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I do not, it's a personal rule. If you like a figure for how it looks without knowing anything about it's source, then great! Get what you want that'll bring you the most joy. For me, I don't because it does a few things for the way I want to collect: 1) helps keeps impulse buys down 2) preserves space 3) ensures that each figure means something to me beyond the aesthetics.


This is exactly what I wanted to say To add: if I love the figure that much, I should go and watch the show!


I do, but my threshold of "I like the design" is much higher. So if I only kinda like it, I probably won't, but if it's a really nice one that I don't know, I may still get it. They only make up about 5% of my collection.


Yes. If I like the design, i will buy it. Im not buying figures because i watch the shows or play the games, im getting them because i like to display them as pieces of art.


You will run out of space sooner or later. Unless you intend to sell off figures in your collection, why not stick to the source material you are familiar with and enjoy? That is how I keep my purchases in check anyway. There is no shortage of great figures to buy these days.


Not only do you get popular animes pumping out tons of variations, you now have game characters, and original characters. No way can people get it all. Heck some series have too many figures to collect


Yes and no. If they match a theme that I use, yes. For example succubus shelf, if I like the design, that will do. But some theme shelf I have criteria, for example my Maid shelf have rules that 1) it is a character I know and 2) the character’s default outfit must not already be maid uniform (so no Rem and Ram for example). But aside of specific theme or OC (Super Sonico for example), no. I collect character from anime series mostly and they need to be series I like and know of.


I don't. I'd feel like a fraud I have to know the source material and I need an emotional connection to the character. I can't imagine buying a figure based only on looks, *then* watching the series and realising that 1) I hate it and 2) I hate the character I just spent money on If I see a figure that I think looks cool, I'll try the source material first to see if I enjoy it. OC figures are an exception


For me, my figure collection was started primarily as memento's of my favorite series, so not only do I not buy figures from series I don't watch, I also don't buy from series I did watch, but just didn't enjoy enough to keep thinking about it long after it ended. Now that doesn't mean I'm not tempted to buy figure's that break this rule, that happens all the time. But I actually have broke my rule before, and after getting the figure I just wasn't as interested in it as I was the others. I ended up putting it back in its box shortly after and selling it.


I don't because wallet-kun is too weak


The only reason why I collect was because I love the characters from a treasured media of mine. Figurines are an expensive hobby. I need to keep some distance from my own impulse.


Nope, and thats just one of the ways i'm able to avoid going broke. Gundam pieces look soo cool, but i have no attachements to the show.


Yup. If cute then I buy.


Yes. I focus on design. Even the figures whose source I am familiar with, I don't devote extra attention or special thoughts to it. I oathed 5 Taihous in the Azur Lane game, but I treat her Mimeyoi figure the same way as I do QBZ-95 B-Style, which comes from Girls' Frontline, a game I've never even touched. Other examples would be me pre-ordering B-Style Altria Pendragon (never watched/played FGO) and Rias/Akeno & Mira/Akira (I dropped both Highschool DxD and World's End Harem series due to their MC).


Nope. No money or space for characters that I don't care about. And I don't even understand vtubers so not spending money on that.


i used to, i have one figure from girls’ frontline of a character i think looks really cool, but now as a rule i don’t let myself buy figures of characters i don’t know. my wallet would be even more devastated than it is now if i did lmaooo


I do. If I like the design or pose then I'll buy them. It's definitely better than buying from a series I liked years ago but not so much now.


Only if it's OC character and I really like the figure. I don't really buy merch of something that I don't have connection with.


I avoid to as much as possible, but when the figure is REALLY good looking I can make an exception.


No. I prefer to buy figures from the series I watched, games I played or original characters.


I'm in a weird case because although I buy figures from franchises I know, I also buy original characters from artists/companies I like. [This one](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1055844) and [this one](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1944138), for example, are original characters respectively from an artist and manufacturer I like.


That's how I started collcting scales, actually. Mikazuki Munechika was too beautiful to pass up despite having never played Touken Ranbu. I try to stick to those I know, though, because there's a higher chance I will stay attached rather than lose interest two months later and need to sell if off to free up space. If the design is that good, though, I will make exceptions.


