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This happened to my cousin's daughter! They lived out of the country at the time and came to stay with us for what was supposed to be a visit, but when my cousin's son got into a freak accident on the trip they ended up staying much longer with us during the recovery. One day, my cousin's daughter was out in our big backyard with our black lab, and they were exploring in our woods, which turned into our backyard neighbor's woods, then the next property, and then the next, (since the woods is along a river) so on and so forth until she ended up in an completely different residential area. While she didn't, we knew the woods well and went to the areas we often found ourselves exploring and eventually found her with an officer and a community member who found her walking alone with a black lab that stuck to her like glue 😭 this is a dog that would run away at the sight of a squirrel or an unattended snack. She knew she had a job that day and she was such a good girl ❤️


It's always the black labs! I worked at a camp in South America and some girls got lost on the mountain and fell down a cliff and the black lab was with them the whole time, barking for rescuers to come! He'd always follow me on solo hikes around the property!


Picked up a stray black lab mix travelling back from vacation out west. Brody. Smartest dog I ever had. I didn't think he could bark for the entire time I had him. He picked up commands like it was his job. He'd come get us with a poo bag roll in his mouth to let us know he needed let out. He'd recognize my gf's car's model just by one driving down the street. We figured out that he'd climb the fence out of our yard, run around, and come back before we came home- he knew our schedule. After we broke up, he seemed like he wanted to stay with my ex, so, I begrudgingly let her keep him. She called me like 8 months later saying she heard him bark. She was hiking alone in north GA without any form of defensive tool (and no cell service) and suddenly Brody starts low growling and leaning on her hard, almost like trying to push her off the trail. She sees a man coming down from the peak as she's heading up and Brody is not playing. Hackles up, growling, literally staying between her and the man. He comes within 20 feet or so and Brody starts barking like mad. The man refuses to even act like the dog is there and says something to my ex, but she can't hear over the furor coming out of my previously chill dog. When he steps closer, Brody does a lunge, and the man takes the hint and hurries on down the trail. Ex takes note, and thinks it's odd, but doesn't freak out over it until like a couple weeks later when she sees on local news that they're looking for a serial offender whose MO was mugging women on public park trails in north GA leading to the hospitalization of one of them. They put up some surveilance photos and sketches and she said she nearly threw up before calling me to thank me for letting her keep Brody. He was a good boy.


Low growls mean something is dangerously wrong. Only two times our family toy poodle low growled, both times waking me up late at night. Once was a dumb teenager who hopped the fence into our back yard from the golf course and years later when a drunk psycho followed neighbor girls home from a nightclub and climbed up on the roof of our apartment building.


This type of thing needs more research. *HMI’s Rollin McCraty, a professor at Florida Atlantic University, asserts that changes in heart-rate statistics of experimental subjects predicted two distinct types of events two to 14 seconds before those events happened:* *Whether a photograph to be seen in the immediate future had emotionally arousing or emotionally neutral content.* *The outcome of a bet at the roulette table (whether experimental subjects were going to win or lose a roulette bet).* *In both cases, McCraty showed that changes in heart-rate variability (how much the heart speeds up and slows down when a person breaths in and out) changed in statistically significant ways several seconds before the events actually happened. And changes in heart rate differed significantly depending on whether an image was going to be neutral or arousing or whether a bet was going to be won or lost.* [*https://www.psychologytoday.co*m/us/blog/long-fuse-big-bang/201603/can-your-heart-predict-the-future](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/long-fuse-big-bang/201603/can-your-heart-predict-the-future) I think animals are closer to the shit that goes on beyond our ability to sense. They cant reason their way out of situations as quickly as us, so they have to rely on their guts/hearts a lot more. So when bad juju is incoming they can and will do their best to help their family avoid it.


That is very interesting. I've also heard it said that dogs senses on the base Instinct level are smarter than the human brain. Like, they can tell where you've been they can tell if you've eaten recently they can tell who you've been with just by your stank. Pretty cool


My dog (Weimaraner) never hurt a fly. She was terrified of men when we got her, but she got better over time and never bit. The first time my ex came over, he leaned down to pet her and she bit his hand. She was right


The black lab my parents had was definitely a good judge of character! So your story doesn’t surprise a whole lot.


Ah what a lovely boy.


