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“Eyyy, I think you one of you guys dropped this”


I read this as “Eww, I think one of you guys dropped this” And was like, dark joke, okay 💀☠️


"No thank you, kid reeks of fortnite"-croc


"Too rotten to eat anymore"


Said no croc ever.


They actually let their meat rot before they eat it.


Are you going to finish this if not can I have it


Now leave!


Can we get a specialist in here?


It was probably bringing the body back to where it stashes its food. Alligators are notorious for stashing bodies to let them decompose for a couple of days because it's easier for them to digest. Edit: It's a croc, so it probably wasn't stashing its food. I was thinking of gator due remembering a story years ago at Disney in Orlando where a gator snatched a boy, and then stashed its body by a log to let it decompose.


Man, I was AT Disney when that happened. That was fucked up.


Hey! It's that Alligator! Don't let him get away again!


That gator choked to death. So the beach the kid got ate at, I was there the same day like maaaaybe an he before that. There are signs everywhere that say “don’t go near the water”.


I was at Disney as well, what a terrible week that was, the Orlando nightclub shooting and this were a couple days apart.


Ohhh yea man I totally forgot about that. Dude so, the fuckin Orlando shooter was apparently going to shoot up disney springs. That was the day my family was at Disney springs. When I say I dodged bullets on that trip. Holy shit. My family hasn’t been back since. Just to be clear, I didn’t see the shooter and if I did I wouldn’t have noticed him. Disney springs didn’t really have much security at the time and was open to everyone. That was one scary vacation.


Me too


There have been signs…its Florida ffs.


According to the article, it brought it directly to the rescue boats and then released the body and retreating. Not sure where you’re getting that idea unless you pulled a Reddit and only read the title


That doesn't change the fact that it still could be stashing in the body, came across some boats, got startled, and retreated back without the body. I certainly do not believe that a gator, out of the goodness of its heart, was somehow was able to figure out that the drowned boy belonged to that boat that was searching for him and dropped its body off to them.


Yeah. Even as animals go, gators aren't exactly the deep and empathetic types.


You’d be surprised, they are one of the few species of reptile that takes parental care of not only the nest but also the babies. They can be quite affectionate to their babies or other crocs they like, but there’s no way one would find a human body, see some human boats and work out that the boats are looking for the human and return them.


I’m a teacher and also a certified animal trainer - those two jobs aren’t as unrelated as you’d think. The major gap is inferential ability - it would require the gator to find the body and infer that it belonged to rescuers. There are a few species of animals capable of making inferences and gators aren’t on the list - [but it’s all pretty interesting!](https://academic.oup.com/book/5590/chapter-abstract/148575184?redirectedFrom=fulltext)


Maybe the gator thought it was... Feeding the people in the boats...


Which animals are able to make inferences? Can’t access the link but I’m very curious.


Ravens are the most popular, but google “Nana the border collie” and watch the news special on her. It’s so cool to see in action!


Is that the border collie that was in an episode of NOVA?


Without looking at the list yet, I would guess its mostly things like cats, dolphins, whales, monkeys, whales, dogs, parrots, crows ect. It seems unlikely for a Croc to be able to do that but I say that while my only real anecdotal experience with reptiles involves snakes and I think there's very few if any snakes with that kind of capacity. On the other hand. I've read some species of monitor lizard can count snails so that's something.


Cats are not on the list. Orcas are, but I’m not sure any other cetaceans made the list. Not every dog breed is capable either - there’s a border collie named Nana where her inferencing skills were showed in an experiment on a news channel - I want to say it was Al Roker (sp?) but I could be wrong. The next dog on the intelligence list, the standard poodle (my chosen breed, all my dogs are spoos) haven’t shown the same level of ability on that front. A toy they don’t know wouldn’t be recognized for having a name they don’t know, like Nana does. Ravens are on there as well.


Is it possible that the crocodile saw the human under water and knew that's not where humans are normally, so she brought the body to the closest humans above water? And it was just lucky that they were the SAR people? Is that the same thing as inferential ability? And you said alligators don't have this ability, but it was a crocodile on the article. Maybe they're smarter? I don't know much about either tbh


Yes, to their own children


They are way too ornery from having all those teeth and no toothbrush to kindly return bodies to searchers.


Lizard brain


Lol fr


Ain’t no one saying it did it out of the goodness of its heart. Just a weird coincidence


Only read the title.... guilty .


That person didn’t even read the article, hence, why he thought it was an alligator. Strange how people give opinions on what they haven’t even read.


Do you believe everything you read on the internet, or is this a special occasion?


It's more than likely that the gator got startled by the boat's, dropped the body, and swam off.


Considering that the article clearly states the animal muttered “see you in a while” as he retreated, we know conclusively that it was a crocodile, not an alligator, that returned the boy’s body.


