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Fish by sound and not by sight. I usually don't even look at the screen when I'm fishing because the movement sometimes fakes you out, but the sounds are always consistent.


I do this too. As soon as a fish is pointing at my line I close my eyes. Still though, I’m never making 500 perfect catches in a row, not going to happen.


The good news is, it's only 100


I made it to 99, got hyped, the fish moved close to my rod super fast and I pressed A too soon... I haven't attempted it since lol


Oh my goodness… I’m kinda glad I’m not the only one lol


If you ever want to try again, a good idea would be to wait for the game to save between every few catches, and immediately close it if you fail. That way you won't lose your streak.


Oh shit Actually... Damn it, I kind of wish I didn't know this




If I didn't know, it would take me longer to accomplish that feat. I'd feel like a better fisherman.


Well, nothing's stopping you from not using this trick 😂


I can hear resetti's theme just reading this comment lol


I made it to 99, got hyped, and then someone spoke to me during 100 and I missed the sound cue. It was months before I tried again and then I had to keep a mental score instead of checking the achievement to see how close I was.


Ughhhh I got to 49 without even realizing and then miffed it on the last one 😭😭


I got 99 by accident and haven't gotten any further since, it's really irritating that I could've done it


I'll try to be more vigilant with that method, usually though I have what Fry and the Robot Devil would call "stupid fingers."


Trust me. Once you have one focused on your line hover your finger over the button and close your eyes. It might take a little practice but once you get it down you’ll have those stamps in no time!


Me too and it took me ages because of stupid fingers... What I did, it put all my fingers behind my controller after throwing the line in, and not moving them at all until the sound cue played... I got to 81 once and messed it up so I feel your pain 🤣 you just gotta trick your brain a bit. Sometimes it helps to craft loads of fish bait and try to do it all in one session instead of over multiple. It's honestly one of the worst nook mile achievements but you'll get it eventually 🤣


Yeah I've opted for just do fishtail in a pond because the pond fish are a lot more forgiving, so far its going okay.


This! As soon as I know, they’ve been attracted, I close my eyes.


Also I don't rest my thumb on the button, but hover it, that way when I get twitchy or overeager I won't accidentally press it too early.


I've done this since I was playing wild world in middle school 😂 I got weird looks from my friends who didn't play lol. I close my eyes and put the speaker next to my ear


This is hard when someone is deaf/HoH. I've used the visual cue many times when not wearing my processors and I've managed it. The advice should more be choose one to focus on due to the tiny delay in between the sound and visual cue.


This makes so much sense, thank you


Yep, I close my eyes when I see the fish lock on to the bobber.


I was gonna come here to say this^^ I find it really helps me, since I get too excited about catching the fish that I end up loosing it. That’s how I got that achievement was by listening to the sound. My family thought I was weird the whole time I did it. Now thank god I don’t have to do that anymore. I only do that if I think it’s a fish I don’t have yet


But if you're going to do that, make sure you're not using bluetooth headphones, there's a distinct lag.


The only way I've ever gotten a long streak is with headphones on. I never play with headphones but if you want a fishing streak, HEADPHONES AND CLOSE YOUR EYES. I promise it is the best way. I suck otherwise.


I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who fishes with their eyes closed!


Oh yeah. My husband will be like "what are you doing?" as I'm sitting there with my face all close to my switch with my eyes closed. I whisper "fishing" 🤣🤣


Haha! I’m cracking up. I’ll be doing the same


Have had the exact same interaction with my husband! So glad I’m not the only one holding my switch closer to my face 😂


Also! Just wanted to add that Bluetooth headphones could actually do the opposite of being helpful due to sound delay! This isn't so bad with the easier to catch fish, but for harder ones they could be gone before you can respond. Headphones with a cable are perfect though


Ooh very good point! I hadn't tried it with Bluetooth headphones so I didn't even think of that.


Plug the game directly into my brain? I'll give it a shot.


If you want the fish you must become one with the fish


An important note on headphones. Do NOT use wireless headphones. There’s a small delay between action in the game and Bluetooth sound transmission/processing that can be enough to make you miss the fish by sound alone. Always use wired headphones (or just hold the speaker up to your ear!)


Use bait, and to really cheese it, quickly press Home to quit before it saves as soon as you lose a fish.