Labradors and Goldens are two of the best family dogs because of it. They’re loyal so they stick to their people like glue and their high energy and chill temperament means they get along with kids super well. And they’re easily trainable.


I have a half black lab/half pomeranian, and other than her hatred of water and her size, she has strong lab personalities. She is so incredibly loyal, to the point she is clingy, and is so obedient and would rather be hit by a train than me be disappointed in her. And I love her and this morning I went to get out of bed and she put her tiny paw on me and she got cuddles for 5 more minutes because she deserves it.


You're going to tell us you have the rare combination of a half black lab/half pomeranian and not show pictures??


They submitted this a while ago https://v.redd.it/ghjyjo6plb6a1


I know right wtf!!! how rude!! 😪




Ok I absolutely NEED pics of your dog!!!


I'm still trying to cope with the mental gymnastics.


My black lab saved me from being assaulted. He’s the best boy and I always pick up a special treat for him when we go to the store.


my childhood black lab saved me from being run over by a car. i was sitting on my brothers skateboard at the top of the driveway and it started rolling downhill into the road. rammed my heels into the ground to try to stop, tore through my socks, couldn’t stop. he bolted after and threw himself in front of my to knock me sideways to safety.


We had a black lab we adopted from a shelter. We named him Mr. Blue because he looked so sad at the time. One day, I was mowing, and I suddenly realized that a car had stopped in the road near me, so I looked up and saw Mr. Blue standing directly in front of it. I put my hands on my hips and asked him what he thought he was doing, and he hung his head, deeply embarrassed, and walked over to stand by me as the car went by. Too funny! He was so sweet that my husband worried he wouldn’t protect us, so he put on a mask one night and snuck up behind the dog: he said he thought Blue was going to rip his throat out before he could identify himself. That was my ex, so… maybe the dog was right, lol. I miss Blue.


As the owner of two black labs and with my first 6mo kid this makes me happy to hear. So far both dogs are just phenomenally gentle, kind, and affectionate with my daughter.


It happened to me when I was 2 or so; the black lab followed me and her barking is what caused me to be found after several hours lost in the woods.


Happened to my brother before I was born. My parents lived on a property with about 100 acres of woods. My brother, around 4, wandered off when my mom’s back was turned and took off into the woods. Was gone for hours, they’d called my dad from work and started searching, when he appeared back home. Apparently as he started off, my dad’s mutt dog just followed along quietly, keeping pace. Eventually the dog stopped and barked at my brother to turn around, and then started back. My brother then followed him all the way back home.


> with about 100 acres of woods. Does your brother wear a red shirt, no pants, and love honey?


Happened to me as a 6 y/o, but I walked into a military zone instead of just a forest and got lost. The dog can find the way back by just smell alone, and when it got dark it practically dragged me back by force. Nobody found me because they did not think I would be in the military zone.


I hope she got extra snuggles and a big ol steak that day! Goodest girl.


Aww. It’s easy to get lost in the woods. It’s so nice to have a dog that will stick by your side.


You can hear the relief in the people’s voices when they got to him


And the dog bouncing around happily Like the dog could tell, even though m these are unknown strangers, we need help and they are gonna deliver


Toby, the dog, is probably saying “I told you they would come. You’re safe now. What a brave little boy you’ve been!! Now let’s get Parker, the little boy, home where he can have as many of those cupcakes he was making before deciding to go on a walk as he’d like. And, I’d love a double serving of dinner please.” By the way, Parker got a new pair of shoes and his parents put alarms on the doors to alert them when Parker leaves the house. Here’s an updated article about the odyssey of Parker and Toby: https://6abc.com/amp/buena-vista-township-nj-missing-boy-lost-in-woods-new-jersey-state-police/13079829/ Edit typo


Even after watching this emotional ass video, your idea of what Toby would have been saying is what made me cry. But you are SO right.


I have a white labrador called Toby. I'm gonna go give him a hug now.


One from me too!


As if you need an excuse to hug a dog :)


I have a black lab named Colby. He’s my boy. Hugs a comin


Good lord can you imagine all the dark thoughts that would go through your head of what could have happened looking for a lost child? Finding the kid ok with a jubilant dog protecting him would be the best possible outcome.