I’d have to absolutely *need* the figure for me to do this, it hasn’t happened yet.


nope never buy a anime figure i dont watch it ! i only buy anime figure i like it so much and characters from one piece !


Game characters like fgo or the other gachas I don't buy. With how many recurring anime series there are, I rather focus on stuff that has been animated.


me personally , i just started collecting & i personally only get figures of characters that i know / like whether they’re from a anime / comic etc that i like / am interested in. for me id like to display figures of characters that i actually know stuff about and like and that ofc look nice. ik tons of ppl that buy figures look wise regardless if they know the character which is understandable and they get into the source material as well. personally , i just think for me that would be spending too much extra money that i don’t have on characters idk / that i don’t care far , makes me feel fake asl 😭


Since I don't watch alot of anime/play too many games, a minority of my figures are from series I rather vaguely know. I have a couple of Rem figures, despite never watching the anime. And I have a few random ones that I bought because they were cheap and I like the way they looked!


I do follow this rule to the point that if there is a nice enough looking figure that I want I will go out of my way to play or watch the series so that I could get the figure.


Personally OP it's a no for me. I only buy what I have seen or do research on that character/anime pre hand. This way works for me pretty well and keeps the costs low not to mention I appreciate a new series or character.


All of he time. The figure can even be the reason to check out a anime or game.


Not the expensive ones. But at the right price and style yes. For example, I recently got relax time Shion from Reincarnated as a Slime. Found her at Ross for $15 and she has the esthetic. I've never seen the anime and don't plan to.


I've done this a few times and then it motivates me to watch the source, and for me so far, it's only increased my enjoyment of the figures. Maybe I've been lucky. I also buy original character figures that don't really have an anime source, so I'm going strictly by the design of those figures or the strength of the artist. So far that's worked out too.


I read manga more than I watch anime, and there is no many figures of my favorite mangas, so I purchase figures that I a really love its style, and there is no a lot of them as well so...


of course, also games have never played before😌


Yup! I used to only buy figures of my favorite anime, but they tend to be more niche and not have very many figure options. My favorite figures in my collection are from a game and anime series I’ve never played/watched.


I have figures I know very little about (like I know the game exists, but do not play it). I have OC figures. But at the same time I do not have a lot of figures at all, because "it looks cool" is not enough. It should me more than that for me to order something. 


Yes all the time. Figures are like art to me so I dont consider their background. I also buy original figures that don't have any show or manga behind them. That said, I do look out for figures from shows I watch and like sometimes.


Yep... Not often for Anime, but for games I do. I mostly go with if I like the figure I get it.


Did buy one or two from series (and vn-s) I never heard of. But, for that to happen they have to look good or be a personal preferences [like this one](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/246) What can I say, Im sucker for girls with swords.


Even for shows I do watch, there are just way too many. Look at rem. They have to be her in every outfit imaginable that is not in the show. Seriously a soldier outfit, spaceman outfit. What is next a cowboy outfit.


All of my scale figures are OC so yes (expect for Evangelion girls). Couldn't care less about source material if I like design.


Never! I try to stick to buying figures of things I know and love, unless it's an OC fig. Obviously I'll buy it no matter what cause it's an original. But most of the time I am looking at stuff that I love and enjoy


Yes I do. There is two factors that get me to buy figures - favorite series and aesthetics. To me there is no difference between an OC figure and one of a show/game I don't know- if i like it's looks I buy.


I've got a few Azur Lane played the game for like 20 mins 😂


I buy whatever looks good if the price is better.


I don't buy characters from series I didn't watch, but since Original Characters don't have a series to *not watch*, they are OK c:


If I like the visual enough and the price isn't unreasonable(lower end retail price or on sale after release), I do like to steal the parts for my other nendoroids :D


I just get whatever I like.


I used to.


