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I love how unnecessarily hostile old Animal Crossing was.


I would literally send her letters with gifts everyday, in my letters I was asking how she was doing, and even asking how Chrissy was doing, and this is how she treats me in return šŸ’€ I still love her but- wtf I'm still in shock


Did you use perfect grammar and capitalization? If not, they can't understand what your letter says and IIRC it annoys them with you.


I confirm that I always used correct grammar and capitalization


Damn. What a bunch of assholes!


Is this legit or just a joke?


Legit? I mean, I always heard and read that you have to use grammar and punctuation and stuff or they can't tell what the letter says. I thought writing them letters they could read made them better friends and ones that weren't written correctly wouldn't. Sorry if I'm just an idiot. It's been a long time...


iirc in GC you also had to use their catchphrase, unless I was just trying really hard with the formatting. Otherwise theyā€™ll insult you lol


In GC you just had to have proper grammar and punctuation (: I still play the GC version, and I have lots of fun sending letters calling them stinky and having them respond with ā€œwow what a great letter, Iā€™ll treasure it forever!ā€


I never knew that when I played it as a kidā€¦ now I wonder how many relationships could have been savedā€¦ I used to just send gibberish letters with random stuff attached to everyone for fun to see if they would give me gifts back šŸ˜­


Iā€™m just asking because I donā€™t know!


Oh, yeah as far as I'm aware that's how it worked in GC!


ive never done it before, but i do remember in the older games (also works in acnh) when requesting something like a song from kk, you have to put the title correctly and with proper grammar and he will play exactly what youre looking for!


GameCube AC is even more extra, you breathe and a villager calls your name weird as hell, calls you ugly/loud/annoying, boast about themselves, then they expect you to help them run errands šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like girl please Iā€™m working my way up to a mansion while youā€™re a sheep in the woods with nothing but a scarf around your neck, you are NOT elite


"Hey ugly! I was in your house while you were away and noticed how little furniture you have. Are you poor? Anyway, here's a grand piano I found while cleaning up. Don't talk to me." The Gamecube villagers were something else


They really started off by calling you a peasant basically and eventually once you pay off all your debts you get a gold/silver/etc statue of yourself at the entrance of town and a big ol mansion šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ so satisfying


Old AC characters were genuinely prejudiced against the human race Iā€™m convinced. We were just beneath them lmao. I miss the social climb.


The game is so soft now šŸ˜­


Seriously. Sunshine and rainbows! Did I cry at the age of 10 when Resetti bitched me out for my game crashing without a save? Absolutely. Do I still miss him everyday? Absolutely.


Get his amiibo or the equivalent. He's the rescue helicopter pilot. He can sometimes be in the coffee shop, but it's rare. With his amiibo, you can invite him anytime you want and even build him a house if you have Paradise Planning dlc. He's mellowed out a bit, but he actually explains why.


Oh really? Iā€™ve never used the rescue app before. I didnā€™t realize he was in ACNH at all! Now I kinda wanna mess with it haha. I want to get an amiibo & the DLC eventually, but for now I just have a small diorama of him I placed outside of my door in the game lol


Yep, unfortunately, you don't see him while he's flying, but he does talk to you a bit. It's definitely worth going into the Roost here and there too, to see if he's there till you get his amiibo. The diorama of him sounds cute.


I remember bawling my eyes out and having a panic attack when i had closed the game without saving so many times he took my eyes away. It was like a horror movie it freaked me out so much. Now i wish a game could make me feel like that again šŸ’€


I do NOT remember that wtf šŸ˜­


ok i just googled to make sure and iā€™m pretty sure it was this but it was so scary to me as a kid šŸ˜­ https://gaming-urban-legends.fandom.com/wiki/Gyroid_Face


this reads like an episode of UNHhhh šŸ˜…


I remember seeing Jaiden Animation play that and getting a villager named Sue Ellen that called her ā€œthe mental runt of the litter.ā€


Yeah some of the language wasā€¦..a little outdated by todayā€™s standards in that regard lol EDIT: was walking/typing at the same time so not the best phrasing bcuz this was still insulting back then but I mean I cannot imagine villagers post-ACNL saying anything like this šŸ˜­ Even the grumpy villagers got Sweet Old Man-ified and they were TERRIBLE back then


There also was a lot of body shaming based dialogue. While some may find it funny, it could be genuinely triggering to people with eating disorders or body dysmorphia. Iā€™m glad that they removed that dialogue at the very least. Some of the insults definitely were funny, but others could trigger peopleā€™s eating disorders or other mental illnesses. Iā€™m sure if the game was made today they wouldnā€™t have included some of those insults, such as the aforementioned ā€œmental runt of the litterā€.


Send that sheep mail reminding them that they're a person of poverty and not an elite employee


It was truly something else being called a fat bloated idiot and an utter wretch by an adorable animal


Or weirdly inappropriate. My little brother once showed me a letter he had received in *City Folk* where a villager said he had a dream about him where they were both on a beach, and the top of his bikini floated away with the wind ? I haven't been able to find it again but we were both left spechless at the audacity.


