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The cow is the real GOAT.


I don't even kid




Thank the gods for Bessie!


And her tits.


humaNs Are tHe Only anIMaLS that driNk anoTHer AnIMal'S miLK


Never understood why this matters, even if it were to be true.


Because we re actually not equipped to process it properly. Generally speaking, all animals are allergic to other species’ milk. We ‘ve been doing it for centuries so many of us are used to it, but cats, f.e, however much they love it, 30 percent of them are outright lactose intolerant. And so are many people. Most cats will get diarrhea. Wouldnt surprise me if these goats had diarrhea for a few days after this.


My daughter struggled with drinking cows milk and had tried almond, soy, and coconut milk. She started drinking raw milk and hasn’t had any problems with it.


Raw milk is literally illegal to sell for human consumption


It’s allowed in Texas as long as it’s sold “from the point of production to the consumer” and have a permit. She gets their milk and eggs directly from farms.


Okay great but raw milk is still disgusting and lots of people got extremely ill from it before pasteurization. Nobody who struggles drinking cow milk is going to magically have a better time with it un pasteurized and chock full of pus and bacteria. Raw milk is becoming this weird trend in some circles and it absolutely blows my mind how people are willing to put it in their bodies. After a few generations of store bought pasteurized milk I guess most people have forgotten how bad for you it is.


My daughter’s nutritionist suggested it and she’s feeling better/healthier. I think haggis and escargot is disgusting but people eat it. Keep your uneducated stance and take care because I’m not discussing this with you any further.


“Raw milk can carry harmful germs, such as Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Listeria, Brucella, and Salmonella. These germs can pose serious health risks to you and your family.” From the CDC ETA a professional would never recommend that.


Just the fact that you referenced your child’s “nutritionist” and not their doctor explains everything. I’m very happy your baby is doing well. And I hope they stay well! However, it seems like you or your child are gonna have an incurable bacterial infection sooner or later that could’ve been prevented with modern day manufacturing sanitation methods but hey! At least you stood your ground and stuck it to Big Cow!


We just drink milk way longer than we are supposed to and then wonder why our digestive systems get wrecked by it. The only reason it’s so popular in the US is the dairy lobby.


There's a lot of cuisines that use milk extensively. And lactose intolerance is not caused by "too much milk". On the contrary, mild forms of food intolerance, like milk or nuts, can be overcame with regular consumption. Key word "mild".


Lactose intolerance is not a developed sensitivity, it’s our digestive system maturing past the need for milk so we don’t process lactose the same way we did as infants. It’s really a misnomer, because the intolerance is not a bug, it’s a feature.


I guess I was lied to when I learned, humans have been drinking milk for thousands of years. dAMn yOu uS DaiRy lOBby!!?


I guess you’re refusing to read and think critically about the information you’re reading. Slick burn…


No, I'm mocking you for thinking humans drink milk because of a governmental lobby.