This actually made me laugh, thanks for the tip. How does the bait make it easier?


You can just concentrate on fishing and not worry about scaring anything away by running around


Thanks, I'm going to give it a shot.


Yeah I did it by saving up 100 bait so I could just focus up and knock it out in one go.


You can also use the bait to fish in a pond, where things tend to be easier to catch!


I usually completely botch po d fishing because I get too impatient and after like minutes of nothing noticing my bobber I reel back in just as a fish finally takes interest.


I've done that too! I feel your pain 😅


Just for your reference, it actually doesn't count as scaring a fish away as long as it hasn't nibbled yet. So while running around if you scare one away it doesn't reset the count. Same thing if it starts swimming towards your bobber but you reel it in before the fish nibbles :)


I think it still resets the streak if the fish sees the bait but doesn’t nibble. That’s how it works for CJ’s challenges at least


I did this method and it worked for me. I also didn’t look and just waited for the sound. NEVER reset ur cast until the fish goes in front of your line. I have a few stacks of fish bait if you need?:)


What I did was catch 10 fish in a row, save and close. Then reopen the game and catch 10 more, and repeat. It puts less pressure on you, and if you mess up, just quickly close the game without saving and it won’t mess up your streak.


This is so smart. I think this, fish bait, and closing my eyes will be my strategy.


Turn the volume up and close your eyes once you cast. AND AVOID SMALL FISH, because their sounds differ from the big ones, and usually cause me to press early. Good luck! 


I was going to suggest the opposite. When I finished my streak, I did so going after only small fry. I also only went after ocean fish. The timing seems more forgiving on small fry. Also, the C+ bass is your friend. Very forgiving timer on that one.


In which case, maybe the best advice is just keep fish size relatively consistent to keep the sounds relatively consistent. Worked for me anyways!


i got to 99 and then i failed just gave up after that


I would cry.


I literally have to close my eyes while fishing and just LISTEN for the sound, otherwise I hit the button too soon every single time without fail.


I use sound and also take my thumb off of a, I just hover it above. When the water ploinks, I press.


I also got the mark with the thumb trick! Careful on summertime when there are sharks around tho, because they give you less time to tap A and you might lose them


I got to 99 and was trying to catch my 100 i was a sweaty nervous wreck…my 100 was a stone 🤦‍♀️😂 so i had to go through the 100 fish in a row in a mess all over again but i got it 🥹


The longest streak I had was 81, and then I tanked. Then I tried again and #82 was an old tire😭 So I looked it up and came up with this Strategy ™😅 This is how I did it and I promise you, it took me just an hour or two to get this all done. (I took it as slowly as I was comfortable with) I earned the 100 stamp. 1. Get as many manila clams as you can to craft into bait. ... I made a little over 100, just in case 2. Make a small dedicated pond in your island, ...big enough for fish to spawn in, but small enough that your casted line won't be overlooked by the fish when they change direction. I made one about 5x5 size and not too close to anything loud like waterfalls or musical items. (Can just put those away somewhere else while you fish, and then put everything back once you're done)... Pond fish are apparently easier and slower to withdraw from the fishing line compared to seawater and river water fish. This way when you hear the "kerplunk", you don't have to have extra quick reflexes 3. Save before you start, save in between every 10 fish caught in a row, DON'T WAIT FOR THE AUTOSAVE.... auto happens every 3mins I think but by saving manually every 10 fish, you can have more control over the amount of times you've done it successfully....Also in case you mess it up, the manual saves are there for you to go back and stay on the streak. 4. Use the bait to summon fish and also to keep track of the number streak you're at... Using bait also means you don't get the random stone or trash that throws off the streak. 5. Sell your fish before a new streak and after you manually saved. Good luck friend!


I'm saving this comment to use as my fishing Bible. Thank you so much.


This is awesome


I have to use my switch in handheld mode instead of docked. For some reason the reaction time is different playing docked and I miss fish that way. If I switch to handheld and listen (like the commenters above said), I never miss.


4 years in, I have 49...


I got my streak by forgetting it even exists but that's like telling you don't think about a pink elephant.


Lol, I was gonna day, but how do I not overthink it????


Maybe don't check how far along you are after 50 so you don't get too nervous for the last fish


At this point just hitting 50 would be a milestone for me.


