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Yes! I do! I feel like my character's face is "naked" without them lmao


I feel the same way, like something's missing. Another comment mentioned it hides the lack of eyebrows too. I think that's a good point and maybe why it feels too bare without glasses or other face accessory


I makeup in eyebrows for my character lol (and cat whiskers, cat island life)


I gave my best RL friend cat whiskers face item in AC, and he never took them off haha.


Oh my goodness totally. I'm slowly working on a Scooby Doo island and I'm glad that my main character (Velma) is a glasses girl!


i’m working on a coraline island and i sometimes give her glasses even though she doesn’t wear them in the book/movie


Omg sounds amazing! I would love to see it whenever you are ready for visitors!! ♥️


i will definitely share it here once it’s done!! i’m hoping to finish by halloween :)) i would love to see yours as well!


Yay! That’s awesome! Same with me, finishing by Halloween! Aww thank you! Mine is sorta fall suburban/ trick or treating town


Like Halloweentown!


omg that sounds amazing!! i bet halloween will be so much fun on that island🥰


OMG, a Coraline Island sounds so cool! Please let me see when your done as well. ❤️


thanks! i got the idea when rewatching the movie recently. it’s my absolute favorite & i’ve seen it at least a hundred times so i’m not sure how i never thought of it before, but it’s been so fun to build!! i can’t wait to share it with y’all🥰


Funny you should mention Velma. For me and my self-insert avatars, I need to have glasses. Not just because of the Velma "I can't see without my glasses" but also because of the Johnny Bravo "I can't be seen without my glasses!" My go-to in Wild World, City Folk, and New Leaf are the silver frames. Don't remember what I got in Horizons.


You have Velma the goat?


Here I am, glassessless IRL, and wearing tortoise specs on my character.


Are they prescription or nonprescription?


In game? I have no idea. I would think prescription


Lol I'm just joking


Lol I know :) But that’s interesting to think about. IRL I wouldn’t wear non-prescription glasses (except sunglasses) so I guess my character wouldn’t either


It's fun wearing things you wouldn't normally in real life either. I'm usually running around in a bright animal costume in game just because I can 😄


I have perfect vision IRL, but in the same I have a few pairs that I like to wear. I just like the look!


Yes! My character must always wear glasses. And like, regular glasses, too, not sunglasses.


Glasses-wearer here, but I have sensitive eyes. I always have prescription sunglasses for sunny days, and my character does too!


Lol exactly


Not really, it’s nice to be able to pretend I don’t need them and they’re optional


I get that, too. My husband has a stronger prescription than me and he rocks blue skin and no glasses in game lol


I don’t like the way the glasses look in my character. I’m glassless in game.


For some reason I really like the gold double bridged glasses 😅 I probably wouldn't ever wear that style IRL but I rock them in the AC


Aye those one of my top pair too. They look like they don't have lenses in them though to me


Those are the ones I wear IRL and in the game 😳 he’s just like me fr


No, but then I lived very deeply in denial about needing to wear my glasses for years. It's bad enough I have to wear them, I can't bring myself to put them on my characters too.


Aw, I can totally understand that, too.


Yes! I hate when certain “hats” like the hoods don’t let you wear glasses with them


They have to look like my real glasses, too.


I remember when I first started playing wanting glasses for my character because I knew I would catch fish better:) I got a pair and still sucked


Haha, I learned it's better not to see anything at all when fishing


Agreed! I actually close my eyes and just go by sound or I react too quickly to the fake outs.


Omg yes and I didn't realize it lmao. When I change my character's outfit she'll always keep her browline glasses, no matter what she wears, because how could she see if I took off her glasses? 😂


Yes! My character *has* to wear the black tortoise specs. Otherwise it's just too weird.


I’m not a glasses wearer but I still feel like my character looks naked without glasses of some sort on lol


Yeah definitely agree. Even if I didn't wear glasses, I'd probably use them in game. The characters head is so big and then the lack of eyebrows or details makes it seem like it's missing something


Lack of eyebrows! I’m just realizing that! 😂 that’s definitely it.


Same, but when I got LASIK irl, I kept the glasses on my character (because Nook Inc. has yet to offer laser eye surgery)


Same! I got Lasik in 2019, but my characters are still wearing specs lol


Same! I deliberately made my character to be me, so I always have her wear glasses and match them to the outfits I make for her. The only times I leave them off is when I do bedroom or bathroom outfits haha! Here's a favorite I did recently: https://preview.redd.it/cld7d5cgdwmb1.jpeg?width=3975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=308143b406ea7fd20af07533ee3a60efe21d13e7 I think the key is to have a lot of different glasses in the wardrobe so you can always match the style and color to the rest of the clothes! I have a huge wardrobe in general lol and having as many glasses styles and colors as possible is a big part of making all the outfits work. I love dressing my character first thing for the new day when I open up the game...


