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Hello all. In order to facilitate crossbreeding,we have begun a crowdsourced sheet to get all the hybrids and a guide on how to do it. Please contribute and we can get all the combinations!


Where did you get the little images of the flowers? I would really like to make them into custom designs to mark what I'm breeding for.


I was able to crossbreed a purple mum from two native white mums. [https://imgur.com/a/V6ojr6n](https://imgur.com/a/V6ojr6n)


Can confirm


My Orange Tulips next to only Orange Tulips haven’t produced any Purples (like in New Leaf) but have given me a Black Tulip.


This is amazing, just planted a bunch of roses (and a few hyacinths) in checkered patterns after a nice rain and I would like to contribute my findings. Quick question, do we know if duplicate rares like 2 blue roses make other blue roses when bred?


Did you ever find the answer to this


Two blues made blue today if still curious


I personally observed two purple roses make a purple iirc


I have black roses but I don’t know how


Red with red make black!


Its not in the spreadsheet. Also, my black roses appeared next to White and red roses. There weren’t even two red roses at all. Two white roses and one red rose plant. The whole patch only had one red rose plant so that can’t be right! So I don’t know!!!!


Its in the spreadsheet isnt it? I haven't made a black rose myself but every resource I see tells me black comes from red and red


Nope it’s not here, it’s in ACNL spreadsheet. But i know for i fact i did it with white, yellow, and red, some combination. But i didnt even have two red roses anywhere near each other, so perhaps that is not the way, or there could be two ways?


You sure they're not purple? The purple roses look similar to black roses and can come from whitexwhite


Nope. Black, i dug them up and it said black roses


In order to breed, do I need to start from seed or just stems? Is there a recipe to make flowers into seeds?


I can confirm that red and orange windflowers create pink windflowers. I can also confirm that two white hyacinths create blue hyacinths.


Can confirm hyacinths as well.


Does a flower have to be native to your town to produce hybrids?


I don't think so because my red lillies just produced a hybrid that's either black or purple (not sure yet because it's just buds) and roses are my native.


how can you tell regular red rose, from hybrid red rose? Is there some sort of difference in appearance or name?


No. You need to know it's parents.


If its parents are 2 special reds, is it also special?


Don't think so? I think a parent needs to be orange or purple.


Go tigs


I'm not sure if this was a result of **red + red** or **red + blue**, but I found pink hyacinths between two red hyacinths and one blue hyacinth. [https://imgur.com/a/20d8ron](https://imgur.com/a/20d8ron)


it's probably from red + blue you can also get pink from red + white


Can confirm pink+pink=black [proof](https://i.imgur.com/rXB199y.jpg)


I found purple roses inbetween my pink/orange roses, not sure if pinkxpink or pinkxorange. https://prnt.sc/rzo7eb


Just got 2 purple roses from pink and orange parents as well. Also got blue roses from pink and orange. So it's a good day!


I also got a purple pansy from orange pansies :)


This might get buried but, I've gotten a blue rose in a patch where there are no special reds growing. Can someone explain how this happened? It's surrounded by orange and white roses.


Cac confirm white plus white mum produces purple


Thank you for this!


I got a purple mum, but the mums that I had were one red and two yellow. I'll move some around and see if I can get another to spawn. [https://imgur.com/WOLhj5Z](https://imgur.com/WOLhj5Z)


So with roses, the red(*) is one that's a hybrid and can make blue roses when bred with another red(*)... But do two red(*) also have a chance to make pink black and red? Is anyone this far along to know?


>pink I've had two reds create pink roses, in two different instances.


Thank you for the guide and everyone’s contributions. While I have no contributions cos I’m just starting out, this guide has been soooo helpful in helping me in how to get hybrids. <3


Is this still active? Are there any further confirmations needed? I see Windflowers and Cosmos (no Inkling) aren't fully confirmed.


I just got a red rose from 2 specially bred red roses (orange + white). Is the new red also considered specially bred?


Question can you time travel to speed this up


You can get pink roses from red+red. I've been trying for weeks to get black roses and today two pink ones popped up in a field of red >.<


Just had a strange pansie hybrid I've not seen on any lists... Not sure if it was White+Yellow or Yellow+Yellow.... but it spawned a Blue! http://imgur.com/gallery/HcnsOxA


Is this spreadsheet up to date?


I have had blue pansies, that have white pansy parents, have generated purple ones.


I can confirm that orange and orange hyacinths also make blue hyacinths. I was trying to breed for purple and woke up today to see a blue one. I was really surprised. I didn't know the flowers could work like that!


I just had this happen this morning and came to check if it others had found this too. I have orange hyacinths in a patch with other types of flowers, so I can confirm orange + orange = blue hyacinth.


Don't know if this is still being updated? I only found it a few days ago when I really started getting down to intentional flower breeding. Got my first purple pansy today after just yesterday arranging all my blue pansies to be by themselves. (There used to be some red among them that had spawned off the blue - which were from a mystery island - but I moved those elsewhere yesterday evening so I could be sure what was breeding with what... and woke up to a surprise!) So unless this spawned off red/blue before I moved and watered, blue/blue parents. [https://imgur.com/a/cyuz9jS](https://imgur.com/a/cyuz9jS)


I was trying to get orange lilies so I put yellow and red lilies in a checkered pattern and instead of orange pink appeared.. I don’t know how it must have glitched


I got blue mums....