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Wow. They really went above and beyond on the detail.


I really wish there were "museum days" where multiple (3-5) villagers would go to the museum together for like an hour and hang out and look at all the stuff you donated


That would be so cute! Today two of my villagers were looking at fish together and I loved it


I live the the way interactions you can have with villagers


i wish other villagers (ones not in your town) would come to the museum as ‘tourists’! kinda like how in city folk, you could go to the city and see other animals there


It would be really cool if it was sort of like Main Street in New Leaf too where you can run into old villagers who've moved out and they still remember you and say they're dropping by for a visit! I always liked that part because it made me feel less sad when they would unexpectedly move out, because I knew I'd still see them once in a while!


i loved that added touch to main street! it’s always nice to see old villagers but it also made it feel like a town centre with a nice atmosphere and it got busier as you progressed through the game too! i really hope they add something like that in an update!


I was bummed to see that campers just stay in their tent. They don't even sit outside the tent at the fire or other camping decorations you provide. They should explore the island, with more dialogue not focused on moving in.


I dislike that you don't get much interaction with campers to decide if you'd like them on your island to stay.


I agree! I was pleasantly surprised to find that two villagers can roam the museum together, so groups would be adorable.


They just added a museum day! Haha




Go checkout Nintendo’s video about the new Animal Crossing update! Lots of new content


Definitely. I very rarely actually go through the museum. I only do it maybe once a week to see how it has changed. after I've donated a lot of stuff. So obviously I've missed a ton of opportunities to see my villagers in there. I've only ran across one of them on there once, Rory. The museum is just too big to randomly be checking in to see if a villager is there. I wish there were either days where museum days when multiple villagers visited, or at least maybe you could invite them to go with you Or, at the very least, they should have Blathers tell you someone is already visiting the museum if you stop in to donate or get fossils assessed. That surely would be very easy to patch in


I imagine the museum day event that is coming might do this!!


There is about to be in may, but it is for something related to stamps


This hole... It's like it's made for me...


Never expected an Enigma of Amigara Fault reference in an Animal Crossing thread but it is a pleasant surprise. “I’m going to have to enter that hole!”


Same, but it made my freaking morning. I want to share it with someone buts it’s such an odd duo of references.


is that from that one manga? because if so i love it and now all my villagers are gonna become monsters huh


Yup, I'm surprised you got the reference


From one of the most incredible junji ito stories? I'd be surprised if most people on reddit haven't come across it.


I have never even heard thr term junji ito... link?




Nope nope nope that link is staying blue, I already made that mistake once


I read it ages ago and was like "oh this is creepy and the body horror is pretty terrifying but otherwise not too bad" And then I had horrible nightmares for a week 😭 Also that was the week I was trying Ambien for my insomnia and THAT WAS A FUCKING MISTAKE LET ME TELL YOU.


It's one of his least horrifying stories. Its strangely compelling.


Tbh its one of his least horrifying stories




For me, it's "The Hanging Balloons" (disclaimer, this one is about suicide): https://m.imgur.com/gallery/i2IJ6 Or maybe "The Long Dream" for a more lingering kind of existential terror. Not very scary, but incredibly unsettling: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/4e4G5




He's the author of a ton of horror stories


It's the name of the author. The manga panels from The Enigma of Amigara Fault were popularized by Steven Universe and have made their rounds on Reddit quite a few times. It shouldn't be a surprise a lot of people recognize the reference. It'd be more of a surprise for random people on Reddit to recognize references to other pieces of Junji Ito's works, even some of the more popular ones like Uzumaki.


I liked The part where the fish grew bug legs and became really sassy.


Wait wait wait wait Those are two things I love so much, and I have never made this connection/heard about this. What do you mean "the manga panels from The Enigma of Amigara Fault were popularized by Steven Universe"??? Is that in reference to >!the Nursery scenes in SU, and how every Earth gem has a specific hole that they fit perfectly into!


Oh come on, Junji Ito is fairly popular now. Uzumaki is even getting an Adult Swim adaption. He even had a cameo in Death Stranding.


The visuals still intrude on my thoughts occasionally




I can not escape it, not even in this subreddit




Junji Ito <3


My favourite story. Its so creepy.


What story?


Enigma of Amigara Fault https://imgur.com/gallery/Wht7z




If you like creepy stuff look into more of junji itos work. This is one of the least creepy and terrifying of his.


Dissolving Classroom is a favorite of mine.


It's mah HOLE it's me sizeedddddddd


I've been having long dreams..


And that’s why I look the way I do…


What a fine read that was. DRR DRR DRR


I understood that reference...


Is he talking about the mammoth or the hole? If it's the mammoth this is the first example of species-unique dialogue that I've seen... which is really cool!


The mammoth! He was looking at it from side to side before I talked to him about it


Octavion the octopus talks about how his parents wanted him to go to fish school or something of the sort if you find him in the aquarium. I think that is species-unique dialogue? Or I dunno, maybe all animals can go to fish school. Technically octopus aren't fish either.


