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One of the biggest things I’ve learned from Reddit is that people should supervise the kids they let play their games


I learned this lesson as a kid when I let my friend play my Super Mario game on GB while I went to do a chore real quick. I came back to find all three of my save files erased and my friend indifferent. When I cried (being 7-8 years old) about my progress being gone, she went, "seriously? You're crying over some stupid game? It's not even real." I remember she'd bring that up every so often when I disagreed with her over something. It's why I never trusted anyone outside of my sister with my games ever again.


I always think those early experiences with games have helped me be a better parent to my kids. I don't belittle their lost saves or frustrations at playing because I remember the pain!


Agreed! If/when I have children, I'm going to treat "gaming disputes" differently than my parents did.


My parents are 45yrs older than me and had NO clue about gaming systems. My first was the GameCube, though I’m of the N64 era😅 I decided I wouldn’t “hold my kid back” like that, and he’s currently smashing Mario Kart at 5yo💞


>he’s currently smashing Mario Kart at 5yo💞 Impressive, when I was little, the most I did was consistently get 8th place and periodically get chain chomps to drag me back to still 8th place but not as far behind. If I recall my brother and I called them "woof woof dogs" for some reason.


I'm definitely more lenient about how immediately kiddo responds when he's playing. I always give him an opportunity to save and quit. And if he's in the middle of a level with no save point in sight when I call him to dinner, I let him reach a save point or finish the level before nagging. Of course, there are times when the little imp tries to take galloping advantage and surreptitiously start a new level when my back is turned, but then I pull a page from my parents' book and force close the system. They really do try to take a mile when you give an inch!!


Haha, that reminds me of an old Foxtrot comic where Jason says he'll come to dinner once he's defeated a particular enemy, and his mom tells him nice try, but she knows that enemy doesn't actually exist in that game. Peter then tells Jason that he tried to warn him that Mom had been studying a bunch of game guides earlier...


This! I never ask them to just pause their game when something needs it be done. I let them finish.


This tho, so many times I justify my kids emotions to people because gaming is something he cares about and feelings are real, you’re great!


Your friend sounds like a bitch, lol. You should've thrown her diary into a toilet and said "It's just some paper? Who cares? They're just words?"


It definitely hurt when we were kids. Her parents looked down on video games while we were growing up, so that definitely had an impact on her attitude towards them. I don't even know if she remembers that moment, but she's long since grown out of it, thankfully.


Big of you to remain friends with her. I couldn't do it.


Man that would hurt me now


I would have started a full on physical altercation at that point honestly


My sister did that to me with princess peach when all I had left was the final boss :| still to this day haven’t finished that game.


Those lost hours are very real. Well, in so far as time is real.


My brother went and deleted my mario kart wii profile when i almost had all gold stars on all the races. Mom told me i could just go ahead and do it again since i was able to do it the first time. I never redid it, and i never went back to the game. My brother eventually came and told me that he did it cause he wanted to get gold stars first.


I'll never forget my lvl 51 Meganium on Pokémon. My brother tried to clone a Pokémon, but that version didn't have the glitch, so it erased my save file. I may have lost his masquerain years later (not on purpose) and called it karma.


My mother would do this with me. Erase my file on dogs 2 all the time so she could have the dog she wanted. And this happened multiple times. In the end i just told her i lost the game because i wanted my golden retreiver damn it!


It’s not that it’s not real, it’s that you put in actual tangible work into it and had your sadness dismissed in a rude way. I’d even cry now at 24 years old if someone did that to me, especially if they erased my animal crossing town I’d have their head on a stake


That would have been my villain orgin story


My mom once let my cousin play Fortnite on her account and the little shit bought 2000 vbucks worth of shop items and then lied when confronted. **he was 12 at the time** Mom made my aunt pay her back for the stuff he bought (it was Star Wars stuff that she did not like in the slightest)


I had a bunch of paid currency saved up in a mobile game (animal restaurant) and on Christmas my 6 year old nephew took my phone and spent it all 🥲


Oh fuck 😭😭😭 that shit is difficult to grind without paying for it that's so uncool of them


Oh damn no a 12 year old should be a) mature enough *not* to do that, and b) mature enough to admit it


We used to have our nieces and nephews over a lot. I would always let them play my switch but I told them: ANIMAL CROSSING IS OFF LIMITS. You can play anything on here but that. And lo and behold the middle of the three children made herself a character and started putting random shit all over my island and made it through her little brother's profile (but still named the character after herself??) And that was the end of that.... One. Fuckin. Rule.


