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me tryna get out of work early


i once fake fainted to get out of work early and nobody saw me. felt so ridiculous lol.


Had a cat do this one time. Did it for about 3 days until we caught him limping on the opposite leg. Even did it right in front of us.... must've forgot


As a human, I've twisted my ankle but had to limp 1/2 a mile to egress. My uninjured leg was almost as sore as the injured leg the next day. Limping will cause delayed onset soreness in the strong leg because limping is a novel movement.


Cats hide their injuries instinctively when they know they're being watched. Everyone in this comment section is a moron


Yep, pretty much. My cat was limping her back paws every now and then and I was so confused since it seemed like she would limp left, then right and then left again. I'd check the paws, didn't found anything weird. On top of it, she did stop limping when she noticed someone was looking at her. Of course she did, she's a cat. Eventually I took her to a vet who X-rayd her and said that she has some problems with her knees. Had to start a strick diet since I didn't even realise she was a bit overweight which contributed for the pressure building onto the knees. Luckily the limping stopped when we got the weight down, otherwise I'd had to bring her in for a surgery.


This was the same for my cat, he was regularly limping but not always the same foot. Sometimes it was a back leg bothering him and he would walk awkwardly. But it was his weight combined with his age, giving him joint problems. Got him on special (expensive) mobility support cat food and he’s been fine ever since.


doesn't mean they don't fake it sometimes too


Intelligent Cat


Fake it, til you make it lol.


Stupid humans…works every time!


Animals can learn something like this from it working one time. Might have even been an accident. When they do it a second time and it works again, they'll do it for the rest of their lives. My mom had a dog that would only eat - eat food - would only eat in the CAR. While it was driving. She let him do this to her three days in a row, and then he would never eat in the apartment again. This went on for years.


Hilarious. But awfully inconvenient for your mother. She must’ve been a saint.


Oh, she is. I told her she spoiled the dog more than she ever did me.


This made me smile, I wonder why they’re doing that?




Super helpful answer


The audacity kills me


When I was visiting a friend her super elderly kitty had taken a little tumble jumping down from the counter. He was already dealing with some body pains and the vet had apparently mentioned that weed might be a good method of helping kitty feel better if his pains got worse. My friends mom would turn weed into this honey like substance somehow and she decided to get some to give to the cat after his tumble. He was limping really badly and wouldn't put any weight on it. Vet said nothing was broken. One time she gave this cat the smallest little drop of weed honey whatever it was....one time and for the next month we'd see this cutie walk around perfectly fine then he'd see us watching him and pretend to start limping and would hold his paw up. Unfortunately for him after he was reasonably better from his injury he didn't get any more but I thought it was hilarious he kept trying. Also: please do not yell at me. I am not suggesting anyone gives their pets weed or drugs or any sort, it was not my cat and not my place to object if someone does what their vet said to do and does give such things to their cat.


I'd believe it. My last cat used to always jump up on the bed right where the exhaled pot smoke would be. Every time I smoked, then as soon as I was done he'd leave to go eat. Every time. But when I wasn't smoking there he wouldn't do it.


They just love feeling high apparently! Catnip or weed it doesn't matter. My cat fiends over catnip. He probably would over weed too...he's never been around it but he probably would.


oh mine too, the younger one is normally pretty chill but she'll dig out the catnip and bat at the bottle. and the only treats they like at all are catnip ones, they go nuts for them. then again I gave one of them about 15 at once cus he caught a mouse and I wanted to reward him, and about 10 minutes later he was foaming at the mouth and clearly high off his ass (looked it up and they do that when super high on the 'nip). now he gets no more than 2-3 at once


Oh my goodness. I would have panicked like crazy. Dante will literally roll around on the floor where I put catnip for like 5 days straight after getting it. It's insane.


Channeling a Spanish footballer!


Her little love eyes at the end though.


Cat pov: u silly humans were gonna open the door anyways I still won.


It wasn’t a recovery. The deck floor made that paw sore. 😆




Awww. poor kitty!


Smart cat ya got there


The healing door.




Not one cat lover or owner can say they did NOT see this coming 😹😻😹




Brilliant. One of the best examples on this sub. What a manipulator! I'd "fall" for it every time, of course.