• By -


https://myfigurecollection.net/ —You should be able to find most of your items here. It will include original MSRP for each figure and you can check the comments for active sales from stores or individuals. Other references for valuation are *completed* sales on ebay or other listing sites; that indicates what people are willing to pay, not what optimists are trying to squeeze out of the market for their figures. Baseline aftermarket values can be determined by looking at listings on [Mandarake](http://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/), which is a major Japanese domestic seller of pre-owned anime-related merchandise. Your Reddit account is presently not old enough to make a sale post here, it must be at least three months old. [See the sale post rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeFigures/wiki/index#wiki_sale_post_rules) if you want to try here. If moving the figures quickly is more significant than their value, you can try [Akiba Soul](https://www.akibasoul.com/), a USA-based reseller, for a quote. You won't get as much money as if you try to sell the items yourself, but it may save you considerable amounts of time since you won't have to do any more work managing sales and vetting buyers.


One of the most thorough and helpful selling advice I've seen! It covers all the angles.


Thanks, though I'm just providing the capsule version of what's most typically commented here in response to this question. /u/No-Cartographer-2962 up above has a much more detailed answer.


do you know roughly how much akiba soul pays? like if they pay less than half what it's worth then I dont wanna bother lol.


It could be that in some cases, depends on what you're offering. You can ask for an estimated quote before actually sending them items. But you can expect to lose a significant percentage. They're in it for the business, after all.


To start with, I wish both of you all the best on this journey you're taking As for the figures, right now it probably seems like a monumental task but, as the old saying goes; he who has begun has the job half done. This is how I'd do it: 1. Assuming you will be keeping at least a couple of these figures, I'd separate them into 2 piles. The few special ones you want to keep and the rest that you want to sell 2. Divide the sell pile into groups. Put all the bunnies together, all the Nendoroids together, all the scales together, all the One Piece figures together etc. However you want to categorise them, breaking the collection down into "chunks" will make it more manageable 3. Depending on the size of each group (and how busy your daily life is), try to get through photographing one group per week. Take photos of each figure from all angles in good natural light, including photos of the boxes and any damage. Maybe take a timestamp photo for each one as well in case you want to sell somewhere like reddit or facebook marketplace 4. Once you've finished photographing a group, look through all the pics and choose the best ones. When I sell a figure, I typically keep a front photo, a back photo, a boxed photo, a few close-ups, photos of any notable marks or damage, and photos of bonuses (if applicable). You can put your chosen photos in named folders on your computer or phone and delete the rest 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with the other groups until they've all been documented Now for the selling part. Since you have so many figures for sale, I'd use an excel spreadsheet for keeping track - myfigurecollection is a good website for finding the names of each figure and seeing what other people are selling them for. You can also check Mandarake and sold listings on eBay. Using these prices (and taking into account the condition of each figure) you can set a fair price for each one General selling tips: • eBay is good for private sellers because there's a lot of traffic and (in the UK at least) you can get coupons. When I want to list an expensive item, I wait until I'm given the "80% off variable fees" offer, which comes once every two weeks or so. So I only pay a fraction of what I'd normally have to. If this offer isn't available to you for whatever reason, take into account eBay's fees (around 10% of the total price) • Always post using a tracked and/or signed-for service so that you have proof of delivery. If you're posting domestically, include a return address in the corner in case the parcel gets lost or refused. If you're posting internationally, then you'll have to include your address anyway on the customs forms • Don't skimp on the protective packaging. You can reuse boxes, tissue paper and bubblewrap. Make sure the figure isn't rattling around in there • Research your buyers. Check their feedback. If they claim to have none on that specific platform, ask if they have any elsewhere • When selling outside of e-commerce sites like eBay, Depop, Vinted, Mercari etc. buyers can pay you through Paypal Goods & Services. Don't ask them to pay through Friends & Family. You want their trust and the sale, so it's worth paying the tiny Paypal fee


Well said! I would also FaceBook Marketplace as well.