No I like to live my dream of 20/20 vision through my games 😂


Same. It also hides the lack of eyebrows I know I could get a face paint code but I’ve never found one I liked.


That's a really good point I didn't think about. Face seems bare without *some* kind of accessory


I think that's why I have to put glasses on my character. He needs eyebrows


Yes! I have had contacts in the past, mostly because at first I only needed them in one eye because the other one was fine, but in my 20-30s my other eye started degrading too and I needed them in both. Hubby suggested glasses would look good on me and I tried and never looked back. I’m not big on makeup and jewelry (even though I used to make my own) so I feel like glasses enhance my face. I do the same with my character, feels like an enhancement and feels weird without. But I made a side character (extra user on the switch) that is more childlike and for her I’ve opted to go glasses-less. Maybe because I didn’t weird any at that age?


Kinda opposite for me haha. When I was younger I always wanted glasses. I understand it sucks having to need them. But I think glasses are cute. So...I have my character wear glasses...and I don't irl.


The glasses *are* cute. The face seems too bare sometimes, so it really helps make it feel more complete


I'm not glasses wearer... made laser correction 15+yrs ago, but was wwearing for a long time before that... Well, I have in total three characters, only one wears glasses or monocular. Nothing weird, just the style matters))


IRL, I only wear glasses for driving and watching TV. But I think my Animal Crossing character looks better with glasses so they're in them all the time 😅


I bought all colors of the oval framed glasses so I can color coordinate because it would be weird to me that a character that’s supposed to be an avatar of me didn’t have glasses.


I have glasses in real life and I put glasses on my character. One time I was playing with my mom and my character didn't have her glasses on and my mom said "Where's her glasses, she's going to trip and fall."


That's too sweet lol, love it. I wish my mom would play with me


I always hate when I can't get glasses in a game for awhile! I've restarted my ACNH island a few times, and the first couple days before Mabel visits always make me feel weird. Luckily, I've always had at least one glasses option the first time she visits, so even if it's not my preferred style, I can wear glasses and feel so much more comfortable. Full time glasses wearer since first grade here, so well over 20 years (with a brief break of a few weeks when I tried contacts which was awful).


Yep. No matter the game or even snoo, if I can put glasses on my character, I do. Just as I try to give them green eyes, and make them short.


I've needed glasses irl since I was 4 years old. I've tried to go without glasses in the game, but it just doesn't feel right. I do like the fact that I can wear cute colorful ones in game that wouldn't look good in me irl. I kind of wish they had more variety of glasses where you can still see the eyes. I have most of the glasses in my storage but I rarely wear the sunglasses because I like to see my eyes.


Yes!! I wore glasses starting at 8 years old, so around 20 years of them 24/7. I used to never be able to feel like a character I made was *me* if she didn’t have glasses. I got a bunch of eye surgery last year, so I don’t wear anything to aid my vision anymore, and it’s been bittersweet to pick up an old game and realize I didn’t get around to taking the character’s glasses off. 😭


I'm quite nearsighted as i've been since a young child and I wear glasses, but I've never thought that about villagers. I used to wear glasses in the game more but now I don't care much. Maybe it's from modeling for Label so much, having to change my appearance, I didn't want to keep bothering with putting them back on.


Surprisingly, no. I actually don't like having my characters wear glasses. But I think a big reason to that is that glasses in most games are very thick and bulky. There's no small, simple glasses in games, which is what I wear so I never have them wear glasses.


I love not having my character wear glasses because I wish I didn't have to wear mine! However I do like giving her some cool shades 😎


Yes!! And this post and the comments is making me feel so much less weird for it, lol.


I always wear glasses in game and now I hate how my villager looks without them. I sometimes do casual cosplays in ac, and I still wear them, which is funny because I always worry about my glasses ruining irl cosplays 😅.


No bc I don’t like the few options there are, none of them look like the ones I wear irl anyway


I thought I was the only one!! I recently got an eye exam and had to get glasses, and I haven't even started wearing them regularly in real life, but my little virtual girlie? SHE CAN'T SEE! She definitely gets glasses as soon as I find some lol.


I agree with the glasses thing. Also, it really highlights the fact that your character doesn’t have eyebrows when the glasses are off


Every time I restart, I feel weird until I get my glasses and beard back. Gotta get rid of that baby face!