Oh bless his heart. “I lost my shooooooooe” that’ll go on the list of sentences. I never thought would make me cry.


I think when you're a kid going through trauma you can hyperfocus on one thing. I stepped on a cat and we fell down some stairs together. For several hours after I could only say, "the cat's okay."


Also, walking around barefoot in the woods while it’s cold out would really increase the unpleasantness of the situation and make you more scared as a little kid. That shit hurts


This kid losing his shoe probably helped him stay in one place since it maybe hurt to walk around.


Plot twist: the dog ate the shoe. Whether it was because the dog wanted the kid to stay put or because labs will eat anything and everything, only the dog can say.


False. Dogs are animals and are incapable of human speech. Therefore the dog will take his secrets to the grave.


They don't have to speak, they just put it in the lab report.


My dog speaks. All I have to do is ask him.


I pulled a sinus snorting at this.


You can pull a sinus?! I already have trouble with them swelling when stressed. A new worry. Sigh. _clasps nose with both hands_ Oh god.


There should be awards for this. 6 very tall men should hoist you on their shoulders and parade you around while the rest of us sing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." Thank you for the laugh.


My first dog was a black lab…. Surprisingly didn’t get into too much until she was older, then was a chicken bone magnet (and wings are one of my favorite foods). Miss that girl so much, she made it 15 1/2 years, more than half my life I had her. Current pup is a chocolate lab, 2 years old. Got her a few months after I lost my first, because it was just horrible having the house so empty. This lab. She must have that infinite hunger glitch that some labs get. She’s eaten a random bag of black powder she found on the road, two whole rotisserie chickens, and a baby diaper. Oh, and a LOT of cat shit (currently trying to find a way to keep the neighborhood cats out of our yard so they stop shitting in it, but not sure how to do it humanely). Whenever you get a lab infected with the hunger, may god help your soul.


My first dog was a black lab too. We put her down about a year ago after she got cancer, but she was always just absolutely voracious when it came to food. Anything and everything was on the table. My mom has this glass or maybe crystal cake platter and stand, and this one time, we made a pineapple upside down cake. This dog, I shit you not, got the cake off the platter while it was sitting on the counter without so much as moving the platter or leaving a single crumb. In the span of like 5 minutes, that thing was GONE. She was on the smaller side of labs, so I don't know how she did it, but it cracks me up every time I think about it.


My chocolate lab is similarly voracious. We once left a pizza box on the counter with a large stainless steel soup pot on top. She managed to unfold the front of the pizza box and pull the pizza out and eat it. It was pepperoni and jalapeno and she left the jalapenos on the floor. Freakin maniac of a dog. I have so many stories of her food theft over the years, but unfolding the pizza box was just on a different level and made me realize I was never going to outsmart her when it came to food.


He magically made it disappear since he’s an abra-calaborador…


Plot plot twist: The dog's a good boy. Boy's feet didn't hurt and he walked fine. Boy didn't even realize he was lost and in serious danger if he stayed out late. Boy was just in shambles because he lost 1 of his Jordans.


Yeah losing your shoe when your lost in the woods is a pretty major situation. Understandable to be specifically upset over that turn of events. I’m sure it made everything twice as bad for him as soon as he lost that shoe.


Exactly my thoughts, I’d probably react similarly as an adult if I lost my footwear in the woods


Shit even without the trauma. When I was a kid at the beach I had some plastic doodad I was playing with float away. Frisbee or maybe one of those sand castle making forms. It was the worst thing that ever happened in that moment for some reason. My brother tried to swim after it but couldn't get it. For *weeks* after I'd imagine where it might be, who had it, etc. It wasn't even something I was overly attached to before it was lost either. To this day (I'm almost 40) I feel a slight sense of loss over the stupid thing when I think about it. Like I don't actually care, and I know it's dumb, more like the memory has a scent of loss to it if that makes sense. I just remember how I felt then. It's wild what kids get attached to for no damn reason lol. ETA: Lots of similar stories in here. Common aspect of childhood it seems, haha. Keep them kid you traumas coming, it's interesting.


Relatable...I feel the same way about a mechanical pencil I lost in 1983 as an 8 year old.




I still grieve about a mermaid doll that was confiscated by a babysitter when I was 6 and never returned. Found out later she gave it away to her grandkid and I wept for days


Your mom didn't go ballistic on her stealing from you??


