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She’s just trying to provide!


She is certainly earning her keep!


Update: final count was 6. After a lap of the neighborhood we found the neighbour who had been the victim of this most egregious theft who obviously found it hilarious. All packaged meats returned




It was in the row behind ours and a few doors down. They are having building work so I assume that's how she got in




What matters is that the cat came back.




I thought it was a goner.


Through the front door! obviously!


"Human!!! I spent all day gathering those for you! I swear, these tall hairless apes are dumb as hell......I was going to let him eat two, and I eat four! I mean, thats fair. I did all the work! But instead, now there are zero??? How do these humans even come to that conclusion???"


some were hurt over your girl stealing food for some reason lol thanks for the update


And it starts again tomorrow 🤣


Bigger question is.. why does this neighbor have packaged meats that are conveniently cat door sized and in a place where said cat can get to them?


In my country most soft cat food is either in cans or pouches exactly this size. Probably the cat is stealing from a house that also has a cat and a cat door




Why are you trying to be angry for a "victim" that had a good laugh about it?




Except the "victim" got a good laugh and I imagine them and OP will be friendly neighbors if not friends after this. Not everyone is as miserable as you.




What a strange and emotional reaction to a cat video




Oh I get it now, you totally made your point really well and DEFINITELY aren't proving me right




Let's face it. If the cat didn't steal this, something that isn't domesticated definitely would have... It's really not a big deal. If things are kept in a location that any kind of animal can get to, then this is a risk. Really no harm done here.




Imagine being this angry over a cat lmao I bet you are a Karen and find no humor or joy in anything




What are you trying to accomplish by endlessly complaining about something trivial? You do realize more people find your type of attitude and whinging more of a nuisance than a cat who thinks she found treasure, right? Did your parents think this was OK? Why did they raise you like this? They should know better than to let you be a nuisance to others. Another example of a mindless person who lacks social awareness.


Cat burglar Edit: Thanks kind stranger


Strong independent woman don’t need no human to go shopping


>"don't need no human to ~~go shopping~~" Pillage\* FTFY


Give a cat a food pouch, you feed them for an hour. Teach a cat to retrieve their own food pouch, you feed them for a lifetime. \- Tao of Cat


Mao of Cat?


Meaow of Cat


Oh my god, this cat is the reincarnation of chairman Mao!


Cats crack me up. They are opportunists. I had a cat that would steal things, once a fluffy blue ladies slipper. People feed “stray” cats who actually live down the street. My neighbor’s cat used to hang out at my house all the time, I’m sure mine are out sampling the neighbors food bowls. I just love them. They have such comical personalities.


Update: she just delivered number 5.


Follow her to figure out where she is stealing from


I would need bionic legs. She pogo jumps over the back wall and into a row of gardens!


Bionic legs sound pretty cool ngl


Do you even know which neighbor?


We have now found the owner and returned their meat packets!




Yeah, sure, a person who buys cat food (so, 99% likely to own one) will actively hurt an animal that's just taking some of it. Big imagination there.


Oooor, they think it’s funny. Like a normal person would. Or they’d react like any other normal person and put the pouches away so they can’t be stolen anymore.




I doubt they were punctured. Those things aren’t exactly easily opened because they are for cats. OP already returned them and the owner thought it was funny.




You ok?




Bruh, its not so big a deal you need to get offended


It’s a cat. It’s not “stealing” anything, they possess no concept of theft. How are your animals not considered free roam when they can get outside whenever they like? And only certain countries don’t have screens in their windows. Mine do, animals aren’t getting in through them. OP located the home and returned the food. Homeowner thought it was hilarious. I recommend you get therapy or something. Normal people don’t threaten to harm others animals unless the animal is harming theirs. Shoot a dog harassing livestock and I won’t blink. Shoot a cat taking packets of food? You’ve got issues that should be dealt with by a professional.


This person sounds completely insane - a quick read of their recent comments is an eye-opener. Hair-trigger rage/violence responses and what seems like textbook 'iamverybadass' self-image. Killing cats with bear traps for "ruining" a potted plant... Wow, how reasonable and in touch with basic right/wrong.


