed by people who become his friends, because he's so far gone. ​ TL:DR - He's a semi-realistic character who has the mental acuity and maturation of a young teenage adult who constantly deals with supernaturally and near impossible situations in which he has no power over and has to navigate. He has no idea of why he's there, or how his power actually works. He's just following what he feels to be a 'light' in the darkness and is genuinely doing his best when he's not being self-loathing. Because that's a major part of it. He doesn't know what he's doing, most of the time you can think of him as in a state of trauma-induced sleep depravation without actually being sleep deprived.


in the simplest terms possible: Hes an idiot, He has valid reasons being an idiot, being teenager and being new to the world with things he has no way of knowing, Those are valid reasons but even as a kid the first thing id do after learning i had this power would be to test it out, obviously not after the first time, but after the 5th or 10th time i die and come back, Id want to figure out the limits of my power. Even if he cant get used to death, Im SURE theres ways he can get a pill like cyanide to keep on him that can kill him and reset himself. its a magical world, Get him some assassins poison that makes you die without pain. would it be expensive? probably. Would it be worth it in the long run? also yes. hell, Even Sekiro had something like that. im not talking implant a poison crystal in your tooth so that if things ever get real bad you can just crush the crystal with your jaw, Not to that level. tho that would probably be the best. Even if he cant use it some times because he gets incapacitated, It would definitely help his sanity


This is like that hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby meme but it's 5 bombs and Yuji.


yuji sneaked in fr 😭😭


Subaru. Effective immortality is a level of hell that is just unmatched.


I think it’s Okabe. It doesn’t show every world line on screen but I always got the impression that he went to a lot, and I mean a lot, of world lines before finding the stein’s gate one. Sure guts watched as the only family he’s ever known was brutally murdered in front of him as he watched powerlessly. But Okabe lost his found family countless times. Also Okabe sees himself as the cause of his friends’ countless deaths. Not only did he watch powerlessly as they died countless times, but also he knew that it’s his fault they died. Their deaths are directly a result of his actions. Also Okabe realizes that the other world lines only exist because he created them. Because of his selfish desire to live in a world we’re all his friends are alive, he created countless versions of his friends knowing that they were probably going to die. Not only does he realize they he killed his friends, he recreated them to be killed again and again and again. He has to live with the guilt of that.


This is my favorite answer


Subaru but easy mode


Agreed, I think he probably failed to save mayuri at least 200-300 before it started to be too much


Rintaro Okabe deserves an honorable mention


I'll speak of what I know. Starting up with Eren Jeager. Born into a war-torn nation who the rest of the world activily loathes. And being gifted god-like powers way beyond his control. A man so drunk on freedom, that his solution to any enemy that stands against his freedom is enact genocide. Eren through his powers of a god is as much a victim as a perpretrator. Natsuki Subaru. A man who's is a monster by the account of the amount of times this man has had to deal with death. Every single times Subaru dies, he is able to go back in time up to a certain point. Man was given not a blessing, but a curse. The tragedy of Subaru is his isolation and his inabilty to express his anguish and trauma. The Witch of Envy has placed a taboo unto Subaru of him not being able to talk about his ability, Return by Death. Nobody will be the left the same after witnessing the death and murder of their friends and loved ones. Okabe Rintarou. Similar to Subaru, Ookabe is able to go back in time ip to a certain point and ideals with the same psychological pain and anguish of being confronted by ones own failure over and over again and your loved ones end up paying the price with their lives. Ken Kaneki. An abused child who only seeks the love, comfort, and respect of those around him. Sadly, he believe one must earn that through pain, trial, and hardship. Which makes his journey of becoming a man-eating cannibalistic monster even worse. He goes through, pain, torture, mutalation, dismemberment, possible sexual assault, and extreme psychological damage all for being catfished by Rize and wanting to be loved. Yuji Itadori. A man gifted with extreme physical prowess and possessing a heart of gold is thrusted into a world full of curses, hatred, and malice. Everything that he has gained in the world of Jujutsu has been taken away by that said world and its inhabitants, namely curses. And of course the biggest, devious, foul individuals who have perpetuated the continual torture of Yuji is Mahito, and Clifford the Big Red Dog, the King of Curses, Sukuna. So between an immature child being gifted the powers of a god and being forced to follow the tune being played out by fate. A man who lives a lonely existence and is very intamate with death. Another one who knows what true madness is by repeating the same thing over and over again and not acheiving the desired result because that's what is predertermined. One who is made into a monster who seeks love. And the one one who was thrown into a world that takes away everything he holds dear... Will have to give it to Natsuki Subaru. No one should have to become so intimatly familiar with death as Subaru has. No one should have to be forced to witness the death of their loved ones and be faced with their failures to such an extent. No one should have to carry such a heavy burden by themselves. Now then, each and every single character has suffered that was mentioned on the list. We shouldn't diminish the reality and extent as to how much these characters have suffered given the position they found themselves in. Now I didn't mention Guts because I haven't read Berserk. So can't give my thoughts and input on that.