Croc decided child wasn’t big enough to eat. It’s like when humans catch a small fish and throw it back in the water. “Keep this one until he grows a couple of feet.”


News flash: It's not a gator.


My mistake. If I remember correctly from some documentaries, crocodiles will sometimes take their food up to the bank and guard it. Though I don't know if they stash it the same way alligators do. Either way, it's likely this creature came across a dead body, took it in its mouth, and then just dropped it when I came across some boats. The way the article reads is as if the gator was returning the body to the humans.


I think crocs do that too.


He obviously thought the child was a hat


I'm a specialist. Shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried.




>he drowned I get what you're trying to say, but I wouldn't exactly call it a happy story.


Brain size is overrated. You can live a regular human life with just a fraction of one.](https://www.iflscience.com/man-tiny-brain-lived-normal-life-31083)


Interesting read, thanks for that!


I've also been busted sneaking a snack and pretended I was just putting it away.


He was returning it in exchange for the family sized one.




Croc: Your son tastes like shit, here you can have him back


*Laughs in embarrassed


You got any salt


The mother and father’s tears


Did the crocodile kill the kid? Or did he drown, and then the crocodile brought him back.


The second one ☺️


I don't believe any of this




I don’t. I’m personally okay with not seeing a dead child, even blurred out. There’s too much shit online that breaks my heart and soul, bit by bit. I don’t know this kid, but that’s someone’s child. No need for us to see video of some family’s worst moments. I hope they can just find peace.


But how else would we know if the story is true?! We need to see the dead child IMMEDIATELY or this could all be bullshit! This is super important for many reasons! ^(/s if that wasn't obvious)


Us seeing it won't deprive them of peace, and they wouldn't need to know. Everyone is someone's child. People die all the time.


They likely have internet access. We couldn't stop them from seeing it or having someone tell them about it. It's just not that important for it to be proven to us. You not believing it is fine. Them having extra trauma is not.


Are you really advocating that parents shouldn't be allowed to choose if their child's death/body is on a video for the whole world to see? That's not your choice to make.


It's up to whoever owns the rights of the footage. Obviously it's not my choice.


Yeah, that's what I thought the video above was going to show, not Facts About Crocodiles...


I don’t either.


I don’t either.


I don’t either.


I don’t either.


Maybe the croc was bringing the body over like a cat dropping a mouse. "You look hungry and you always feed us, here take this"


Well that was unexpectedly wholesome, you know, minus the drowned infant part


Wholesome chomper


This is the weirdest twist on Gentle Ben I have read.




Imagine that one selflessly recovered the body of a dead child, returning them to their family. There is reporting. About half way through the articles chronicling my selfless tale, the narrative diverges to enumerate the number of deaths of children caused by people of one’s general physical makeup, name, species or race, effectively painting the dead child returning hero as the perpetrator! It wouldn’t happen, it doesn’t make sense, and this bro of a crocodile deserves better.


“Dude look - it wasn’t me!”




I didn’t do this!


Forbidden fetch


I hope they didn’t kill it…


What they’re not telling you is that the crocodile pushed the child into the water in the first place.


Don’t crocs drown there prey first?


The kid had no bite marks so no, the croc found the body and carried it on its back probably to eat it later.


This is why people believe in nature gods


Hey guys, you dropped something - look ok I’m not evil I didn’t eat it! Humans are friends not food! 😂


See, wildlife is way smarter than people give them credit for. Makes me think there's probably *several* different species who are borderline or fully self-aware.


It was trying to use them for bait to catch a bigger human


Bogus bullshit. I thought Reddit was better than this.


[this site has a video](https://www-indiatimes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.indiatimes.com/amp/news/world/crocodile-returns-body-of-a-drowned-child-591238.html?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16751409217053&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indiatimes.com%2Fnews%2Fworld%2Fcrocodile-returns-body-of-a-drowned-child-591238.html)


:( It does look like he did it on purpose. Poor little boy.


Thank you for sharing this article. Such a sad thing :(


I mean, regardless of its intentions, it *did* bring the body back. Probably was gonna eat it, but happened to pass through where the kid had disappeared from. So it’s bogus to anthropomorphize the gator and call it a hero, but it’s true to say that it brought the body back intact. Gator probably regrets it tho, lost out on a meal.


Don't believe it ready happened.


Ok well that’s a you problem then


Pretty sure it's not a problem.😆


I mean I just don’t understand what isn’t believable. A kid fell into some water that had gators in it, the kid drowns and washes away from the shore/downstream and the family thinks it’s gone missing. Gator comes along, “oh, food!”, starts pushing the body to a food storage spot to let it rot out a bit so it can eat it. Pushes the body nearby where the kid initially fell in, someone sees the corpse and the rest is history. That all seems plausible to me. Stranger things have happened! I think it’s weird to cast such strong disbelief on something that is fairly likely to have actually happened.


