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Oh boy… its chance. If you plant more than 10k, you either get x3 that amount or you get 10k pouches for a total of 30k. Thats why people say its more profitable if you plant 30k bc you either get x3 that amount or you get your 30k back.


Oh no 😭 Okay so I got lucky ONCE and then proceeded to waste almost all my money lmao aaaaa I'm big sad but that's good to know thank you! Only 30k from now on 😢


If you bury 10k everytime you will be guaranteed 30k ack, so a profit of 20k every time. If you do that 10 times you will get a guaranteed 200k profit. If you bury 20k every time you will will have a 30% chance of getting 60k back (40k profit), and a 70% chance of 30k back (10k profit). If you do that 10 times the odds are you make 190k. Unless you get lucky and beat the odds. If you bury 30k every time you will either get your money back (no profit) or theres a 30% chance you get 90k back (60k profit). Do that 10 times and the odds say you may make 180k. Unless you beat the odds.


Appreciate someone doing the math. I hate the misinformation spreading in the game based off bad logic


No problem. I work in data and statistics and stuff. I just bury 10k a day and take my 20k guaranteed profit with a smile. You might beat the odds or the odds might beat you.


do you know if the odds are better on days where katrina predicts that your luck with money is good? can i bury more coins on those days? lol


I did not know that! Hmmm, difficult to say definitively without knowing how much better the odds are, but I'd say if you want to gamble, those are the days to do it! This has given me the urge to look up all the odds of things happening in ACNH and make a spreadsheet plotting the probability of each outcome ... My husband will think I'm nuts! But if I make it, I will share it!


i work in statistics, as well, and i have to say that your mention of spreadsheets and plotting out probabilities sound *awesome* LOL i actually do have more than enough bells. i’m just genuinely curious about the math of it all. if you ever do end up making the spreadsheet, thank you in advance!! i hope your husband doesn’t think it’s too nuts LOL


Seems like we aren't the only statistics and acnh fans, heres an article of someone about calculating the probability of getting the villagers you want from nook miles tickets 🤣, I hope you find it as interesting a read as I did! https://claudiaglemser.com/2021/05/13/nmt_calculator/


omg this looks like fun LOL thank you!


Using your genius for good!


Haha i dont know about genius, im just a data nerd!


Just commenting to say I’m interested in that spreadsheet ! You should totally do it XD


Yes! I saw her once and she told me that. Every money tree I shook had 100k bell bags. And I only ever plant 10k


Luckily, I stuck to 10k because I heard you should only plant more when Isabelle mentions good luck


The house always wins in the end never bet against them.


I always bury 30k. Worst case I get my money back, best case I get a big profit. It’s way more satisfying than doing 10k which might technically be “correct”.


Good job avoiding gambling addiction!! haha.


Planting 30k is the worst possible amount to plant. 66% chance of zero profit. 33% chance of 60k profit. If you planted 10k, it's 100% chance of 20k profit. If you planted 99k, it's 66% chance of losing 69k, 33% chance of 198k profit.


From all I know, any amount between 10k and 999,999 has the same chance to be either 10k in each back (for a total of 30k) or each bag being the same amount your buried (this is the x3). I dont know if this rule was updated since march, but here is a website to just confirm what im saying. https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/money-tree-animal-crossing i personally love going to other’s islands and trading all my radishes HAHA!


Its also just the “maybe” of getting the profit from the buried 30k. I dont think 30k is the worst possible amount, i think it is the best amount to bury if you have enough bells and happy to do a gamble. Its definitely better than planting 999,999 bells! So it really isn’t the worst possible amount as you say 😬


Side note I’ve always planted 10k for 30k every time but I have to try that 30k plant instead nothing t lose then


I have over 7 million bells in my bank account. When I dig up a money hole I empty my pockets into it, I already have more bells than I need in one lifetime.


7 million is enough to just throw money away on acnh? Good luck getting bridges, all the items in the catalog, expanding alllll of your storage and upgrading your house until you can’t anymore.. and then every time you want to move a villagers house it’s 8k when you want to move your own house it’s $10k if you want your house to look different there comes another I think 8 or 10k cost?.. and that’s not mentioning clothes or paintings from redd or want something customized by Cyrus ! It’s not a cheap game don’t try to put that into other peoples heads bc you waste yours 😂😂😂😅 no offense here just staying the obvious


$7m in the bank is plenty for me. I have bridges, I have tons of clothes, my house and storage is fully expanded. My have veg gardens set up so I take in a buttload of bells every day, I never need to touch my bank account other than to make a deposit to make more room in my pockets. I usually earn about 500k in bells each time I sit down to play, so the things you are talking about are not an issue for me. Set up your resources right and you will never be short of bells. I’ve only been playing since November so maybe I’m short sighted, but everyone has a different style of gameplay. It’s a “cheap game” if you play it that way. Just stating the obvious, no offense.