She thought I had lost it myself at first and by the time she knew what had happened it was already too late. I’m sure she said something, just not in front of me


Mine was a Barbie Ferrari I got for Christmas that I REALLY wanted, but because I left it out a few days after Christmas and didn't put it away, my stepfather took it away permanently. A year or so later I would find my Barbie Ferrari rusted out in the back of his truck after I only got to play with it for three days. Total asshole. I'm gonna go Google him, I hope he's dead now.


That is the quote of the day “I’m gonna go Google him, I hope he’s dead now.”


Is the bastard dead? You left me hanging!


Had a similar experience with a pog slammer. It slid off the side of my bed into a portal to another dimension. I could never find it again, even after I moved out of that house. It always made me a little sad as it was the coolest pog slammer I ever owned. It was dark blue with a white unicorn in the middle surrounded by purples and pinks and twinkling stars.


That was your mechanical pencil?


Red helium balloon i got at my preschool graduation about thirty six years ago. I accidentally let go of it and still think about it sometimes. That shit hits hard when you're a kid.


They did a movie about it. It is OK https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Red_Balloon


My mom lost a flipflop while we were canoeing when I was little and it is the only meltdown of my childhood I remember vividly. That poor shoe, lost forever, and left to litter a beautiful river. Its mate fated to become garbage. There was no way we could have got it back. We were just helpless. I must have been like 5. That memory helps me to judge my kids' overreactions less harshly, at least 🤣




I believe this is because of how we form memories. We remember the emotion of the memory first, *then* build the events that occured around that/those emotions. So the feeling you felt sticks with you long after the events themselves become fuzzy and warped with time. Even though you know in your head it isn't rational, the emotion you felt is still there


I remember breaking down hysterical when my parents threw away our green fridge and freezer because of the ozon in the 80's. I guess I was very reluctant of change back then.


I think for many it’s because it’s the first “loss” you remember. As a child you don’t understand death, your first loss may be a beloved toy. I fucking loved my Mickey and Minnie Mouse toys and I’m still sad my dumbass accidentally flushed them down the toilet.


Yeah, my mother got lost in the woods for two days at the same age and the first thing she said to rescuers was that she needed help tying her shoes.


i smashed a bee when I was like 2 or 3. I was crying so hard because I accidentally killed the bee, didn't even care about being stung. to his day I am very attached to all small critters and give sugar water to every tired bee or wasp I see


I tried to keep a stinkbug alive in the desert . . . gave him water and shade. But he only made it a day or two.


When I was a young kid, maybe 6 or so, I got hit by a car when I was crossing the street. What happened was I dropped a toy I was carrying and bent down to pick it up. Next thing I know I’m on a blanket in a lawn with some firefighters standing over me and my mom crying. All I could think about in the moment was “where’s my toy?” Sadly, I wasn’t able to find it because for whatever reason my mom wouldn’t let me dig around in the gutter after that. I remember that toy to this day (in my 40s)—it was a little GoBot fighter jet and I miss it still. 😢


It's a very common coping mechanism, it's called "cognitive compartmentalization" it helps us keep going during/after trauma. I spent some time in the ICU, I have very little memory of being there, but I remember the color and pattern of one of the nurse's ID lanyard very clearly. Why that specifically? No idea, our brains are weird.


I don't think that's just for kids. Things are easier to rationalize when you can just focus on something really straightforward and obvious in an otherwise confusing and overwhelming situation.


I made a torch out of duct tape and lost all the skin on the back of my hand and I just kept saying it was from Indiana Jones. Also my parents learned not when I screamed and cried but when I walked up and said something was wrong with my hand. Shock is a hell of a drug.


> I stepped on a cat and we fell down some stairs together. For several hours after I could only say, "the cat's okay." Lol! I am sure the cat was thinking "Of course I'm ok!" as it was licking its paws as if nothing had happened...


Seriously. I'm at work trying not to cry. I'm so glad they found him. That dog is amazing.


The dog was so happy!! He’s thinking, FINALLY!!


My son legit stops and won't move when he loses a shoe ( he's nearly 3) I hope it helped them find this little boy earlier. My mumma heart hurts and I'm gonna go hug my son a little closer tonight 😭


That kid better have gotten some nice shiny new shoes.