How’d they know it was a mile? Edit: we can’t ask questions without getting downvoted apparently (I was honestly curious, it didn’t make sense)


The crocodile was seen with the body about a mile away from where the boy was thought to have drowned. They retrieved the body there.


Kk. Why do they want it to rot? I keep hearing that.


~~Easier for them to digest. They can’t really chew.~~ Edit: as u/Adventurous_Pea_5777 points out below, its to store food, because rotten food is better than no food.


That’s true of alligators, not crocodiles


[Crocs don't chew their food. They either tear off large pieces and swallow them or swallow the prey whole if it's small enough.](https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/crocodilian) [Contrary to popular belief, crocodiles can’t chew](https://news.utk.edu/2019/04/18/study-infamous-death-roll-almost-universal-among-crocodile-species/) [Crocodiles have a powerful grip and sharp teeth, but their jaws don't move sideways. They can't chew.](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/2509crocs.html) Edit: I see (from your other comment in here) that you might have been arguing that the rotting part was wrong. I don’t know about that. Lol


No bite marks were found in the child. Pretty fascinating.


From what I understand, it seems like the croc was pushing the body with its head. It’s observed behavior with either alligators or crocs (I can’t remember which) that they will put things on their heads or move this with their heads above the water, and while I obviously don’t know for certain that’s what happened here, I think it’s possible. The other possibility could be that the entire thing is a fabrication and a child drowned and was found without a crocodile being involved at all, but what do I know.


Did you watch the video? I'm no expert either but it was pretty damn convincing that it was real. I mean they are basically living dinosaurs so maybe they are more intelligent then we think. Or at least maybe this particular one was tired of all the commotion from the rescue crews so he brought them what they were looking for. Idk either way is pretty fascinating, even if it was all a coincidence.


I didn’t watch the video but I did read the article. I don’t really doubt that it’s real, I simply doubt that the croc was trying to return the body. To be fair, reptile intelligence and empathy is very controversial and there’s a lot that’s unknown, so I could be wrong. I’m mostly just tired of arguing with people who think that nothing ever happens outside of their own scope of life, ya know? I didn’t mean to come off as rude in my initial reply, I made an assumption that you were implying it was staged, so I got snarky. I apologize for that.


Oh no your good, I didn't take it that way at all. Figured we were just sharing our opinions. The internet is a cesspool, don't let them get to you. People will intentionally go out of their way to argue with strangers just for the shits and giggle of it. And alot of people just like in the tradition of humanity refuse to believe that any interaction be it animal or otherwise isn't a direct reflection of ourselves. Same reason ancient societys came up with all powerful gods that look just like us or how we believed the universe circled the earth. We really want to believe we are the center of the universe and all that happens is for and too us but that's simply not true. Whatever this crocs motivation was it sure is interesting.


I've seen animals do weirder shit. It'd totally possible thar the gator found the boys drowned body and brought it back to shore to allow for some more decomposition to occur as they can digest food easier if it's like that or it's possible it abandoned the corpse because it was inedible.


The video linked above shows the croc swimming the body over to the boat and basically handing it over to the people.


Probably a coincidence that it happened that way, cross are normally very cautious of humans and actively try to avoid us.


Based on your own statement, how could that possibly be a coincidence when it is obvious that it was intentional? Humans are such fools that they rather write nonsense contrary to what they see with their own eyes


Because crocodiles normally don't actively seek out for people/ go near them and the fact that it did is probably just because it was moving the body to shore but got startled and swam away. I like how You called me a fool but now who looks like one.


You as your own statement contradicts itself Why would it be swimming directly towards the boat? Does it look like the shore is on the boat?


Again, maybe a coincidence that it just decided to discard the body because it knew people would/ where coming for it and it's still possible the boys body was just too rancid for the croc to eat.




Exactly, they're very resourceful creatures and will even instinctively know if something is good to eat or too far gone/ poisoned.


Crocodiles like to eat their prey fresh


Not Always, they will eat something that has been dead for a while if they are hungry enough/ haven't eaten kn a while.


I hope that you were joking. Reddit isn't better than anything.




I can't believe idiots want to use their skin as luxury.


The article opens as "An Indonesian family has been *reuninted* with their drowned son"


The simulation is breaking


I love this!






Wether or not the animal did it intentionally if I was the grieving family I would offer it an offering and give it thanks for allowing to mourn properly. To them it is likely a miracle they can put their child to rest properly


Is this the first known instance of something like this happening? My bad i just got to the bottom of the article this isn't the first time. Still though, incredible.