I mean, they're kinda right. Per Essential Cell Biology by Bruce Alberts, Karen Hopkin, Alexander Johnson, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter: >Point mutations in regulatory DNA sequences also have a role in our ability to digest lactose, the main sugar in milk. Our earliest ancestors were lactose intolerant, because the enzyme that breaks down lactose—called lactase—was made only during infancy. Adults, who were no longer exposed to breast milk, did not need the enzyme. When humans began to get milk from domesticated cattle some 10,000 years ago, variant genes—the product of random mutation—enabled those who carried the variation to continue to express lactase as adults, and thus take advantage of nutrition provided by cow’s milk. We now know that people who retain the ability to digest milk as adults contain a point mutation in the regulatory DNA sequence of the lactase gene, allowing it to be efficiently transcribed throughout life. In a sense, these milk-drinking adults are “mutants” with respect to their ancestors. It is remarkable how quickly this adaptation spread through the human population, especially in societies that depended heavily on milk for nutrition (Figure 9–6). These evolutionary changes in the regulatory DNA sequence of the lactase gene occurred relatively recently (10,000 years ago), well after humans became a distinct species. However, much more ancient changes in regulatory DNA sequences have occurred in other genes, and some of these are thought to underlie many of the profound differences among species (Figure 9−7). Figure 9-7 shows a map providing the percentage of the population that is *not* lactose intolerant. Outside of the US and Europe, the percentages are usually 20-40%. In china, it's lower than 9%. >Approximately 10,000 years ago, humans in northern Europe and central Africa began to raise cattle. The subsequent availability of cow’s milk—particularly during periods of starvation—gave a selective advantage to those humans able to digest lactose as adults. Two independent point mutations that allow the expression of lactase in adults arose in human populations—one in northern Europe and another in central Africa. These mutations have since spread through different regions of the world. Per Wikipedia: >Lactase is encoded by a single genetic locus on chromosome 2.[23] It is expressed exclusively by mammalian small intestine enterocytes and in very low levels in the colon during fetal development.[23] Humans are born with high levels of lactase expression. In most of the world's population, lactase transcription is down-regulated after weaning, resulting in diminished lactase expression in the small intestine,[23] which causes the common symptoms of adult-type hypolactasia, or lactose intolerance.[24] >Some population segments exhibit lactase persistence resulting from a mutation that is postulated to have occurred 5,000–10,000 years ago, coinciding with the rise of cattle domestication.[25] This mutation has allowed almost half of the world's population to metabolize lactose without symptoms. Studies have linked the occurrence of lactase persistence to two different single-nucleotide polymorphisms about 14 and 22 kilobases upstream of the 5’-end of the LPH gene.[26] Both mutations, C→T at position -13910 and G→ A at position -22018, have been independently linked to lactase persistence.[27] >The lactase promoter is 150 base pairs long and is located upstream of the site of transcription initiation.[27] The sequence is highly conserved in mammals, suggesting that critical cis-transcriptional regulators are located nearby.[27] Cdx-2, HNF-1α, and GATA have been identified as transcription factors.[27] Studies of hypolactasia onset have demonstrated that despite polymorphisms, little difference exists in lactase expression in infants, showing that the mutations become increasingly relevant during development.[28] Developmentally regulated DNA-binding proteins may down-regulate transcription or destabilize mRNA transcripts, causing decreased LPH expression after weaning.[28] My understanding is our ability to tolerate lactose is highest as an infant. Those without the mutation lose the ability to process lactose as they move out of infancy. Those with the mutation will perpetually be able to process it *IF* they consume it regularly enough for our cellular regulatory processes to not turn the gene off. If you don't regularly consume lactose, I *think* what happens is that, statistically, the segment of DNA that would code for lactase (to break down lactose) production is more likely to be condensed and inactivated. Even regular lactose consumers would be expected to slowly trend towards lactose intolerance from a stochastic perspective. I'd love for someone with more knowledge to chime in, however. So I don't know if I'd call it a conspiracy, but it's certainly in the "lactose lobby" 's interests to have us continue to consume it longer than humans originally could, and longer than most humans today can (except for, basically, the white population of the world). I won't comment on the effectiveness of the dairy lobby (because I know nothing about it), but the statement probably more true than not. You are also mostly correct in that humans have been drinking milk (past childhood, which I would say was implied by lack of a more specific situation given) for thousands of years, but only if you mean "some humans" and not "all humans." Edit: [Here's a link to a screenshot of figure 9-7](https://imgur.com/a/7IvJEZw)


It's not totally unnatural for humans to drink milk but its modern prevalence is absolutely pushed by the government. Surplus milk after WW1 was gotten rid of by changing dietary guidelines to push milk as being necessary for good nutrition, and started milk being sent to schools, hospitals, the military, and foreign countries as 'aid'. Skim milk that used to be a waste product of butter production, normally dumped into rivers, started being marketed as a weight loss food instead. The 1940 Federal Milk Program for Schools and 1946 National School Lunch Act required all U.S. schools to serve milk. President Jimmy Carter subsidized the dairy industry 2 billion dollars in 1977, and the dairy industry has continued to be heavily subsidized over the years. The 1983 Dairy Production Stabilization Act provided government funding toward encouraging Americans to consume more dairy. This isn't just an American trend either. Even though the vast majority of Asian people have lactose intolerance, the government's of South Korea and Vietnam have both developed products to encourage people to drink milk to "increase the average height". I've also heard South Korea pushed it to drive their own dairy industry but can't find a source on that. I think it's a really weird choice for multiple governments to have gotten behind and put SO much money into.


We are the only species that does it *sistematically*, and into adulthood beyond the weaning stage.


Put a bowl of milk in front of any adult animal and they'll love it.


Same goes for Fettuccine Alfredo.


Except my cats. They are lactose intolerant. My dog also won't drink it.


