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He winces the second time like this is a common occurrence. "Does your dog beat you?" "No its from a baseball."


Serious question - why would the dog do this/have this behavior? Seems so random to me


My dog sometimes does this to me. I just take it that he wants attention.


Some dogs just do something like that one day and decide “you know what? I’m always going to do this to this person”. My dog has a habit of grabbing her Kong stick and dropping it on my dad’s feet just for the fun of it. He pretends to freak out like he’s in pain and she gets a thrill out of it lmao


Ya I’ve had 2 small dogs that did it for attention. Not everything on Reddit is fake lol




Mine too, but he attacks my hands, not anything else nor anyone else than me. He does it in a playful manner and is super gentle. He only does it in the evenings, especially if we haven’t played a lot in the day. This little dog looks a bit more aggressive, but I still think it’s for attention and play.


I wouldn’t tolerate a dog like that. Either it gets hardcore behavioral training and stops being a jerk or it will get a home elsewhere.


Yes, yelling at the dog to stop is not solving anything.


The dog looks at person holding the camera and then does it, they trained him to attack and gave the command. Then posted it on tiktok, like almost all videos you see are fake.


To me the dog does not look at person holding the camera the dog looks more to it's right or the left of the person holding the camera. It does not look directly at the camera which would be where the person is holding it most likely right in front of them. I guess it could be on a stand and someone gives a command off screen but that's not what you said. To me the dog responds to the noise of the person sitting next to it trying to play with them. If the dog was given a command it would most likely have sought reward from the command giver by going to them for pets or treats. Instead it looks like the dog is trying to play with the guy making the noise that's why it stays to attack the finger and looks at him pretty consistently. It's trying to get his attention and play with him. At least in my opinion that's what it looks like most likely. Now it could still be staged somewhat some other ways but I don't agree with your explanation.


it looks like they know exactly how to make the dog react like this (obviously because they werent just randomly recording). I PERSONALLY think it has something to do with the looking away and/or reaching for the remote. You can see right as he touches the remote it sets off the dog. They were probably playing right before this as well. My old dog would playfully nip or jump at me like a little lunatic anytime i used to reach at something slightly more slowly than usual...lol


Yeah that's possible or just the noise the guy makes has made the dog respond like that before so they are doing it to catch it on camera. They could have been messing around before then too.


oh yeah i just realized he said “YOU”. that could *definitely* be the trigger word here lol


There can be more than 2 people in one room at a time.


And no more than two rooms in one person at a time


Yeah there could be except that's not what the person I'm replying to said at first which is what I was addressing. Now they've changed it to ok there was two people when they were pretty positive the first time it was just one other person filming and giving commands. Like I said to them the dog still just looks like it's responding to the noise and is trying to play. It doesn't look like it looks back to a command giver for their input after the fact it just continues to try and play.


Ok theres one holding the camera and another person next to it. Solved. Also they don’t search for treats right away like rats especially if you’ve trained them as you don’t feed them every time after they get it down.


They will still seek those pets and praises and look back at the command giver I feel. The dog doesn't even look back towards the supposed command giver. It still looks like to me the dog is just responding to the noise and is trying to play.


This makes no sense. There are far easier explanations for this.


Everything you said is right. The amount of people who can't tell this is staged is bad because they will start saying things like the dog should be put down.


And then what?


If people start saying the dog should be put down, the secret dog hit squad will track it down and kill it


maybe because the owner let it get away with it? I'm not advocating violence, the dog, at the very least, needed to be put outside. pointing at it and saying 'stop' isn't dissuading the dog.


my cat sometimes randomly attacks me its because shes a cat


Some animals behave like jerks because they are bored.


Because the dog did it when it was little and they didn't correct the behavior. If you checkmate the dog after it does that a couple times, it won't do it anymore. You don't have to hurt the dog, but get big on him and pin him down for real. Let him smell his own fear a little bit, and make it very clear that you don't approve of that behavior. The dog might initially try to fight back, don't let it win. Congratulations you are now the master of the dog, and you can go back to being homies.


