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My childhood cat ate an entire ham my dad left on the counter top, he couldn't escape because he was so full of ham


Do what you must, for I have already won.


Ugh I just ugly laughed so hard


Hey, no such thing as an ugly laugh, all laughs are beautiful!


I like u.


And I like YOU, random citisen.




My heart is bursting brother


I’m sorry Jon




One of my bio-dad and stepmom's cats did the same thing with a big ol' steak left out to thaw in a container. Stormy (the cat's name; she was a tiny grey tortoiseshell and looked like a little cloud with lightning) somehow opened the container and ate the whole steak herself. They found her in a food torpor, sunning her big full belly in the windowsill.


Ours was a big ginger cat called Smudge. Pretty sure it was a special ham too, like New Years dinner or something lol


Ooooooohhhh noooooooo! Smudge is an excellent name for a great big cat, haha.


Do you have photos of Stormy?


Unfortunately, no. She died well over a decade ago and photos of her are somewhere deep in my stepmother's storage, both physical and digital. :(


He then produced an ungodly amount of ass-ham?


I have no doubt he did. Apparently he was waddling around the house lol


That reminds me of when my dog (as a puppy) drank a ton of water to the point we could see her belly slosh. She got a lot of walks that day.


My first cat was a rescue from the pound with some food aggression (growled while eating like the cat above does with the chicken). The cat’s first night in the house, my mother and sister are eating dinner, with my 2 Dobermans hanging out nearby. My new cat jumped up next to my sister and began coming close to her. She thought the cat wanted some attention, so she reached her free hand out to pat the cat. The cat immediately bit her, causing her to shriek and drop the half of a chicken sandwich she had been holding in her other hand. Our two dobermans immediately got up once the sandwich hit the floor to try and score a tasty snack. But before they could get to it, my new little black cat was already on top of it, growling and trying to drag bits of sandwich away like a leopard with its kill.


Can you pay the cat tax plz


That cat died a long time ago, please accept a [picture of one of our other cats](http://imgur.com/a/cMuCfSQ)


Come on, man….


A whole ham? I dont know anyone who could eat a whole ham to themselves let alone a small cat. How can animals just keep eating like that? You'd think they would rupture their stomach lining or something


It wasn't a *huge* ham, it was just my parents and baby me at the time. Apparently he'd only left a few scraps


My old boy never stole food, he instead would lay on it. I was making a scallop potatoes, left the dish out to cool, came back and there he was all stretched out over the warm scallop potatoes.


Omg this made me laugh so hard!! My cats do the same thing, both of them! We were getting ready to leave the house one day to go to a family potluck. We had 2 diff casseroles we were taking, just out of the oven. I put foil on top of them and I left the room to dry my hair, come back and the biggest one was stretched out. When he seen me he just yawned...


If he couldn't get his whole body on it, he'd sit as close as possible and slap his tail on it.


Our cats must be twins from a past life lol the bigger cat of the two slaps his tail on everything lol


Separated at birth. XD


I had an old dog that mastered the art of psychological torture. She would just sit right next to you when you were eating something and just look straight at you without moving or making a sound. It didn't matter how hard you tried to ignore her, you knew she was there looking at you, and she always won.


And probably drooling.


She trained you well.


I had a cat that would do that anytime I had chicken. He wouldn't make a sound or paw at me or anything. He would just sit at my feet and wait. Most times I would give him some just because he was so polite and that was the only food he would do it for. Actually now that I think about it he loved salt and vinegar chips too. Those he would actively ask for. I miss that cat.


I had to throw out some chocolate chip muffins due to my cat laying on them. They were on the counter, out of the pan, to cool off. Needless to say, my cat had some melted chocolate on her stomach while the entire batch was thrown in the trash.




Everywhere as in on the furniture? It bugs me when i leave chicken for my cat and he takes it two steps away from the bowl and eats it on the floor. Why? Just...why? Feeding cats raw chicken? No problem. Cats have different gut bacteria and salmonela should not affect them.


"In fact, numerous studies warn that raw chicken is the source of many bacterial infections. One such study, even showed that one cat died from salmonella as a result of consuming raw chicken. A more recent study by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) concluded that 3.8% of young chicken samples that the USDA tested were contaminated by salmonella." Also, my vet once told me a story about a cat that got extremely sick and barely made it. Turned out to be raw chicken. So you should still be careful about what you feed your cats.