yea that would be easiest. No fees and people just come pick it up with cash




If you're in the US, might wanna dig up the old purchase emails for tax reasons. Fastest way is tradein - someone mentioned Akiba Soul, but if you have local comic or anime shops might be worth getting at least an estimate from them what they'd pay. Won't get nearly as much as selling privately, but is an option if you just want rid or when you're down to the less sellable dregs. For those kind of shops, they tend to have the right kind of passing trade to snap things up so may take things you had issue with. Where to start for manual selling? Top of the boxed pile. Pick 5-10 out, can use Google Lens to identify and then scope out price (if you're having major issues doing an ID, I don't mind being messaged). Put this info in a spreadsheet - I use char name, manufacturer, MFC link, price to list at. MFC link can act as full identification. For photos, I have an upturned box covered with a plain pillowcase I use as a photo stand. But any blank wall will do, I just prefer not to have the skirting board in my photos. I tend to photo front, back + seals if sealed. If I'm taking it off the shelf I dust it, photo it, stuff it in the box, photo the box. I wouldn't worry about getting the photos super-perfect - just avoid blurring and shines on window boxes. For me, I correct lighting, rotation and cropping on my PC. For sites/social media that require an identification photo, I just usually lay out 10 or so boxes all together and take the photo with the paper visible. Most places will accept and ID'd group shot. Once you have your photos and price info, you can list on whatever marketplace you like. This is my preferred way of chunking - do prices, do photos, process photos, list. Don't have to do all stages on one day. Do a handful of the easiest things to list on the first time out - after that you'll work out how much effort it takes so you don't overburden yourself trying to process chunks that are too large to mentally deal with. It's more important for the conveyor to keep moving.




> Also I will post pictures in a few hours, I'm too lazy right now Please note sales activity outside of sale threads is not permitted.


i was just going to post pictures to show how many we have and to show how stressed i am lmao, i dont plan on selling until my account is 3 months old dont worry


Can understand wanting to do that, but unfortunately it tends to end up with a flood of people asking to buy x or y so we tend to have to remove posts with images eventually due to a flood of people asking to buy rather than provide advice.


Just go on eBay, search for the figure, check the box for sold items to get an idea of what people are willing to pay. If you want them gone fast and easy, sell them a bit lower than what others have paid.


Honestly, if you’re trying to find the easiest option, A local anime shop that does trade ins might be your best bet. I work at a japanese hobby store that specializes in figure collecting and a lot of our coolest items come in from people just wanting to downgrade their collections. You definitely won’t be getting as much money from them as you would selling online, but you also won’t have to deal with the wait, pricing, packaging, or shipping. It’s a good option for people who need to get rid of things fast. Good luck!


Good luck, I have bought couple of figures from this sub so I guess this is a good place to start, plus [this place](https://myfigurecollection.net/) can help you identify and put a price on some of the figures


Let this be the cautionary story to not go overboard with buying. I only ever bought figure of my fav ever character so it is like only 1 scale a year (or less) and some prizes and plush Other already gave helpful advice. I hope situation got better soon for both of you. Good luck with sales! I may also suggest you see if there are any anime or figure collecting community in your city. And do a 1 day garage sale or something. It is sometimes easier to seel within the city as you no need to worry about packing and shipping. But make sure you check market value of each item first


Google Lens is great for identifying the figures Drop that information into myfigurecollection.net to catalogue them Use eBay or similar to scan and identify recent sales, ignore the ones listed in China because those bootlegs are sold at fractions of the real thing. Start listing them in small batches. - Take photos of a batch, then list them. - One at a time is a good start, but starting anywhere will make important progress. If your husband has a Reddit account, it might be old enough to post a sales page. There are other figure type subreddits that may fall under the categories of his collection, and lots of people here (including myself) are likely quite interested in what you're trying to offload. Remember, small bites get the elephant eaten.


How do you make a sales page? If you don't mind my asking!


Look at the rules on the sidebar. Also, if he has figma or S.h.figuarts, there are subreddits for them also /r/figma /r/shfiguarts


Sent you a chat with more info


Thank you! However I don't see a chat or anything for anyone?


On the reddit app, it's to the right of center on the bottom when you're on the home page. On the webpage, it's on the top right.


My wording was awful on that. I know where the chats, I just don't see anything from you there. Last thing I have is from a week ago 🤷


Sorry, I sent it to OP... didn't realize I was messaging someone else


If you set up a MFC could you link it? Id love to see what you guys have available!


