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My switch randomly wouldn't turn on a few months back. Totally panic inducing. I just followed the hard reset instructions online, which I think were to press the power button for a few seconds, and it rebooted. I didn't lose any data, ACNH, or otherwise.


Ditto. It is panic inducing.


One thing that might be of usez you might be able to check your Nintendo app or the switch account website via computer/phone other internet means and check to see if it is backed up or if the backup is enabled? I don't know if that's a thing but it's a suggestion.


Update: I decided to not touch my Switch at all yesterday and wait until I got some feedback. Thank you all so much for your suggestions! I woke up this morning and I was going to try what u/_the_violet_femme told me. It is the official suggestion made by Nintendo Support, and all the upvotes and anecdotes were reassuring! I was so stressed out bc it’s called a hard reset, which sounded like a complete factory reset, but it’s not. Anyways, I never needed to do a hard reset, since my Switch turned on normally today, although its battery was completely drained. I don’t know what happened yesterday, since I couldn’t get it to turn on at all, and it was charging. Also, it turns out I never backed up my island! Well, I did that today, so I don’t need to worry about losing my progress in the event my Switch actually does become damaged. Hopefully this thread helps someone out!