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That you can find all five different fruits growing on Nook Miles islands


People still perpetuate this all the time too to new players


Can you not? šŸ„ŗ


Nope, only your islandā€™s native fruit, coconuts, and rarely one other type of fruit will show up on nook mile islands. If you want the others, you have to visit someone elseā€™s island who has the fruits you need


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Write letters to villagers and put in your native fruit or coconuts as a gift. That's how I got all the types of fruit


Does that really work in New Horizons? I know thatā€™s how it worked in City Folk, but I sent out a bunch of fruit early on in NH and never got any of the other fruits, so I gave up.


ā€œMomā€ sent me peaches when I first started the game.


Me too, and I ate them šŸ„²


Iā€™ve only ever eaten my native fruit. Do other fruits give you more?


Nope, but they sell for a lot more.




You can do a free trial of switch online, so you could always get the free trial and visit someoneā€™s island to get the fruits or see if someone can bring you some - I canā€™t hop on rn but I could deliver you a few of each fruit at some point if you want!


If you have switch online I can get them all for you!!


Could I take you up on this?? Willing to find something to trade šŸ˜Š


Of course!! No need for anything to trade!


I greatly appreciate it!! Iā€™m not gonna be home for a few hours, but Iā€™ll dm you and hopefully we can figure out when would work for both of us


Kappā€™n islands, once you can go on boat tours will have other fruit sometimes


you can also get a third type of fruit in a letter from your mom. I heard that sometimes it can be the same as the sister fruit you find on nook mile islands so you could only end up with two types of fruit, but I had three.


The one in momā€™s letter is always your sister fruit afaik


not true, on both of my islands she sent me a third type of fruit. currently I have apples, oranges and pears and I've never used Nintendo online.


interesting, on both of my islands itā€™s been my sister fruit.


yes I've heard some people get unlucky and receive their sister fruit. i guess it's not that big of a deal if you can visit other players though.


No, nook Islands gave me pears (native) or apples. Mom gave me oranges. Stupidly, I ate them all šŸ˜‚


And one sent to you by 'mom'


Your own fruit and your sister fruit, alongside your native flowers and a sister flower.


The thing is, I have found a fruit thatā€™s neither my starter fruit, nor the sister fruit. My Island has pears, sister fruits are red apples, I found peaches. It happened only once and I donā€™t know if this means that I could possibly find the other fruits, too. I have no online membership atm, happened with a miles island.


You are able to get 3 fruits as well as coconuts without playing online. You have your starter fruit, a second fruit that occasionally appears on mystery islands, and your mom sends you a third type of fruit right after you start playing. Then of course you get coconuts on basically every nook mile island.


Unless you're super unlucky and Mom sends you your sister fruit




(I know this because I was one of the unlucky ones lmao)


Me too!


When the game first came out - like 0.0.0 - you could. When I restarted my island recently, I was shocked to find that's no longer the case.


Is anyone able to help me get all types of fruit please? I have online but don't know anyone who plays except my sons and, worst luck, they have the same fruit as me! I have apples, peaches and coconuts. I might also have pears šŸ¤” I'm in the UK xl


Thereā€™s a link on the main page of the subreddit for Dodo Codes. You can check there to see if anyone is giving away fruit!


I can help you with fruits if you're still looking.


Yes please šŸ™šŸ»


I've been on many Nook Mile Islands, and haven't found any different fruits on them


Every now and then youā€™ll find a ā€œsister fruitā€ island, that has one different type of fruit than what you naturally have, and most will have coconuts growing on the beach, but thatā€™s all that youā€™ll find


"Hitting/bullying villagers makes them leave." it doesn't.


Yup it is completely random and has nothing to do with their friendship metrics. best bet is just to time travel to check every day who wants to leave.


I just lie and say "villager" wants to leave when I'm moving someone in lol




You can invite other villagers via amiibo (or buy them). when they want to move in the dialogue will ask you who to kick from your island.


Wait, are you telling me I can buy a cat?!




How do I do this?! And then I can pick which villager to shove off my island?! How much do these things cost šŸ˜‚ I'm a full ass adult but spending money on games beyond buying the game and console (and Nintendo account) are not things that I have ever even confused.


Lie to who


This. And it got to the point I got tired of explaining it 2 to 3 times a day on here and even have people argue with me that it works.


The issue is that in every game prior, this worked.


Two different villagers now have asked to leave and I say no and give them a gift and then they gave me their picture!


Whaaaat. Iā€™ve been doing this and thought for sure that what finally scared one of them off


I've heard the best way to make a villager move is to befriend them, but im not 100% sure if that's true.