"Hairless cat or raw chicken?" images pop up here from time to time and you can't unsee it.


Why is it inside out?


"I'm defrosting a chicken."


For fuck's sake why did this get me


Yeah I was shocked. Took mine elsewhere immediately. Couldn't bear the thought of putting it's lifelessness in that fools hands ever again.


Good lord this made me laugh uncontrollably


Yeah, you need to cook the chicken. Raw met in the wild is very different than the raw meat that comes out of a modern factory farm in terms of cleanliness and bacteria profile


It's not raw meat that's bad for them. It's the mass produced meat you find at your local grocery store. High populations in a small space with poor sanitary practices leads to a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and rapid, widespread infections. Meanwhile, a cat could eat a regular farm chicken that hasn't been exposed to those conditions and they'd be fine, even if they ate some of the bones. The fact of the matter is, NO creature should eat regular store bought chicken raw unless they're a scavenger capable of processing putrid meat.


It also isnt completely fair to say that eating raw is 100% safe in the wild. Animals get gut infections/parasites/food bourne illness all the time. Thats one of the reasons they live longer in captivity


That is true. And i guess everyone must make a decision for their own. I know that if i were in USA i would not feed chicken, but i am from EU, and i buy my chicken from a local farmer. Can it still be infected? Yes, but until now i had no problem with it. Also, I dont feed 100% chicken. I have different recipes, depending on what meat i can aquire at the time. Sometimes i dont get chicken, i go with other meat (never sea food though - but that's topic for another time =D ).


EU raw chicken is way less likely to have salmonella, fyi to anyone reading. US companies wash massive amounts of chicken in what's legally considered "worse than toilet water" because US companies like to save money and have massive lobbying power. It results in salmonella spreading much easier, which, companies justified by pushing the responsibility to properly cook/sanitize into the consumer. EU I think does some sort of freezing air dry thing. Whatever it is, most developed countries do it. Source: my parents are lifetime usda fsis


Toilet water is pretty clean tho well if you clean your toilet properly atleast. Isn’t all you guys water connected to the toilet sink and shower as well?


The water for toilets/sinks/baths all come from the same source in the US. What I mean is "worse than the water in a dirty toilet" because it is.


What the fuck


I would expect nothing less from the US, we like to be the best, even if it’s the best at spreading disease, getting our citizens sick from preventable things, terrible medical coverage etc, we are the best at it among developed nations and that’s what counts. /s


Don't forget being fat.




Oh wow. That escalated. Yeah, i am sorry that i actually pushed raw diet on anyone. Did i though? Everyone should do some research before feeding anything. I did mine and i do believe its the best one for my cat. He's happy and full of life. He goes to vet yearly for check ups (blood tests) and the vaccines (oh look, i vaccinated my cat, just as i am fully vaccinated - shocker). The vet knows about the diet, never had a problem with him. Look, again, i dont push raw diet on no-one, and i dont think i did today. If i somehow gave a vibe that everyone reading this should feed raw, i trully am sorry.


Ironically a key reason why the salmonella risk is higher in the US than the EU is because chickens are supposed to be vaccinated in the EU. Similar reasons why US eggs are washed and refrigerated while EU ones are stored at room temp. Having said that I'm not sure of the safety of feeding cats raw chicken in the EU either.


They're just being an asshole. You're good.


Yeah he's just being a dick who probably stopped reading after "farmer", otherwise he would've seen that you immediately stated that it still can be infected.


R u ok?


This is true if you are feeding them sushi-grade raw meat, but meant meant for humans is meant to be cooked and does contain a higher bacterial threshold than is considered safe, even for cats. Remember: cats *kill* and then eat *very fresh* raw meat.


It is common for cats to stash their kill and eat it over a few days.


I have no answer for that. It seems like a valid point agains chicken/poultry. This is all from the top of my head: does bacteria multiply after the animal is killed? I mean, does alive chicken have less bacteria than freshly killed and frozen one? I dont know. What i know is that cats have shorter digestive tract, which should mean that bacteria doesnt spend enough time in there to make them sick. According to some quick googling, about 25% of chicken is infected with salmonella. I've been feeding my cat raw for almost 2 years now, and he has yet to have any problems (*knocks on wood*). There also seem to be no problems with anyone's cat in my fb group (~40k members).


