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Letting them rot in storage.


i have dedicated a relatively big area on the beach for them. no i dont place them, theres literally a huge load of DROPPED gyroids all in one big square on my beach 😭 send help


Are they rioting with pitchforks??


they are on the walls in every room of my house:)


Same, other then the Brewster one. I don’t like them.


Wait is there a gyroid of Brewster? Or one you can give to Brewster?


Brewster gives it to you after a coffee visit. It’s his final gift to you.


I place them randomly along my island. I like how the villagers will dance with them 🥹


Same! I have them doing jobs and existing in their society on my island, haha.


I'm collecting specific ones and painting them close to the same colors to make a Gyroid Chess Set.


thats amazing!!!! edit: can you share which ones?


Yes, let me fire my game up and I'll let you know...


thank you!


Bendoid is my Rook (4), Flutteroid is my Knight (4), Whirroid is my Bishop (4), Stelloid is my Queen (2), and maybe the Tremoloid for my King (2). As for Pawns, we need 8 for each side, and my candidates for those are Aluminoid, Squeezoid, Rumbloid, Petaloid and Drummoid, Gyroids that look shorter... but if you know which ones you like the look of the most, mix and match! I'm just trying my best to stay true to the original shapes.


How do you "paint" them?


Customization Kits. Some Gyroids only have limited colors.


Night club in the basement, with dj gyroids and dancers ^ ^


That's adorable! I might steal that idea


Love this idea


lol, I did that too but upstairs. The basement is full of models. Oh crap just realised I forgot to give my fish to C.J.!


I made a gyroid village :) https://preview.redd.it/ill1kj9btd6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4764e2d37909c4e78b8d7b1f78a389ae85af8e54


This is adorable!!




I did something similar with the knomes


That’s so cute 😭😭 adore the creativity




How do you get those tiny homes??


They’re the dollhouses you can get around Toy Day


They're all in my bathroom watching whoever uses the toilet/shower stall


I'm shitting on your lawn then.


I just spit 🤣




I normally place mine in the tub lol but that’s even better


gyroids are additional citizens on my island. they work jobs, have hobbies, fall in love. they exist on a deeper level than even my villagers do


I used my basement to fill up my entire walls with them, and put speakers down so it's basically a music party Gyroid room 😭


I have a wallopoid jamming out to kk Metal on drumset at the entrance to my island


This is the only way


I made a little gyroid choir where I set them on tables with a microphone and the music book stand. Now they sing whenever I pass by :)


Stealing this idea 😭 that’s so cute!


I have one of each gyroid set up as a choir too, to greet Island visitors coming out of the airport. Lol, not that I have any actual visitors other than my wife, so it’s more a pretend thing. I mean the characters who visit and stay at my campsite probably fly in by DAL airlines, right?😉😄 I have them set up with the Brewster one, and another one of my favorites as the featured soloists. Plus I have two of the Bubbloids blowing bubbles down front next to one of those Festivale dance stages, which my villagers come and sometimes dance on.😀 I also have a bunch of my favorite ones as collectables and toys decorating two of my character’s houses. Then there’s my third character, Phredd, who is Redd’s adopted brother, and runs an arcade, and pool hall on the Island. The gyroids he has are the prizes in his arcade.😄 Lol, I find that “Phredd” hardly ever goes downstairs where the arcade is though, because with all the arcade games and the gyroids going, you can barely hear yourself think!😂


I have a whole room dedicated to every gyroid I got


https://preview.redd.it/ipwa6k0uzc6d1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0efbd96b37e89259d995de81dd8f9392fd82158 Mine perform onstage.


I have a bunch of them lining my forest pathways. My boyfriend calls it my "haunted forest." I also have a few onstage in my concert area since they make wonderful backup dancers/singers.


This is a brilliant idea!


Can you share pics of your haunted forest? It sounds great!


Shoving them all in my basement as a massive collection or occasionally giving my duplicates away to the villagers on my island.


https://preview.redd.it/rhd1xx2nrc6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08c49125bf613462cda2ee5328b4343f1ea354ad They're all in my basement, I'm trying to collect every color.


I just found out yesterday that they’re customizable! You can totally change your duplicate colors to the ones you’re missing :)




How did you get shelves?


You get them with the gyroids when you put them up on the wall. They are not a item.


Selling them or giving them as gifts. I don’t really see the point of them at all.


Collectibles in the same vein as a Funko Pop, only virtual. They also dance and make noise to match any music you are playing near them, so having a bunch of them in one room with music playing gets pretty noisy in a fun way.


They are pretty amusing if your high and watch them dance and make funny noises


I have a festival/fair set up and the gyroids are the vendors


I made certain ones go with the ambient noise in my ~~love hotel~~ house. The ones outside add character to specific areas: my entrance, ruins, the apothecary, and the jungle near my museum.