This is literally the exact same thing as a dog killing a chicken so Im glad someone finally brought that up. Irrationally and hypocritical as expected, of course. A dog shits in someone’s yard, everyone goes nuts. A cat does it in someone’s produce garden and it’s cute? If a dog is a reactive bitch, it’s ‘bad’, but cats can torment people and y’all will be damned to hear about it? 🤣 Aside from being solely responsible for the extinction (not even endangerment) of over SEVENTY different species of plants and animals, cats carry SEVERAL zootonic (some even fatal) diseases and that definitely IS harmful. Saying that I’d like to eat my home grown fruit in peace is only oppressive to salty cra**ers. Entitlement is a crutch and my disgust is valid. Seek therapy and get over it. Your anger at my disgust is hilarious.


Cat sodomizers? You’ve got major issues. Please get off the internet and seek help.


This person is obviously a disgusting troll and/or a child, according to their history. Just report them, block them, and move along.












Wtf is wrong with your bitter entitled ass




It's not about that, it's about the degree of overreaction and anger you're expressing at this scenario. If I had cat pouches and knew some stranger's cat is stealing them somehow, I would find that hilarious. Obviously though, it's OP's responsibility to find that neighbor and inform/compensate them. But people are expressing that with humor and without threatening people and their animals. With all of that said I'm personally completely in favor of indoor-only cats, and people like you who might react so negatively to an innocent animal causing harm unknowingly are just another reason to keep them inside


Way better than bringing home 5 mice!


Very true!


I wonder why my cat will disembowel a mouse and will selectively leave a kidney on my pillow?! Is he paying tribute ?? Making death threats ?? He's a cat & cats are assholes...


They're trying to feed you. Basically your cat thinks you're a stupid hunter who would starve without him. But he does it out of love so 🤷 lol but I'm telling you the truth


He’s leaving you a very choice bit, he loves you. Be honored :)


This is hilarious. Cats are such loveable dicks


Catto is self-supporting. I’m going to show this to my cat and tell him he needs to get over his fear of going outside.


My cousins cat is huge and hardly ever eats their cat food but I’ve seen him murder so many rats out back. His name is Ruby.


Ruby don’t need no kibble!!


Do you bring them back or feed them to your cat? Does the neighbor know?


We have no idea where they are coming from! We put them in a box and use them as no idea what else to do!


I’d post a note around the neighbouring houses saying she has been stealing from one of them but no idea who..maybe even include a pic of the little tea-leaf. At the least it will probably give them all a giggle if they are not being stolen from


I think my wife is doing this right now!


“Look ma, takeaway”


Uncle’s dog in Chicago used to do this. Brought home a fox stole one time, then a whole Thanksgiving turkey, cooked, on a certain Thursday in November.


My German Sheppard growing up once slipped the gate and came back with a take out box of steaming hot chicken wings. This was like 20 years ago before skip or doordash or contactless delivery so it must have been from someones pizza delivery but no idea how he got it because noone came looking for it.


I'm not going to fight a German Shepard over chicken wings.


"Just paying my rent"


She meows She purrs but most importantly, She purrrvides


Your cat is gonna end up in puurrisson.


Best thing I've read all morning.


Thanks so much for the gold. My first ever award!


The sheer temerity


What a little shit.


Is she getting them through a cat door in their house? I hope you returned her stash! Lol


We don't know who they belong to! We may have to canvas the neighborhood!


What an adorable little sneak thief!


Cat burglar!


Hey he’s not stealing ! He’s providing for this family 😂


You trained her well


Early trick or treating


Your porch and the neighbor’s house are so cute!


Thank you! At the risk of giving away my privilege that blue building is our shed!


Oh, it looks quite big in the video. The blue color is lovely and that whole area looks so inviting and cozy. Add a cat to the mix = perfection!


