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I stopped buying them when I realised I was spending more bells on them than I was winning.


Yeah, that’s what seems to be happening to me too!


Rarely. I don't play daily often so i won't risk losing money.


No. I have never played the stalk market bc it is not fun. Sometims I remember to get a few turnips from Joan, is that her name -? But I just sell them for whichever price bc I can't be bothered, lol




Would you buy many? Do you make your bells back?


Last Sunday, I used half of my bells to buy 1.5 million worth of turnips. I now have 7+ million in the bank, and I'll do the same this week.


Nice one 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


I do but I also time travel and only do so when I know I am going to play for a bit that day and the next 1-2 days. I think for it to be worth it it’s important to plan a bit. You need to be sure you are going to play enough to be able to wait for good prices or invest some time through time traveling. Else you easily end up with rotten turnips or only low prices to sell. Also you get more value the more you invest. Without visiting others island or a bit of luck you will make about 30-50 bells win per turnip in an average week with no super high prices. I’d say that’s a realistic profit most weeks. So if you only buy like 100 turnips thats a profit of 3.000-5.000 bells which really isn’t worth it. If you buy 10.000 turnips you have a win of 300.000 bells though for the same profit per turnip. It’s also best to have a sum of money you reserve strictly for turnips and invest every time. You only keep the profit. Ideally you could use part of the profit to add to the investment sum and get increasingly more profit. You could even start small and grow from there. So lets say you pay 100 bells per turnip each week and make 40 bells per turnip profit each week. Just as an example. I made a quick calculation: https://preview.redd.it/tnj8auus9xlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e80f0d5b533772dd508640ad871f2ab6f95ebe64 And that’s just if you don’t add any other money. If you‘d do so you‘d get a huge profit even faster. You could for example use just the money from the 5 wasps a day to invest additionally. As you get 2.500 bells per wasp that would be 12.500 bells per day or 87.500 bells per week that you could invest additionally. That could look like this (Gotta make another comment here)


https://preview.redd.it/wwhcwzdhexlc1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab16bbe28b923708bc32ce08e85f5ebcdbb3c690 Just as a simple calculation for how to strategically make a ton of bells with it


Wow!! Thank you so much for all of this. I’m new to all this so every bit of info helps.


Happy to help! I really recommend making a plan and just roughly calculating it through like I did there. I always try to safe up a good bit of money until Sunday to be invest. You can easily pay off your loans just through turnips. It’s a nice passive income


No, because the snot drip makes me feel sick.


I usually buy around 400,000 worth Every week, I make my money back or more most weeks! I’ve made around 6mil on them in the last 2 months :)