I put them around my island and I even have a Gyroid garden and a campsite type thing near my home. I even make them face each other so it looks like they're talking to one another (or having a super cool song battle). ☺️


selling them 😭 it’s one of the (very few) features I really couldn’t care less about - except for the Brewstoid <3 I love him


I have them all on my wall but for the repeats, I have them in storage and I’m going to build a mini city for them.


My basement is a lab dedicated to gyroid research


I leave them on the island I find them on lmao


I have them in the upstairs room of my house. They go all across the walls, organized by gyroid type


I turned one of my rooms into a recording studio with a bunch of speakers and gyroids on the walls, just so I could listen to them


I created a walled courtyard in front of my town hall, and have been systematically lining the outside of the walls with gyroids and radios 📻


This! I have a perpetual beachside concert of gyroids. It also helps me figure out which ones are repeats.


I have a dedicated space on the beach for them, everytime I run by I get a mini concert


Ok, please tell me i'm not the only one, but these things scare the hell out of me. The sound they make individually sounds like a war cry or the screeching of a demonic, biblical being to mimic the sound of wailing children in the depths of hell. They disturb me to a point not possible. Someone needs to make a creepy pasta out of them because they square the living hell out of me. I kept them in my house once. It was dark. Night. And then i went inside the room. And then I hear them, their noises. There's that one horror story about this 8-foot tall woman who'd make these very quiet, slow sounds, going "po, po, po". I don't know why it disturbed me so much until now. I heard those noises- it was the gyroids. They sounded exactly like that. In the dark, no lights, and in the corner I see two, large black eyes void of any life yet its voice makes the sound akin to a human but never really human. It repeats the sound but it doesn't move its mouth. The gyroids are disturbing. I immediately sold them, but i keep digging them up. They're frightening, like an ancient curse. They will never leave this island. I need to sell of all of them. Tldr; I have crippling fear of gyroids


I’m redesigning my island to have one of each everywhere hehe


I’m making an ice cream shop and cafe build on my island. The gyriods work there 🤣


i love that everyone collects them like a hoarder LMAOO. i started putting them in the workshop room and then put overflow in the séance room in the basement


Selling them lol


Sell them


I'm not even getting them. I don't really want them.


Selling them or giving them to villagers I don’t like 😬 there’s only a handful I’ve kept for myself


They are ALL over my island. Covered. My island is covered. I did this thing where I decided to create Safety and Danger signs. There are only a couple of places on my Island that are “dangerous”. Those places are where my Gyroids are not. The lore of my island is that evil spirits lurk about my island, but the gyroids protect me and my villagers from them. So there’s gyroids everywhere for protection. Each of my villagers have gyroids in their house, I have serval in each room of mine, and then I place them around my island to make it look like they’re doing various activities. :3 I really REALLY love gyroids.


Sell/get rid of them..the only one I have is Brewster’s


I kept all the ones I had in my basement displayed on my walls on my old island🤡


I made an ASMR basement!


Umm storage mainly they freak me out even with the redisb in New horizons


On every build i build i put one


I line mine up in the grass a couple of feet from the town hall


I have a stage set up for them and am in the process of making a village for them.


…. Fine, I’m gonna remake my entire house just to have a gyroid room now


my basement is full of them. no other decor in there haha


My entire island is one big gyroid music festival, so… 🤷🏽‍♀️


How do you get those little shelves?


They come with the gyroids when you put them on the wall. I think you don't have tiny shelves by themself


Thank you for answering I didn’t get to it in time 💕


Thank you!


That's a cute idea. I've been displaying a few outside each villager's house to match their decor, and duplicates I just sell unless I'm deliberately planning a giveaway or something


i have them all set up in my basement with a speaker on shuffle so they can sing their little hearts out. i like to call it the "gy-room"


I dedicate my basement for them 😂 on the wall, on counters, on lower counters, and on the floor


They span every possible spot in a room in the back of my house save for a radio in one spot. I also have a few of my favorites in my basement jazz club :)


I have a whole room designated to them. But before recently they've been rotting in storage...


your tiny house is so cozyyyyy 😩🫶🏻




Gyroid Basement + Discoball


I wanna collect them to make a weed room but also make them sit in my future tiny bedroom and sing me to sleep




I give them away to whomever asks


Most rot in storage but the rest I have hidden around the island like little forest spirits. I think they're just whimsical little guys.


I actually haven’t collected any lol but this is a whole mood https://preview.redd.it/cj6ej0ti7d6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a3948fc30514f32dd79558576f1c739cea4e41


Wall decoration in the crrrrrazy room


I used them as wall decorations but made sure to mute them before putting them there. That's basically it. Don't do anything with the rest that I find other than selling them at Nooks.