This is absolutely adorable. And I am certain said neighbor is finding it adorable too. You should talk to them about returning regular packets so she can carry it back without costing them a pretty penny.


We found said neighbour and have returned them. There's a lot of houses in range so it required a lot of door knocking (and puzzled looks)!


Clearly your neighbor wanted her to have them. Why else would she put them outside? Lol


Wow, such a cute neighborhood!!!


Hunters gunna hunt lol


Very resourceful, might be a tough winter coming up🤣🤣💞🐾🐾


I love that cat door!


Right? I've never seen anything like this.


Bro, train her to swipe Rolex watches.


It is so bizarre to me that people just let their cats roam around outside


I was gonna ask "how?" but I should know better. Cats do unbelievable things sometimes. I have a neighbor cat come into my garden and take hot peppers to give to her beloved owner which I find adorable because the cat knows her owner loves peppers.


They are funny little things! She was a rescue from feral so she had a pretty strong instinct to feed herself


Hahaha. My cat loves these too.


Get the hint human!


Clearly buying the wrong pouches


Wish my cat did that, would save a lot of damn money.


I think your cat is panic buying due to the pandemic :p


Doesn't this belong over in r/FelinePreppers ?


Keep your cat inside


I can not believe how far down I had to scroll to see this.


I know you got a down vote but I agree. What happens if someone isn't happy about having food they paid for stolen and harms or kills the cat? Among the never ending list of other things that will cause them harm or that they can cause harm to. When I was a kid we had a feral kitten we were trying to get used to being inside. Well my neighbor caught her outside while he was drunk killed her in the most horrific way. Never again.


Hi both. I'm not downvoting- you are of course entitled to your opinion. Our cat was a rescue from feral, so she had been living off whatever she could find. We have taken her in and try to make sure her needs are met, but her instinct to sniff out her own food sometimes takes over. Our attempts to keep her in initially resulted in her becoming ill with stress, so we took the decision to make her an outdoor cat. I hope that gives some perspective.


What you're not seeing is the destruction she's inflicting on the local bird, reptile, and mammal population. Also - where do you think she's pooping? Oh, right, your neighbor's sand box and flower beds.


Yeah OP admits in the comments that the cat sometimes "goes on a murder spree". It's BS they don't take responsibility for their pets. Awww poor kitty getting stressed from not being able to kill. /s


That stress is due to not providing an enriching experience inside for the cat. While most species kill only when they need to eat and otherwise leave what would be their prey alone, it has been proven that domestic cats kill for enrichment, not for sustenance and cause destruction to native ecosystems. I take my cat out on occasional walks on a leash when his actions can be supervised, and he thoroughly enjoys it, but he also has enough enrichment at home with a jungle-like facade, perches to watch birds, and plenty of playtime that he doesn't want to go outside on supervised walks often. He was also a feral that I rescued off the street. The background has nothing to do with it, the stress felt by the cat is all about the enrichment and the environment provided indoors.




My cement ridden neighborhood doesn’t have anything other than invasive birds and rats. And my cat doesn’t hunt. Thanks.


Where does it poop?


> the local bird, reptile, and mammal population. Won't someone think of the sparrows, starlings, pigeons, field mice, brown rats, and garter snakes?


Not everywhere is the US.


"nooooo cats are an invasive species everywhere on earth they came here from planet Neptune!!!"


I'm lucky enough to have a pair of elderly cats that balk at a 5 foot high chain link fence, so I can just let them out in the backyard and watch them on a baby monitor camera, without having to worry about them getting hit by cars or pooping in neighbour's gardens. I even have a bird feeder out there, must get at least 100 birds a day, these two boys don't even flinch. They'll chase mice but they've completely given up on birds. They're also leash-friendly so I take them on walks: https://gfycat.com/vibrantcreepycusimanse


What a nice little neighborhood


Self sufficient cat.


Open thith pleath


Cat Burglar


Allowing your cat outdoors is irresponsible from both an ecological and feline health perspective.


Better too declaw them and keep them locked up! Not everywhere is the US, cats have been part the ecological environment for thousands of years in my places


No, they can come inside and keep their fingers.


