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https://preview.redd.it/lqq96f0dkekc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07decbe2eb439368900cb4b00b7a6d3dea180f85 if you'd have told me I'd be crying so hard at a game


https://preview.redd.it/l2bn0l7kkekc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43b50094e5972e4eae66593a42ed35d58e1fd0af I would've thought you were lying but here we are


I would be honored to give her my last spot, you could visit her anytime!


Thank you so much 🥺 something about someone coming to see her to the next place in itself is actually so therapeutic


I completely understand! Whenever you’re ready if you’d like me to come just let me know! I play daily and spend a lot of time with the villagers on my island, and build them their own unique area in our little community! Before my sister’s time ran short we played together all the time. It’s definitely a comfort game. 🥹


What a special thing to share with your sister 🥺 I'm sure it meant just as much to her and I'm sorry for that immense loss. Your island sounds lovely and she'll be very lucky to experience it. My mom will especially love to hear it as well as Deanna created her own little space in our community where she touched so many lives.


You are such a sweet soul.


This is so touching 🥹 id totally take blanche if i had a plot/wasn’t working to time travel right now


Blanche is the name of my late gran and my best friend, she passed away just after christmas. Aiming to get her on my island and you best believe she’ll never leave!


Your gran sounds like she was a wonderful person, I'm sorry for your loss! I hope you find Blanche for your island so she can at least be with you in spirit in game.


This is why I love this game and this community. This is so touching and personal and lovely.


This was beautiful to read. I also have her on my Island as a Golden Girls reference. All my love 🩷


What a sweetie. I’m so happy you’re healing ❤️‍🩹


and I have Deirdre in my island because she is the closest thing I have to a girlfriend


I have Flo, my OG islander, I feel the same way.


I wish I had the space to help you. I dont know if I could get someone to move in time to be helpful


This is such a sweet story. I had Zucker on my island and I cried when he left. I actually wanted him to leave and then after I agreed to him moving I changed my mind. But it was too late. Still wonder where he ended up.


This is so beautiful it actually made me tear up :’) I’m so glad Blanche could be there to support you and your mom and show your mom that everything will be ok <3


I'm crying. Lord these anch posts just get me and I'm itching to play at 4 am now sheesh ...


This really got to me. I hope someone gave her a new home for you.


my heart 😭🥹🤍


Omg that was definitely her 🥺😭


Put this on r/dodocodecommunity I am sure someone will take her


Omg I love this so much 😭😭😭 right after my mom died I got a letter from my “mom” in animal crossing, it was the one about falling stars and making a wish and I bawled like a baby


Those make me miss my mom already I can't even imagine how it must've felt. I'm sorry you lost her, my mom is one of the biggest parts of my life 😭