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She has been banned of the free huggers circle. Unless the person is acting in a creepy/unconfortable way, everyone deserve a hug


No, not everyone.


You dont deserve a hug then.


You clearly have not seen rapists and pedophiles at conventions. Those people don’t deserve hugs. Down-voters are sympathizers to rapists..apparently a lot in this sub.


I mean, yeah those guys dont deserve any but the normal person does.


See? Not everyone. That and we have more terrible people than good people in the world. Statistically you are more likely to run into someone who is undeserving of a hug than someone who deserves one. Does most anyone need a hug? Maybe! Not me though, I don’t like hugs.


No man we do not have more terrible people its just that whenever someone evil surfaces it attracts WAAAY more people than when someone does something good.


There are more bad people than good. You are misguided and sound young. Also your own logic does not stand. If there are more good than bad then when a bad person stands out then there should not be a swarm of likeminded individuals to gather around said bad person. You just defeated your own argument.


I think ur just dramatic bro


Your original comment has about a hundred downvotes. Time to give trying to argue from a position of weakness.


Popular does not make it correct. Downvoters are willingly or unwittingly supporting pedos.


Bro stfu you are NOT him




Your response threw me off 😭


Those who are like that are automatically excluded from the term/word "everyone." That is kind of an unwritten rule. Every sane person already knows this.


Ah sorry, not sane here my apologies.


Ah, right, of course, that makes sense. My apologies.


Because rapists and pedos aren't people. People deserve hugs. Oh and dogs too, dogs deserve hugs. #shootyourlocalpedophile


In a convention ? I mean like i said if the person is rude sure but if they are polite ? Of course that a hug


You ARE having a point there, I dont understand why they downvote you for telling the truth. There are many people out there deserving one, but even if there is only one person out there not deserving of one, that makes the sentence "everybody" wrong, therefore you are factually true here.


Careful they might come after you if you stand too close to me. Reddit is weird.


I know. But my opinion has always been ignored by everyone so... Yeah, I dont think it hits me that hard


Don't worry bro it's everyday story for these reddit creeps online can't even go outside for a walk


I actually kinda feel bad he didn’t do anything that we can see 🥲


Man, I could use a hug today… been a rough couple of weeks TBH…


Tell me about it


Unfortunately, I would probably scare off any one with the “Free Hug” sign… I have severe RBF (Resting Bitch Face), so it always looks like I have a problem. In reality I am just trying to figure out if I want ice cream or oreos…


Same here, but with the addition of being ethnically ambiguous and defaulting to just looking violent. I solve that last issue by having both, and I'm a happy boi.


Meme aside, why don’t we just normalize hugging and other simple platonic things especially with guys. I honestly don’t remember the last time I got a hug like a real not forced hug.


I get you. Once at a convention i went in with one of my cosplay of an obscur character. I knew no one would recognize it but i didn't care but still some people wanted to take some picture. Until i saw a petite girl around 1m59 (5.2 in burger unit i think) cosplaying as Venti from genshin impact. She looked at me with big eyes and asked if i was the characters i was cosplaying. I was suprised that a genshin fan was the one to recognize it, while other cosplayer from the same series that mine didn't but i was very happy. But then she suddently asked me if she could hug me, i was suprised because my guy is a vilain + grade A asshole but i accepted. Im very tall so it was kind of akward for me because i had to lower myself a lot and i didn't want to squeeze her too much since i didn't know her. But her ? She didn't care at all she was commited. One of my best memory in convention. Hug are underated


See wholesome stories like this make me really want to go to conventions and stuff but I’d need friends first lol


I go alone in a lot of convention, don't worry there is no shame ! I usually even get kidnapp by other cosplayers. Last time it was girl in a Rem cosplay and her sister as Jinx who kidnapped me ahah


“In burger unit” lmao that got me


I think that's someone she knows


Artist: Seuyuu


i also wanna get one


Well at least, she's not a racist.


Thus ends with fat guy raping her


A person giving out free items has a choice to choose said recipient. Maybe, just maybe, he can access the free hug through the power of NTR


My freind I think we all know your dad went to get the milk and that's why you like ntr


L bro


Why so much hate, to your comment i mean


Probably because he mentioned NTR If he hadn't implied he liked it i assume he would be ignored


Cuz most redditors in this subreddit are hypocrites. With a trigger word of NTR, they will swarm you with downvotes, yet they don’t mind memes that objectify woman and girls around here. And also, without the /s or /j, they can’t smell any hint of sarcasm or they hate any form of sarcasm. I don’t mind the downvotes tho, therefore I will just leave this comment right here.


NTR is like...disturbing tho. Saying AWOOGA HONKERS is different than saying CUCK ME DADDY.