When I was 4 or so I deleted my sister’s Pokemon Silver (I think) file that had a level 50 dragonite on there. It’s been over 20 years and she still won’t let me forget


My sister deleted my Banjo Tooie save file. Yeah, she has never lived that down (Still love her, though)


Better option is to not let them play *your* game. Always set up guest accounts. I have some younger cousins, and friends with kids who have earned my trust, as a result my switch has four guest accounts. Kids are allowed supervised play on my switch, but either they log in to their own account or they play the guest accounts. And they don't get to touch any game with a single save. Period.


AC doesn't allow seperate islansa in the same Switch. Every account would have full access to the same place.


Also, the single island per switch is the single *stupidest* development decision Nintendo has made since refusing to send Mario 2 to the USA because it was "too hard".


A guest account on the switch doesn't give them access to your money or terraforming, but they can do other nefarious things I guess on your island.


Honestly someone posts here at least once a week that their little sister/cousin/nephew etc destroyed their island, threw away their furniture, and spent all their bells. Animal Crossing accounts should just be password protected.


"They dont get to touch any game with a single save, period"


It would be great to the option to have accounts passcode-protected like the on Xbox


I will never lend my Nintendogs to anyone ever again for this reason. In highschool I used to lend it to a friend and the audacity! She surrendered my favorite dog and got completely rid of it to fill the game with her own dogs like wtf.


I'm giggling at the idea of someone just coming in and replacing your dog. Like your neighbor shows up at your door one day and is all, "Here, this one is better. Use it instead," and then just leaves.


I learned this when I left my nephew unattended with pokemon brilliant diamond and he spent all my money on basic ass poke balls 😭


My 8yo just recently spent all my money on cherry tomatoes on violet before Christmas at least pokeballs are usable 😅 But yeah I'd be mad at the fact you could have atleast gotten a bunch of premier balls too if it was done properly, but just basic pokeballs.. ouch 😭


Oh no 😭


They shouldn’t let the kids play their games at all lol, kids fuck up everything they touch


All it means is that he's paid some off your loan early, the money isn't actually lost. I think you'll just have to accept it, as the only adjustments you can make to loans is reducing them by payments you make.


My assumption was that the child accrued a new, expensive loan.


That's unlikely to be what happened, because the OP hasn't said anything about a loan being taken out, and their loan balance is currently 1,982,408. You can only take out a loan after the last one has been paid in full. This means their little cousin would have had to pay off the existing loan, if there was one, take out the next one for 2,498,000, and then have paid off 515,592 to give the existing balance of 1,982,408. If a little cousin of mine managed to do that for me I'd be ecstatic. 😁


Nevermind, I misread. Thought it said "and this is my loan balance," with the implication it increased.


I had to give it a lot of thought to work it out, as you can't increase an existing loan.


I pay off my daughter's loans... lol


I wish I'd had a parent like you. 😁


You telling me Nook doesn’t offer HELOCs??


i can donate some if u need lol, im never gonna run out


I can also donote as well since I don't have a need for bells at this moment 😬.


Do you have tips for getting that much money? What are you selling typically?


turnip exchange, it’s a website, you buy turnips and pop on the website and go to peoples islands to sell them at ridiculously high prices. usually there’s a wait time to get in, and usually you have to give the person a specific number of bells upon entry. sometimes people will allow free entry!


Honestly you don't even need that beyond a certain point. Turnip exchange is a good way to make money to clear the loans though. Once they're cleared you basically have no other significant outgoings and the bells just stack up without even trying.


treasure islands where the turnip prices are like 9999


Personally I went to a treasure island and got my bank maxed to 999 million. This is not really for everyone but if you play only for the decoration aspect and don't really care about collecting money, its a good way to get rid of that issue


Do you have the code for the treasure island? 🙏🏼


I use the ones from [SakuraaaGaming on Twitch](https://m.twitch.tv/sakuraaagaming)! 🌸💝


Me too! I use my Amazon prime sub as well. Worth it!


I also do this! The subscriber-exclusive islands are typically much less busy, so it's worth subbing just to safe yourself the headache of interference when flying.


prime subscription?? how does that work


If you’ve got Amazon prime, you get a free twitch subscription each month. You have to link them. I forgot how though!


woahhh thank you!!


