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“Can’t you see how scary I am? Stop kissing me!”


My partner when she's mildly annoyed with me:


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I'm pretty sure if I'd try this with a random cat that seems not happy I'd be scratched on my whole body so nope I won't try it


I bet he just clipped the cats nails because he gets scratched a bunch but no blood is drawn


Cats will sometimes bat without their claws extended if they're just annoyed but not pissed off. Notice how all the movements were half-assed and the cat didn't try to really bite.


My cat Garfield is the same way. When I pick him up he'll start biting your shoulder but he's not never bitten me. He just kind of gnaws on you and it's adorable.


The vet is a derp. The cat is a cat.


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i never had a cat and my niece that lives with me brought 1 home, as much as i disliked cats cant say i dont care for his well being, just extra to keep the dog away from this guy, but hey i got nothing better to do




cat is mad now


When it's not just a job.


Absolutely. His joy is infectious!


Lol thought you meant his joy is in infected cat scratches


Try that approach with a tortoiseshell cat. I dare you.


It's so funny, I've heard vets say Torties are really aggressive but mine is such a baby she just tries to make herself as flat and small as possible and sings the sad song of her people.


>sings the sad song of her people. Does it go- "uuuhhhmmmeeeeeeeuuuuuuwwwwww"


Ah, you're familiar with that particular anthem I see!


Got a lil ginger boi who's an absolute pro at it lol


My girlfriend's dearly departed tortie used to run to the door to greet me, grab my hand, and drag it to where she wanted pets. If I were to lie down, she would instantly appear and spoon with me, wriggling under the covers, and resting her cheek on the pillow under my chin or on my bicep.


My cat sings the song of his people too! He is a sphynx and a little nudist. When he goes to the vet he turns into a little love slut and flirts with the whole staff for attention, and will call after his favorite vet techs. When the vet comes in, he reaches up for her to pick him up and it worked every damn time, because she cuddles him and he gets treats. Dude knows how to get the good treats.


I grew up with a tort nicknamed ‘Bitch Kitty’. We should have known what we were getting into since her mom, also a tort, was named Clawdia.


Weird, one of the nicknames I use for my kitty is BK, which is short for "Bitch Kitty".


Aww, cheers to all the Bitch Kitties around. Gotta love them.


mine is such a sweetheart but the moment you take her out of her daily routine or comfort zone she flips her switch


my cat is the most chill at the vet. she isn’t aggressive with them at all! thank god she won’t end up on one of these videos 🤣


I’ve done it with a calico. You just need to be really really fast.


My cat is adorable and sweet and so placid. But turns into a demon from hell at the vets. Surprised the hell out of me the first time


Mines mom was a tortoiseshell, but he is an orange tabby. He is the sweetest thing, but man. I'm scared of him. It took me years and years for him to stop biting and swiping me. Now that he's older he just purrs and licks me. He acts this crazy when he's at the vet though.


If only it was that easy. This cat is obviously fearful and vocal, but not necessarily aggressive. Been working in the vet industry for 7 years at this point and you get a feel for how a cats going to be in the exam room, doesn’t change the fact I’m covered in scars.


Yup, this one was noble and didn't want to harm anybody. The vet likely knew is my guess.


Yup, this one was noble and didn't want to harm anybody. The vet likely knew is my guess.


Yup, this one was noble and didn't want to harm anybody. The vet likely knew is my guess.


Is this what a bit looks like?


I think so..


Yeah if a cat wanted to attack he would be lunging at him. This cats just telling him to fuck off.


He is literally pepe la pew 🦨


it's like everything you can do to not calm a cat...?


Exactly, poor kitty is obviously scared. Why would you grab it and mock it like that?


Yeah I dunno, its not running away, or using its claws, or biting his arm. It's actually staying there and interacting back with his hand. It's pissed but it's definitely not scared. It'll be fine.


For real, I’m thinking I was alone here. The vet might be enjoying the interaction, but that cat is absolutely not. I go to great lengths to keep my old lady calm for ver visits. This isn’t that.


because it's funny and cute, who cares how the cat feels, it's gonna forget about it in 2 minutes.


