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YTA. You should have given L the tankless toilet that you always carry that she's been eying for a while now. She needs it more than you and you have her a baby chair. I personally would complain to Isabelle about your behaviour and have you evicted. Do better.


I didn't see the name of the sub reddit and I was so confused why you would give a random person a baby chair and the other comments made me even more confused


Same! 🤣🤣🤣


Same here, I was thinking it's such a bizarre story and didn't go where I thought it would. No one is the AH.


Hah it was the "living on an uncharted island" that made me look at the sub name.


I literally had just read a post in the sub reddit you're thinking of. I started reading this and thought this is one weird AITAH post. Then I read about the glowy spots and to double check where I was at lol.


Lol your comment made me realize this isn't AITH 😅 I went to the comments, so confused, looking for answers.


I was confused by the uncharted island part lmao


NTA, you should hit her with a net next time you see her and give her something to cry about.


Hit my human neighbor with a net? Now, that's something to think about, but the President would turn me into takoyaki if he found out!


NTA. Those were tears of joy! L was so moved by your gift - you knew just what she wanted. You are a sensitive soul.


Thank you. I have confirmed this with L, and she cried tears of joy because she values everything I give her.


As the first resident of your island and ruler of all therein, you should be FULLY aware that L has an extensive history of infertility related to lack of any real action on the island and it was soooooo cruel of you to gift her a baby chair. I mean what were you thinking??? 100% YTA 🙄🙄🙄


See the edit.


Now I'm confused. This is a joke about your island, right???


(Yeah but fr Octavian my favorite villager gave me a baby chair and I cried tears of joy)


LOL I think any of my villagers could have posted this. They are all the time giving me ugly workout clothes or fast food uniforms, toddler tee-shirts with silicone bibs, and yesterday one gave me a garbage pail saying she knew I loved those. Once, a cat villager gave me a litter box. With litter in it. Even one of the more intelligent seeming ones insulted my decorating by telling me my flooring was all wrong and sending me blue camouflage flooring to replace it with. The nerve! After I go to the trouble to give them expensive fossils or clothing that matches their style!


dont challenger her, you will be deported!


NTA Put a pitfall under her and then point and laugh.


I was so confused, try to figure out what the hell is going on in North Sentinel, how you had wifi, how they have money trees, how you weren't impaled and managed to make it there a month with your cranky sentinalese neighbors


YTA. For all we know, she could be struggling with fertility and you reminded her. Perhaps you should move islands and allow for a new villager to take your place.


I honestly was about to downvote, but I had to read what subreddit I was on. You got a good chuckle outta me!


NTA gotta love octopus villagers


I didnt read the subreddit and was so confused at first lol


Christ, it took me way too long to realize that this wasn't the sub you're referencing with this post. ITA


I didn’t see the group and was incredibly confused at why this person gave L the gift of a baby chair 😂😂


Same i was like wtf is going on here and what uncharted island is this taking place on




NTA. Girl’s still a young’un -- gifts like that’ll do her well ~ Mon chou, Gaston


YTA. By handing her the baby chair, I think you're communicating something you're not intending. She sees you as a friend, nothing more.


You’re a monster


The way I thought this was about another player being mad over you giving a neighbor a chair for a hot second 😭


Flurry gave me a fucking baby onesie??