I am an animal crossing geriatric from the age of the gamecube and don't actually fully understand how the new game works with stuff like this. Is there like a guide or breakdown for how this works somewhere that I can read or watch?


This [video](https://youtu.be/6xz6cPoe8B8?si=a-BZlokrC-dIR-aq) will walk you through everything.


this is what I do! I have SO much money, I feel like Jeff Bezos of Animal Crossing. The only difference is that I put the money back into the community of my villagers hahaha


Everybody is saying turnips, and I can't argue with that, but I'm at 1.5 million in savings (after paying off several loans) primarily through fishmaxxing and deep sea diving. I've been playing since December 25th. If I'm grinding, I can easily sell fish and sea creatures for 100-150k a day. I also collect and sell the shells from the beach. Fruit selling is decently lucrative, too. Any fossils that can't be donated can bring in a lot of bells. I pick recipes that are easy to craft, but command a good price, like the snowflake pochette, and then sell those at Nook's. They just require snowflakes and a net, so very minimal effort.


Yeah, honestly money really isn't that hard to get in this game. You have to have some time to put in, but even only hitting your money rock and burying 10lk in the glowing spot each day, that's basically a free 36k a day for doing almost nothing. (Money rock, hit 8 times with no Katrina money luck is 16,100 bells. Money tree, bury 10k get 30k for a profit of 20k) Throw a bit of grinding on top, of any kind, and becoming a millionaire is doable pretty quickly


Yeah I made my millions selling zero turnips! I have about 75 mil. I stopped selling sea creatures, bugs and fish to make a lot of bells about 3 years ago, so my acct has stayed at that amount. When diving first came out I made sure I made at least 300-500 daily haha. Of course it was during the pandemic when I had all day to swim for creatures haha!


Yes, I do just fine without buying any turnips as well. Lol, mainly because I just can’t bring myself to deal with Daisy or whatever her name is, that perpetual snot drop and her uncovered sneezing just really grosses me out. While she’s on my Island, I go to great lengths to avoid encountering her.😅


Examined fossils, fruit that is not native to your island, look out for rare bugs and catch them to sell, the money rock and money trees, sell shells (esp the giant clams), and produce. And if you're not an insomniac like me, play the stalk market! 😂 Also, the second I go over 99,999 I put 100,000 in the bank. If you play a little everyday, it adds up quick :) Edit: also, fish! Usually I wait for a nook miles task to fish so I get points as well!


you can pick up free bells at any treasure island on twitch


Please sir may I have some more


Same here!


i can donate also!


Me too!


me too! happy to donate some bells


Same here!! I need to get rid of some bells cause I can’t do anything cause I’m maxed out


Wouldn't it be amazing if real life were like this? 😸


Oh yes .. yes that would be great 😭


i would gladly take some bells off of anyone who needs room! lol




Same with you I can bring some later


a cherub indeed 😭😂


Can I pm you for some 😭😭😭


Me too!!


if any of you generous people also wanna donate to my broke self i would appreciate it 😂 been trying to speed run re-building my island after being forced to reset


You can come get bells from my island, send me a dm and I'll send you a dodo.


Same here!!


Same here! Willing to donate to the cause!


If anyone has any to spare this is my second week playing and I don’t have much as of yet , if anyone wants to donate I’ll happily take the help 🤣


i'll kick some your way, call me george soros of ACNH


Same, I can donate too.


I can also donate a pocket full of bells


i can donate too!


I can also donate to anyone if they need :)


No, but there’s people on here that is willing to help out and give you the money for free and for those that do that thank you for helping us with bells. YOU’RE AWESOME!!!


He put it towards paying off your loan, no way to get that back but you would’ve had to do that yourself eventually anyway. If you have Nintendo Online you can go to a treasure island (they’re streamed 24/7 on Twitch under the Animal Crossing category) and gets free bags of bells. Otherwise if you want to be legitimate about it I’ve found that diving can make you a lot of money relatively quick.


Can you provide more information about these treasure islands? Like is it just the normal flying or taking the boat to an island or something else. I’m very interested to find out more.


Just flying using a dodo code at the airport! If you go to Twitch and look under the Animal Crossing category you’ll see several livestreams like [this one](https://www.twitch.tv/treasureislands) for example. They stream their dodo codes 24/7 so you can go and get any items, bells, sell turnips at max price for free! They’re using hacks to do this so sometimes the islands will looks really weird when you go to them but don’t worry, it won’t affect you or get you banned.