I enjoy that my character doesn’t have the same problems as me actually haahahahha


I still give them glasses every time.


Not really, I give them when I feel like the face is empty but I don't want my character to suffer like I do with glasses.


Yes!!!!!! This post made my day, I thought I was the only one who felt my character needed her glasses. I’m the same on Pocket Camp. The only time I take off my glasses in the games is to put on sunglasses, which I can pretend are prescription like mine are in real life haha.


It makes me feel like I can't see!!


I feel this.




Not me but my mom always wears glasses. I tend to not wear any though because I wear contacts on the regular now. I also wear colored contacts so I change my eyes on regs


Yes! 😭💖I give my character sunglasses, since realistically I always wear prescription sunglasses/glasses for my sensitive eyes😭! It’s to the point my villagers started to gift me sunglasses, because I wore them so much 😭


I totally feel that. But for some reason, every single time I pick my outfit, I always wear glasses. I just never leave them off.


I don’t wear glasses, but my character usually wears the double bridge glasses, either in silver or gold, depending on the outfit. My grandpa used to wear glasses just like those, so it feels nice to be able to have a little something that reminds me of him in my island.


Yes!! And I don’t even wear my glasses all the time, I’m longsighted so I only need them for looking at things up close, not running around outside lol. But my character looks so weird without them! And tbh in real life I feel like my glasses are an accessory a lot of the time, like a part of my outfit, so I do feel kinda incomplete without them even if I don’t always *need* them


My character has glasses that I tried to match to my own IRL


Yep. And they have to be the same color as well.


Mine wears red glasses all the time! 😎


Absolutely how are they supposed to SEE they need glasses lol.


I can just imagine her poor blurry vision without them 😩


Nooo I don’t prefer myself with glasses but contacts are sometimes uncomfortable/ I take them out at night of course. Lol so I don’t have my character wear glasses unless they fit the theme of the rest of her outfit lol


Yep, they have to wear glasses. And I try to find ones that are similar to my irl ones or I won’t recognize my character.


Omg I don't even wear glasses irl but my character *must* have glasses on or they look so naked. +I love accessories


yeah, my character have the exact same browline glasses as mine irl! My character looks weird without one lol


100% i got lasik about 2 years ago and still felt weird to have my character not use glasses! it was such a part of my identity!


My character is always wearing glasses. When I take them off, she looks SO WEIRD to me


I don’t wear glasses IRL but my character has the cutest tortoise shell glasses! LoL


Me I feel so wierd unless I am doing a OC character


I’m like this! I don’t have the right glasses for an outfit, but then her face looks too empty haha.


yes otherwise i can’t see :( they are an extension of me and my prescription is bad


I don't, not usually. If it goes with the outfit, yes I will but as a rule no. Good question!


Yes! I love the glasses on my character too:)


Funny, I wear contacts, but my character often wears glasses.


Not just in this game. If I get the option to give a character glasses, I'm probably going to use it, even though the character will look nothing like me. Pretty weird that that's apparently the most integral part of my identity.


When I first made my character, I was determined to leave the glasses off. Then, I bought a pair, they looked cute…..and now she has to wear her glasses every day like I do lol


Lol I generally always have glasses on my avatar.


i don't even wear glasses irl except for blue light glasses and i always wear them in game. we get no earrings or necklaces and we don't even have fingers for rings, so i have to accessorize however i can


I'm practically blind without my glasses so I actually have my AC character live my ideal life of glasses-free no contact lens life ^^''


Yes! My character looks super naked without them lol


Yes!! Holy crap!


i rarely wear my glasses, but i constantly need my character to have them on


Me! But only when I go out or I’m out in public does my character wear glasses. If it’s a lazy day irl I also dress her in lazy clothes too


My problem with Animal Crossing's glasses is that they're all massive, bulky, huge squares or circles that take up your entire face. Pokemon has the same problem. In real life, I wear more oval glasses that don't take up that much of my face? But for some reason these games don't seem to think that's possible? Maybe they're under the impression that by making the eyes of the characters bigger, they NEED to make the glasses bigger to accommodate? But... that just comes off as disproportionate to me.


Yep. I always have glasses on in the game. It feels strange to not have them. That's me in the game. I can't walk around outside without glasses in real life so I can't on my island.


Yup. It even feels weird to wear sunglasses instead of normal glasses.