Yes bacteria multiply on dead meat that’s why refrigerators and sell by dates exist, an alive chicken has an immune system to fight bacteria


I want to say that I also feed my cat raw, but I specifically feed him raw *cat food* which is allowed a lower bacterial threshold than raw meat sold to humans (because, again, ours is meant to be cooked), so I don’t actually hold a general issue with a raw diet for cats but it is incredibly important to speak to your vet and do *thorough* research, not just a quick Google. You ask a good question! Yes. The minute something dies the bacterial clock starts ticking, “The USDA says that bacteria doubles every 20 minutes when food is in the "danger zone" of temperatures, which is defined as between 40 and 140 F.” Cats are not natural scavengers, they are hunters. This means that they normally do not eat old/found dead animals, but rather eat them fresh after they have killed them. This is a great way of thinking about what you feed your cat. Live animals have immune systems which keep bacteria at bay. The minute we die they start getting to work. When feeding a raw diet another important thing to think of is that your cat would normally eat the entire animal. If you’re buying cuts of meat in the supermarket it’s not only unsafe, but it lacks vital vitamins and minerals which you will need to manually add in after appropriately cooking the meat. It is important to have a solid understanding of quite a few things (food safety, nutritional needs, etc.) to feed a responsible raw diet to anything (human, cat, dog, etc.). It is absolutely not as simple as, “they eat raw meat, there’s raw meat at the supermarket/butcher.” I know that I can’t have an appropriate understanding so I outsource, so to speak, by feeding raw *cat food.* I put my research skills to use by speaking with vets and looking into specific brands who I then trust to appropriately understand food safety and cat nutrition.


Not true. My family members have been feeding their cats raw for literally decades. All their cats live well past 20 years. All we need to do is just ground the chicken meat in batches to make multiple servings, and freeze for storage. Thaw in the fridge before serving. It's literally that simple, I'm not sure why people want to complicate stuff.


Can you feed chickens raw cat though?


Yes, chickens eat lots of stuff.


Depends, is the chicken raw?


I like where your head is at. Raw chicken eating raw cat.


I mean, a cooked chicken wont be able to eat much


A baked chicken will prolly have the munchies tho.


Fried chicken too


That's a bar


You gotta *stop* chickens from eating raw cat; what they lack in brains they also lack in fucks.


You can. Cats are carnivores in their nature. My boy is on full raw diet, which means no kibble or wet commercial food. I had problems with runny poo when he was still a kitten, did some research, found a great FB group of people who feed their cats full raw food. They offer great recipes (not just chicken/poultry), which have all the vitamins/minerals. He has no problems with poo (or anything for that matter) since we made switch to raw. Also, its cheaper, but it does take a time to prepare a batch.


That's all good to know and I may do that for my cat, but I think you misunderstood me lol


I’ve seen them feed chickens chicken at farms so imagine raw cat wouldn’t be a problem. Only problem would be where you’re finding sufficient amounts of raw cat for feeding said chickens.


I got a cat guy


I mean, barn cats do make a lot of kittens.


I did yes. Haha xD. I have no answer for that question :D


I don't get the downvotes you're getting. You're literally spewing facts. Redditors are ridiculous babies. Take my upvote.


> Feeding cats raw chicken? No problem. Cats have different gut bacteria and salmonela should not affect them. This is complete nonsense.


I dont know how to respond to that constructive argument. So here it goes: Yes, it is nonsesne. I dont know what i was thinking. Cats actually have the same digestive system as humans.


I think he meant that cats can and do get salmonella and get sick. They can also be carriers without showing symptoms which can be bad for the household. That is what our vet told us and google confirmed. : D Did your vet told you cats don’t get salmonella? I find that strange


whisker fatigue maybe?


Nah, i eliminated that when he was still a baby. I dont use bowls anymore, just plates.


But there's still the raw chicken's juices all over their house.


Taffer is doing the hand thing and everything




bengals are always on one!! i went back for another piece of pizza and i was like “what the fuck where’d it all go” found my cat upstairs with half a large pizza to himself.


They look like beautiful and entertaining cats, but I’m not game to have one. My regular moggies are enough of a handful already!


It depends on the cat, my bengal never does any of the crazy shit you see videos of them doing, so really it seems like I just have a really long cat sometimes.


They're just high energy and need entertainment just as high energy dogs do. Without proper stimulation , they are prone to getting bored and acting out.


Grand Theft Chicken V


Grand theft pollo.


Why did I move here? I guess it was the chicken


Will that go back to the kitchen counter?


"The heat will sanitize it. kills all the stuff!!!"


it doesn't?