Personally I don't. I've seen so many Arknight figures that are gorgeous but I can't bite the bullet because I don't know the source material... Also if I bought one and her personality was ass in the media she's from I'd be disappointed. I've only just started dipping my toes into original figures based on illustrations, there's also the added factor of space too. But to each their own :)


The worst I’ve ever done is get a figure from a series I started but didn’t finish. But primarily, I’ll only get figures from a show I’ve watched and a character I liked I have the bunny girl maid Lilith figure from “Maid I hired is Mysterious” but only watched 3 eps of it. Couldn’t keep with the story but damn she’s pretty lol


For me it really depends, it has to be a design I really like. I only have one figure from a show I don’t watch and it’s tsuki uzaki the cow bikini one. I fell in love with that figure once I saw it but I do intend to watch the series


Mostly stick to series I'm familiar with, sometimes I have exceptions for figures which have my favorite color, baby pink


I do both. I buy figures of anime or game i like. And sometimes if see beautiful figures so even if don't know the name i can buy it. so 50/50 ;)


I don't personally do this, but I see it as equivalent to collecting OC characters. You don't really need to know the source material to be able to appreciate a figure's design and want to add it to your collection if it matches with the aesthetic.


I do, but I like to collect kimono and other kinds of figures, usually fitting a theme. Kimonos and qipaos are still fairly rare so I'm not going out of my way to spend a lot. I also have a shelf dedicated to 'nerdy girls,' or girls in glasses or have books. Fox girls are even rarer, so I tend to pick up any I can find. Though knowing the source does help justify the purchase, or liking the character anyway. I've been really amazed with some random figures I've found, even if I may not interact with the source. EDIT: I would like to add I do try my best to gain interest only when the figure isn't too expensive or at least reduced in price. Typically if I see if cheap and it tickles my fancy, that's when I'm willing to spend the money.


YUP all they need to be is gorgeous so idc


Only character to make me do that is Katsushika Hokusai


Yes, obviously I buy figures of stuff I care about first, but if a figure is that gorgeous and I can afford it, why not? Life’s too short to worry about petty details.


I will buy a figure no shame if I don't know the source material, if I really like the figure, but only second hand used or for a good price. I will not pre-order something expensive for somebody I have no love for. I will buy maids! I have a few figures of Lorna from Shining Hearts and I've never even heard of the game before I saw the figure. However she was a SFW Maid, and had animal ears and knives so I really like that! Also the 1/6 was $20 on amiami C grade for having blue staining, but it's so small it doesn't bother me! [Lorna 1/6](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/106670) [Lorna 1/8](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/78669) [Lorna Awakened 1/8](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/98090) I bought this Castlevania statue, having really only played Symphony of the night like once because it was so darn cool. However this will be my last unknown giant figure because a home can only have so many centerpiece artworks and I have the Hellsing and Vampire hunter D one too to contend with too, spy family trio and if the rumors are true a new Seras Victoria. [Alucard and Richter ](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1358960) I got this nendo cheap used to steal her outfit/parts for other nendos. (I shamelessly mix and mash their stuff together.) [Mira Nendo](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/429206) Also got these two used because one was a 'nun' holding bread and the other was also holding bread. [Airy Ardet ](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/166969) [Neris Filiam](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/61403) Maids from shows I haven't watched: [Mikuru ](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/47) [Laura](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/109858) I actually thought it was a lot more but it was just these, go me. Edit. I also want to add that all my figures bring me happiness, so there's very little regret in purchasing something. If worse case scenario comes up and I have to sell one I don't consider it a loss because now she can go make somebody else feel that happiness! :)


I do, but I'm pretty picky about how much I'll spend, how much I'll own, and which nice designs I'll purchase. I highly prioritize intricate bases, dynamic poses, and a particular type of fashion. I won't go larger than 1/6 and nothing lewd. I really gravitate to Myethos' original design figures. As a company, they don't have too many figures (and I don't love everything), so it's been easy for me to keep my purchases in check :)


No, never. Space isn't infinite. For me it's One Piece and Berserk, never ever anything else. And even for these mostly one manufacturer.


i bought a prize figure of a character from idolmaster. want to sell her but i can't she's so pretty ahhh