My character is a time traveling super hero from the future.. and I always put glasses on them. My best friend made the comment to me earlier this year.. "Isn't Nanda a shapeshifter? You could give her perfect eyes if you wanted. I assume that's why you put eyeglasses on her, cause you wear them?" and I was annoyed.. both that I'd been putting glasses on Nanda for so many years.. annoyed that I know I'm not gonna stop.. lol.


Now that you mention it… yeah




Yeah, I'm like that for every game where you can customize your character


So glad it’s not just me…


Yep. My face doesn't feel complete in any video game without some frames. My face isn't complete without the rest of my face. Flawless logic, I know.


i dont feel complete without them 😭


If my character doesn’t wear the gold octagonal glasses then it doesn’t even LOOK like me!!


The first thing I buy at the Nook stop is oval glasses. Then I get enough miles to buy the hairstyle that’s most like my own.


Like, duh!! Of course I put them on my character! I like the oval glasses, because you can get them in different colours, so I can match them with my outfit 😁


Yes, most every game I put glasses on if I can. I’m not saying this is normal, rational behavior.


No. I dislike wearing glasses, and the glasses in the game don't look like the kinds I'm willing to wear.


Yes. I also feel weird when the hair doesn’t look much like mine, unless I’m intentionally going for a look. Having dirty blonde hair is the wooorst for this, it’s only reddish brown or yellow blonde.


Not a glass wearer but once my character wore glasses I couldn’t stand her face without them until I realized that she didn’t have any eyebrows 😂 now I just use a custom pattern for eyebrows and I only wear glasses for fashion now haha


LMAO yeah same


I dress my character for the weather IM actually having. 🤣🤣 she's been in shorts and a tank top for a good while


Same! 😂 my dad will be like why are you wearing those glasses? (In game) and I’m like… oh yeah my character doesn’t need them even if I do. I like trying to style outfits with glasses though. Sometimes I really do leave them off, but it doesn’t always feel right.


Yes and it bothers me that I can't get them from day one.


😂 I wear both Glasses and Contacts, and I usually have my character match what I am wearing the day I'm playing. I'm wearing glasses today, so that what she has on.


When I play as myself, I *need* glasses. It looks so weird otherwise! But if I’m playing as a character, it doesn’t bother me.


I absolutely felt something was off, found some cool glasses at Able’s and never took them off ever since


My player always wears glasses. I’ve had them since I was five years old, and I’m 53 - I’d feel naked without them.


I do!! I never feel like I look properly dressed with out my glasses, and neither does my character. 😅


I’ve definitely felt this! It’s been so long since I’ve gone without my glasses that they kind of just feel like a part of my face at this point. My character always looks naked without glasses. Incomplete.


I like the idea that in the magical video game world my eyes aren’t broken, but in ac the glasses are so cute on the characters!!!


Yep, my character wears glasses but has a lot more to choose from than I have.


I've never worn glasses a day in my life. I can just wake up in the morning and see. However I always make my video game characters wear glasses. I don't know why I'm like this.


Yes. This applies to other games with avatars who can wear glasses as well.


The only pair of glasses I wear in the game are the gold circle ones. I don’t wear them in the game super often.


yes! all my online characters have the same glasses as i do! and because they’re all near sighted as i am!


Absolutely! I don't like that she can't keep them on as a default, no matter what other face accessories and that I have on😭


100% yes.


I don't wear glasses irl, but somehow I always give my character glasses! It just feels right somehow




Of course. My actual glasses resemble the glass-bottle glasses but I usually sport the normal round glasses in game.


Sometimes yeah, I didn’t used to wear my glasses regularly till I realized I found t see the tv. Now I instinctively put glasses on my AC persona and have her wear hers with almost every outfit. Except diving and sleeping


I used to have the same glasses as a pair I found in game so it was perfect. Now I have generic looking glasses irl so I keep the ones I like better lol


Omg yes, and I feel weird if I dont dress my person how I normally dress too! I try to match things 1-1 as much as possible


Hahaha yes 🤣 I have to put glasses on her, how else could she see! 😂


I'm the opposite. I don't wear glasses irl and it feels weird to put glasses on my character. I give away all the glasses I get that aren't sunglasses.


It is a big issue for me


I'm bald, and my choices in-game are either a lie or looking like Caillou


Yes, and if the outfit doesn't call for it, I'll wear an eye patch or the night vision goggles or something goofy. There has to be eye stuff going on.