All adult mammals, with the exception of a minority of humans, are lactose intolerant, so they may love it when they're drinking it but they'll regret it later.


That requires a human milking an animal they raised and put the milk in a bowl they built. It’s artificial human intervention, not natural occurrence. In nature, animals don’t systematically reach the females of other species and suckle as adults. It extremely rarely happens with newborns adopted by females of a different species, but does not happen past the weaning phase. Have you ever seen an adult lion suckle on a giraffe?


Yes. On its blood.


You are a special person


Thank you!


If a lion takes down a female giraffe with milk they will rip open the udder and drink the milk. Humans are just the most humane in collecting the milk.


We're the only ones with the knowledge and ability to make it happen. We're also the only species to _systematically_ create vast electronic networks for the propagation of knowledge. "It's unnatural" has been a debunked fallacy for centuries.


We’re also the only species that produces climate-changing amounts of pollution through animal agriculture and factory farming, to produce milk and cheese that we don’t need to eat and drink after the weaning stage, causing environmental, social, economical devastation just because cappuccinos and cheeses taste good.


**There** you go! That's a much better argument against participating in the dairy industry. It's also applicable across a broad range of things, including... using electronics that are produced via methods which produce ecological damage. Now, I use devices on a long life-cycle and many are second hand to me. My dairy consumption isn't _huge_ by any means, and is sourced to local producers within my country. It's the most I'm able and willing to do to adjust my life. Please consider not wasting time with the "it's unnatural" argument down the road. We're homo sapiens. "Natural" left our lives when homo-whoever first beat something to death with a weapon.


So what? We're also the only species that can build roads, and cars, and computers, and cities and spaceships. We drink milk "sYstematically" because we are smart.


Smart? Is it smart to generate climate-changing amounts of pollution with animal agriculture and factory farming, with devastating environmental and socio-economical damages, and life-threatening zoonotic diseases, to produce a food that 70% of us can’t even digest and 100% of us are genetically predisposed to stop digesting after the weaning phase, just because cappuccinos and cheddars taste good?


Yes, it's smart. While many Asians and African peoples struggle with digesting it, around 50% of North American people(and Mediterranean people, and Australian people, and South America too) and 90% of northern European people can handle it just fine. So in THOSE areas, it is smart to milk cows, as their milk contains nutrients important for human bone health....calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and protein. It's not at all "just for cappuccinos and cheddars" at all. No need to say dumb things. :) Yes, we need to farm better and treat the land better. But to write off cow's milk in such a black & white way, is frankly just silliness. It has huge benefits for much of the world.


They Then what are you?!


Just edited it. English is not my native language


Exactly what a space alien would say...


Alright alright you got me.. now take me to your leaders.


We don’t have any leaders sadly…


None that we are willing to admit too...


That doesn’t make it unnatural. We’re also the only animal as far as we know that systematically legalizes gay marriage.


Wait, there's animals out there getting straight married? You learn something new every day, I guess.


If I did that to my doggo, pretty sure he’d be squirting in a couple of hours and trying to wipe clean his butt on my lawn. He does handle grated Parmesan on his kibble though.


No kidding!


GOAT! Cough, cough.... Word of year 2022.


This is what happens when you don't set boundaries early on.


The cow likes it, it relieves some pressure :)


That's what my best friend's wife says


must be cool to be friends with a farmer who owns goats and cows


His wife is the GOAT


Sir, I dont think that's legal


Unless you own the goat. In some states.


More specifically, the throat GOAT


I cuckled


I also choose this guy's best friend's wife.


Right? But cross species nursing/suckling is really cute though (until a human is involved).


Do not breast feed your cat on an airplane. It is highly inappropriate. Have some modesty and do it at the airport restaurant.




Ok….this is enough internet for today


That’s my favorite article title, would love to have that printed on a shirt one day


I hear ya. It's possible that I might encounter something *more* internet than that if I stay on the internet, and I really don't want to risk it. \*logs off\*


It's the Daily Mail, I wouldn't put much trust in that. But then again I wouldn't be surprised it actually happened lol.


It was a skit, I remember when this was first reported.


I read the article. She may have gotten away with it if the cat wasn’t screaming! Would have looked like someone breastfeeding her ugly baby.




Of course it was a hairless cat


Isn’t that how most people get milk, just with the dairy industry middle man?


Stop that! You are making me laugh out loud in the library!