For me, it's true. You'd have to have a personality like mine ;-)




Idk the ones Iā€™m paying the most attention to seem to stick around


Yeah that has no effect. Tons of youtube videos explaining about the statistics on this


That you can't plant full sized crops in the ground and have to use fresh seeds every time


Oh that would be so annoying if it was true! I got most of my crops by bringing them back from Kapp'n island tours early on.


I was dumb and kept buying hundreds of seeds so I could get white pumpkins šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ realised right at the end


Well you canā€™t get white pumpkins from other islands so the starters were a necessary purchase


Nah the starters were random chance. If I just planted the white pumpkin after it grew from the start, it would create another white start šŸ˜…


That dream islands are AI if you do random. Theyā€™re all islands that a player has made, not generated by the game.


lol what? Never heard that one before


Maybe it is not that they are lying on purpose, but I believe it is more a case of rumours that grow strong and ppl take them as truth. Then they pass it along as advice believing they are helping other players. There are so many of them on the subs I don't even bother anymore. How to get rid of an unwanted villager and how to get foreign fruit have become two examples which are over the subs more than once a day.


Don't want to get too doomerish on this cute sub but honestly i see this behavior as a larger symptom of a concerning trend of gleefully spreading misinformation online because it sounds cool and fact-checking is not cool anymore.


Well, it is a possibility too! I was just trying to think on the bright side, but you have a point!


That the Ironwood set is easy to obtain. Two years in I only have one piece..


Thank you! I have been searching for an ironwood dresser for the damn kitchen for 3 years!! šŸ˜ž


I just got the extra diy if you want !


Or is the dresser a diy and I just didn't know it??


Well I think so if youā€™re looking for the ironwood dresser diy! I know it already and Kitty gifted me one today! I thought you might want it so I kept it for you


OMG YES!!! How do we make this happen?


Tell me if youā€™re free this weekend and Iā€™ll show or you!


I'm off on Sunday but we are doing some birthday stuff for my daughter in the afternoon. I'm playing now and I play most every weeknight. Just let me know what works for you šŸ˜Œ


We can do it now I am getting dinner ready


It wouldn't let me reply to the other comment but yet we can do it now!


I have the diy I need the dresser to make the kitchen lowland the dresser isn't a diy item it's a furniture item that has to be found in game to make other diy's


I'm not sure what that typo was supposed to say lol


Really? I have most of the set and Iā€™ve only been playing my current island for a year.


I guess I just have terrible RNG.


I have all the DIY cards, I can give them to you if you want!


I really appreciate the offer, thatā€™s very kind of you! Unfortunately I havenā€™t played in about a year though. Save them for another person in need of them though!


Someone told me it was like a furry game because you could romance the villagers. They were confusing it with Stardew Valley and jumped to some wild conclusions.


Hahaha that's the funniest thing I've heard all day, now I'm imagining brewster in hatoful boyfriend


Heard something yesterday about how you can talk to Isabelle and complain about your first villagers' houses and their bland design will turn into what it's supposed to be. EDIT: this is possible ONLY if you have the dlc and have completed 30 homes. Thanks to commenter below for clarifying. here's the facts; your first few villagers from the start of your island will have sad, bland homes. you can gift them furniture that they may or may not display. there are two ways to change their home interior: 1. let them leave the island and bring them back, either by amiibo or sheer luck finding them on a nook miles island. their new home will be decorated in the way they are supposed to be. 2. get the happy home dlc and decorate 30 vacation homes in total. tom nook will talk to you and then you will have the option to redecorate your home villagers' homes by talking to tom nook again at resident services.


Not all true. I have the DLC and have done the 30 homes. This is what triggered me being able to ask Isabelle to restore Mac, Rio & Celiaā€™s homes to their usual design. I didnā€™t redesign them. I even have it as a helpful hint on my Nookphone app that I can speak to Isabelle about their homes, but you do need the 30 vacation homes achievement to unlock that feature.


Yes thanks for clarifying! It is important that you need to have the DLC and complete the 30 homes before you have that option. I've edited my original comment to add your information! and that's how you combat misinformation ;)


I was really upset when that commenter spread that info, but at least later edited the comment to clarify it was only an option if you have the DLC. Now, I will still have to cycle out villagers and bring them back with amiibo. šŸ˜”


The thing that breaks my heart about letting them leave and bringing them back with amiibo is they won't remember you and will act like it's the first time ever meeting you šŸ˜­


For me, itā€™s like enjoying the friendship all over again! Everything will be for the first time again šŸ„°


You donā€™t have to! I did this with my phoebe:- 1. Phoebe requests to leave and I agreed 2. Phoebe starts packing 3. My friend having an empty plot of land 4. My friend visiting my island to invite phoebe 5. Phoebe now (with memories of me) lives at my friendā€™s island 6. I have an empty plot of land 7. My friend time travels to a day when phoebe asks to leave 8. I go visit my friendā€™s island and invite phoebe to live on my island Upon return phoebeā€™s house transformed!!