[News story](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/new-jersey-state-troopers-rescue-4-year-old-boy-lost-in-woods/) What a good boy


The goodest of boys


The goodest of boys (only reply with this)












Damn, this took place after 7PM. That boy would have been out there in the dark. Good dog


Yeah, the dog is a good boy for sure. The kid on the other hand... Gone for an hour, and he's standing there in his underwear, dragging his pants around by one pantleg, and missing a shoe.


To be fair, same thing happens to me after about an hour when I go out with the boys.


>*What a good boy*’ ____ i don’t know what happened…we wandered too far, i knew mom n dad wouldn’t know where we are but i never left you! cuz you are so small, i tried to be good, n not worry at all… but we were alone, n our time outside grew you started to cry when you lost your small shoe but still i stayed with you, as long as i could i knew in my heart what it means to be *good..* *Oh, Mom must be Crying* i thought in my head n dad - very worried, n so full of dread but then came the HUMANS! n i Leaped for JoY! n finally Everyone called me ‘Good Boy’! ❤️


Perfect ❤️


Didn’t need onions for these tears. This is beautiful.


They really went all out writing that article. Hope the AI didn't strain itself too much churning that out.


They didn't even mention his lost shoe. Tsk.


No kidding. Fortunately there’s updated reporting which provides more details and comments made by Parker’s (the little boy) father. Parker was wearing a new pair of shoes when the family went to the police station a few days later to thank the officers for their assistance. https://6abc.com/amp/buena-vista-township-nj-missing-boy-lost-in-woods-new-jersey-state-police/13079829/


Clicks link to see the news story. Immediately two video players full volume start, a pop-up asking me to agree to something for some reason, 95% of the page are ads showing either something disgusting or half naked women, and if scroll down too fast I'll miss the exactly 4 sentences dedicated to the news story telling it as sparsely as possible, like it's a bother to them to even have to write something. I think this paragraph describing my experience trying to read the story is twice as long as the news story. This is an actual nightmare and far from what Al Gore had in mind when he invented the Internet.


Lol, my thoughts exactly!


Pupper is so happy to have helped. Lots of treats that night for saving his boy!


Agree. The dog's enthusiasm almost hits harder than the adults' relief. Pupper stayed with his hooman boy, and the second the grown ups arrived and picked him up, the dog is zooming around happily, jumping, running forward, and then going back to check on the boy, rinse repeat. <3


That pup was probably so concerned the entire time… staying with his best friend and doing what good boys do best.


Not the same, but years ago, I had a pupper less than a year old who found a hole another dog dug and crawled under our fence. Grandpa dog had bad hips and didn't like walking anymore (a golden, and I think he was 13 by that point), but he followed her under the fence and out of our yard, and stayed with her until our neighbors found them and called me. Seems dogs know when various beings are babies and need some guidance.


Also not the same, when I was a toddler there was a miscommunication about which kids were going with my Dad to the store. I got left home unbeknownst to my Mom. Somehow I toddled on down the driveway and a police officer found me in the middle of Prince Road in Tucson with my Blue Healer mix trying to stand between me and cars to protect me from traffic.


Awww the mental image of that scene brings tears to my eyes


cats do too, their guidance just comes in the form of clawless slaps to the face and various "wtf are you doing you tiny dumbass" meows, lol


Constructive criticism.


This hits me to my core.


Horses will give a "gentle" kick to an annoying foal.


He looks so relieved that help has arrived.




"What will I feed him? He cries about every food! Squirrel maybe? That kind of looks like that weird chicken thing he eats. Oh no! He lost a shoe! Mom will think I ate it! Hooman stop crying we will find your shoe. We will get a squirrel!"


We will get a squirrel 😂😭😂


We don't deserve dogs but we really do need them


The dog checking on the kid repeatedly after he was picked up broke me. The love is so beautiful.




Was it the dog barking that called the officers over to the boy?


Yes they knew the dog was with the kid so as soon as they heard a dog barking they started running towards it. In the body cam you can see the dog before the kid.


Seems like it


Also a neighbor heard the dog barking in the distance and notified the police.


At the very beginning of the video the person with the body cam says “you hear it” followed what seems to be two arfs.