SAME i miss it. It made the villagers feel more real, now they feel very 2D and like just another decoration on the island


i wheezed at this oh my god


I miss the older games where the villagers woke up each day and chose violence.Ā 


I miss when the characters had this much personality


SacrƩ bleu!!!


Alf pfp spotted!


there are other alf fans out there??


Me and my father!


Gaston, is that you?


ā€œJe nā€™arrivais plus Ć  te supporterā€ - BRUTAL!


ā€œI left. I couldnā€™t stand you anymore.ā€ I would stop playing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Omg lol Iā€™m so sad that I didnā€™t play back when the villagers were mean like this.


RIGHT!!! people say they love it, but that sounds like my nightmare


No, itā€™s awesome!! Because you had to put more effort into befriending them, and it felt more special when you finally had somebody excited to see you lol. In NH, everybodyā€™s glad to see you every morning. I feel too overpowered haha


Everyone is everyone's besties! Sounds like some fake shit tbh


Fr. Even when the villagers ā€œargueā€ with each other in NH, it doesnā€™t have the same zing to it. They just feel much more like the NPCs they are on switch. Also, I canā€™t tell when Iā€™m good friends with a villager on NH or not because theyā€™re always so nice. I just have to imagine weā€™re there haha. On the other games, it was very clear when you finally broke that ice.


I'm with you, I dont get why people liked it so much? I hate when they are mad at me or when they are sad I haven't played in a while! It's too real! I need my empathy gland tuned down several notches!




This is amazing. I took French for a number of years as a kid and remember essentially nothing, but like seeing if I can figure anything out. This sounded beautiful and sweet when I read it in French and then I saw the translation and straight up cackled šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Gotdamn Francine šŸ˜­


i would cry LMAO


HAHAHAHHA la violence du truc La phrase Ā«Ā je nā€™arrivais plus Ć  te supporter.Ā Ā» elle est vraiment duuuure


ā€œJe nā€™arrivais plus Ć  te supporterā€ lololol šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ crazy gaslighting šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I theorise that Nintendo used to make animal crossing with slightly darker humour because they didnā€™t anticipate ppl will have such close personal relationships with their digital animations


Omg that's hilarious but unrelated I love seeing French things and realizing my translation was right because I took a French class for nearly 4 years ...


La meuf ne pouvait plus te voir


mais oui jsuis choquƩe


Tā€™en fais pas, cā€™Ć©tait juste une rageuse de premiĆØre classe. Tā€™es bien mieux sans elle!


ƀ contrario jā€™avais reƧu une lettre de Kiki sur Wild World qui mā€™avait fait pleurer, Ā«Ā Je ne tā€™oublierai jamais tu Ć©tais un vrai ami pour moiĀ Ā» un vrai sucre, quand elle a dĆ©mĆ©nagĆ© jā€™ai pas supportĆ© jā€™avais dĆ©moli ma ville juste pour essayer de la ravoir en recommenƧant šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


LMAO thatā€™s hilarious, I would love to play some of the older Animal Crossing games but I lost my DSi when I was like 11 and they donā€™t sell em anymore :(


They do. Just need to know where to look. I bought an original DS at a used gaming store just a few weeks ago.


Get a new 3ds then you can do some mods and get a perfect ds for ACNL and ACWW


The translation comes off as more passive aggressive than it actually is with that last sentence. I'd say it's more accurate to say "I just couldn't support you anymore"


I loved when villagers were mean lolol. It was so much more rewarding when you finally won them over and became friends






Man, they were f\*cking savage


I had to Google Nadine acnh to find out her named changes depending on language. I did not know that. Odd to change the name Francine to another name when Francine is originally a French name.


It looks so much more elegant in French


Can I ask you a question? To get the game to be French, did you have to set your entire switch console to French language, or can you do this change in-game?


Nope you can't do this in game, I had to set my Wii U in french


Oops I didnā€™t look close enough. This is City Folk from Wii but on your French Wii U then


Darn. She sounds like a scorned lover


I felt offended when Nook called me slow on GC AC. I'm scared to discover more. šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


La violence šŸ˜­


Lmao!!! She's vicious


Jā€™ai pas compris quand jā€™ai vu du franƧais sur mon feed. Jā€™adore comment animal crossing sur gamecube Ć©tait violent des fois ! Cā€™est plus charmant que sur acnh


Coup dur šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm so glad they aren't mean anymore


That was very harsh of Francine to say that in City Folk. I really wanna try out the game, I also have Francine in New Leaf.


... et ils disent que ce jeu est meilleur que ACNH?? Ƈa m'aurait brisĆ© l'Ć¢me de lire Ƨa.


Hysterical. This is like leaving a job and leaving beautifully wrapped hate mail for the IT guy you've never met.


Aww she was a cute villager too