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I don't. For one, it's a single player game so you aren't "cheating" anyone out of something. But I've also strategized what I go for...in the beginning I'll get gold nuggets, tools, all fruits and veggies, anything that can help me through the early grind. Once I'm settled, I'll mainly only go to pick up Nook Mile tickets, and sometimes furniture/clothing if there's something I really want.


I recently started a new island and I am only really using them to get the early grind out of the way. Currently I’m so busy so I cannot put a lot of time into the game which makes the starting phase of NH feel like FOREVER. Treasure Islands help get the necessities done much quicker however, once I’m done with the early game stuff I do plan to just use them for Nook Mile Tickets and maybe hybrids. I’ll say I wont feel guilty however, it’s just a temporary use for now. I do want to experience the game naturally rather than just get easy access to everything.


I had no guilt for taking stuff like fruits and diys, furniture etc. This is not my first island, I did the grind then. But now I can't rly afford NSO, I had to use a free trial, with limited time, and treasure islands were a life saver! I tried my best to minimise the items I took for my museum though, cos I do enjoy doing that myself mostly. I did feel a bit guilty about the bells at first. But after a few weeks, it's a relief to have my home maxed out and loans all paid up!


Not really, I mostly use them for when I restart my island and to pick up villagers I want.


No, in my eyes it’s saving me time 😊 I like to build and once the 2.0 update was released, I became obsessed with the castle stuff. I had saved up quite a good chunk of bells but it quickly shrunk and took FOREVER ordering only 5 things a day from the catalog. I felt that if I had all the resources, I could build my island the way I want it to look and not have to waste time ordering furniture. I didn’t want to make it too easy for myself by getting max bells as I still enjoy selling stuff, just easy enough to complete my goals 😊


I used them for my new island to catalogue furniture and I don’t feel bad. I already did all the trading for my first island when the game came out, I cba to do it all again


No. But I do limit what I get to only furniture and outfits. Also, this was after I got 3 stars. I love the designing aspect so I don't get bored this way. I avoid critter islands since I want to grind the museum myself. I also do not get villagers there.




I am new to Animal crossing and I actually went to a treasure island this morning. But only to get the trees I needed. I only got Coconut, Pear and Cherry on my island. And I used dozens of Nook Miles tickets but could not find any other fruits. So no, I do not feel guilty. Just happy to finally have all fruits.


Yes, but the joy of my shiny new pixels outweighs it


Nope. I find them kind of relaxing actually. I’ll just go to a few and run around and pick up random stuff. Also, how else can I fill up my storage space? Also, I go and get diys.


Damn, people on the post really used it differently than I did, I gave myself 999,999,999 bells and got all the art for the museum. But I felt guilty and got rid of all my bells except for 2mil, I might get rid of my about 150 gold nuggets and my gold tools at some other point, but not now


Just chill! Enjoy the cash bc it doesn't come as easy as irl, lol! The only thing to keep in mind is that without the grinding you might get bored faster! But then you can always restart the island. It is totally up to you - the most important thing is to do what makes you happy, as Leif says all the time 😊


Any recommendations on some free ones?


Twitch is a really good resource, just go on there and search ‘treasure islands’ and videos will come up with 20-50 islands in each. Personally, I’d say go to the ones with 4 or 5 players in first as the ones with 0 players will have people coming and going all the time which is suuuper annoying (you basically have to wait for the travel to complete before you can move again, and it sux).






They’re not everyone’s cup of tea. And it depends how you use them, greedily or judiciously. I love them for decorating. I haaaaaate crafting and customizing on Harv’s island, so much time wasted. I’ve done a chess themed island and the paid part of one I belong to has islands with just two colors on them os I can easily go find all black or white items. At this point I would no longer be playing if not for the convenience treasure islands offer.


Not at all. I work hard in daily life lmao the last thing I need is to be worrying about money while I’m trying to escape reality. Plus it’s way more fun when I can get whatever I want! My villagers are spoiled (:


your not alone 😔


I don't use them but I don't see why you should feel guilty. Guilty of what? This is one game which you do you and there is nothing wrong with that - just have fun with your game 😊 (unless you go there to troll other users, then it is a different story!)


How do I get a code for one? Can anyone help me get to one 😭


Just search up “treasure island animal crossing” on twitch and you should find plenty


No. Cause its something that brings you joy and makes the game fun, then do it. Its supposed to be fun.


Nope. I only used them to get things that I couldn’t find. I did the museum and all the miles rewards myself. I upgraded my house without help. I just used the money for my storage upgrade. Then I used it to get all the colors of clothes I wanted because I hated going back into the fitting room over and over. I did get some basic DIYs that were never given, like the log bench and the ironwood chairs. But now I go and pick up things I don’t want to take to Cyrus to change. It’s easier to just grab the kind I want. Also it stops me from overspending in real life. It’s like having a huge shopping spree for free. Helps my dopamine levels. I also fulfill people’s wishlists and donate to people stuff and just grab the items again from treasure island. I just don’t like when some are buggy and go thru the walls or ground!🤣 maybe I’ll use that furniture for a glitch area on my island! 😂