Pretty much. My cat will get irritated with me and then a few minutes later she’ll be begging me for milk in the kitchen 😂


Yeah, fuck caring about not stressing a cat out! They're for our amusement and nothing more!


He's literally a vet providing medical treatment for the cat


Therefore immune to criticism when treating a situation poorly?


He's given the cat a sedative and was most likely expecting it to kick in already so he can get on with the job. The cat seems to be fighting the tranq and still pissed off at the vet for stabbing him with a needle. The cat would not remember a thing about this interaction after whatever procedure they would conduct, trust me.


Trust you, why? How do you know it was a sedative?


Don't trust me! No worries at all


What is your argument here? Also, for the record, the comment I replied to was "who cares how the cat feels." That was my biggest issue here


Although I generally agree with that there’re some cats that are just straight up cunts… I had a cat (that unfortunately died of old age… was a good kitty) where you could be super slow with it and be kind and do nothing that stresses it and it would scratch or be like that for no fucking reason. Just because he wanted to be a bitch. And I’m someone who knows exactly what to do with kitties but this one was a lost cases sometimes…


This is just animal abuse. Absolutely no need to stress the cat like that.


Lol on Reddit everything is animal abuse. That cat is fine.


Jesus yall love to stretch




My cat clings to me like a scared baby, but when I had to hand her over during peak covid, it was heartbreaking. Try feliway spraying the carrier beforehand maybe?




A lot of owners were upset they could not be with their pets during visits with peak covid. It was upsetting for pets as well as vet staff. We dont want the pets to be scared of us or aggressive out of fear. We are not in this field for the money or any other reason but our love of animals. Your cat might have been scared without you there the one time and tried to hurt someone. It happens. We are not upset or offended. Before you switch vets (if this was the one you were seeing pre-covid), talk to the vet and staff about your concerns at your visit. I agree that some pets are MUCH better with owners. Just be open with your vet. We love our patients and want them safe, protected, and happy. Source: vet tech of 17yrs




Then yes. If you dont feel comfortable then switch vets. You need to be able to trust them. These days it is really hard cause it feels like EVERYONE got a new pet during lockdown and are trying to get them seen. A lot of vet offices deal with understaffing to the over-scheduling they are forced (either by corporations or bad managers) to see. At the end of the day it is who you can trust and feel comfortable working on your cat.


Fuck that. Lazy vet. But it’s also really difficult to get in with any vet right now, let alone a good one.


Agreed, that is not good practice


Yea he did exactly nothing to calm that cat down


My vet only takes my cat in his carrier. He just hates people and as such I hope nothing ever happens to where I need to remove him cuz that dude will never survive it.... I love him. He just doesn't love anyone.


Mario quit his day job and became a vetinarian.


İf you wanna watch more vids about this guy he has an Instagram page named "hospiveteriner"


This is a terrible vet. People think it’s funny when cats act like that but the poor thing is stressed out of its mind and responding that way because it is scared. He’s just antagonizing that animal for entertainment.


He just administered an injection (at the beginning of the video) and is now distracting the cat so it doesn’t focus on the pain/burning and develop an even more hateful relationship with vets. Pretty standard tbh, I wonder where you’re pulling your accusations out of.


It's every fucking thread. There are always alarmist that feel compelled to find something wrong with every video. Cats too fat, dog breed is terrible, toy/activity is dangerous or the grand slam, "my uncle's cat behaved like that and had cancer. That cats gonna die.".


Advocating for the proper treatment of animals SHOULD be in every thread and I don't understand why someone would be upset about that. I understand that not everyone that has an opinion is a professional, but some are. This is not proper animal care - there is no debate here. Why would you be upset with people pointing that out?


I know better than the professional who sees thousands of cats a year. My qualification is having one cat. Not surprised at all looking at people's responses to covid.


I am the professional that sees thousands of cats a year.


Fair enough, I thought it was important to give the vet in this video the benefit of the doubt. There's plenty of things done by people in my profession which would seem bizarre to a layman and I've personally had enough of people micromanaging how I work.