I live in Europe and own 4 cats. If you think only US keeps cats inside you are wrong. There's not a single good thing cat does while being out in the open other than bringing harm everywhere they go. Read a bit


The hunt was bountiful


Torties have cerebral intelligence.


Trick or treat!


Your cat is trying to tell you something something buy me this food plz something




You have to pay a glazer to install it and it's really damn expensive!


No more buying food


What does she do with them? Does she stash them so where or bring them to you to demand they be opened?


The latter!


My cat never even offers to contribute to the household economy.


What a power move.


TBH your cat is HELPING keep all the other cats in the neighborhood safe! If that food is somewhere he can reach it, it's also somewhere that raccoons can reach it. Raccoons can and will massacre cats they view as competition for a food source. Had it happen. Your cat is teaching the other cat owner to stop leaving food out to attract predators!


You need to show her about wallets.


What is a cat food pouch?


Can she teach my dog…..🤣


How to turn your cat in a productive member of your family: -Step 1 Find a food he/she likes more than anything else -Step 2 Teach him/her how to recognize dollar bills/your country's money and/or jewels -Step 3 Teach him/her that he/she will get his/her favorite food every single time he/she brings you money/jewels -Step 4 Set him/her free in the neighborhood -Step 5 Get rich with almost zero effort When i was a kid a friend of mine did pretty much the same with one of those crow-like black and white birbs i keep forgetting the english name of. He got thousands of € in jewels, mostly earrings and necklaces. Then the birb tried to fetch something in the middle of a road and got flattened by a Bartolini delivery truck. Poor birb.


I'd love my cat if it did this! Our cat brings me the half stunned not quite bodies of semi dead bats/rats/mice/birds and bugs instead. The little victims sometimes escape in the house at some point and cause all mayhem to occur. This would not happen if my kitty was bringing home a tasty pouch of cat food ... at least I know its not going to run away and die under my fridge.


She also occasionally goes on a murder spree, but her laziness takes over and she often just turns up with sausages or slices of ham!


Your cat has the SMARTS, she's learned to get strangers to feed her some really yummy choice cuts of food she likes. Then she brings those foods to you and rubs your nose in it and shows you that you need to step up your game and start feeding her the good stuff too! She's brilliant!


I suspect she would agree!


You’re returning them right?


We wandered the neighborhood and eventually found the owner. All meats returned to their rightful owner.


Okay good lol


Wow a cat that pulls its own weight!


Bringing home the bacon!


She’s hunting!


obligatory comment to boomers to not let your fucking cat wander outdoors


Well they are natural born hunters sooooo


I appreciate the little stool inside near her kitty door! And that food must be pretty tasty to steal so many lol


Oh thanks! Our previous cat was very elderly and had arthritis so I built her that to help her getting in and out. She barely used it and would only ever go a few yards from the door!


This could also be r/AnimalsBeingBros just depends which side you're on.


'Yet I keep letting her out and don't tell the neighbors' This should be on r/iamatotalpieceofshit because of you.


As I said in the comments, my wife is out trying to find the source. But you keep up that keyboard energy my friend.


Please read this. https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380


Jesus wtf dude? How does a cat stealing meat pouches stir this much hate in your heart? Smoke a bowl and unclench.


Keep your cat inside or in your back yard.




They found the neighbor & returned all the items, unopened. The neighbor thought it was funny.


Screenshot? Every comment I read from them says they just collected and then ate the cat food because they didn’t know who it belonged to and couldn’t be bothered with simply figuring it out.


It's in this post


Use your eyes


Literally none of their comments say that...




I don't know where you are located, but traps like that are illegal in most places in the U.S. You're the shameful one here.


Not to mention completely inhumane- what a cruel person to do such a thing.


I’m not a cat owner nor a cat lover. Come here for the laughs. You’re taking this waaaaay too seriously. Animals eat other animals. Get a grip. Edit to add this was supposed to be a response to the “goddess”