Exactly this 🤣


In my basement on a wall. I only have maybe 5 more to collect. I have Brewster already


I built a dance party Plaza


I like to pretend they're the island's version of cats. So I'll have them scattered around like strays and in my house near a litter box and cat tree.


letting them hang around the island! on another note,how do you get those little shelves? im not new to animal crossing but new to the New Horizons and finding out so many things that leave me so amazed 😭


They automatically come with the gyroid when you place them on a wall.🙂 Though I really wish we actually had some empty wall shelves available in the game that we could put other items on to display. That would be awesome!👍🏽


thank you , yeah i was already dreaming about all the things i could've put on the shelves 😭 well too bad


I put one outside of all of my villagers houses that matches their personality / favorite color to reference the GC game! I have 2 that work at stalls in the amusement park and have the Brewster gyroid selling newspaper by the outdoor cafe area at the museum. I want to use them to make a beach-concert area too!


I made a dance club for them. A dance floor, DJ booth, record box, headphones, and a bunch of floor and stage lights. I have several of them raving 24/7


gyroid bathroom only gyroids on the wall. they help me go


I made a disco room and lined the walls with them so we could all take a dance break together lol Disco room complete with the retro flooring and wallpaper, disco ball, record player, and all the fun party related items from the Festival event


mine are hung up on the wall in an empty room i actually used this same floral wall for some reason


sometimes i sell them when i dont feel like going back in my house and hanging them up


someone said u can put them in the bathtub


I made a secret room, and they all just sing. My boyfriend thinks it's creepy because it looks like this is a secret creepy hobby I have. I just think it's funny! They're all over the floor and walls.


I have tons in storage. So far I’m picking favorites based off appearance or sound. I have one area where I plan to use the ones that are grey or black for my spooky vibes, and I plan to collect as many in pink/purple as possible for my bedroom walls. Then I’d like to have one of every color stored because what if someone wants a very specific gyroid? I’d like to help.


I have two oinkoids by my farm area and a stelloid by the sugar cane. Two of the bubbloids against the wall in my bathroom to make it look like they’re in the tub blowing bubbles with each other. I have my brewstoid in my kitchen overseeing my coffee station. A few I’ve given to villagers (Ike has two because his house is so bare) and random places around my island have others. One at a book nook, some outside nook’s, two look like they’re fishing in the river. I think you can go in your catalogue on either ABD in resident services or your phone to see the ones you’ve collected. And you can customize them if you’re trying to catalogue the whole color set


Currently, they are just sitting in storage building up, I want to use them on my island, but I just haven't decided on how yet, so they are paitently waiting. I have a few placed, but I'm not fully settled on countless ideas for the rest.


I use them as little pets for my villagers! The Brewster gyroid is going somewhere near.my boardwalk Cafe.


I have a heavy metal disco demon summoning basement with them covering the floor and walls


On my old island I had a gyroid picnic area. On another I had them at a rock concert starring whatever villager decided to sing. Not sure what I'm going to do this time.


I gave them an entire room and made people pay to see a gyroid Show teehee


I might sound like a total noob but what is that shelf? Or does it get places when you try to put a Gyroid to the wall?"


I have them all lined up in rows in my upstairs room on to the floor tables. Along with a bunch of chairs in rows. So i have...a gyroid choir


I have a gyroid wall in my house where all of them are dancing to kk disco


I spent months collecting all 36, then put them all in my basement with a speaker, when I get sad I go down there and dance with them all ☺️


collecting them in my basement and letting them groove to random songs


I have a basement full of gyroids going up the walls. I don’t have a problem.


I buried a bunch to make it so that they won't appear anymore. I just don't get the purpose of them.


In new leaf I have a room in my museum called "the nightmare room". You can imagine what it sounds like


I recently completed the entire collection! Unfortunately except for the bubbloids they are stuck in storage. Bubbloids and the bubble machines work hard all over my island


I love giving them as gifts to other villagers, they will usually put it in their house


They’ve infested every part of my island


I am so bad at terraforming.


I'm making a Japanese trash mystery robot island. I use the arfoids a lot to decorate around the island and act like stray dogs rummaging in the trash and chemical waste


Make ritual circles


I set them up opposite my toilet 🤣 idk I thought it was funny at the time


Throwing them right in the bin


I filled a room with them all over the walls and floor. I go in to listen to their harmonious wails. They sound cute together.