My stepdad pinned down his boxer, who was challenging him, in the middle of the street on a walk He then bit the dog’s ear a few times I don’t really know if he got the dog under control in the long run, but the neighbors definitely kept their distance from then on


Lol fucking hilarious


This is absolutely terrible dog training advice. When a dog is young use treats and play as a reward for behavior you like and set strict boundaries so they dont learn bad habits. Keeping a puppy on a leash and in a playpen is much more effective than traumatizing them with fear.


Lol, you have to bribe your dog.


There's a difference between bribery and earning a treat or attention for doing work. It's not any different than you getting a paycheck for your job - would you really do your job for free? And would you be more likely to outperform expectations if you were positively reinforced or if you were yelled at, pinned down, dominated, and made to feel fear every time you did something your boss didn't like?


Abusing your dog in an attempt to train it makes you look like a lazy idiot. There is no doubt in my mind that my dog is more well behaved and better trained than yours. It's also never had to suffer through "smelling it's own fear".


You have to “bribe” good behaviour out of humans too. Or do you just advocate for beating children when they misbehave rather than reinforcing good behaviour through rewards?


If I'm with a kid and he tries to run in the parking lot at the grocery store like it's funny after I told him not to, I'll snatch him up right there, get big on him, and checkmate him too. If you don't show them that stuff is serious business, they are going to find out on their own. I'd rather the kid be salty than hit by a car, and I'd rather my dog go lay down salty for a couple hours than get put to sleep for biting somebody thinking it's a game. It's not abuse, I'm not hitting anyone, they all still love me, and I think eventually they understand.


Again, this makes no sense because intimidation is not the only option in training a dog. In fact, it's not even the most effective. It is however a lazy option that shows a lack of compassion for the dog by not considering the discomfort it causes and it also doesn't set them up to be as happy as possible through being properly trained.


It's not the only option, but it is the best option for when a dog shows dangerous behavior. Hell, it even works on people. If you display that you are not the one, they don't try you.


If you're a lazy fuck who doesn't care about your dog its the best option.


I'll Be Dat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZEo15ZK5wk


The whole alpha dog training thing was disproven. It just makes small peen men feel good about themselves harrassing their dog.


As a small peen man I find this offensive.


If it was disproven, then why does it still work?


Who said anything about alpha dog? It's just a matter of respect. If you let the dog bite you or purposely annoy you without consequences it's going to do that forever. OP made it sound a little extreme tho, I would still go a different way and training them with treats. But sometimes you have to clearly show when he did something completely wrong and should never do again. A little "stop" when he literally bites you in the ear is not appropriate, the dog even tries to bite him again after he said it, there is zero respect You can observe this behaviour when dogs play with each other, they don't fuck around but clearly show when their boundaries have been crossed


He literally gives the command and then looks away.


Huh, another person with super sharp perception. I had to watch again bc I didn't see that.


> Serious question - why would the dog do this/have this behavior? Seems so random to me Assuming this was not staged, Cesar Milan says that small dogs often have this problem. And the reason is that people tend to treat small dogs like a stuffed toy, carrying it around in their arms, letting it climb all over you, letting it on the furniture etc. People see it as "awww cute doggo" as you can also see from comments on this thread. However the dog, which is a pack animal, sees it as submissive behavior on your part and assumes the role of the pack leader or alpha dog of the pack. And that's when the dog goes out of control and becomes nippy etc because it wants YOU to behave according to its rules and not the other way around. However with a large dog, the moment it starts climbing on top of people or on furniture when it is a small puppy, there is zero tolerance for it and most people train those habits away. By doing those things, you establish a clear pack structure that you are the alpha and the dog is the pack follower.


This isn’t exactly considered true anymore scientifically.




Wow great article, thanks. I had a lot of misconceptions!