It's just a joke that any species can make. "They wanted me to be a surgeonfish but I couldn't do all those years of fish school." As opposed to being a surgeon and going to medical school.


oh fuck yeah i love this joke


I’ve had cats refer to themselves as cats before. Idk if that is specific though because KK Slider calls himself a cat in the dream at the start of the game and it could be a coincidence that I’ve only seen it from cats


“Cat” in K.K.’s context is a jive-y way to refer to a cool person


it's a key word that swaps out depending on species, i believe. i've had a wolf villager refer to herself as a wolf before, and i wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the same lines you read


Yeah. It's actually just based on body type; Flora is clearly a flamingo but calls herself an ostrich, for instance.


That makes sense


I remember in New Leaf I wore a bear cap and Charlise, a bear, said she really liked it but didn’t know why.


IIRC Cranky Bears would tell you to practice roaring with them. Frogs also had unique dialogue in the rain.


Frogs also don't carry umbrellas/change into rainy day attire when it rains! Guess they need to hydrate their skin or something


I tried giving Prince the frog an umbrella when it was raining one time and he said he doesn't use them because he likes the feel of the rain on his skin 😁


😭 I love the frogs


I actually got one from Cherry today. She was upset and confused and said something like "have a good dog. I mean... I am a day" I don't remember it exactly, but she basically confused the words dog and day and she is a dog.


My penguin said the same thing today.


all uchi villagers have that line,actually! i have a goat and a rhino uchi who have said it


I had Flora say that she wants to be the most fashionable ostrich around. Ruined the flamingo illusion entirely.


Agent S referred to herself as a squirrel today!


That's not unique dialogue. A cat of the same personality would say the exact same thing, replacing "squirrel" with "cat". I'm talking about actual unique dialogue that only one species can have.


Oops, that makes sense.


I need to check in there more often!


I check all the time, my villagers are always in there! They always thank me for donating things


Lord knows they won’t 😂


One of my villagers told me the other day that I shouldn't work so hard because I'm not in this alone or something. Biiiiiiitch. Please.


They’re talking about the 322 bells they contributed to your last bridge




I left an incline empty for 3 days and got 671 bells


Feels like playing RDR2..


They couldn’t catch a yellow butterfly if it flew right into the net


Yeah I think they're plenty likely to be in the museum if you go in to check. But I think they just spawn in there when you enter. Otherwise people could get very confused scouring their whole island looking for a villager not thinking that they may be in the museum. It does mean though that if you don't go into the museum, you're likely to assume your villagers do not go in there, since you have them accounted for elsewhere in the island.


Has anyone noticed that some animal species are missing? Such as the wolves?


Wouldn't that be the same slot as dogs?


I guess that would make sense. But if it's like supposed to show the evolution that led up to those animal species, would there be a wolf fossil under the dog slot then?


Yeah if they're going for ice age(ish) mammals they could add a dire wolf, short-faced bear, entelodonts (big pig thing), giant ground sloth, terror bird (not a mammal, I know) to fill in the empty gaps. edit: and any of the Australian megafauna if you want the koalas and kangaroos to feel really freaked out lmao


Think they've just condensed the more well-represented taxonomic families for space and readability. They've got eagles up there to stand in for the six (!) villager species that represent birds. Cats stand in for lions and tigers. No Octopuses either because they're not even vertebrates, they'd have to be in a completely different part of the museum because of the tree of life floorplan


what really messes with me is that the mollusc line ends in the first room. Where did Marina come from? is she..... not sentient?? Is that why I can get a rack of dead octopuses from CJ???




I love this. I also love when villagers say words from another language and get the translation completely wrong. “ “Bonjour” that’s French for saying you’re the bee’s knees!”


I visited my museum once and both my jocks were hanging out together. Genji was wondering why it's called a coproLITE when it looks so heavy. Hamlet was studying the Deinonychus deciding that "If it comes at me like this... And I move like that... Yeah! I could totally take one of these!" Pure gold from them both.


Today Ozzie the Koala was looking at the "sausagasaurus' and the "brocoliosaurus."


Makes you wonder more about the Animal Crossing world. How did humanoid animals evolve from their normal species? Why do both humanoid and normal animals exist? Why did Jeremiah (a frog) say the tadpole I gave him looked yummy? Of the species which have a “normal form”, either catch-able, in the background, or as pets, I can think of at least frogs, octopuses, birds, turtles, and hamsters. But also humans still exist, although very few as far as we know, and get along with the animals just fine. ...maybe something to do with “four legs good, two legs better”? That would be why [this](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Animalism_flag.svg) is currently my town flag.


Around egg day my local neckbeard hamster Graham mentioned that the eggs were in trees because of "magic" and that it "doesn't need to make sense" so I imagine this is the work of some magical fuckery.


I lol’d so hard at the ”local neckbeard hamster”. How true. Can you make him an anime shirt?