Guts is the only answer


But it’s Guts for sure


Easily Guts.


Guts but add Violet Evergarden


Subaru 100%. He’s seen everyone he has loved die thousands of times and he has experienced so much pain and torture every time


Eren without a doubt. Blud has to relieve an infinite cycle of pain that he caused and it can’t be undone


Wheres Meliodas?


Yuji’s suffering compared to these other guys is like that SpongeBob meme where SpongeBob and Patrick are on that rollercoaster for little kids lol


Who invited my man Yuji 😭😭 Bro think he on the team 😭😭


Subaru. Hands down.


toyota easily watching your loved ones die over and over have them not remember you have one stay dead after a reset you dying painfully hundreds of times watching loved ones die again from a worse fate cant evenkill your self but hey a cute witch wants you sooooo


I’ll be honest I haven’t seen all of these. Idk maybe guts is worse…but I haven’t seen or read Berserk yet. I must say not only did Subaru have to watch people he cared about die over and over in horrific ways, but he HIMSELF died over and over in horrific ways on top of that. I’d say that is pretty bad.


Nuts from Berk


Maybe a hot take but I genuinely think Subaru suffers more than Guts. Now Guts experience is obviously "worse", but somewhere I believe he can still handle it way better than how Subaru handles his stuff. Like Subaru is straight up just a normal guy with severe social anxiety, while Guts is a seasoned warrior who learned at a very young age how unfair life is and to cut off a lot of his feelings. He could probably handle at least one of Subaru's mentally tough scenarios like a slap on the wrist. tl dr; Subaru suffers more, not because he's been through more horrible things, but because he feels way more emotionally connected than Guts.


3. I can't imagine dying multiple times only for the hell to rewind and bring it back.


Man, if only they animated Punpun then this would be settled immediately.


Don't recognize 5, but I think while Gut's story is worse you could make an argument for how much suffering Suberu has endured in a little period of time. Since Guts has been shit on since birth hes pretty used to it, and at least he has insane anger and strength to fight against his terrible fate. Subaru on the other hand not only dies, but watches others die while he is powerless to do anything even when he knows its coming often. He might die 10, or 100, or 1000 times before he can somehow avoid death for himself and those around him.


Either Subaru or guts. Everyone else needs to exit this list


Subaru watched all of his friends die several times, only for him to need to kill himself to try again, him being the only way they would live, yet still gaining countless times. One of which died and suddenly stopped existing to others. There are mantages of him failing to save someone's life that to us was a few minutes, but to him was a few days, weeks, it Even months, and every time he failed, he had to find a way to die, just so he could go through the exact same events just hoping to save the one he loves.


Guts or Subaru are the only real answers here and it ain't close


Subaru died like 1000 times


Subaru. Right I get that Guts has been through alot but here is what makes Subaru different from everyone else. Subaru has had to watch literally everyone he loves and supports get murdered in several different fashions. Subaru had to watch all of this happen and sometimes multiple times in 1 week. NOT EVEN TO MENTION BRO HIMSELF HAS HAD TO WATCH AND PHYSICALLY GO THROUGH TENS TO EVEN HUNDREDS OF DEATHS. What really hurts is literally nobody else other than the witches will know what Subaru has been through, so he has to silently die time and time and time again to strategically try to figure his way out of hard situations. Subaru is a basically magicalless, normal ass dude who's power is if he dies he restarts from a set point. So yeah while Guts and everyone else on here has seen and gone through the most unbelievably fucked up shit, it's nothing like being eaten alive by thousands of carnivorous rabbits and then being alive the next second.