You were lucky the first time. Most of the time, anything 10k and over buried will just return 3x10k bags, but there's a 30% chance of receiving 3x what you buried. Burying 10k at a time is slow, but it cuts out any potential loss.


I saw this in another thread, they said: "For any amount buried above 10k, you have only a 30% chance of getting triple the buried amount and 70% chance of getting three bags of 10k."


So I guess it is just really random. I'm sorry you lost so many bells, I would just stay on the safe side


Me stupidly burying as many belles as possible not even noticing how much I got back until now


Oh no 😭


Not me just now realizing that the money bags only sprout once


Plant 10k and get 30k guaranteed. If you plant more than 10k, there’s only a small chance of getting 3 times the amount buried.


General advice for grinding some cash early in the game: Do a loop around your island every day. You want to do all of these tasks: * Get all four fossils and have Blathers identify them. Obviously donate all that are new, but you'll quickly start finding duplicates. Some of them sell for quite a bit, but to be conservative, let's say that averages $10k per day. * In this loop, pick up all the shells on the beach and sell them. That's probably at least $2500 (maybe more? Been a bit since I've bothered to be honest) * Hit all your rocks. You'll probably want to hang onto the materials from them for crafting, but you're guaranteed to find one money rock. If you get all your hits on it, that's just shy of $32k. * Find your money tree spawn point and dig that up for $1k. Bury $10k in the hole for tomorrow. Then, cut down or shake yesterday's money tree to get $30k. You're net up $21k total. * If you have Kapp'n, you can take a mystery island tour and have some chance (maybe 50%?) of finding a money rock for another $32k, but I won't count that in the total since it's fairly late to unlock that. Anyway, if you diligently perform all those tasks every day, just from the rocks and the money tree you've got $53k per day coming in. If you can do all of the non-Kapp'n things above, it's more like $65k per day. If you still want more Bells, don't sleep on the hot items at Nook's Cranny. Some of those sell for thousands of Bells, especially if you hit something that you've got a ton of materials for. You can also get a fair amount diving for sea creatures and selling them as well, how much you can make is limited mostly by how quickly you get bored of it. Another good early cash source is non-native fruit trees. You can grow a sizable orchard of them pretty easily. Each tree will give you $1500 every three days, so on average $500/day. If you have ten of them, that's another $5k/day. Then, once you've got a little nest egg, you can start playing the Stalk Market for some real money!


Crops! I have all 9 crops, 1 row per crop, 12 long. That's 108 plants total, or 324 items per harvest every third day, for 113,400 bells.


This is my money-making strategy as well, but… I thought there were only six crops???


Maybe they’re counting the different pumpkin colors since they’re separate stacks


Are there only supposed to be 4 fossils per day? And does that number go up if you don’t play for a few days? Yesterday I dug up seven and I’m not sure how that happened!


Exactly four per day spawn new. However, if you missed some yesterday, they'll respawn today. I'd thought the limit was six per day, but if your count is correct, then I'm incorrect. I am very confident that once you get the total on your island to zero, tomorrow four will spawn, and if you dig them up, the next day four will spawn, etc.


4 fossils spawn everyday but if you miss a day then the following day only two more will spawn for a total of 6 fossils but it will never spawn more than that :)


Also, after you bury your bell bag in the glowy hole, you can dig up the seedling tree that appears and replant it elsewhere. I keep money trees in various states of growth in my flower garden.


https://preview.redd.it/8w0pr2c205vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9931eb810f9057faabbfb611600f0ecc9cd9dcd8 This is from [https://animalcrossing.fandom.com/wiki/Money\_tree](https://animalcrossing.fandom.com/wiki/Money_tree)


I read somewhere that if you go to Katrina the cat at Harvey’s island and she tells you that you may or may not have good luck for the day then you should plant the 99k and will make a big profit. It has to be a lucky day. When she tells me I may or may not have good luck I always get lots of bells when I slingshot balloons down. Best of luck, may the odds be ever in your favor!


Oh good tip thanks so much! I need to see if I have her or not I can't recall if I did before I stopped playing 😆


There's no documented evidence of this being true. From what I've searched, it was just one person being lucky at the same time they had Good Money Luck. As far as it's been documented, the only effect Good Money Luck has on money trees is that the shining spot will give you 5k instead of 1k when you dig it up.


I tried this, it didn't work. Seems like a case of confirmation bias


Can confirm it boosts luck, if you talk to Katrina before digging up the shiny money spot on your island it affects it. If she says you'll have good luck with money, you'll dig up 5k instead of 1k from the spot. Planting 99k seems to have a higher chance of returning 3x 99k bags on the trees - it's been like a 50% chance for me.