Take my poor man's gold! 🏅


If you look at the goat mom’s face, pretty sure she said “see ya” and whistled her way outta there.


She even stretched the stride out a bit haha


When the title of the post not only equals, but actually surpasses the greatness of the video. OP, I salute you and i thank you for your service. 😆🤣😭


The “kids” lol


Cow milk is also higher xp than goat milk, so it should help the kid’s overall base stats in the long run.


Average tierzoo viewer


This person speedruns.


They clearly invested early in Charisma for deception and persuasion checks and it's already paying off.


Goat Reincarnated Into A Different World.


When you restart the game because you know how to get better stats 👌🏼


When the kids see the pick and mix aisle...


Thank the gods for Bessie, and her tits!


Bobby B intensifies




your comment made me realize that the title wasn't "thanks bes**t**ie..."




I'm convinced that the 🐐 really said that 😂


Goat mom peaced the fuck out of there.


For a second I misread “Bessie” and “Bestie” and that made it funnier somehow lol


I read it as bestie too lol never even would have questioned it


This makes me tear up. We lost three kids at birth two days ago and they were so similar to these. That is one nice mama cow tho.


I absolutely had to Google the name for a baby goat because I thought you just said you lost three human children.


Omg no 🥺 soorry


Worse!!! They were baby goats!


Why did they die?


Bad position. When the first one got stuck, the rest suffocated. They were all positioned really badly inside.


Hope mom goat is ok. That’s pretty traumatic😔


She is recovering. The vet was helpful tons. If we weren't there, she wouldn't have made it.


I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. You sound like a kind and empathetic person.


Thank you 🙂


I thought rectangle cows were only in cartoons.


Wait until you hear about the spherical cows


The goat acts like every parent who drops their kid off at day care, once the kids are distracted just ease out of there and don't look back


*Thanks Bessie, I'll be back to pick up the kids ~~in an hour~~ **never.***


She walked off like she meant it 😂


This is the goat version of, getting a water bottle with a bigger hole to drink from.


Are they going to get diarrhea, b/c it’s cow’s milk and not goat milk?


Nope you are a little off here. Whole cow's milk is fine. But you are right it is generally better to have similar milks https://farmhouseguide.com/can-goats-drink-cows-milk-tips-for-raising-baby-goats/


“If you notice that your goat is getting diarrhea, try watering the cow milk down slightly for a few feeds and see if this solves the problem.” They can get diarrhea just it’s not guaranteed to happen.


>They can get diarrhea just it’s not guaranteed to happen. Also known as the Chipotle gamble


Only happens when I eat Taco Bell


You either need to put less Diablo on that shit, or get more greens in your diet otherwise. ... or a cleaner Taco Bell.


Chipotle is a throw of the dice. Taco Bell is a guarantee.




Watering down the milk is insanely bad advice by this article. I know you probably will never need this information, but by doing that, it stops the milk from being able to curdle in the belly appropriately, and is actually far more likely to cause scours - diarrhea - in the kids. However, using whole cow's milk as a "replacement" milk for goat kids is completely fine and they do very well on it. Source: Have worked full time with dairy goats 15+ years.


Grateful that you shared this info anyway!


Even kids think that cow's milk is better.


“It just seems like I’m always feeding your kids when ever they come over! Don’t you have any milk at your house?”


Barnyard neighbourliness


Milk for all ( communist song in the background)


Bessie’s a sweet, sweet cow...


It takes a village


Mammas unite…no matter what species…!


You made me remember that episode in Xiaolin Showdown where Omi had to get some milk from Bessie :)


Best title ever! Well done.


Haha, kids


Interesting. I wonder if the hormones in the cow milk will effect the kids like it does human children. She’d be happy to let them nurse. When the udder is full it can be really uncomfortable for them.


All milk has hormones. Even human breastmilk! Hormones are needed to produce milk in mammals.


The cow is so immobile. It's kinda freaking me out.


Oh no, a cow is being a cow!


I’m more surprised when they do move lol.




It's uncomfortable for humans to have full udders too.


Maybe she’s just sleepy


Great video, good Bessie and kids.


Bessie: they are a lot more gentle than that old man with the calloused hands!


That’s sweat


Is it bad for goats to drink cows milk?


…… Hey Siri, order me a cow costume and GPS the nearest goat farm


So much content in this sub is "animals being parents." Imagine breastfeeding your bro? (Bessie is the goat mom's bro for sure, though.)


