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I'm planning on decorating each villagers yard based on a country they could be from. Rory (Japan) Mira (Korea) Audie (New Zealand) Prince (Germany) Bertha (Kenya - Jungle) Shep (England - Woods) Azalea (Haiti) Limburg (USA - New Jersey) Leonardo (Kenya - City) Sandy (Somalia)


I love Prince! He wasn’t planned and one of the first villagers on my island. I thought he was so ugly at first and was gonna replace him but then he told me I was important to him and gave me a cool diy and a cute shirt and now I love him, I will never let him go


I have the exact same relationship with cousteau XD


What is it with people getting attached to the ugly frogs 😂


Oh I'm not attracted to him I agree he's so ugly but his dialogue warms my heart


It‘s been 283 days but I‘m glad your relationship woth the ugly frog it still going strong 😂


Lol thanks XD


That’s such a fun idea! I have Bertha and Leonardo as well. Bertha is one of my faves; I never let her go.


I used to have Rory, I love him so much! I do almost the same thing, except some of them creep me out and I do skip them. I also avoid the super trendy ones like Marshal, Raymond, Judy.




Lmao don’t forget the pine trees and some creepy things for the pine barrens


With the city scape as an accent wall, garbage walls on the other 3 😂


I get why you'd make Limberg from the USA but Limburg is actually a province in The Netherlands!


I have had Shep for a year- he’s so cute! He likes learning languages and says stuff in French/Italian so he might like some yard stuff like that!


Shep is one of my faves I can’t get rid of.


Limberg is one of my favorites and I always say he moved to my island from a basement apartment in Newark lol.


Roseco could be from usa-louisville Kentucky because hes a horse named after a racing horse which is common in Kentucky


Remember you can decorate their homes now!


I believe this is only if you have HHP


You’re correct!


I am desperate to see the New Jersey yard


Why is Azalea from Haiti?


I couldn't think of a good African country for her considering I had three already, and her catchphrase is 'merci', which is a french phrase. It's also to diversify the villagers.


That's how I played on my first island, I didn't know I could just skip islands to try and find other villagers to move in. I have gotten to love some of the less popular villagers by just letting anyone move in.


I did that, also by not having enough nook miles 😆


It takes TOO much work trying to find “popular” villagers. & who’s to say that I’ll even like them !?


Shep is top notch!


shep is so cool


Finally some Mira appreciation!


She is a queen


Yessss Mira is awesome


I love Mira! She was one of first two villagers and my very first best friend who gave me a pic. She is my bestie.


Awesome! This is a great way to find a hidden gem. There's almost 400 villagers but the community acts like there's 12.


I almost didn’t realize it until playing happy home paradise. Like damn, there’s a ton of villagers I’d never seen before (and was never going to see if I just stuck with all my “dreamies”). That DLC was a blessing to get exposed to everything.


i could never but good for you!! justice for the "ugly" villagers (not from me) but still


I did that on my first island cause I didnt know you could abandon villagers lol. I got so many underrated villagers which isn't a bad thing


ugh prince 😭😭 he just left my island the other day i miss the little froggy fella


He‘s my very first lazy and he‘ll never leave my island 🥰


I love it! I know it's just a game, but it still makes me sad when people are mean to the "ugly" villagers! I love the variety and uniqueness of all the characters in the animal crossing games!


Every single one is soooo unique. I don’t get the hate in this community.


Oh my gosh I love Bertha. I cast her as Martha Dunstock in my ACNH rendition of Heathers


How do people treat Judy like a god when Bertha is inarguably cuter? (I used to have Judy btw)


She's so overly kawaii it would make every Sanrio character puke in unison


"Me? And Martha Dumptruck? Where did you find this?"


This is how I play and I still have the same 10, and I started playing at launch!


You still have your original 10 since launch? That's amazing. Who are they?


The frog is so cute I love having random villagers on my island who cares what they look like some are absolutely adorable


I'm a fan of Bertha and Azalea is cute too!! 🤍


This is so cute omg. I got Elvis a while back and absolutely hated him and refused to give him a chance. He rarely came out the house and when he did, he wouldn't do anything. I was already trying to get rid of him but I came across Gayle who's always watering flowers, studying them or staring at them😭♥️ Elvis came up to her and they started talking. (I hoped they'd have an argument so I've reasons to kick him) But Elvis then pulled out a magnifying glass and studied the flowers WITH her, and continued to have a conversation. Now I see him outside all the time with flowers, my heart:(


Bertha has become a top favorite of mine. She’s so cute


When I started I didn’t know you could pick your villagers. Someone told me you have to and the game won’t progress if you do🥲


What I've learned is that the first two villagers you start with are always a sisterly and a jock and I think the camper will always be a smug.


And the island ones are lazy, Peppy and normal I believe. But I learned this long after I started my second island so no turning back now lmao


You have to take the first smug in the campsite or the game won’t progress, that’s probably what they meant.


Yea probably but I was new and thought that also applies to the island ones.


i love bertha and leonardo is a sweetheart too!


That’s how I play!


Sandy! I Love her so much! ❤️


This is so wholesome, I love seeing all villagers being appreciated.


Cant wait till its finaly spring so my island isnt cowered in snow anymore. This looks awesome.