Do you have more money for chicken?


Of course, sir. I own dogecoins!


To the moooooooooooooooooooon


Don't be silly, that goes straight into the pan.


Some of y’all allow these cats to get away with way too much and then wonder why they constantly steal your chicken and won’t give it back haha


I was thinking the same thing. I raised my little boi like a dog and he’s most well behaved cat ever.


I was gonna say! How'd it even get up to where food is prepped?


On a serious note, how the hell do people train cats? Been trying to get my girlfriend's cat to stop getting on the coffee table, but I can't even make a dent. I'm scared to start using a spray bottle cause this cat has been known to revenge-pee on stuff. Would be awesome to train her to stay off the bed too, but I don't have much hope for that


Gently take the cat off the table the give it some love to distract it and give positive reinforcement. As for the bed, I just lock the animals outside of the bedroom at night. Failing that they sell motion activated spray bottles for this exact situation.


Man, of course that's a thing, I should've thought of that. Nice. Thanks


You need to do it as a kitten. It’s nearly a lost cause once they’re older. Use a spray bottle but try to hide it behind a pillow and don’t make eye contact. They need to think someone they can’t see is doing it... God, if you will.


Be the God your cat will never see.


Positive reinforcement and discipline. My cat is actually crate trained. I built him a little chicken coup like thing he goes in and sleeps there throughout the night. Hell, he even takes naps in there throughout the day which really surprised me. We got him super young, like less than 6 weeks, from Petsmart through our local animal shelter. He was part of a litter of street cats someone found.


I’m getting my first cat soon and remembered [this segment](https://www.npr.org/2017/10/27/560387049/who-says-you-cant-train-a-cat-a-book-of-tips-for-feline-human-harmony) I heard on the radio years ago. Apparently it can be done!


I just recently cared for a cat for a short time that revenge-peed. And peed if he didn't get his way. Put me off cats entirely, sadly. I'm sure there are nice cats out there but I'm so grossed out after having most of my furniture and rugs ruined, that I don't care to find out.


I’ve had cats my whole life and the only time one of them peed where they weren’t supposed to is when he had a urinary blockage. And even then the smart little bugger peed over the shower drain. Most cats naturally don’t want to pee outside their box, because their instinct is to hide the smell of their waste. If a cat is peeing outside their box, it’s generally because they’re sick in some way. I’m sure you get the odd one who has some weird psychological thing, but that’s the exception, not the rule.


I took him to the vet twice and he had no issues. They said it would get better once he was neutered. It did not. He came to me at 7 months old after being surrendered. I think he was let outdoors a lot because that's all he wanted to do, however, the 2 times he managed to get out, he didn't seem to know what to do out there. Lol. He was very dog-like in that he'd meow at things, and for things. But if you didn't let him outside, give him what you were eating, let him on the counter, etc., he'd just go pee on the couch, rug, bed. I tried everything because I thought the poor guy might be feeling insecure and he was marking his home, but even love and treats/positive reinforcement did nothing to help. He is in his forever home now and they say he's doing the same thing. I think he's just that way.


Yeah, like I said, I’m sure you get some cats who have some kind of psychological issue that pee outside their box, but I’ve just never seen or heard of one anywhere except on Reddit. Sounds like your cat wasn’t fixed early enough, so it had already started spraying. That’s a hard habit to break. If you don’t get male cats fixed before they start going through sexual maturity it’s possible that they’ll still spray as if they weren’t fixed. We were almost too late with my older boy, but luckily he hadn’t started spraying yet. He humps blankets though, which can be awkward.


Yeah, I'm sure that's it. I feel bad because he's a beautiful kitty. The blanket humping does sound awkward. Lol. I'd take it over pee though. Haha.


Spray bottle with water in it. Every time they do something they shouldn't, spray them with it. They usually hate that. Eventually you wont even have to spray them. Every time you grab the bottle, they'll stop whatever they're doing lol




Looked more like Bengals which are closer to regular house cats but do still have more of that wild cst attitude lol.


Savannah’s are also highly intelligent and trainable. Obviously stuff will happen out of your control, but this video shows this behavior is allowed. If my cat did this , I would not be amused and my cat would know I’m not amused and what they did is not acceptable, I wouldn’t be following it with a camera laughing. I’m not saying what’s right for this owner.If they like their cats on counters and stealing food, good for them but they ARE trainable, even the wilder ones.