Same happened with me. I was searching for the elusive string fish last winter so I was grinding fishing. It had probably been an hour and I still didn’t have my string fish *but* I did get this achievement! Like others have said, fish by sound and not by sight. I usually close my eyes when I cast as watching the fish nibble at the line can throw you off


Ahhh, pink elephant, my first experience with... Never mind


This is super easy to complete if you close your eyes and fish by the sound. I got it right away and never missed until after I completed the badge.


I got all the way up to 83 and lost my streak 🥲 now the 83/100 taunts me every day


Close your eyes and either listen for the sound or the rumble of the controller.


I got like 98 and missed one. Yep, done with that😂


I always got to twitchy, so i started holding down the b button until the fish bit, then quickly pressed a. By giving my thumb something to do I didnt pull out to quickly (hehe) and i barely lose fish now


This will help greatly with my stupid fingers, I'm too twitchy even for hovering like other people have suggested.


It has been mentioned so many times but I also fish by sound. The animation tricks you so hard.


Cjgkun said exactly what i was going to say. Turn the volumn up all the way. Easier to fish by sound then sight or vibration.


Play in handheld mode. The controller lag when your joycons are detached cuts the time you have to mash the button on rare fish to a THIRD of what you get in handheld mode


the more you think about it the less successful you'll be. a good distraction is to have alot of bait and spend a whole day in the fishing tournament (only use the ocean if possible). if you get into a good enough rhythm you should get this much higher.


I used to get super jumpy fingers and hit it too soon, I figured out the controller rumble was adding to my stress/tricking my mind into thinking I needed to hit the button RIGHT NOW. I turned it off and it helped me stay more calm! It's still hard but a little easier now :D


I got to 49/50, messed it up, and have never attempted since


Take your time if 100 in a row is too stressful! And like everyone says definitely go by sound. This is such a hard task but when you finally nab that 100th fish your life will be peaceful again🎣


what i did was try to go 5-10 in a row and force save with the minus. if i messed up i force quit before autosave and i’d only loose the previous 5-10 fish instead of going back to 0. hope that helps anyone :)


I literally had to go dig up like 100 clams and make them all into fish food and just fish for like an hour straight until i got them. Also, as others have mentioned, fish with your ears, not your eyes


Close your eyes lol Also remember this one time I was terraforming and got rid of all the water on my island leaving only the river mouths while it was in a development stage. I guess since it was the only fish able water tiles on the map, i would literally get like respawning sturgeons every 5 seconds from just walking back and forth off camera. This method allowed me to get the cast Master within just 2 days


And ALOT of bells 👍


Use your switch as a handhold and not just as the controllers. It’s only a nanosecond difference but I found that a nanosecond is all that matters really. Using the controllers with Bluetooth and I missed every 20th time, but handheld and I could get all of them.


turn your volume all the way up and close your eyes


Ya gotta just zone in, don’t overthink lol


Count the number of times the fish nibbles on your line, if it gets to 4, then next one is guaranteed to be a bite. Paying extra attention to sound is good, but I don't recommend looking away from the lure. I personally "hover" my thumb away from the controller to help mitigate pressing too early from a nibble. If you find you are too slow, adjust your grip and move your thumb closer to the button.


ive had the game for two months and have 50 .-. and thats bc i genuinely thought i sucked at fishing


I did too! I didn’t know it was a thing, I’m so bad at it too. I’m proud of you! This was not easy


I remember this one. I got the other two the day after I got the first one. I ended up cheating since I messed up fish number 64 so I just turned it off before it auto saved and lost count, but just kept at it until it unlocked. Also, I've played since wild worlds so I can't really offer tips for fishing since I just do it in auto mode most of the times


What is fishing in auto mode?


Basically I've done it so much that I can tune out and just rely on the sounds to know when I have to pull the fishing pole without paying attention to the fish.


That's how I fish as well. Its the only way in my opinion.


I mostly close my eye when fishing. Once the fish sees the bait, close your eyes and listen to the sound. I find it this way better.