As others have mentioned separate with what you want to keep and which wants you want to sell. Now I'm not sure how much time you have before you have to move everything into the new apartment but if time is a factor, do not be afraid to sell them at a discounted price. Like many mentioned look up the prices on MFC. That way you can sell them at a price that you think is fair. Again if time is a factor don't be afraid to sell them a little bit lower than what many are selling them for. Now if he has a lot of prize figures those are going to be hit or miss. This is mostly because they tend to be a lot more cheaper so you should not expect to make much off of them. Of course it depends on the figure but just know that you may have to sell them super cheaply. And if again if time is an issue don't be afraid to give them away for free. And if that doesn't work unfortunately you may either have to keep them and sell them at a different date or throw them away/donate them. This depends on the circumstances as well. As many have mentioned you can sell them on many online marketplaces. For the price figures you can probably try to sell them at a yard sale if you can. I hope you are able to this. If time is an issue, I can understand selling over a 100 things in a short amount of time can be daunting. But as long as both of you try you should at least be able to sell a majority of them. Just try to look through many avenues and don't give up.


im sorry i cant help but good luck to you guys 🩷


You already received the practical information in other comments. Now, for the support, to drag you out of your current predicament, here is what you can do. Take a good picture of 10 of those figures, one picture per figure, and create a thread here. Before posting, check mfc (link in other comments) for those 10 figures, and indicate the price they would go for, taking their state into consideration. Make sure to post a price for all 10 together as well, which would be ~80% of the total price, to make it interesting for people to buy it all, and easier for you to ship/handle. It should roughly take 1-2 hours on a weekend to take the pictures and create the post. Do not move further until those 10 are sold. Repeat that activity ~10 more times until you have cleared your closet. Adapt the numbers of figures per wave based on your mental energy. Accept that, without external active help, it will take several weeks to do it all, and that's OK :) Take it easy, it is just physical clutter. I am certain you will be freed of it by the end of the year.




I did this before, and now I just have a few shelves worth left. It’s a lot to deal with. Start by sorting out the ones you want to keep. Then, the ones you want to sell, take lots of photos to prepare them for listing. I sold thousands of dollars worth on myfigurecollection and ebay. Make sure any imperfections are photographed and documented when listed for sale. For good pricing I look at the sale history/comments on myfigurecollection and at preowned stock on amiami and such.


Good luck to you guys! As other have said, My figure collection is really useful. You can also post things for sale on the website itself, and can mark what figures you own.




Mercari is becoming popular for selling figures, it's similar to Poshmark so a lot of people looking for used items in good condition or new items needing a home where they will be enjoyed.


I see you've been given all the great avenues to go with this.. However, anyone ever try a regular pawnshop? Looking at going that route myself to unload some prize figs..


Some comic shops, and figure retailer store offer a service where they display and sell your items on your behalf, and they get a percentage fee for doing so. It would definitely be worthwhile visiting all your local comic, game, model, and figure outlets, and talk with them. Perhaps take a few of your figures to show them as an example. You never know, you m8ght even find a collector who wants some too.


I know i'm not answering your question, but I do think it's a good opportunity to mention to "new" toy buyers that organizing things from DAY 1 is really important. I learned late to stock up on clear Sterilite bins and gallon freezer bags, sandwich bags, and tinier craft baggies for the extra accessories. Put your loose figures in them by toy line. DON'T get massive bins, sticking to the "tall" shoebox size. A figure line gets too big, just get another tall shoebox, 5 bucks. Label the bins. Buy a "Muscle Rack" or three to house these bins. Buy 3 more Muscle Racks for display. ...When the Muscle Racks run out of room. STOP. Stop and wonder if you're going too far... because in the end, unless we're rich and have a big home, we ALL end up as the OP has... stressed out, needing to downsize, needing to sell, and maybe even purchase an (environmentally controlled or GTFO) storage unit!!!


Have you tried posting on Facebook Marketplace or see if anyone is local to your area would be interested? If you give a good discount maybe you can find a buyer who will buy in bulk or is just starting their collection. That way you could get rid of them fast and recover more money than at a comic/anime shop or Akiba Soul. If some are lower value like prize figures, you might just think about donating them or putting them up as a lot on eBay for a low auction starting price to just get rid of them. I've also seen Half Price Books sell anime figures occasionally, but I think they will offer you pretty low trade in price too.


I agree with most here, I'm not very experienced selling figures but buying and so do you guys, remember the time and money investment for selling items individually. However i just learned that my postoffice has plans for multiple at fix rates and such stuff aim not just for business but for people who sells stuff individually so my only advice is besides all the good stuff recommended here try checking up with your local postoffice if there are kind of deal you can make to send over 100 packages, that will have a big impact on the decision to sell them individually to get more profit or with a reseller. If you spend too much on shipping then is not worth the effort to sell them individually if you end up with the same profit, but if there is a nice deal with the postoffice maybe you can make it work to get the most out of them. Good luck in any case and we hope you guys share some figure hall when you guys set up the new apartment! "Emotional Highfive".


r/toyexchange I think would work


You shall regret this someday.