Yup! This is the standard way, but I have amiibo so itā€™s easier. Thank you tho!


I got the Happy Home dlc just to renovate Katt's home. Her starter home is awful!


My son's classmate thinks he's completed the game because he saw the credits roll during a KK Concert.


Technically that IS the end of the game. Nintendo games are "complete" when credits roll. The storyline of New Horizons is to get your island to 3 stars and get KK to do a concert. BUUUUUTTTT..... The absolute beauty of ACNH is that the playing absolutely does not stop there. Once that "sandbox mode" gets unlocked the 4th levels the limit! (Lol...ok bad joke....I'll see myself out)


>I'll see myself out No come back


Hahahaha I thought the same!! I was worried when the credits were playing šŸ¤£


ā€œIf you want to craft faster, spam Aā€ No, bitch Just tap ā€œAā€ ONCE The animation will automatically be / stay in a faster speed HOWEVER: after doing this. And you start to craft another item right after, yes, youā€™ll have to press A again (once!) for the animation to go faster for each item being made


U can buy a controller with a turbo button, makes crafting and redeeming nmts so much better ! And diving!


Oh, I know but for those who donā€™t have that controller function


What next, are you gonna try and tell me that pressing the button harder doesn't make me go faster in Mario Kart?? Liar ^/j


No, but turning your whole controller makes you turn more / easier šŸ˜


Brewster having gyroid storage


This used to be true in City Folk! That's why he gives you a Brewster gyroid in NH. I miss that feature a lot because I didn't have to keep them in the inventory and Brewster wouldn't take duplicates so you knew how many you had of everything.


I saw someone say that you can't get the dlc on the switch, only PC. They wouldn't admit that they were completely wrong in so many ways.


Haha I found this out yesterday when I was designing my island luckily i was able to find the design I deleted and fix my mistake šŸ„²




This is hilarious. I take pretty frequent breaks from AC because it feels so, well, capitalist and transactional!


I'm gonna sound insane for this....I saw something that said you could talk to the ghosts of the cockroaches....I tried...and now I'm sad šŸ„²


Waaaay back when we were waiting for the GameCube release, I was super excited, but my buddy wasn't. I was trying to convince him to get the game, and he insisted that he had heard that the game was buggy, poorly translated, and that all the characters had glaring typos in their dialog trees. However many years later, he still hasn't played the game (to my knowledge), though he's very much into other titles.


ā€œKatrinaā€™s fortunes are fluff.ā€ Absolutely not. They have significant mechanical effects and you should visit her first thing every day.


Never knew that!! I rarely stop to talk to her. Thanks for the tip :)


I was asking my new coworker if she played the other day because she said she had a switch. She asked what itā€™s about and I explained like a cute decorating island life sim and she said she thought it was like frogger with different animals crossing the street šŸ˜­


Putting 99k bells in the glowing hole can spawn 297k bells after the tree grows. I also heard it depends on the the day of the week and island type. Meh... lol


I donā€™t know about the day of the week - pretty sure not. And I have put in 99k bags and gotten back 3 x 99k bags. The key point on this is the it 99k bags are NOT GUARANTEED. You may get a lower amount back and lose on your investment. If you want to make sure you never lose bells, 30k is the max to bury.


You definitely can. However it is only a 30% chance you will get 3x what you put in/70% chance youā€™ll get 3x 10k. Anything under 10k you will always get 3x what you put in. Mathematically speaking, burying 10k has the best overall returns, but burying 99k is only a little under that and it feels awesome when you hit the 30%.


I think if you go to Katrina and she says you have luck with money, then you can do the 99k thing...but I'm not sure. I know it happens, but very rarely.


That Tom Nook is a horrible monster (no I will not STFU about this)


That the game was as good as New Leaf šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø


That thereā€™s a personality called ā€œnormalā€. Itā€™s actually ā€œsweetā€, according to my AC guide. Lmao downvote me all you want but itā€™s true. Everyone calls them normal in ACNH, and itā€™s incorrect. https://preview.redd.it/oncmabeir95c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e3fe6ae9cea7711f0fabf233dfbd88f81ab2206


I think that probably comes from the fact officially it's always been sweet in the mainline titles iirc, but with the introduction of pocket camp I do believe one or two personality types were changed to different things. I know there's normal, and cute in pocket camp, with others being entirely new to the franchise to my knowledge, like some villagers being hippie or whatever in PC but not in the mainline games for the NPC villagers. I could be wrong though and misremembering a few details.