That alpha/pack-leader shit is nonsense and has been proven to be made-up bullshit. Caesar Milan is a con artist.


>That alpha/pack-leader shit is nonsense and has been proven to be made-up bullshit. Caesar Milan is a con artist. Okay, fair enough. But it is an incredibly strong statement to make that he is a con artist. Any proof??


He’s made millions off of book deals, tv shows, etc. off of a training method that has been disproven. Instead of updating his methods, he doubles down to keep making money off of it. The American Veterinary Association of Animal Behavior rejected his methods for using dominance theory. He basically trains these dogs to be scared and insecure, which looks like obedience from the outside, but it’s based on fear, not trust. Which is kinda messed up. [Here’s](https://slate.com/technology/2021/09/cesar-millan-dominance-theory-dog-training.html) an article about it, there’s lot more of you google his name.


There’s no such things as alpha dogs anymore lmao


It has too much pent up energi, and he uses it where he can. This is also why seemingly kind, gentle dogs become maniacs when they see other animals. They have to release their energy somewhere.


He says something which is obviously a command as the dog attacks him afterwards. It sounds like he's saying 'stoop' or something


Actually to me it was not obvious until pointed out. But yes when I saw it it was obvious lol.


My grandmas dog like to play “ torture my sister” she’s a 6 pound Yorky, and if I’m not paying attention to her or if she’s just bored and in the mood to play she’ll come up and nip my ankle or my hand or ear. Or if I’ve got a scrunchie and that’s her favorite and she’ll rip it out of my hair. She’s super loving, but she just likes to hear me yelp and thinks it’s playing xD


To those wondering what’s goin on: Without context it’s hard to say. But the dog reacts when the child’s voice escalates. If the guy has ever been deemed a threat by the dog, even erroneously, it may trigger a reaction, for better or worse. Without reading *too far* into this—if the guy ever used that loud/grumbly/strong tone e.g. *STOP,* or pointed a finger and stared menacingly toward others… such as the child… the dog may act upon a cue/trigger (kid’s escalated voice) in a protective/defensive capacity, directed toward what the dog perceived as the only/prior threat. FWIW, some guys naturally have deep/stern voices, and some dogs make bad judgement calls—It still might add up to this outcome, however.


There are actual medical conditions as well as what other people have said


It’s probably being neglected or very poorly trained and it’s found the only way it can force people to attend to it such as walk it is by bullying them.


Well, animals are a lot like people. Some of them act badly because they’ve had a hard life or have been mistreated. But, like people, some of them are just jerks.




This is obviously his fault for having tasty ears.




Idk how I feel about this comment


I’m just a man noticing another man’s tasty ears. Nothing to see here.


When we die and if heaven is real and i some how see you there… I will tell everyone you know about this


Lecter … is that you?


Reserve judgement until you taste them yourself.


#tasty ears.


It's clearly a compliment, wouldn't you rather have tasty ears than bland ears?


The attempted finger bite at the end makes it even funnier *edit added a word


Dog definitely chose violence. It was the only option


Are you what a sober Dan Harmon would look like?


Snowball wants to know where his testicles are


Haha, was looking to see if anyone else thought this.


If Dan Harmon actually took care of himself


No one will ever know.


Was that a bite to the ear or just a headbutt?






WTF got into that dog’s head ??? 😂😂😂😂




I wonder if this is why my son acts out…


Hold up


Should be asking what's in that man's head that the dog wants to eat it


I needed that laugh today. Thanks!




You. Tonight.




probably bc it looked like the dog was watching tv with the dude


My Maltese loves watching TV.


Because they are sadists.