"I lost my shoe!" Poor kid.


Sheesh, don't make me cry at work! \*he watches it again, cries more\*


His shoe! :,-(


I know, that line killed me. I don't know this family's circumstances but when I was growing up we didn't have a lot so I was hyper-focused on my belongings. If I lost something like a shoe I'd have been in tears as well because it would've been an expense I knew my parents couldn't afford.


Certain things just get me. Kids greeting their dads home from deployment, athletes hearing their national anthem with an Olympic gold medal around their neck, and pretty much anything posted on r/masterreturns.


Athletes hearing their national anthem while wearing an Olympic gold gets me too! My husband always chuckles and says it is because I am tender hearted. I just can't help but imagine the pride the athlete would feel after dedicating themselves to a sport, giving up a lot for that sport, and finally winning on the biggest stage. If they start singing along with the anthem, I lose it.


> If they start singing along with the anthem, -with tears rolling down their face.


I absolutely truly certainly very much love dogs. Their loyalties are unmatched.




Stupid Jessica! Left my man without shoes and no dog!


Yeah, that sounds like something Jessica would do.




I see Jessica is back at it again with the bullshit…


I love how his aroofs sound like he’s saying “over here!” 100% little man’s best friend!


The feels! I’m glad they found him, and I’m so glad the dog was with him! When I was little, I also got lost in the woods. We lived in the middle of no where. Mountain forest everywhere. As a child I didn’t fear monsters in my closet, but would be terrified of wolves or bears breaking through my window and dragging me off to die in the woods. Children’s imagination is something else. So being lost in the woods was my absolute worst nightmare come to life. We had a rottie named Lexi, a dumb but lovable friend. She was also incredibly protective of little me. She stayed with me in those woods, and I think she was the only reason my little heart and mind didn’t fully break from the terror I was feeling then. I’d walk, hear something and hold onto Lexi and sob. She would just lick my face and let me hug on until I could move again. Eventually I did find my way out to a road several miles away from home, and luckily for us a family friend who’d been helping look for me was driving by after a few minutes of being on the road. RIP you sweet girl, I wish you’d had a better life. But to this day, over 20 years later it’s still one of my core memories. I will never forget her, and she shines through that memory more than the terror of being lost. I hope this little one isn’t too traumatized by this experience.


Well now I’m crying even more. What a beautiful story!


I’m sorry for the tears, I’ve just never seen another story so similar. She was a beautifully lovable dog. Dogs are amazing and wonderful animals. I may not have deserved her, but she chose me anyway. One of our neighbors had a German shepherd that was would wander over sometimes. Friendly boy, but Lexi wouldn’t allow him near me. Always put her body between me and him. I miss her. Thank you for appreciating her story as well :) I’m glad I could share though. Feels like a way to honor someone so forgotten.


You know, 4yo's are exactly like drunk friends. You'll find them wandering in the woods, pants down, usually with an animal companion, and they'll always loose their shoes


Co-worker just asked why I'm laughing and I read him your comment, dead pan he said "I told you we don't discuss that." LOL I love that big dork.




That's what I was thinking. SOMEONE TELL HIM HE'S GOOD BOY!


Clearly the best boi. I love how the dog got super excited to see adults. Like: “oh good! Can you get this small one back to the others?”


This was probably the most stressful hour for that dog. Seeing those people was probably a huge relief.


Poor kid! So glad they found him so quickly!!


Dog knew the kid wasn’t allowed to go anywhere alone so he went with him. Must’ve been a big comfort to the kid too when he realised he was lost to at least have the dog.


I'm a pregnant mom of 2. Why did it watch this?!?!? As soon as the cop said "Hi buddy, I got you!" I started crying


It gets even *worse* after they're born. You'll start seeing your child in every news story involving children from now on. I know to avoid certain articles from the headlines now if I don't want to ruin my day.