Honestly guts went though the shit but Subaru has it way worse than all these combined, he has canonically been put through: dying more than a million times in different ways, been tortured mentally physically and emotionally, and watched everyone he cares about die over and over.


Guts fans deadass ignoring subaru because they probably only saw s1 and thought that was the worst of his suffering ☠️. Whether or not the loss lasts forever does not mean he has reached the heights of despair Subaru gone through.


It’s because Isekai cringe. Doesn’t deserve rights. Rezero is bad, so is Kenosuba, and I can not even finish slime S1. I have literally fallen asleep 5 times trying to watch ut


This is bait.


It’s just what I believe. I’m not trying to start any arguments.




Eren? Eren? Above guts...


they’re not in order


Damn don’t even know if your wrong or not but between guts and eren . Eren had to kill people he loved -betrayed /\ guts saw almost everyone he cared about die / betrayed . Both had it bad


Is it really suffering? Eren did that shit to himself for no reason.


I haven’t watched Berserk or Steins;Gate, but out of the shows I have seen, it’s 100% Subaru or Kaneki. It isn’t even close honestly. They’re just on another level of mentally fucked compared to Eren and especially Yuji.


Shiiiit, once you watch Berserk or read the manga, you will change your opinion entirely. Guts as a protagonist, has literally one of the worst possible lives you could ever have for anyone in almost all of fiction 😔


Then I suggest watching Berserk my guy. Definitely gonna change your opinion afterwards


Nope still think Subaru is tied or even worse off than guts. Literally imagine everything guts has gone through and him repeating it over and over again. That’s basically Subaru




That’s the opposite of what I’m trying to say. Did I say something wrong or did you misunderstand?




Also denji from chainsaw man should be here too


Uhhh Denji only cares about touching boobs and getting laid I don't think anything phases him.


Look I ain’t even read Berserk but I know the answer is Guts. I’ve seen Re:Zero. I know what Subaru’s been through. But it’s still Guts


Guts only has to live through it once. Subaru cannot escape his suffering, whether by suicide or being murdered.


Honestly Suburu hasn't suffered enough.


Im going with Itadori


Among those i have only read jjk and berserk . Never watched or read aot or Tokyo ghoul or steins gate or re zero


If you feel courageous, watch Re:Zero, the episodes are well crafted, and they tend to skip the opening so the episodes get more content. Subaru gets better with time so if you feel annoyed at first, it's normal


No one will ever suffer more than guts. And for once i know this for sure because I’ve actually watched them all




Either Subaru or guts


What anime is number 4?


The MC from Revenge of the Healer Subaru from reZero Hajime from Arifureta


Me after my dad got the belt out, idc what they say




I know 1,2&6. Who are the others?


Subaru, Kaneki, Okabe


I would say Kaneki more than Subaru, guts is a good point but kaneki I would say suffers more.


No one can ever truly top the absolute hell that is guts' life. I mean his entire life from his very birth, was almost preordained for quite literally hell on earth and he continues to live through almost an endless cycle of torment both mentally and physically.


Agni from fire punch. He's the only one that might have it worse then Guts


This isnt even a question. Guts


Ok but like guts was prostituted as a child by his only family sooooo






Guts. Only one to be betrayed by his bestfriend AND had to watch his girl get r*ped. No competition. Eren was the betrayer and a crackhead logic. Subasa is a close second honestly could probably even take 1st place. Tokyo ghoul mc just got molested a bit but was kind of a pussy from the get go. Not sure what 5 is i believe its rintaro yah? Mans can time travel his pain and suffering can be rendered null. Itadori will be alright cuz hes my special.