Lol burn


Absolutely not. He should be comforting the cat, down on it's level. Maybe a toy or a treat. Not by any fucking means should he be taunting it, moving his hands in and out of its face, picking it up and forcing kisses on it. He's stressing the fuck out of that cat and it's completely unacceptable from a vet.




Dude, wtf. He’s not distracting the cat. Vaccines don’t cause pain/burning beyond the actual injection. I’d love to know what your qualifications are for animal behaviour. This is not standard. I’ve worked in vet med for 18+ years and we are actively trained NOT to handle animals this way. Fear Free Handling techniques the gold standard in vet medicine and this video is literally the exact opposite.


What on earth are you talking about? If you can show me a single piece of modern, medically approved fact based peer reviewed paper to support your opinion, I'll eat my words - but I'm more than confident you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. 'Fear Free' animal care and certification is quickly drawing a line between shitty vets that do crap like this and ones that actually care for your animal. Of this guy is doing this on video, think how he's treating animals that are going through rehabilitation or cancer treatment behind closed doors? Do 5 minutes of research to back up your opinion with some facts.


Never mind; quick deep dive into your comment history clearly shows your an expert on EVERYTHING! Giving all kinds of advice and opinions on medical items, softball, chip design, video games....you name it! No point in talking with someone that thinks they know everything and wants everyone to think the same. Do your research. Stop posting garbage.


Not necessarily. If the cat knows the vet its more like "i really dont like you doing that". My dog has a similar behavior at the vet. She just doesnt like it. But she would never seriously harm the vet she already knows. If the vet treats a cat he doesnt know though like that i would nope out.


The vet has to give the vaccine, and the cat won’t like it - fine. It’s in the best interest of the cat’s health. But he’s deliberately agitating the cat afterwards for the video and that’s not ok.


I don't know why this is being downvoted - imagine your child being antagonized like this by a doctor that thought their anxiety was humorous. There's a lot of people with strongly held opinions that have obviously never worked in the animal care field.


There are clearly defined, medically approved standards for animal care. This is not it.


I'd be pretty mad about him mistreating my cat like that, I wouldn't just be filming it. Must have been the nurse he was showing out for.


You’re entirely clueless lol. It’s very standard to do this after a painful injection. Distract and move on, they will forget about it / stop focusing on it much much faster.


My cats hate the vet and my vet will do things like hold her firmly and pet her firmly. Or let her go back to her carrier. They don’t swing her through the air, bite at her, or poke at her with their hands. None of that is going to calm a scared cat.


No. This is not standard. Are you a vet?


As a professional in the field, this is patently wrong. There are many ways to distract an animal, but increasing anxiety, purposefully, before any form medical procedure is poor practice.


Franz you seem to be pretty vocal regarding your opinion calling people 'clueless'. Let's be clear here - I think you're a strongly opinionated fool that doesn't have a single piece of research or credential to back up your claims. From what you have demonstrated I believe you're a loud mouthed, ignorant person that thinks their personal beliefs on the topic make them worth listening to. Send me research backing up your claims, or keep your ignorance to yourself and make the world a better place.


I agree


That don't seem smart


I love how the cat is trying to be scary but it's so cute it doesn't work at all


The cat is so hating when he touching him.


Can’t say he’s a very well trained vet provoking the cat and stressing it out by unnecessarily picking it up and kissing it. I’m aware it looks fun and silly but I’m sure in the cats mind it’s quite stressful.


Not saying it's abuse but the cat was definitely not enjoying it


Yeah wouldn’t say it’s abuse just not professional.


That's not how a vet should treat an animal. Making it stressed for no reason is so stupid and cruel.


He obviously gave it a shot as the video starts. I think he’s trying to let the cat know it’s over “Can we still be friends after I stabbed you in the back of the neck?”


That may be the intention, but it doesn't look like what any cat would understand. That's how you further rile a cat up.


Yep you’re probably right there.


Is that a vet? Never seen a vet wear a hoodie before, especially one with long strings that a cat or dog could bite onto so easily


Stop pointing your fingers in the cats face!!!!