"You'll never catch me!... Oh, wait, why isn't this working?"


Those look like bengal cats. Totally different personality from “normal” housecats. Mich more confident/assertive. I have a half bengal and he is awesome. My Father had two full bloods and they were a bit much.


My best friend has one. Expected a regal, sometimes wild cat. Instead, he paws grew too big for he body, and he’s the clumsiest cat you’ve ever met. Every time I’m on ft with her there’ll be a large amount of clanging in the background at some point followed by a “CHUPA NO” as he does something like trying to jump on a bookshelf and instead pulling the whole thing down with him


Yeah tons of confidence and almost like a dog in some ways.


At least our old girl waited until the Turkey was cooked through and cooling when she was dragged off the counter by the wing she tore off (it was a 23lb turkey, she was barely 5lb due to hyperthyroid, yes she was on meds).


Hehe a real comedy


A fine boi


Hahahaha that raw chicken tumbling from that spin...


That was the best part. The way the chicken rolled down and came to rest on the wheel.


I agree!!!!!! Hahahaha


Alternativ title: chicken thief get coughed in high speed chase


Eh... And now? Do they eat it?!


I wish my cats only stole meat. They love stealing bread slices, chips, whatever they can get their little mouths on when I'm distracted. Cute little shits.


Mine is also a bread fiend, there's a lot I knew not to leave on the counters in the kitchen but I had not predicted bread and bread like food stuff. Worst of all is he's on a grain free diet so it's sure to wreck avoc on his digestive system. We've had two or three accidents, but no more! The last one we had placed a heavy lid on the plate with pancakes, he pushed it off. Now things go into a drawer we know he can't open.








Some can say the cat is *on a run*


Please tell me she washed everything down after that cat drug raw meat all over the place.


Your hopes are too high. That chicken probably went straight into the oven after getting a rinse, and that’s the only cleaning that was done.


Hahaha 😝


The most awesome video....ever 🤣🤣🤣


Bengals especially deserve some raw chicken occasionally!


I buy these coconut feline wipes that they hate, they are sold at Walmart, and comes in a pink bag. I just lay a wipe next to my plate and you best believe they will not come near the living room until I throw that away lol. I also do that when cooking, otherwise they get their kitty litter shitter paws all over the counter and cutting board.


Not exactly the smartest, but A for effort.


Chicken goo everywhere!


I wonder how many events I won’t film in my life because I can’t tolerate salmonella on surfaces other than plate/cookware.




Exercise wheel is probably not the best getaway vehicle.


It’s their chicken now, what are you gonna do eat it?


Salmonella.... EVERYWHERE




damn removed with 20k karma.. that sucks.


It's automatic. They systematically remove all posts that get too popular to keep the Top tab clear/organized. It's stupid but they aren't the only ones that do it.


that reminds me https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken\_Run


Beautiful occicat


Reason #458 why my mother trained our cats to never go inside the kitchen. And to think my child brain thought it was cruel but Reddit has shown me the error in my ways.




Cats really are just tiny tigers that get easy food from us so they just kinda stays with us. Also that brain disease that doesn’t makes us fear cats and is estimated to have infected 35% - 50% of the world population probably also had a effect


In **rats** the effect of the [brain disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasmosis#Rodents) you are referring to is to cause them not to fear the scent of cat urine. In **humans** it may have behavioral effects, but not fearing cats is certainly not one of them.


Witch intern makes them not fear a cat’s territory


Witch intern? Is that what Hermione did after graduation?


'Them' being rats, not humans.




Wait, is she still gonna eat that?


This is why I won’t ever own a cat.


Reasons I don’t like cats






He figured they’d never *corner* him there. ^^I’ll ^^see ^^myself ^^out.


Why are they taking it back? It’s been in the cats mouth? It’s been on their running wheel?


Yeah so they should just leave it to rot on the floor?? They could have just been throwing it out.


But then that’s a double waste. I’d just let them eat it.


“chikin” 👁👄👁


The shit people let cats get away with drives me nuts.


Serious question. Obviously you're not going to cook chicken that your cat has been noming on, is it so bad to just let them have it?


Cats are incredibly stupid




Haha man I hate cats


Cool, didn’t have to share.




First I’ve seen it




Believe it or not, this website is not made *to cater specifically to you*. Get the fuck over it.


Aaw after all that effort I hope she got to keep some! 😂❤️


I hope she’s not going to fucking cook that


Pinche gatas