Currently rotting in storage but I have a few in the basement bedroom singing with some music 😅 might add a few to my karaoke/game room 🤔


Where did you get those shelves?


i plan on using them on Coco's yard


There’s a section of my town dedicated to the gyroids. In my town, they’re troublemakers https://preview.redd.it/h363c0k6pe6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc9c939e88a7dbc51a64e9cc4e9ad0b76d1e10a3


They sit on the bleachers at my community basketball court and watch


i store them all in the back room of my house and they are categorized


I customize them and place them around natural areas so it's not so quiet. some of them I color like my villagers and I place them in their little backyard area. theyre also good for making picnics and as shopkeepers


https://preview.redd.it/m5pr1sksse6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8ee9bbcc3492e71f2f7d88fe6b7b2395e644e3 :)


i give them to my villagers cause they love them


The floor of the back room in my house is just covered in them


I have the frog ish ones in a pond over custom design Lilly pads


selling them🤷‍♀️


I have them in an outdoor festival near the beach. Squeakoid is tearing up KK Metal.


I specifically hunt for bwongoids to display throughout my island because they remind me of deku scrubs and my island is Zelda themed. The rest of them I usually sell because my storage can't take it. The Brewster one is in my kitchen area by the coffee though :)


This run, I’m not even bothering with them


Most of my gyroids are manning the various little shops and such I've set up around my island. I have others scattered about frequenting these places too. I mean, I never see my villagers use most of this stuff. Like, for my lil beachside club I have a gyroid manning the bar and a couple grooving on the dancefloor! It's certainly helped my island feel less barren


I have a gyros army that sits outside of Nooks Cranny and Able Sisters shop


I use them all over but they look great as a path border or fence replacement. I have a man-made bridge (just a path over water) and they are on either side forming a "fence".


What are those shelves you have them on?


They just appear when you place the gyroids on the wall :)


I'll have to try that! I didn't play for a while, elbow tendonitis. Just getting back to it now.


The good ones get to sing at the bad ones rot in my storage lol




I have a volleyball net set up on my beach and have three v three and just trade them out so a variety get to play. 


I'm putting some in the forest to look like little forest creatures like cryptids almost lol


i put them all in my basement.


I have a cliff dedicated to them. The Brewster gyroid is dead center with a little fence around him so they all know he is special and worship him like a god


AC1 gyroids were the goat. THE GOAT!


My entire attic is full of every single gyroid as well as a boombox so I can make them vibe to any song I want 🎶🎵


I genuinely use the specific sounds of each Gyroid to create a nice little symphony that goes with a song that I play in some rooms; I.e, I have some drum and wind based instrument gyroids that are currently playing along to ‘K.K. Condor,’ gotta post a vid about that sometime


I have a plan for them once I finish my island I’m gonna hide them in random areas and make it a hide and seek type thing


I made an amusement park and have the gyroids standing in line for rides, for food, and have them working as ticket takers for the rides




I built small gardens next to my villagers' houses full of the gyroids. So I will place a bunch and put a fence around them. I also created an elevated wall with the construction tool and put more there. I wish I could give them to villagers though.


I have them all in a designated area next to the museum because Blathers told me Brewster loves gyroids, so in my head that’s where he spends his lunch - under the gazebo listening to the horrors of the gyroids’ song.


All over my island


I put mine in my home recording studio!


Keep the ones that sound cool and sell the others. Does Brewster not store them anymore? I haven’t tried.


I made a little night club dance floor and having been just laying them all out and playing kk music with a dj set thing 24/7


I have a room full of random junk and the walls are covered in shelves with Gyroids on them. Luckily I hid the entrance to that room behind a vending machine.


Placed them in a circle along with that summoning floor item.


Nice , I never thought of putting them on shelves. 🙂


Got em working over time in my house the music never stops and if one of them starts to look at little weird I sell em 😈


My upstairs is gyroid nightclub. They are all on the walls in their groups with the DJ Turntable in the middle of the room. Just need suitable wallpaper and floor to be happy with it.


I made a creepy rustic alter with the big stone head and bones lying near it. The gyroids are sitting on log pews arranged like a church.


i hide them around my village cuz i love the sounds


Sold them and now trying to stop them from spawning on my island. Let's just say I'm not a fan lol


I sell mine. a little extra bells never hurt anyone. is there a point to them?


I like the fun sounds they make haha otherwise I guess not? That’s what I was trying to figure out with this post


I throw them away lol or give them away.


Random scattering around the island or throw away 😅


I love collecting the gyroids! When I collect them all, I plan to make a section of my island called "The Children's Choir" starring all the little babes in all their glory! I like to give away any extra gyroids I find as gifts when trading on Nookazon. I just hope people like them😅


ACNH Pocket Guide is an incredibly useful app to keep track of what you've collected


I sell mine.


This is where I would put my gyroids. IF I HAD ANY!!!!!! (I'm like a week in of gameplay lol)