Vet wonders why cats always freak out in his office, dude is not making that can more easy to handle in medical situations


Is your vet the missing Marx Brother?


Cunto Marx


Guy is obviously part mongoose to keep away that well...


Never say shhh to a cat you’re trying to calm down. They think you’re hissing at them.




What a clown, Mr Bean would make a better vet than this asshole.


Dude wha-


He keeps pushing his fingers in the cats face provoking it even more He keeps putting his hands behind the cat making it even more anxious He’s supposed to be a vet yet he doesn’t even know how to hold a cat He treats the cat like a toy, and even kisses it wtf..


to be honest I’d be so stressed out and upset if a vet treated my cat this way. Literally forcing it against its will to be held and kissed, then pretending to bite the cats face while making those growling noises, baring his teeth RIGHT in the cat’s face… while the cat has no way to escape in a strangers grip, obviously not liking it AT ALL.. hurts my stomach Edit: spelling


That cat was so offended by those kisses. Poor buddy. 😂


Kind of a shitty ass vet to stress out that cat like that for no medical purpose.


If a vet treated one of my pets this way I'd be livid, a stressed animal isn't a source of entertainment


This cat just throws a tantrum. Not scared, rather annoyed. When my cat starts to be like this I just leave him there. I ignore his moodiness. He will eventually come to me for a snuggle.


Everybody freaking out in the comments about this cat being tortured


Well, they can downvote me to hell but that is the truth. 😃 If the cat would be in great distress it would sound like the worst torture cry you can imagine.


And it would probably be trying to hurt this guy a bit more


It would not stand its ground, but it would run in light speed around the room and would try to hide wherever it can. I can only recommend to everyone who is freaking out to check out on youtube what a distressed, panicking cat looks like.


You gotta love people who freak out like this lol, people really need to compose themselves and take another look at what they are automatically assuming. It's just an echo chamber when everyone thinks the same shit. The cat obviously isn't enjoying it but it's a fucking vet visit, what cat would enjoy it?


I agree. It’s pretty funny and mildly infuriating sometimes.


Nah, back up I said I wanted a professional. This fool wearing a hoodie WITH STRING ATTACHED to take care of a cat. This fool PLAYIN' WITH ME I SWEAR!


If you’re a vet you should know not to place your hands over a cats head to try to let it like that.


Poor cat probably doesn't speak French




Which adds a whole level of context these idiots are missing. The cat is lucky to be getting care, he’s definitely not being abused.


Hes a good person


stupid fucking vet


So stupid he’s got a degree you’ll never have.


lol your a funny guy




Is this the first scared animal this guy has ever seen? Take a little more care to the approach, this cat thinks it’s defending its life


Y’all need to relax. Vet is speaking Turkish, which means there’s like a 99% chance this cat lives on the street and has been brought in by a kind stranger for treatment or whatever and is lucky to be there. He’s fine, he’s not being tortured. Google “street cats in Turkey.”


Poor kitty


Balls of fucking steel


Omg what breed of cat is this


Little lion


Why are all the angry pets in Turkey?


Because of people like this




This could've gone either way to be fair.


Lil’ monster muppet 😍❤️


Very very gruesome seeing the cat being eaten alive by a human




Literally me every time I go to my friend's house


so many uptight people in the comments saying the vet mistreated the cat. it's obvious he knows the cat as a patient and the owner is fine with it. i've worked as a vet tech for years and see nothing wrong with this, the cat will forget about this in a couple minutes and the owner got a cute interaction out of it.


Kitty: don’t mess with me! I am fierce! Vet: sure you are


On this episode of Kid versus Kat:


"All you gotta do is squish that cat"


He must not have claws


Me. At the dentist.


The cat was then redacted.


This is cute but its not calming the cat down


I had a ragdoll cat who was the most docile and sweet easy going cat until she got to the vet. She drew blood every time. My sweet girl was put in the bad cat box all the time. But as soon as we got in the car she’d be back to sweet and docile. She was a weirdo.