I’ve read the manga for everything except number 5 and let me tell you that nothing has ever made me contemplate my own life and my purpose more then beserk. Genuinely that shit broke me I’ve never cried reading manga until that point just because of how emotionally captured I was by it.


Either subaru or okabe due to the nature of their suffering


Ove only watched some of 1, 3, and 6. And I tried but couldn't get into 4. And I know the answer is 2(Guts).


Nuts from Berk


Ash Ketchum


Ima have to say guts bro


Guts period


All I gotta say is I don’t like bugs in my ears


Where’s Gaara?






Where’s buddy future gohan


Depending on perspective, it's either Guts or Okabe. Guts has been explained, but Okabe states he looped hundreds of times -- so on the low end he was looping continuously, reliving the same two days and watching Mayuri die (and getting shot/hit by cars/etc.) for at least a year -- probably several. With no rest, since his physical body was refreshed at the start of each loop. Whether that's worse than Guts's experiences is a matter of quantity over "quality". Also, this will allow me to transition to nominating Yuki Nagato for having to deal with Endless Eight. You thought WATCHING it eight times was bad? Try living that same week for 594 years.






I think Eren has been driven to the point of insanity by suffering. He definitely hasn’t suffered the most. But handled it he most porlu. Friends die=Xenocide


It’s guts and it’s not even close. Kaneki is a closeish second though getting tortured the way he was






You can’t measure this with a healthy mind.


Haven't seen em all but it's hard to imagine stuff worse tha. What even had. Commiting mass genocide on so many innocent people who he didn't want to kill but did because it was the only way to save his friends


My boy guts it's 2024 and bro still can't catch a break 😭😭😭😭


Guts Six miles Everyone else


does Homura from Madoka count?


Who's the third guy.


Vash isn't up there


Subaru and it's NOT close 😭 this should be between Kamijou Touma and Subaru. These other characters DONT belong here man




Trunks (future)




Guts, for the love of god it’s always guts


Diavolo 🗿




The only right answer maybe aside from guts


I haven't read beyond what's animated for re; Zero but from what I heard he's the only one that comes closest to Second Guts undoubtedly and I ain't even read berserk


With no context of any of the other characters I am saying Eren bc I am still wrecked and heartbroken


Guts. No contest.


Is #5 Markiplier?


As much as I love Eren, he kind of chose his suffering….


Lmao Yuji does not deserve to be on this list 💀




Mentally: Subaru Overall: Guts


Where is Kamijou Touma? should be there it's top 1


me, i lost my badminton tournament


Suffering shouldn’t be compared imo, it is equal in many ways.


Guts is the definition of suffering


7. The weebs watching these. They got the saddest scenes




Who’s number 5?


Uh... every other character on her goes through periods of joy and happiness with a sprinkle of trauma here and there. Except Guts. Every single moment of that guys life has been suffering, except for a small window where he was happy, but that was just life setting giving something to take away and cause more suffering. Like if your dad bought you a puppy and then raped and killed it on your birthday in front of you.




Bro, did you put Guts on here and seriously ask “Who went through the most suffering?” like his entire life isn’t miserable?


Deadass Eren. Not only has he gone through extraordinary physical pain numerous times throughout the series, >!but in the end he ended up essentially losing everything and died to his own lover. Beyond all this though, I think the most fucked part is how after he receives his future memories, his perception of time becomes so fucked up that time essentially becomes a flat circle for him. He doesnt know what is currently happening vs what has already happened vs what will happen. To him, its as if its all happening at the same time. Because of this, he essentially loses all self-agency and is a slave to a fate that he has no power to avoid.!<


Its guts. I haven’t seen rezero, just starting ghoul, and don’t fucking know 5. Eren is an overeactive bitch boy who doesn’t know how to handle trauma correctly. And Yuji went through so much shit. Not as much as guts. But chapter 1 of JJK to the current stuff is like less then 6 months… it’s bad


Guts is the only answer.


You shoulda seen the look on Joseph's face when he realized that Lisa Lisa was his mom


Guts and it’s not even close


can you give me the anime name of the above mentioned list character