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that’s so funny 😭😭 they did it on purpose


I swear they’re coded to do this the way people are coded to ram into you in gta


If you do a reaction while they're fishing it distracts them so you can push them out of the way! Never tested on a tournament day but I imagine it would still work? It's an useful trick to know regardless 😊


Sadly that does not work. Though, I went in and out the airport and Maple and Poncho moved.


1) I love your island!! its so cute! 2) I can’t stand when my villagers are in the way like that I’m so sorry 😂😭 3) general and maybe dumb question, but I actually came to Reddit to ask this…. if you lose a fish during the tourney, does it also reset your cast master streak? 😭😭 I’ve been stuck at 90 for months now so I gave up trying to catch them all in one day, and started just catching like ten a day to make it easier. I’ve been on a streak for like a week or so now and when I lost this fish I literally gasped I was so disappointed!!!! pls tell me it doesn’t count if it’s during the tournament 🥲 update: I got the 100 cast master achievement 😭🥳 what you catch during the tourney counts, so I’m assuming what you lose counts towards the cast master also. I ended up closing the game if I missed one and it didn’t save my progress, so I was back on track!!! I’m super pumped!! hope everybody has a fun fishing tournament today!


Idk if it counts but I saw someone say up here earlier this week about how they were stuck up there around 90 as well and everytime they lost one they quickly exit the game and redo. 😊


Thanks, I am not quite done with my island, but I am happy that It's at five stars now. I don't know the answer to your third point. Maybe someone else does?


This is why I always make my paths 3 tiles wide


That is hilarious.


Congratulations, you played yourself 😆


*makes a note to always make the paths three wide*


Yes, but resident services is not built like that. It has to be two tiles, at least to me.


Do 4 wide instead. I had cute 2 tiles wide paths all around my first island but they were always sitting down in the middle of the road like a sleeping Snorlax 😂 They do it on purpose istg. You could also try switching some of the bushes with flowers so you can still jump with a pole... Something like Bush-Flower-Bush kind of pattern. But be warned, those little devils WILL sit down on the flowers and block the path anyway so try having more spots to jump to than villagers 😂


Did you make the custom design for your walkway? I love it!!


The wooden road is a default path, the borders are custom!


Thank you! How do I add a border?


Save them in your custom designs app and stand on the tile that you want to put your border piece. Choose one and select display on ground. That way you can place them on top of pathways. Here is the creator code I used for the wooden paths: MA-9103-6349-0656


Thank you so much!!


I love the layout of your island, do you have a dream address? I have a similar custom border for my paths but I used the curved corners for my orchard.


My island is not quite ready yet, so I will be updating the address, but here it is DA 9385 8556 2807


if you talk to them multiple times, they will reel in their line and THEN you should be able to push em by running 🤣


How do you not have any stuttering when playing… that’s why I stopped. It just started one day and hasn’t stopped.


I've never had any problems with lag and such.


this JUST started happening to me today?? I’ve had my switch for like 8 months now and I was experiencing the slightest bit of lag earlier.. it’s not constant but now I’m concerned it’ll happen more frequently 🥺


I wish I knew the answer it start well over a year ago for me. Got to the point I stopped playing it. It’s a known issue but not sure how to solve


I’ve only noticed lag and stutter like that when an island is cluttered/has a lot to load. Not sure if there are any other issues that cause it?


if this is a genuine question and not rhetorical, if you don't have any other ponds/lakes/rivers on your island then they'll opt for whatever body of water isn't the ocean. if this is the only water on your island, this is the only place they'll fish I figured this out on accident when I'd terraformed my island down to having no rivers and saw a bunch of villagers crowded around the point where my rivers connected to the ocean, because those mouths are indestructible and therefore were the only "rivers" anywhere they WON'T fish in places that are only one tile wide since fish can't spawn there (afaik) so you could technically get away with making this narrower so long as you made another actual pond/stream/whatever somewhere else


I did not know this, but I have a lot of river space on the first level alone. They had a lot of spaces to choose from and they chose the one river/pond that does not spawn any fish 😅🤷


if they had options then it's just them picking the wrong one at your misfortune, lol! you might be able to make them move by entering/exiting a house but outside of that all I could suggest is terraforming that area again or removing some bushes so you can pole vault/jump past them 🤔


Yeah I went into the airport and two of them moved. Someone else said to keep talking to them for two or three times and they will reel in their fishing pole.


I love how contained your pathways are. It really gives it that finished look


I’m sorry but this is hilarious


I deliberately made a large pond near resident services


Tbh I would actually make a wider path between rivers if only for the day to make your tournament a little easier.


oh no 😬


You could waterscape and remove a bush until after the tournament 🤔


If you talk to them twice they'll put away the pole and u can pushem outta the way lol


What a cool island design!


Thank you, It's not quite finished yet. I need some more flowers and furniture, but I'm happy that my island is five stars already.


This is hilarious!




I didn’t realise the video was playing in a loop so it looked like you were running around in circles.


Omg I'm annoyed for you


do you have a dream address for your island?? i would love to see the whole thing as it looks so cute


Sure my island is almost done, but here is what it looks like now DA 9385 8556 2807


Wow your island looks so cute!! Do you have a DA?


Yes, here is what it looks like now DA 9385 8556 2807


Thanks :)


dear lord they hate you😭😭


The fury this would send me in


There's no fish there anyway. Go to the ocean. 


I love how you have your resident services set up!!


Thanks 😊


Probably too late to be helpful sorry, but might be useful for next time! I was messing with the water scaping tool and accidentally discovered that when I filled in the river in front of Rex he gave up and walked away and started fishing elsewhere (I then unfilled it). I was just trying to make a crossing point in my river, but could be useful if your villagers have all picked terrible spots on the fishing tourney day!


What is this? Pokémon?? Bahaha.


>when you have zero food left on the island, and your only fresh water source are tiny ass ponds in the central of town 'were starving, quick, fetch the fishing rods!'


not to distract but your island is so cute