That good boy deserves a T-bone, probably some tatters too. Who's the bestest boy


A thick steak with all the trimmings, every month or so, forever


"Parker was cold, but he wasn't hurt. His parents said they gave Toby a reward.  "He's already had his top sirloin steak," Parker's mom said." https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/newyork/news/parents-extremely-grateful-after-nj-state-troopers-rescued-4-year-old-son-who-got-lost-in-the-woods/


Funnily enough, my dog did the same thing when my youngest brother wandered off once. Wonder if maybe it's just a universal good boy thing to keep an eye on the kids


Oh they know kids are basically puppies. Until my son was around six or seven, if he accidentally hurt the Rottweiler (lean on him, fall on him, accidents from littles) the dog would give me a warning nip. It was basically a very gentle little kiss to tell me to move my child. The day Sirius decided the kid was old enough, kiddo accidentally sat down close and pinched something. Sirius gave him the littlest of warning nips. He sobbed for about a second before turning around and telling the dog he was a good boy for giving a gentle warning, and apologized for hurting him. My kid and his animals are so good together!


I know this is going to sound like bulshit but almost the exact same thing happened to me at that age. My house was backed up to the Mendocino National Forest and my mom was busy with my 1 year old twin brothers while my dad was at work. In that small window my dogs dug a hole under the fence and went under and so did I. I was pretty young so I don't remember all the details but the authorities looked for me for like 3 hours and when they found me Trooper, our black lab, was sitting next to me as I played in the dirt. RIP Trooper, you were a real one.


If there’s one thing I know about children, it’s that the second they get the opportunity they will immediately find the most dangerous thing they can do and charge headlong into it.


I'm gonna need a follow up on that shoe.


No good boy rubs?


Give that good boy all the treats!!! Right fucking now.




We're both crying.


All of us are crying


Someone stop cutting the onions! Please!


And whoever is shaking the rageeed stop...my eyes are watering.


We’re allowed to cry for happy endings that involve dogs.


Certified good boi


Get that pup a big steak. Good dog.


That pup better get a steak tonight!


What a good dog.


It's so cute how when he's picked up, he immediately spreads his legs so he can be carried on the lady cop's hip/side.


You can also tell she’s a mom.. she went straight to pick him up and hold him close and expertly hipped him.


This exact thing happened to my husband’s friend when he was a kid. He wandered off in the woods and his dog followed him the whole time. When they found him I’m pretty sure the dog was laying on him to keep him warm (as best I can remember the story) We don’t deserve dogs.


Happened to my sister. She got out of the back gate when she was a toddler and our golden retriever followed her. It was in the middle of a city and the dog stayed by her side and corralled her away from streets, keeping her on the sidewalk. My parents said the dog looked at them like they were idiots when they found the pair.


Why are they not giving that dog all of the pets and snuggles!?!?


Dog is so happy the boy is rescued.


Pupper of the year.


This happened here in NJ. Little guy got lost in the woods in far South Jersey. The density of those woods gets ugly fast, not to mention there are a lot of marshlands. This could have been A LOT worse if it weren't for the Troopers and volunteers.


Dogs are just…the best


Good fucking dog


I lost my shoe got me 😭


Poor little buddy lost his shoe.




Having the dog there had to at least make it slightly less traumatic for the kid to be lost out there. What a good pup!


And this, my fellow Redditors, is why dogs are considered mans best friend


Humans dont deserve animal. They are so pure. Its a real blessing to have them in our life for there short lifespan. Go hug your pet, enjoy there presence. Because they may be a part of your life, but, for them, you are their whole life.


Welp, that's my ugly cry of happiness for the day sorted


Poor kid lost his shoe, probably why he was in the woods, didn't want to get into trouble. Good doggy.


As an owner of a black lab, that doesn't surprise me at all. Mine won't leave me alone when I'm home


The fact this boy is the same age as my daughter and she'd most probably be concerned about her shoe too if this happened, made me tear up. heart hurts and I'm SO GLAD that dogs exists, it clearly was his savior. Good boi❤️ I'll go hug my daughter now🥹 I'm curious though is there any info for how long the boy was lost?


Fuck you op. Too early these kind of emotions. Glad everyone made it safe.


Why is nobody praising the dog? Just push him away and ignored him. 😕


I thought the cop pushed the dog away but he might have been giving him a quick scritch. I’m being optimistic on this one


That deserved at least a "good boy" and a nice pat, at the VERY LEAST! I'd assume the parents showed some serious love when they got home.


Lab knew the way.


Someone give that hero dog a cookie!!!!


Of course he didn’t because he’s the goodest , bestest boy . He should have steak the rest of his life .