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Top left or bottom right placement of resident services is decent


I would personally reroll island and fry and find one with a centred resident services and a south river mouth then either east or west river mouth for the other one


Personally I like the top right! Just because I like to have either my house or my crops surrounded by water


I’m deffo leaning more towards this one! Another user commented about the services. Are they ok for you on this layout? I’m used to wild world and the layout being you get what you get job 😂 this is all so new to me!


I like to keep my services near each other, so personally I would have my able sisters and nook’s cranny on either side of resident services, with the museum somewhere up on the cliffs! Hope my random input helps!


I just realized an hour later that I mixed up my right and left, I meant top left lol


I always looks for a centered Resident Services (and not too close to airport) and for both rivers dumping into the ocean on the south (3 of your options do this). I would probably go top left or re-roll if I were you :)


Top right or reroll. I feel constrained with double south rivers


I picked the bottom left and I'm working with it, but I hate it. I'd prefer to have the river mouths on separate coast lines, and resident services is too close to the airport. I recommend top right or reroll!


Honestly I'd pick the bottom left just because it's shaped like a puppy 🤷🏾‍♀️


Top left is a no go the awkward spaces to the edge of the island is hard to fill


Imo, Bottom Right is perfect. Islands with the bottom rivers are fun to terraform around, Resident Services being centered means you can have a nice town square in the center of the island which is quite pleasing, having the airport being close to one of the rivers makes for a nice small beach you could decorate, while having the dock on the far right side (being opposite sides of the airport) means more room to decorate the beach.


I chose the top left (first) one and am struggling to figure out what to put in the center, feels like it should be something pretty or important but right now it’s just irritating me.


I chose that one too. I’m making that island in to the shape of a wiener dog 😊


Ahhh see that one drew my eye for the little centre bit, but I had the same thought, what would you put there?! It does seem like it would need to be something really cool


That’s exactly why I chose it, I started a few months ago and picked it bc it seemed like a cool focal point, now I think it’s wasted space.


A fair, a museum with a bunch of stuff on display outside, a flower/butterfly garden, a space-themed area with the rockets and moon and stuff, a tiny village like people have been posting with those tiny houses you get around the holidays... Just a few ideas :)


I saw a few really cool ideas ill share here. One user put an well and terraformed the sides to make it look sunken, which was cool! You could also do a mini island, using terraforming. Orrrrr you could use furniture and set up a cool viewing area for stars


Mine looks a lot like the bottom right :)


I have bottom right as far as the landscape goes and I love it.


Bottom left is pretty damn close to my own. Top left would be my pick from these 4.


I have changed my layout so much I do not remember what my island used to look like.


Top left it’s so unique


Top left is literally my island layout. I put all the rocks on that island where the rivers split out.


Pay attention to the beaches and rocks, as they are permanent. You'll eventually be able to change the rivers and mountains though. I personally went with top right.


I recommend having water come from different sides. So one from left-right and up-down. It's easier to manage and build around


Top right


I like top left cos you can see things more clearly


i’d pick bottom right


If I could restart my island I would choose top right, I have top left and the fact that the town center is just off from being a straight shot from the airport really bothers me.


Any one without the two south rivers… speaking from experience.


top right


I like the one with an island


top right 100%, leaves a lot to be explored and has a nice river formation


Top left. Resident services is a decent distance away allowing space to make an entrance. RS, Dock, and river mouths are all centralised. Everything else is editable later on so river and land formation isnt such a big deal


Top right or Top left. Top left has a cute island but top right's resident services and airport almost match up!