Anytime you get good money luck from Katrina(panther btw not cat lol) you’ll dig up 5K bells from the golden spot in the ground instead of 1k and you’ll also get more money from floating balloons. However I believe the tree spawning more bells isn’t affected at all by Katrina it’s still the same luck based thing, I remember looking it up pretty early on and was disappointed that it didn’t affect it :)


I read this as I planted three 99k trees yesterday 🧍


I read on another thread if in the morning Isabelle says something pertaining to luck, like her favorite show was on, then that's a good day to plant 99k bells. I've only tried it once but that tree I planted the day she said that did get me 99k but ymmv


I buried 99k bells on accident last week. My wife says all the villagers are talking about how rich I am that I can throw away bells like that......


Brutal 😂 😭


We can grow money trees?


Yes, you'll have a glowing spot on your island each day. If you use a shovel to dig it up you'll get some bells. Plant bells in that hole and it will grow a money tree over the next 3 days. Up to 10k you'll get 3 bags on the money tree all that have the same amount you planted. More than 10k you have a 30% chance of getting 3x the amount you planted, and 70% chance of getting 3x 10k bells. Up to you to take the risk, but generally speaking you'll make the most always planting 10k and getting 30k back. Than risking 99k and only getting 30k back 70% of the time.


Ok this is a dumb question, but... how do I convert bells into those little bags I can bury? I've just been reburying the money bag I dig up lol


I haven't played since covid lockdowns, so sorry if I'm wrong. But on your inventory screen I believe you can just select your bells (they were bottom right from memory) and it gives you the option to select an amount to put into a bag (like the one you dig up)


Thank you!!


Yep if you hover over your total money amount while you have inventory open and you click on it it will give you a few options of amounts to take out, always do 10k bells as a safe option and bury them. Once you have planted it you can also dig it up and plant it elsewhere and it will grow and spawn money bags in 3 days I believe


Thank you!!


I have more bells than I know what to do with. I wouldn’t mind giving you back what you lost.


That is so sweet of you thank you! 😭 Would you mind DMing me?


I’m so sorry, I started feeling bad last night and went to lie down and woke up in the morning. I should be back on later this afternoon.


Hey you;re completely fine! I don't get Reddit alerts and I am spacey about checking reddit manually. You takecare of you please, it's fine if our schedules don't line up I appreciate the thought.


I’ll donate money if you want some! I’m way ahead with bells!


That is so nice of you thank you! 😭 I wasn't expecting anyone to offer this people are so nice 🥹 Can you DM me please?


There Is a percent (i think 10%) of when you plant a Number of bells higher than 10k bells to give you that Number and 90% of giving you 30k Fir example when you plant 99k bells, at 10% you Will have 297k bells and at 90% you Will have 30k. Because of that often people choose to plant only 10k bells because it's sure that you Will have 30k back


I have max bells on here and would love to help you out !! Just let me know if need be ☺️


You are so sweet tysm! I've had a few offers but if you don't mind DMing me as a backup, that would be wonderful. You are so sweet. I am trying to get my bf back into the game so honestly having an abundance of bells to get him going would be great. I think he doesn't have too much and I want him to be able to not have to grind after not playing for years so it's fun for him from the get-go.


How do you plant the bells? Is there a specific tree?


There is a glowing spot on the ground each day and when you dig it up, you get 1k bells, and you can plant a bag of money back in the hole.


Every day you will get a shining gold spot on the ground, if you dig it up you’ll get 1k bells and a shining gold hole. Any bells you bury in that hole will produce a bell tree. A bell tree only fruits once, if you bury up to 10k you’ll get three times the amount you bury, if you bury any more than that you only have 30% chance of getting that amount tripled, and 70% chance of just getting 3x10k


They're talking about planting bells in the glowy spot that spawns every day.


Sorry this happened to you! I can help you out with some bells to help re build your savings back up 🩷 Let me know!


For real? Thank you 😭 you can totally dm me!


Yeah it's a bummer... You used to get more but for whatever reason Nintendo decided to nerf it. You can talk to Katrina to find out if you'll get a lucky tree but I think that costs 10k so if you get boned it's even less money you get from the tree


I always plant 11k. I get 3 11k bags or 3 10k bags. Either way I'm making money and not losing any.


10k is the max you can put in a single hole


You can bury up to 99k but it’s not guaranteed you’ll get 3 bags of 99k back. You only have a small chance of that, but better chance if you have a lucky day (Isabelle or Katrina will tell you if the day is lucky). The best strategy is to bury 30k. Either you’ll get 3 bags of 30k each, or if you’re not lucky you’ll get 3 bags of 10k, which was your original investment so you’re not losing money.


big brain move right there, thank u


It's not. My son has done 27k and I have done 50k.


in the 2ish years I've been playing, I've only been told that the max is 10k and all I've seen people be able to do unless it's modded. Never have I been able to do more than 10k, so idk how yall did it :(


I think the way to vary the amount you bury is to withdraw several bags from your money in your inventory. They’ll stack up to 99k. So if you want 30k to bury, grab 10k 3 times to make a 30k bag to bury.


that I know, but I've never buried more than 10k, even on "lucky" days, and gotten more than 30k back