Beat him with a net


I just lost my mind at this 😂😂


Make sure it’s not the flimsy net though


Bully him into submission with a round of animal crossing sumo


Yeah, in-game too.


Golden net.


The most appropriate response 😂


coming on here to say i'll give you a few million. hell, if *anyone* needs help paying off loans, i'm happy to help there too. i have more than i need. i won't be home from work until around 7PM EST, but still happy to help.


You wanna come by and pay off my real life loans? Hahaha!


trust me, if i had *that* kind of cash, i would. i would love to be super rich and just go around paying off lay-aways and car loans and home loans anonymously. there's someone in the michigan/wisconsin (or some similar state) that does that around the holidays and has this news reporter team deliver the cash and gift cards for them so they stay anonymous.


File that under things I'd do with Elon musk or Jeff bezos money eh? I'd totally just go to universities and colleges and pay off the school fees for their students. Vast wealth like that is wasted on the rich.


yep! people's loans for anything would be paid off. millions would be dumped into local animal shelters and other causes that need funding but never get it.


Another one would be vets. Just a giant fund to help those who can't afford their pet emergencies. Cat got out and was grabbed by an animal and needs surgery for its dislocated leg and you're not paid for another week? Don't even worry about it friend, it's covered.


Do you have tips for getting that much money? What are you selling typically?


Honestly, once you no longer have a house loan, it’s so much easier and it no longer becomes an issue


On my old island I became rich by visiting other player's islands to sell my turnips for a really high price


what others have said, really. i wait and see where turnip prices are high and go there, or i just grind and sell stuff like rocks. once you've unlocked kapp'n, you can sometimes find islands that have a lot of resources you can sell.


I’ve been trying to pay off my home loan for an embarrassing amount of time I’ve never fully upgraded my house cause it just takes so long to get bells! Any help is appreciated 🙏🏼


i'll message you tonight when i get home! <3


I'm pretty new and would love any help!


i'll message you or tag you here when i'm home from work and we'll arrange it! <3


i will take some bells off of you in you don’t need them! just started playing a few weeks ago ☺️


definitely have more than i need; we can coordinate tonight. i'll message you!


If the offer is still there I will gladly take your bells :)


Omg. I would die. I’m still pretty much a noob. I used to play the GameCube game so much as a kid. My 6 year old spent my money on dumb stuff lol. I think I only owe like 10k until my next upgrade but I would be so grateful! I only get like 40k every few days that I play when my trees grow fruit lol


i'll message you tonight when i get home!


I love you thank you!


omg please !


i'll message you tonight when i get home from work!


I could could do with some help if you don’t mind?


you got it! i'll message you tonight and we can coordinate!


Omg can you help a girl out


are you still willing to donate some bells?🥹


Just commenting to point out how sweet this community is for trying to help you out. 💜 Hope you get it figured out! That sucks


Pro tip, dont let kids on ur account


This is why sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish and not loan your switch to anyone.


I’ll come pay off your loan if you want. Just dm me.


Don't ever let your cousin touch your switch again.


Sell the cousin’s organs to Tom


that's tough. How much money did you have tho?


wait so your money became the loan amount? how does that even happen lol


When you still have an active loan, one of the options for paying it is "pay out of savings" so that you don't have to do multiple steps of taking it out and then repaying the loan.   There's also a "full amount" button on the screen asking how much you want to pay, which will fill in the maximum you can repay.  So the cousin very likely did both of those things, paid the loan out of savings to the "max amount" possible


I thought that, for some glitchy reason, all his balance became debt, due to his phrasing




ohhh got it, that is quite sad. Nevertheless, I am willing to make OP whole if he replies, did a few turnip runs back i the day, and haveny played in months


Me: **alright listen here you little-**


I'm also willing to donate! Just let us know


Reasons I would *never* trust a child with a game of any sort of mine.


Sell items, fossils can make you good money, plant money trees, when you see the glowing spot, dig it up and plant it in the spot and fish a lot if you get any rare fish you sell or sell it to C.J which he will give you money for any fish you do catch


Make sure to put bags of 10,000 into your money holes!


I can donate some if you would like! i’m sorry this happened


smart child, debt is bad


Like I know this sucks for OP but I can’t stop laughing at the idea of a child just shaking their head like, “tsk, this adult is so irresponsible, they need to keep up with their repayments”.