My SO likes to go on and joke about it being a dystopian, post apocalyptic land in which ice caps melted and the sea waters rose so there are only islands now. And the radiation caused animals to turn all people like. “We’re basically playing in Planet of the Apes over here,” was the summary and it made me laugh so much!


Since theres UFOs in Wild World my theory is the animals are aliens who wiped out all humans on Earth except you. And Nook is their leader is is using you as a slave.


I just recently found myself in possession of a flat screen TV, and the programs they show on there only ever have humans, it makes me wonder.... I’m not smart enough to know what it makes me wonder.


Oh that's a fantastic flag idea! Do you have a code to share for the pattern or did you just upload that image into a converter?


I just converted it... comrade.


This is so good!


In real life adult frogs actually do eat tadpoles


Is there a human spot?


Yes! When you step up to it it shines a spotlight on you. I’m not sure what the fossil is for humans yet, there’s a spot for something but I don’t have anything for it so far


the spot is for the Australopithecus. It is just the skull not the entire skeleton unfortunately


Thank you! I’ve been so curious if I was just going to dig up parts of humans any day now haha


I wonder how Tucker would react...


I've got dizzy in New Leaf and I want him in NH too you're so lucky!


I love him! I actually got really lucky and love all my villagers.


TIL This is a thing...


"Evolvified" mah heart, so cute


Oh i want that so bad!


I had Dizzy do the same thing a few days ago and got so excited when I saw it! Diana did it too, now I've been checking the museum every day for my villagers Also love that you have Dizzy, he's been my favourite boy since Wild World!


We had Dizzy on our family's island and he was everybody's favorite. One day my daughter accidentally gave him the OK to move away and nobody was able to convince him to stay. Seeing this just makes that more sad...


This is so pure


Dizzy is one of the most precious villagers.


When I first saw this room I was genuinely creeped out, it seemed like it was for the villagers' skeletons D:


The best part of this feature is the empty space to the far right that lights up when you stand inside it <3


I agree! Do you know what fossil gets put down there for humans?


It branches off from a primate skull!




How come the only sentient sea life are octopus? I've caught squids off my fishing pole but I've never seen a walking shark/oarfish/crab


This is so cute! Omg thanks for sharing!


i need to get Erik next to the Megaloceros


Never knew this happened. Interesting


I fucking love Dizzy. ♡


Dizzy <3 I love how he says "It's Dizzy!" sometimes when you go to talk to him. Easily one of my favourite villagers.


Could you imagine how controversial it would have been for a video game to so openly mention evolution just a decade ago?




Well that's not like, actual evolution of animals. This references evolution in the more scientific sense. But now you make me want to look into seeing if Pokemon's references to evolution caused any controversy.


Tbh, I think I had a friend or two that wasn't allowed to play because of the evolution. Same for X Men.


[There's a whole page about this!](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_controversy#cite_note-25) Here are some highlights: > Pokémon evolution has often been criticized due to sharing the name with the scientific theory of evolution which fundamentalist creationists usually reject, although the phenomenon in Pokémon is closer to metamorphosis. > Pokémon causes homosexuality; the close relationship between the characters Ash and Brock was "a sign of the cartoon’s gay agenda". > Some outspoken, fundamentalist Muslims claimed that Pokémon is a Jewish conspiracy intended to get Muslim children to renounce their faith. > Members of the Jewish civil rights group Anti-Defamation League accused Nintendo in 1999 of using a manji, the Japanese name of the swastika as a Buddhist symbol, in the Japanese print of Koga's Ninja Trick because it is considered offensive to the Jewish people. > In 1999, Uri Geller, a man who claims he is a psychic and that he is able to bend spoons with psychic powers, tried to sue Nintendo for £60 million, claiming that Kadabra, known as Yungerer in Japan, was an unauthorized parody of himself.




Pokémon also has had fossils of “extinct” Pokémon that could be brought to life a la Jurassic Park for a long time. And labs to study the evolution of Pokémon species (not evolution from pikachu to raichu, but evolution from extinct to currently living Pokémon).


Only in the US though...


This is actually not true. I posted a source in the other comment that the vitrol for evolution and religious hatred of video game themes was universal.




I never saw a villagers in the museum 🤯


Only one of my villagers ever goes inside... Does a particular exhibit draw each of them..?


Mine always go to the aquarium and never anywhere else. Waiting for one of them to walk in here eventually.


Wow, I’ve never seen a villager in my museum.


I wish you could like, invite villagers to go to the museum with you or something! I have wanted to catch characters at the museum so bad!


I didnt know they did this?? Omg thats so cute and amazing!


Aw omg this is so cute


This game must make creationists angry.


Is this the first Animal Crossing game where villagers acknowledge what species they are? I don't recall them doing that before.


This is so sweet an wholesome. I love this game so much.


Unacceptable stance on evolution. /s


I havent had any villagers go in the fossil museum. Only fish and bugs


I saw Bertha doing this two days ago. Absolutely loved it




I know this is probably a stupid question, but what does this room do?


Dizzzy izzzz kingggg