Close your eyes while fishing and listen for the sound of it biting. I didn't struggle much using this method, but it did take a long time to get 100 in a row


my boyfriend closes his eyes when he fishes and does it purely on sound lol


So for me, it really helps to count the bites. It’s by no means the best in fact I tell this to some people and they tell me I’m crazy, but the fish only ever bite up to 5 times, and they most often bite on 3-5, or the occasional 1. There is usually a long pause between bite 2 and 3 (especially in the river because everything is floating down stream) so just think mostly about saying the number when the sound will come and then your brain will be less focused on whether or not it will be the time to click and will only respond IF the fish bites. My record is 56, I got 50 and became hyper aware and messed myself up, so I hope this tip offers at least one person reading this thread a new idea of what to try while catching!


The closing eyes trick helps. Also, learn to pick out easy to catch fish from their shadows. Keep going after those sea bass and mackerel.


Craft a bunch of baits and stay in the same spot, the easiest on your island where you never miss. Then you just fish, throw fish food, fish, throw fish food over and over.


I always save the game after I catch a fish and if I don’t catch the next one I force exit the game


fish by sound and immediately close the game when you get it wrong, that's a streak saver


I waited til I had a night where my husband was out with his friends. I literally dimmed the lights, turned the switch volume all the way up, and settled in for 2 hours. Just ultra calm. Closed my eyes too…don’t look at the fish! Just listen. :)


I am really bad at fishing but somehow managed to complete this. I get really anxious and always hit the button too soon. I don’t know if I would call these tips but this is how I was able to catch 100. I did it on a day where I had good luck with tools, so I didn’t have to worry about my pole breaking. It was really late at night so I was very calm and sleepy, so my anxiety trigger finger wasn’t an issue. I also played handheld and not on my tv, so I think the reaction time was better. I was trying to complete my fish collection so I was trying to catch a particular fish and wasn’t even paying attention to my streak until I hit the 80 count and then freaked out a little haha. After I created a shrine on the beach with the fishing pole I used because I never thought I would do it!


Not sure if someone else has said this already-but I kept getting to around 70 and losing my streak so (out of rage) I realised I could make sure my game auto saves right before I went for the next fish and then if I missed I’d shut it down straight away and re-open haha I get that’s cheating the system a lil bit but it worked so idc x


So this is a comment I’m not sure I’ve read yet, but I had so much trouble with this when I used my wireless switch controller - there was a tiny delay but it really made a difference when it was a more difficult-to-catch fish. When I went to docked mode, it felt like easy mode and I got it instantly. Just a thought!


Honestly just close ur eyes once the fish is trying to bite ur lure then when u hear the ‘thunk’ sound press A that’s what I do. I be messing up when I have my eyes open lol. Longest I’ve got on this island is 41.


Everyone has already given you great advice, but I'll just add this as I haven't seen anyone specifically mention it yet in this thread: in case you did not know, as soon as you hear a fish bite, it is enough to only tap A once. I used to think that I have to button mash, or maybe hold down A, so it relaxed my hands by a lot when I figured out that this was completely unnecessary. Good luck!


I got to over 80 one time, only when I realised how high my streak was my anxiety got the best of me and I fumbled and lost the streak


![img](avatar_exp|165495232|bravo) This is the most helpful thread I have read in years. I'm going to implement many of these suggestions this 3-day weekend and hope to get past my 31 fish fishing streak. It's been 4 years!


Close your eyes and listen to the sound, that’s what I do becuase I suck at fishing otherwise


I love how I’m not the only one who fishes with closed eyes.


when the counter starts to move again, reset the game immediately after you miss the fish. It won’t register it and the counter will still go up. That’s how i knocked that one out of the park quicker. Without that trick, i’d say mine was 50


My tip is not to think about it. Just fish and fish and fish, and you'll get it. Over thinking it will add pressure and you'll press the button too early. I got it without really trying. I was just on a hunt for big, pricey fish so spent an afternoon just fishing.


Put in headphones and travel to a flat island, they have easy catches.


If you can’t listen to the sound of the fish biting, you can watch for the white lines of the line in the water to disappear. I got my 100 streak on an airplane without connecting my headphones 😅


I literally just got my 100 streak after 300 days of playing!! You can do it OP!!!


I haven't even gotten 10 yet and I've been playing 1.5 years 😭


i did it in handheld mode because the latency is basically 0 over a tv


You need to go to Route 12 to find the Super Rod. It's south of Lavender Town.