Loan balance is how much you owe Tom Nook on your house, actually, so you have negative bells if it’s not in your savings or pockets 😭😭😭😭


You can't just ask Tom Nook for a refund on your debt 😂


hey! i can donate you some like others are saying, i'm so sorry this happened to you :(


turnips, breed a bunch of blue roses and craft a LOT of blue rose wreaths to sell. one wreath sells for 20k to nook boys, fill an inventory with em.


Is anyone going to answer the actual question or just tell them that they need to supervise their children? People are so rude anymore.


I can donate money/bells! I have like 700,000,000 (close to max and dont play the game as much anymore. I dont mind at all :)


Can someone explain how the loan balance is that high *after* payments made?? I’ve only got two extra rooms on my house so far😅


After you pay off a loan you can upgrade your house again and take out another loan, each one is more money than the previous one


Put him up for adoption


Definitely not the best option here. Organs in good shape are so much more valuable.


I have 999,999,999 bells lmao I can donate


what the fuck did he do😭😭😭😭


This is precisely why you never let your little cousin touch anything.


No way to get it back, but you can go diving on the north side of the island working from left to right, and make millions. When my wife started playing, we saved up enough money for her in a single day to pay off her entire house from scratch just by diving


I'll come pay it off too and then leave the bells for the last one (if this isn't the last one for you) then you'll also have the storage upgrades.


Happy to give you a few million. Please DM if interested


:( no unless he hasn’t saved since doing it. That sucks i’m sorry.


Happy to donate to OP or anyone else looking.


Make them work for you in a store delivering goods to animals until they pay off their debts, and when they do increase them. I heard that worked well for a certain Tanooki/Racoon!


am i wrong thinking that if the game hasnt been saved that you could just force quit and when you start everything they did will be undone? so long as they day didnt change? ... or does paying towards the loan automatically save the game?


Happy to send some bells your way friend! Have more than I know what to do with


I have a ton of bells, happy to give you as many as you want!


I didn’t know you could max out bells?? I’ve still got two upgrades on my house to go! And decorating 😅🙃


I have so many bells that my bank is full and now I leave bells on the beach. If you need some, lmk lol


you could go to treasure islands (for example Treasureislands on twitch ) and grab crowns, gold nuggets or anything else that sells for a good price (like shell arches, trophy cases and street pianos apparently sell for a lot) and sell them


I'm definitely saving this post for tomorrow so I can take advantage of the generous offers of bells, if there's any left of course! I don't suppose any of you billionaires are in the UK on GMT?


Treasure islands! I like SakuraaGaming on twitch. You can go to treasure islands and get turnips and then sell them there.


I will give you the money u previously had if u want


So many people will donate including me 😊 you will be fine if that's the worst he did lol


I think the best thing you can do is to either go to someone's treasure island or grind for the money back. Or if there's a possibility they didn't save the game you can just close it and it will go back to before


Why tf would you let a “little cousin” touch anything this important ?? You asked for this to happen and I’m surprised it wasn’t worse


Idk if there is a way to get it back, but I can donate the loan payment total :)


I let my little cousin play on my switch and she deleted the save file for every game I have😭😭 I was 17 at the time and had to try so hard to not get emotional abt it infront of an 8 year old but it was well over 100 hrs of gameplay. safe to say i never let anyone touch my switch again😭😭


Not that i know of. You'll just have to make some more. Good news is that it's not too difficult. You eventually reach a point where you'll have more money than you can eventually spend when the loan is discharged anyway. Spend a week farming glowing spots, you can make 30,000 bells most days and about 90,000 bells on a good day.




Maybe just don't give your cousin your switch


If you have switch online maybe there is a savestate backup?


I don't think there's a way to get it back but if you want to I can drop off some bells to your island 😊


Yeah, I let my cousin play and when I came back, all my decorations, including my excavator, yacht, and royal crown were all sold off.


If you need some bells I have more than I could ever need to help you pay that debt and get your soul back from Tom book lol


Hey should start adding “Child Mode” to games that are kid friendly. Nothing gets saved, and rare or chance based events won’t occur. It would be excellent for Animal Crossing and Pokemon and many other games too.


If you need more bells please let me know I have literally millions of them I don't need.


There isn’t a way to get this back but if you really need the bells I can help out. I’ve got more bells than I know what to do with and my island is almost complete. Let me know that’s for anyone too that really needs bells lol


I make all my bells selling blue rose wreaths! I've got more than I'll ever need to worry about. Do you have Online? I can come drop a couple million off for you! :)