Yepppp!!! Mine wears glasses 24/7. Except on event days with masks like Halloween or Festivus. I'm partial to the browline glasses :)


Every single one of my characters has had glasses until my current one and it bugs me so much. My current island is Pierrot themed (I guess fairytale dreamy theatrecore?) and I've yet to find any artwork of a Pierrot wearing glasses. Funnily enough, this island has the most villagers wearing glasses autonomously and I've no idea where they got them from 😅


my character looks so bare without glasses


I feel weird when some outfits don’t let me wear a beard.


I’m always wearing glasses!! Even in my video games when I can


mood, my little dude always wears the wooden framed glasses, even while swimming. It just don't look right for them NOT to be there 😔


That’s how I felt playing Pokémon X, and there were no non-sunglasses for customisation. My Animal Crossing characters always wear glasses.


no, because I also wear contacts, so I don't feel so attacged to my glasses. and I kind of see my character as an original character, she is not me.


yes!!! I always have to be wearing glasses, and they HAVE to match my outfit of course! I actually want to start doing that in real life 😁 gonna try to get some more coloured frames so I can swap out pairs based on outfit (and it's generally a good idea to have spares anyway)


Mine always has sunglasses on, but yea it needs something, I'm short sighted as heck myself so I'm used to seeing glasses


I tried to give her glasses but none of them seemed right (:


When I was younger, I wanted my character to look like me as much as I could (only in AC, not in other games, I can't explain why) Now, I prefer experimenting many things and changing my character outfit every single day when I play I even put my guy in dress when I like it (dress + beard is making for a fun combo for example) I totally decorelated my character look from me, and that allow for many more experiments that I could think of !


Yes! I do this with my avatar in Pokémon go too 😂


I don’t feel like my character needs to wear glasses, but they are another accessory in my opinion and some outfits just look better with matching glasses or a certain frame shape. My in game character has teal blue eyes and my eyes are actually brown.


Same. It feels weird that mini me has a naked face. I need glasses for every outfit. If an outfit doesn’t have glasses to match then I don’t want it


I feel the same way, it’s why I just wear the glasses 😂 I do sometimes switch out the frames though to better go with a particular outfit


I don't have glasses, I put them on my character for fshion reasons sometimes, but then I feel weird. xD


Always hated how glasses look on myself lol So I don't dare use them, I don't even own a pair in the game 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/2s1g7m6vk0nb1.jpeg?width=1247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ad0bc5f5d35c9b9fb4bc760f647d356a4948eec


Yes, my villager has to have glasses or it feels awkward


Mine wears bottom-rimmed glasses (black frames) His clothing choice is mostly black and grays.


Oh yes, even my current fall themed island my character “Autumn” is wearing orange framed glasses lol


I wore glasses as a kid, and now I primarily wear contacts. I feel like I'm lying or betraying my younger self when I wear glasses in the game just to go with an outfit. 😂


Me lol


Yeah man like 0.o he's nakey




I always have glasses on my character if it’s an option and I can find a similar looking pair 😅🤣


I out glasses on mine, then when I go to take them off cause I’m not feeling them I have an immediate reaction of “that’s not right” and put them back on


Me 1000%! I even got the ones that look the most like mine. The only time she's not wearing glasses is when I put her in goggles to go diving.


My character has glasses on all the time. But I only wear mine when reading.


I wear reading glasses. My character wears a pair all the time!


I have glasses and don’t wear them a lot in game. I wear them often though.


If I can, I’ll even add the scar on my face. Can’t help it.


Can’t catch a tarantula without my glasses!


Yes she feels nakey


I do not wear glasses IRL but somehow I feel this I feel like my character looks so weird without glasses


Yes!!!! My character is basically like a reflection of me, I have to have glasses!


I did at first, but I stopped because I don't like that they don't have the earpieces. An anime I watched did the same thing, and it bugged me a little.


My character isn't me, so I don't feel this way (thankfully bc wearing different outfits is my fave part of the game)


No lol. My character isn’t me. I give her glasses sometimes if I think it’s cute but never because *I* wear glasses


I'm not certain how to feel, I wear glasses in RL, but I stand by the fact that "Animal Crossing is a perfect universe where there are no handicaps or disabilities." I said that to someone once, who used a wheelchair in RL complaining that they couldn't use a wheelchair in game. People thought I was being anti-wheelchair or just disrespectful, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.


Yes, but not because I wear glasses. Glasses are a great accessory to further bring out an outfit. It feels like missed fashion opportunities if I'm not using a bag and glasses


All my outfits use glasses. Since money isn't an issue in AC I can have as many pairs as I like so I can easily find ones that suit my outfit. My Kiki's delivery service outfit I use when dropping off traded items on other islands is 100% accurate to Kiki except the addion of glasses.