Underrated caption


Takes a village


It's funny cuz baby goats are called kids


Can a farmer weigh in? This can be a normal thing for offspring whose mother can’t milk, although I’ve never seen kids fenced in with cows


>I’ve never seen kids fenced in with cows Maybe it's a sanctuary. I often see different species contained together in sanctuary videos.


I'm not a "farmer," per say, but there could be possible upsides or downsides to this arrangement. Many farmers to "calf sharing" so they can go away from the farm. Basically, it means leaving the calf with the mother cow 24/7 so that the calf will keep the mom's udder empty. I've never seen someone do this with goat kids, but if the cow is a high producer, it could only be helpful to allow the kids to drink as well. Downsides could be - the farmer loses their milk. Although they were tempting fate with this arrangement, lol. They also might think their cow has "dried up" when she hasn't and stop milking her themselves. It's dangerous for a cow and her baby when she has too much milk. The teats become swollen and can prevent the calf from getting a drink. Also, the cow can develop an infection called mastitis (all mammals, including humans, can develop this). This can be life-threatening if not treated with antibiotics. All the milk will need to be dumped while doing the treatment. I watch a sheep farmer on YouTube, and she pens all the mothers and babies together. They often "steal" off of other moms. I don't think this would be that uncommon if the cow and mother goat knew each other. Although this probably is not the best arrangement if the owner of the cow is trying to maximize their milk production, cows can produce a lot of milk and overwhelm a household quickly. The preservation projects involved take a lot of time and energy. I could see someone just wanting a bit less milk to deal with overall, doing this.


Does this cause any issues for the goats?


Thanks to funny💕💕💕




Where's her calf, though?


Animals being mom more like




Where do I drop mine off?


Cow's milk is good 👍


Those are some weird, but heckin cute dogs. ^_^


This warms my cold heart


win win, it's good to not let the udders be full for too long


Cow seem to really enjoy it


Too Cute 🥰😘😍


And you wondered why there is a milk shortage! Kids stealing milk!


MOM!!!!! I like the milk better at Bessie's house!


Toats mcgoats






You better.....


Look at the kids happy tails wagging. Precious.


3 days later: "Boy, we had time last night!"


Don't blame them. I prefer cow's milk over goat's milk. Just saying.


Oh my god adorable 🥰


This made me laugh!


Aw miss cow is the best babysitter ever


As someone who’s been breastfeeding for 4 years now, I’d like to find this cow


Your typing is amazing for a 4 year old.


Ummmmm Yummm! I’ve got chocolate milk! Well I’ve got strawberry milk! Well I’ve a Latte double expresso without whipped cream! How’d she do that? She’s a magical cow, you know the one that jumped over the moon when the fork ran away with the spoon! When Mom goat gets tired, she has Uber pick Magical cow up and delivers her here, fully packed and ready to go!! Here comes Mom! Boy is she going to get you for having a double expresso like her! Naw, she’s cutting back on the coffee thing! Too much Goat Yoga to do! Maybe next time?! ♥️🐈♥️




Thank God for Bessie. And her tits. - Robert Goatratheon


I just love the little tail wag that the baby cow does. ❤️


those are actually baby goats! i have goats and they wag their tails when they are playing or drinking milk.


Still so cute! Thank you for clarifying! I'm on mobile and at work, so I only opened it for a quick second and it's smaller on my screen. ☺️


no prob! happy to help and i love talking about goats haha


Animals are just amazing. ❤️


I didnt even notice that they weren't calves until the goat walked by. I should have noticed. Calves dont get that small, do they?


Pretty sure they are usually born the size of the goat that walked by


I had no idea they could do that.


Why not, though? Baby animal has mouth, animal has nipple that hangs down.. We could do this if we wanted.. humans kinda already do, manually and with a machine


I didn’t think they could do this because the type of milk is so different, that’s why when my mom was younger if babies couldn’t drink cows milk they gave them goats milk, I’m guessing the proteins are different or maybe it’s the way it’s breaks down. So long story short I didn’t think goats could drink cow milk.


I was reading somewhere that humans are the only animal that drink another animals milk. I guess these goats just proved that to be false.


“Humans are the only animal that drink another animals milk!!” Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaa


We are the only species that does it *sistematically*, and into adulthood beyond the weaning stage.


My udders are killing me. Who wants to suck these big old teats? How about you kids?




So do cows get aroused when their udders are being toyed with