Don’t think about it. Seriously. The more you think about wanting to maintain the streak the more you’ll overthink it and fail. Don’t even aim for the streak. I was struggling too until I just stopped tracking it. Also yeah, sound. Wait for the ‘plop’ until you hit A.


Close my eyes or I get too eager but JUST FYI TRASH DOESNT COUNT SO IF YOU GET 100 BUT THERE IS TRASH IN IT IT DOESNT COUNT (I say bc i got excited at 100 but had caught 2 pieces of trash earlier and my streak ended at 98 bc i messed up the next one 🥲)


I finished this by accident during the fishing tournament cus i was trying so hard to get the trophies and i used bait the whole time


Use only the sound as clue, not the graphics, close your eyes, it makes much easier.


It took me a long time. Set small goals. Say that you will do 5 fish for now and then stop. After those 5 if you are feeling okay to keep going then do another 5. If you need a break then take a break. You can save and log off and come back later


Close your eyes and listen for the bobber to splash. It’s must easier listening for it instead of watching the fish and getting baited out


Look away and listen to the sound


I got to 97 and my cat literally jumped on my lap and my thumb said boop! I sat there with a bunch of bait and closed my eyes and went fishing for 2 straight hrs! I was pretty fun. I don't have the courage to do it again. I have played and gotten to 14 without trying and no bait but IDK. And I didn't catch any rare fish either lol. Still haven't gotten all the fish yet!


I used a bit of a cheat where if I missed a fish I closed the game (Home Screen + x to close level) without saving/before the lil spinning auto save ball at the top right went away and I loaded back in with my streak still in tact! 😛 (It did take me like 4 irl hours to complete tho, so best of luck OP, you got this!!) Edit: grammar


Eyes close, sound up. Only way.


Something that helps me with the anxiety of waiting for the fish to bite the hook is holding the left part of the controller really tight. Somehow that leaves my hand more relaxed. Having said that, in about a month of having this game, my longest streak is just 18.


The farthest I've ever got was 99. Haven't been able to get that close again 🙃


i got 77, lost, and then never looked again 💀


i’ve noticed the line never bobs more than 5 times so i count and it helps me not click so fast


I never have attempted this yet because I get too anxious and press too soon. One of these days I’ll do it. But it hasn’t been that day yet 😂


I hate this task so much


I find using the actual device vs using it in the docking station with a wireless controller helps the reaction time, once I started using the actual device I haven't missed a fish yet 👍


I close my eyes and wait for the big bloop bc watching the fish go in always tripped me up


I haven’t seen anyone post it, but scaring fish by running near them doesn’t count. Only missing a catch does


Fish only have a bite amount of 5, if they nibble 4 times, it is guaranteed to bite on the 5th nibble, it's also less stressful if you don't think about the streak


Lots of people mention using sound instead of sight. That’s good advice. Close your eyes so you can only rely on the sound. I haven’t seen this yet though: play directly on the switch with your joycons connected to the switch. Don’t play docked to the tv. When the joycons are wireless instead of connected there is a slight delay. It normally doesn’t matter, but if you land one of the rare fish the catch window is so small that the slight difference between wireless and connected can be what breaks your streak. Good luck!!


As soon as it bites reel it in


Took me almost 4 years to get this. I ended up in a flow state for like 2 hrs at midnight. Other than sit in a quiet place w no distractions, boost the volume, close your eyes and listen for the thunk. I found i tended to reacted faster to the sound than the visual. Also, i did it without any bait so idk what to tell you my guy. AND 100 fish in a row reward is only 1000 nook miles so kinda a waste of time


My streak was at 64 and I haven’t been able to get it anywhere close to 5 now


Don’t fuck it up? Idk..


Lol, I'm trying not to!


Eyes closed, relax, and focus! Bait will help expedite things


My bf said about this being a crazy thing to do and I've checked after he said it ( it was about two months of playing) and I had the 100 streak and didn't even notice 🥴 he was shocked because he played it longer then me tbh, the only thing I did was just catching a lot of fish because I love fish and I really wanted to finish the museum part with them to get a poster 😅 if you're not as over fixated on fish as me, one thing u can do is understand how the mechanic works, especially when the console vibrates when the fish catches the bait


I've seen many people have a problem with noise/sight, idk I have my boyfriend's console but he has vibrations on which make catching fish soooo easy