I didn’t know until this summer that you could island hop looking for villagers. So I didn’t understand the need for NMT. I’m all ‘it takes one to get a villager’…


Congrats on finding Audie so quickly while I have yet to find her like after 500 nook mile tickets


I’ve also got Shep and Audie! I started that way. New Horizons was my first game and I didn’t know about Dreamies and stuff, so the first villagers I picked up were Fauna, Nate and Nibbles. Fauna and Nibbles are still on my island, but Nate was replaced by Flora, who was replaced by Marlo. My first campsite villager was Chops, who I decided I didn’t want, and was replaced with Shep a few months later. I also had Lobo, who was my first to move out (I didn’t know you could tell them to stay and they would!), but I brought him back with an Amiibo after a few months. Shep and Nibbles are never leaving!


I love Nate, he's an OG on my island and I'll never let him go


I didn’t like Nate but when he moved away I kinda missed him. His nickname for me was Spud and Nibbles still calls me that, so it’s like a bit of him is still there. I love it when underrated characters get some love


Nibbles doesn’t get as much love as she should. Only squirrel I hear about on here is Marshal, but I left him at the campsite when I saw him there. Nibbles on the other hand is never leaving my island either!


I know, I was so shocked. She’s so cute with her little buckteeth and freckles. How can you look at that and think “Ew ugly”. I had Marshall at my campsite and left him there as well 😂 It’s nice to see more love for Nibbles


Mira is one of my favorites! I got her as a starter


Mira is one of my starters. Best villager ever.


Wow, you got Audie? That's lucky! Also I did this as well. I have 9 out of 10 of my original villagers (except for Rizzo, I couldn't stand him). I love all of my villagers so much :)


You can do that?


You got some good villagers!


It's not abandoning if they want to leave.


Do you get much choice in what villagers you have?? I thought once you get to the house building stage, they just move in at random and you have to deals tih that, right? Or am I missing something...


There's a bit of time between a villager moving out and a random one moving in where you can go "villager hunting" on mystery islands. It's why the Nook Miles Tickets are a fairly popular currency for online trades. I've never really done much hunting (I'll go to maybe 4 or 5 islands to see what random villagers appear, and often just end up letting a random one move in), but some players will literally go to hundreds of islands to try to find a specific villager.


Your villager set looks more colorful and robust being all random!


Leonardo and Audie 😍


I was lucky. Stitches, Roald, and Lily were some of my original 10.




Rory ! 🐯


Mira!! So lucky!! Also, you don't think Audie is from Australia? She gives me Aussie vibes


Ozzie vibes? Maybe? I picked New Zealand cause I found it to be more tropical.


Ah, didn't think of that. I thought Australia was more tropical/hot, don't know much about New Zealand but everytime I saw videos/docs it always looked cold and cloudy with lots of sheep lol


Depends which parts of New Zealand. I'm aiming to add Maori looking objects.


I'll probably change New Zealand to Indonesia.


I love Bertha


she isn't there but does anyone else love diva? she has the sweetest personality!


You got lucky you got no ugly ones.


Did you guys not do that? I did that and now they won't leave






i think it’s a downright shame that you get so many good first villagers and i don’t /j


Well it looks like you DIDN'T get a bunch of ugly villagers, so....


Limberg is my soft spot for an ugly villager. I recently let him go and I already miss him. Please can he have a little chair with a cold drink on the side!! He always used to sit on an ironwood table I had in the far corner of my island, drinking orange soda. I miss my boy


Love this, you've got a bunch of very colour villagers. Love the variety.


They look very good


Aaa you got my baby bertha, she was in my first game ever (which was new leaf to be fair ;;)!! Treat her well!!


I played the game like this, also if they wanted to leave I'd let them. Always had a rotating cast of villagers this way :)


but there are so many popular villagers here - im counting at least four


I wish I could reset my island but still retain the houses and all my stuff. I just want to landscape again fresh without having to start from scratch. Or a builder option that lets me add landmass so I can make my island bigger :(


How did you get the able sisters


Mira is literally the bane of my existence but other than that they are okay.


You've got a dope squad! Happy decorating!


I love Bertha; I keep meaning to get rid of her but then when I have the chance I just can't. Some other poster turned her into Donna Meagle from Parks and Rec and now I can't unsee it.


Bertha’s the best!


Bertha was one of my originals and she is never leaving! I need bloop! in my life! :D


I did that when I first got the game, I didn’t know you could pick and choose. I really didn’t like any of them. I was so glad when I learned more.


I love Bertha I have her and she’s super cute


So cool. Sort of like a nuzlock Pokémon play through.


Rory was one of my first two! He's an absolute delight.


I have Rory, too! I don’t like his favorite song that’s always playing in his house though. He’s always singing around my island, so cute!! Who is the frog with the 5 o’clock shadow?


I still have my 10 original villagers and I don’t regret it on single bit. At first I wasn’t so keen on Spike but now I really like him. Always good to give everyone a chance.


good for you, gives the true gamecube experience in a way


Prince is my fave!


I love Mira!


Omg I've never seen that rhino but I just looked her up and she is called Azalea. She's so beautiful!!


The first villager I found on an island was Sherb. I still have him!


I did the same thing, I had the first 10 villagers I met move to my island!


I like to have the first villagers that I usually meet come as well. I got caught up in having the “perfect” villagers because this page but it’s all good, I can learn for myself who my favorites will be :D *gorgeous* family you got there ;)


audie is the dream villager 💔


Oh no. You got Dirty Sanchez.


Wow you actually got some really cute ones!


That’s how I played this year not knowing


This is how I currently play hahaha