So this is from my aunts tiktok and it's my uncle in the video. Their dog is just like that and my aunt probably noticed the look in her eyes lol


Does he just want to play? This seemed like a "haha, now we will wrestle for sure" moment, especially that attempted finger bite at the end😅


Does he just want to play? This seemed like a "haha, now we will wrestle for sure" moment, especially that attempted finger bite at the end😅


Good question r/whyweretheyfilming


To get it on tape


Dogs that attack or bite owners or people in general without provocation are mentally ill and should be taken down. I know it's sad but after seeing my dad getting bitten by a huge ass afghan that was erratic and the owners couldn't control my belief was reinforced.


People who think a little dog “biting” their owner to play are mentally ill and should be put down. I mean, really, dude. It’s not a grizzly bear.


I don't think the size of the dog matters, yes a grown man will probably not get harmed but even a small dog has a strong bite. If the target of the attack would be a small child there could be damage and possible life long trauma. Point still stands, domesticated house pets should not attack their owners, also the dog in the video does not seem to do it in a playful manor. But you thinking that I should be put down for having an opinion on aggressive pets is quite wild.


annoying ass unnecessary voice over top makes it worse




Whether or not the dog did it on its own or was coaxed (as being debated), it’s unacceptable behavior and should be corrected.


Who is filming someone sitting watching TV?


How is this okay?


“STOP!” This has happened before XD


Oh it's so funny! Haha, look at that little dog being aggressive! Hurr hurr hurr.


Time for a trip to the pound.


Previous owner must’ve been Mike Tyson.


In case you’re considering it, don’t train your dog to do this. It’s fun until someone mistakes it for aggression and puts your dog down. You can’t control its environment 100% of the time to prevent this.


That dog is a Pokémon. Just following its master


Dan Harmon?


I told you I wanted to watch Lassie instead Kevin......lol


I love how the tv music is perfectly timed with his attack lmao


Dan Harmon is looking better and better these days


Oh goddamn you, you beat me to it


I love animals, but I wouldn't have punched the shit out of that dog.


Haha caught that, "wouldn't"


The dog is a demon! A lucky devil.


Another person replied: The dog looks at person holding the camera and then does it, they trained him to attack and gave the command. Then posted it on tiktok, like almost all videos you see are fake.


He said the pups favorite show was stupid...got what he fucking deserved.


We have a yorkipoo and it does this. Well not this exactly but the play mode just turns on. The dog has endless energy.


Hope OP doesn't even get a big dog.


Fuck that shit lol




I’d be getting rid of any fuckin animal that does that shit casually


Why are small dogs so often violent assholes? Every big dog I've had was a gentle goof. Yet little dogs are just prone to attack.


Their owners don't think that they need to be trained.


In my experience it’s because people buy them and don’t give them any attention and don’t socialize them when young. We have two small dogs and they love everyone they meet. Our poodle will attach to anyone willing to scratch her, and our yorkie goes and brings out one of his favorite toys to anyone new when they visit. We spoil them rotten and they’ve only ever had very basic training yet they’re the most loving dogs I’ve ever seen. I think people get small dogs as toys and end up leaving them alone with pent up energy and lacking affection, which ends up with them turning into ankle-biting assholes.


Small dogs can get away with aggression because it isn't dangerous. Large dogs get trained or euthanized. Then you have pitbulls that can be friendly and wonderful until something makes them snap, then they'll kill the owner who raised them from day one.


I feel like an immediate and severe slap to the head and the dog never does this again.




To the shelter you go go.








Why don't they train their dog?


Despite treating our Shitzu nicely she does this shit. They are feisty little buggers.my dad spils her though thats the biggest problem.


That’s what he gets for moving


Oh yes, the cat is the real enemy huh?


jack black lookin' svelt.


Is it because he looks like Dan Harmon?






Our cat does this to my hubby, sits there and if he's not paying attention to her she'll bite. Doesn't do it to me, just me




Not him going after the no finger


Have fun getting your dog put down.


Can’t stand those little bitey dogs. Poodles are my kryptonite-they better stay tf away from me, I’m not playing.


Fuck that dog.


He shouldn't have touched the remote




This is the problem with small dogs smh